We must be an irritant to the justice system’


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Presbyterians and their partners in Louisville, Kentucky and in cities across the country took to the streets Saturday as part of the Presbyterian Week of Action, calling for an end to racial violence and attracting honks of support from motorists as the Louisville assembly of nearly 150 people marched from the Presbyterian Center to a downtown square honoring Breonna Taylor.

“The people, united, will never be defeated!” they chanted. “When Black lives are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!” “2-4-6-8, stop the violence, stop the hate!”

The Presbyterians are rallying. However, there does not appear to be any rioting.
Presbyterians and their partners in Louisville, Kentucky and in cities across the country took to the streets Saturday as part of the Presbyterian Week of Action, calling for an end to racial violence and attracting honks of support from motorists as the Louisville assembly of nearly 150 people marched from the Presbyterian Center to a downtown square honoring Breonna Taylor.

“The people, united, will never be defeated!” they chanted. “When Black lives are under attack, what do we do? Stand up, fight back!” “2-4-6-8, stop the violence, stop the hate!”

The Presbyterians are rallying. However, there does not appear to be any rioting.
The vast majority of black lives under attack......are under attack from other blacks. If they're concerned about problems with their local law enforcement, they can do the following:
1. DON'T commit crimes. That's the simplest one to accomplish.
2. If approached by any law enforcement, COOPERATE FULLY!
3. If law enforcement has to arrest you....you were TOO STUPID to simply FOLLOW NUMBER ONE!
4. If in the process of being arrested, you choose to resist...."you've just escalated it and it will end negatively for you (i.e., bruises, stitches, tasered, bullets).
More whites are killed by cops than blacks killed by cops. Facts don't care about your opinions on this.
The only difference between what happens when whites are killed by cops and when blacks are killed by cops is....
1. When a white is killed by a cop (whether the cop is white or black), the bystanders and white public don't try to stop the proceedings, stage protests and scream about murderous cops. They recognize that the person shot...WAS A CRIMINAL.....and they are happy to see him/her gone, because he/she just creates victims via the crimes committed.
2. When a black is killed by a cop (whether the cop is black or white), the bystanders and black public, being fed the lie that they have been victims their entire lives and admiring negative roll models (gangsta rappers, violent black criminals, et cetera), unite and scream that the low-life scumbag that was just killed by police was a "great" person, who is admired.
1. Demand that schools improve and get rid of Marxist instructors that try to foment division, instead of unity with your fellow Americans.
2. Vote out so-called Democrat politicians. They've been running those cities for decades and the cities have only gotten worse under the Democrat politicians, not better.
3. Jump in with the Opportunity Zones being established by the current administration.
4. Get your kids to join the police forces, fire departments and learn trades via trade schools. College isn't for everyone and many people earn more money from having learned a trade (i.e., electrician, plumber, welder, et cetera) rather than gotten some vague degree that may not garner them a job. Degrees aren't the be-all to end-all. It's fine if the person has a specific occupational goal that is in demand and pays well, whereas someone who majors in "gender-studies," isn't going to get a job off of that.
The vast majority of black lives under attack......
BLM ... is a fleeting 15 minute moment of fame for the unfortunate victims of unrepentant zealous law enforcement and is not meant to supersede that of all lives matter, except for the retarded - lukyduck.

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