We must BELIEVE the women!

This is very true but if it's your argument that you should vote against hypocrisy that should give a huge boost to the alternative parties.
knopp there will never be a party that will be all things to all people What we are reduced to imo is voting for the best one One who doesn't drag us thru the mud like trump and his band of cowards in the Senate have
Freedom and liberty is the republican party
Didn't read your own article, did you? The Biden maggot shoved him. Sounds like self defense.

You can't shove people, Joe. Expect to get punched if you do

The MAGAt went onto his property and pulled his sign out of the ground.

Vullo reportedly claimed Lebert tried punching him first, but a third neighbor told cops that was fake news. Vullo was arrested for battery following last week’s mid-afternoon dust-up.

Note you ignored the first two ridiculous accusations you deemed credible entirely.

And her friends who SHE NAMED said nothing happened. What is there to "investigate?" Who are they going to talk to if her own witnesses contradict her?

How about getting the guy who helped in the assault to answer questions.. he didn't cooperate with investigators...

Imagine that.
Didn't read your own article, did you? The Biden maggot shoved him. Sounds like self defense.

You can't shove people, Joe. Expect to get punched if you do

The MAGAt went onto his property and pulled his sign out of the ground.

Vullo reportedly claimed Lebert tried punching him first, but a third neighbor told cops that was fake news. Vullo was arrested for battery following last week’s mid-afternoon dust-up.

Your own article said that the Bidenette supporter started the physical altercation. Where are you getting these alternative facts you're claiming now?

You can't shove people, Joe. You might get punched
Hey, yesterday some MAGAt in Florida beat up his neighbor for a Biden sign... He's not going to jail, either.

Oh, shall we go tit for tat on incidents like this?

Let's see, hmmmm, remember this one?

" On June 14, 2017, a gunman walked onto a baseball field at Eugene Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, opening fire on politicians and wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and four others. "

Yes, Trump is incompetent. It's not that he's "failing to act as a dictator", it's that he's failing to act at all.

Not true, and you know it...

God, I hate to use him as a "Good" example, but after 9/11, George W. Bush took a bunch of actions in response. He did this working with the other side, he understood the limits of his authority, he listened to the experts as to what did and didn't work and he maintained a consistent message. He didn't whine how the "Deep State" was out to get him when he got pushback from agencies or states.

Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

Hillary wasn't president. She was subjected to countless investigations and completely cooperated with investigators.

Awwww, poor, poor Hillary....Maybe if she wasn't a corrupt piece of shit...

We haven't even seen Trump's tax returns yet, even though he's been promising that for five years.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

The will of the people was for Hillary to be President.

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

Actually Special Counsels worked just fine until Ken Starr abused the office.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....[/QUOTE]
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Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.
" On June 14, 2017, a gunman walked onto a baseball field at Eugene Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, opening fire on politicians and wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and four others. "

Wow, you mean he was practicing his "Second Amendment Rights"?

I mean, that's what you nuts keep saying you needs your guns for, right?

You think you have a second amendment right to shoot people? OMG, what a dumb ass.

So you think if someone drives a car into a crowd they are just exercising their right to a car?

You're just the dumbest poster ever
we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward
You fuckers need to wise up. Not every woman who "comes forward" with her blouse unbuttoned is telling the truth. The pimps of the district cannot prevent all liars from appearing in court, as much as the men who are bound by such an oath of obedience to the same pimps would like you to believe.
You think you have a second amendment right to shoot people? OMG, what a dumb ass.

Naw, guys, that's what you all think. You need your guns to fights you the Gummit.

Well, this guy was fighting the Gummit.

Personally, I think that's crazy, the place to do that is at the Ballot Box, assuming that our votes are actually counted, which isn't a sure thing in this country anymore.
" On June 14, 2017, a gunman walked onto a baseball field at Eugene Simpson Park in Alexandria, Virginia, opening fire on politicians and wounding House GOP Whip Steve Scalise of Louisiana and four others. "

Wow, you mean he was practicing his "Second Amendment Rights"?

I mean, that's what you nuts keep saying you needs your guns for, right?
For attempted murder? Clearly you are a dumbass...But, I note your dismissal when it’s one of your own committing this sort of violence.
Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

The process worked...Too bad for you.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.

And? Clinton was a criminal, pedophile reprobate.
For attempted murder? Clearly you are a dumbass...But, I note your dismissal when it’s one of your own committing this sort of violence.

Meh, I can't get worked up when a Gun Nut becomes a victim of gun violence. I really can't. The ironic think is Grand Wizard Scalise's life was saved by a black lesbian. So it's kind of ironic, that he almost gets killed by a fellow gun nut, who he made it much to easy to get a gun, but his life is saved by someone he spent his life trying to oppress.

You think he'd have an awakening and wonder if he was in the wrong most of his life.

You think you have a second amendment right to shoot people? OMG, what a dumb ass.

Naw, guys, that's what you all think. You need your guns to fights you the Gummit.

Well, this guy was fighting the Gummit.

Personally, I think that's crazy, the place to do that is at the Ballot Box, assuming that our votes are actually counted, which isn't a sure thing in this country anymore.

You're mentally unbalanced. Seriously. Get help. No one thinks gun ownership rights means the right to shoot people except you. You did always talk about how you were out on gun ranges fantasizing you were shooting people
Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

The process worked...Too bad for you.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.

And? Clinton was a criminal, pedophile reprobate.
Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

The process worked...Too bad for you.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.

And? Clinton was a criminal, pedophile reprobate.

You think Democrats said to arrest Bill Clinton? You live in a fantasy land
Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

The process worked...Too bad for you.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.

And? Clinton was a criminal, pedophile reprobate.

You think Democrats said to arrest Bill Clinton? You live in a fantasy land
Anyone not wearing a maga hat is a democrat?
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
So you believe Trump’s numerous accusers and Stormy?
Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

The process worked...Too bad for you.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.

And? Clinton was a criminal, pedophile reprobate.

You think Democrats said to arrest Bill Clinton? You live in a fantasy land
Anyone not wearing a maga hat is a democrat?

People wore MAGA hats in the 90s?
For attempted murder? Clearly you are a dumbass...But, I note your dismissal when it’s one of your own committing this sort of violence.

Meh, I can't get worked up when a Gun Nut becomes a victim of gun violence. I really can't. The ironic think is Grand Wizard Scalise's life was saved by a black lesbian. So it's kind of ironic, that he almost gets killed by a fellow gun nut, who he made it much to easy to get a gun, but his life is saved by someone he spent his life trying to oppress.

You think he'd have an awakening and wonder if he was in the wrong most of his life.

View attachment 378971

Deplorable comments from you are not surprising...

But, hey its only an amendment right?

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