We may never be able to lock her up

If there were no liberals here to beat up on you would go elsewhere to find them.

Thank you for demonstrating my point about how liberals have regressed evolutionally as has their ability to discuss / debate issues, to the point they have become ruled by emotion instead of logic and facts and only capable of insults, personal attacks, spin and lies.

I treasure the times I have actually had rational discussions with conservatives but I'll never have anything like that with you. All I can do with one such as you is hold up a mirror to your shit attitude towards your fellow humans.
If there were no liberals here to beat up on you would go elsewhere to find them.

Thank you for demonstrating my point about how liberals have regressed evolutionally as has their ability to discuss / debate issues, to the point they have become ruled by emotion instead of logic and facts and only capable of insults, personal attacks, spin and lies.

I treasure the times I have actually had rational discussions with conservatives but I'll never have anything like that with you. All I can do with one such as you is hold up a mirror to your shit attitude towards your fellow humans.
Again, another emotional attempted insult. Poor snowflake. Find someone else who may have the tolerance to deal with what you call 'discussion'. I have wasted enough of my time on your 'passionate' whining. Back to the topic and real discussion...
If there were no liberals here to beat up on you would go elsewhere to find them.

Thank you for demonstrating my point about how liberals have regressed evolutionally as has their ability to discuss / debate issues, to the point they have become ruled by emotion instead of logic and facts and only capable of insults, personal attacks, spin and lies.

I treasure the times I have actually had rational discussions with conservatives but I'll never have anything like that with you. All I can do with one such as you is hold up a mirror to your shit attitude towards your fellow humans.
Again, another emotional attempted insult. Poor snowflake. Find someone else who may have the tolerance to deal with what you call 'discussion'. I have wasted enough of my time on your 'passionate' whining. Back to the topic and real discussion...
The topic is bullshit. Did you notice that no one is really jumping to Hillary's defense? Instead you are being mocked for continuing to beat a dead horse. Hillary is gone and good riddance. Now defend this fucker you you seem to love more than anything.
There is no defense....

No defense needed....obviously he is the Greatest President we have had in a very long time and before it is over he may go down as the Greatest President ever....his legacy will be ----he saved America!
Its obvious that Mrs Clinton is a big issue for the cons and I sense much frustration that she is not in jail.

Why not set up some sort of investigation into her affairs to see if there is anything that she can be charged with ?

Thats the way forward.
I don't want her in jail, though it would be fun to watch her get frog marched through the doors of the prison.

I'd rather she did the citizens of earth a favor and took a dirt nap
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There is zero doubt she committed crimes, witundeniable evidence existing to put her away for the rest of her life.

The Deep State has decided it would not be good for Democrats or the US for the former 1st Lady, Senator, and Sect of State to be prep-walked and go to prison.

She will be protected, like all Democrats / politicians / Deep State members.

Laws are for the sheep (US citizens), not the elitist self-appointed 'rulers'.

Please cite a case where someone did what Hillary supposedly did and went to prison for it?
There is zero doubt she committed crimes, witundeniable evidence existing to put her away for the rest of her life.

The Deep State has decided it would not be good for Democrats or the US for the former 1st Lady, Senator, and Sect of State to be prep-walked and go to prison.

She will be protected, like all Democrats / politicians / Deep State members.

Laws are for the sheep (US citizens), not the elitist self-appointed 'rulers'.

Please cite a case where someone did what Hillary supposedly did and went to prison for it?
Just one? For mishandling classified information alone there are dozens of cases.
Remember the good old days when all you Trumpbots had to do is attack democrats rather than defend this horrifically bad president? Give up the Hillary nostalgia. It's a brave new world where you will all have to find another target to vent your hatred on.

Wouldn’t we need hatred first?

I've been on political discussion boards for as long as they have existed and crossed swords with conservatives of every type. You would be nothing without your fear and hatred. At least in the old days you guys tried to talk policy but even that is gone.
I tried remembering back to a time when snowflakes used facts / links to support their arguments, back before they gave control of themselves over to pure emotion, before their ability to debate was reduced to insults and personal attack.

Failing to remember such a time, I googled it. Google failed to come up with anything.
Played the hunt me a link game enough to know where that leads. You see me as an enemy and nothing in the world can change that. You are here to get a sadistic little thrill beating up on liberals and do not really care what any of them have to say. You'll deny of course but it doesn't matter. I come here to find a little understanding of a portion of humanity I find inexplicable. You are a specimen on a slide to me.

Generally speaking, humanity is over rated.
Just one? For mishandling classified information alone there are dozens of cases.

Again, I didn't say "Mishandling".

EXACTLY WHAT HILLARY DID. Not something that was completely different, like the guy who took home a bunch of pictures of the control room of the nuclear sub he was on.

Can you name someone who was emailed information that was classified after the fact and got in trouble for it. That is essentially what Mrs. Clinton was charged with.
Again, I didn't say "Mishandling".EXACTLY WHAT HILLARY DID. Not something that was completely different, like the guy who took home a bunch of pictures of the control room of the nuclear sub he was on.

Can you name someone who was emailed information that was classified after the fact and got in trouble for it. That is essentially what Mrs. Clinton was charged with.
You are a liar. Hillary stole, his, destroyed classified, stored it in an unclassified location.

A man I worked with 10 years ago showed up at a conference with classified information in a briefcase. He had kept the classified with him in the hotel the night before....WITH HIM...Not left with anyone, stored in their bathroom.

The moment he showed up the next morning and took it out of his briefcase He was noticed doing so. By noon he was arrested and fired. He went to jail. He had done less than Hillary, yet He went to jail.
There is zero doubt she committed crimes, witundeniable evidence existing to put her away for the rest of her life.

The Deep State has decided it would not be good for Democrats or the US for the former 1st Lady, Senator, and Sect of State to be prep-walked and go to prison.

She will be protected, like all Democrats / politicians / Deep State members.

Laws are for the sheep (US citizens), not the elitist self-appointed 'rulers'.

Your idea of “protected” is 25 years of legal harassment, 17 investigations,and litany of false charges, for which there is no evidence, no witnesses and no charges.
There is zero doubt she committed crimes, witundeniable evidence existing to put her away for the rest of her life.

The Deep State has decided it would not be good for Democrats or the US for the former 1st Lady, Senator, and Sect of State to be prep-walked and go to prison.

She will be protected, like all Democrats / politicians / Deep State members.

Laws are for the sheep (US citizens), not the elitist self-appointed 'rulers'.

Your idea of “protected” is 25 years of legal harassment, 17 investigations,and litany of false charges, for which there is no evidence, no witnesses and no charges.
There is enough evidence of crimes to put her away for life....for example, over 3000 counts of FOIA violations, 3000 counts of FRA violations, 3000 counts of obstruction - 9,000 criminal counts & that doesn't even include the thousands of criminal Acts of mishandling classified information, of illegally destroying classified information, lying to Congress, and other proven crimes she committed.

She is reportedly still under investigation for influence-peddling as well, and that's just from her most recent actions.
Again, I didn't say "Mishandling".EXACTLY WHAT HILLARY DID. Not something that was completely different, like the guy who took home a bunch of pictures of the control room of the nuclear sub he was on.

Can you name someone who was emailed information that was classified after the fact and got in trouble for it. That is essentially what Mrs. Clinton was charged with.
You are a liar. Hillary stole, his, destroyed classified, stored it in an unclassified location.

A man I worked with 10 years ago showed up at a conference with classified information in a briefcase. He had kept the classified with him in the hotel the night before....WITH HIM...Not left with anyone, stored in their bathroom.

The moment he showed up the next morning and took it out of his briefcase He was noticed doing so. By noon he was arrested and fired. He went to jail. He had done less than Hillary, yet He went to jail.

Hillary stole nothing. The emails were addressed to her and sent to her. As the wife of a former US President, the server on which the email was stored had a lot more security than a server in an office building and had been set up a higher level of security than your typical commercial office server.

Hillary didn’t DO anything illegal.

Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

The media has avoided that story.....but it is so obvious....this great deceiver and perhaps much worse....is dead in the water, abandoned in the cold and of no relevance any longer. Hallelujah!!!

Yet perhaps the single biggest development of recent days barely made news: Hillary Clinton’s political career is over, kaput, finished.

Conservatives – purveyors of third-world authoritarian dictatorships: lock up the political opposition.

And you wonder why people call you dishonest?

No one is calling for her arrest because she is political opposition.

They are calling for her arrest because she is one of the most corrupt politicians in modern history. Because she has done things that anyone else would be in jail for and because the bureaucracy won’t even put the wide spread evidence before a grand jury because of her political connections.

But she is your guy so we can’t let the rule of law apply
Yet Trump’s DOJ ain’t moved on her.

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