We must BELIEVE the women!

You're mentally unbalanced. Seriously. Get help. No one thinks gun ownership rights means the right to shoot people except you. You did always talk about how you were out on gun ranges fantasizing you were shooting people

I'd ask when I did that, but I think you are confusing me with that ex-employee who told you to get stuffed.
Remember, Trump wouldn't have been possible without the arrogance, and 'in your eye' style politics embraced by Obama...

In short, you guys so freaked out when a black man became President, you said, "Let's ignore 10 qualified Republicans and nominate the crazy game show host with Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Sociopathy!!!"

Yes, that make sense.

And your not going to...All you want them for anyway is to go on a fishing expedition...Get bent.

Point was, every presidential candidate has shown them. Except Trump. Do you ever wonder why?

Are you really still this dense...We don't elect Presidents in this country by popular vote....And for good reason...Hillary chose to throw away the blue wall states by NOT going to them and campaigning...She did that to herself.

You didn't ask "how do we elect presidents", you talked about the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. THE PEOPLE made their preference known, and were ignored.

The process worked...Too bad for you.

Lots of stuff worked just fine before libs decided to try and push the country further away from the Constitution....

It is true enough that the Starr investigation and what it turned up was, or should have been beneath his scope, however, Clinton would have survived this if he hadn't lied to a Federal Judge....

Uh, guy, Starr was one of you guys. Even he had to admit that Clinton wasn't guilty of the thing he was originally charged to investigate, before he passed it off to another guy.

And? Clinton was a criminal, pedophile reprobate.

You think Democrats said to arrest Bill Clinton? You live in a fantasy land
Anyone not wearing a maga hat is a democrat?

No, that’s silly....it’s what’s under the hat, you know, between the ears.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

As you seem to ignore - that woman has been thoroughly discredited and her story debunked.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
Old news. Hillary was attacking actual victims and no one cared either. Women have come forwards saying Clinton was on Epstein's Island but you know even a proven liar is to be believed because he is a democrat. They do the same thing with the law or the constitution. If it is to their advantage they will follow them or shit on them if not. And blame you for exactly what they have been doing for years whether you did it or not. Sad thing is there is a huge portion of our population that are so dumb they do not see this crap happen on a daily basis.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

As you seem to ignore - that woman has been thoroughly discredited and her story debunked.
Pretty sure there is a TON more actual evidence showing Ford was a liar. Biden's accuser was just ignored was never any real investigation.
You're mentally unbalanced. Seriously. Get help. No one thinks gun ownership rights means the right to shoot people except you. You did always talk about how you were out on gun ranges fantasizing you were shooting people

I'd ask when I did that, but I think you are confusing me with that ex-employee who told you to get stuffed.

No, I remember your posts well. You were Rambo, you've shot every kind of gun on ranges. You had a bandanna on your head and and wore no shirt and draped your machine gun bullets across your chest. Everyone was fantasizing they were killing people. You know, you were there. Definitely you
No, I remember your posts well. You were Rambo, you've shot every kind of gun on ranges. You had a bandanna on your head and and wore no shirt and draped your machine gun bullets across your chest. Everyone was fantasizing they were killing people. You know, you were there. Definitely you

I didn't say anything about fantasizing about shooting people or wearing a bandana, which would have been out of uniform.

I have fired- M16A1, M60, M2 50 Cal, M203 Grenade Launcher, M1911A1 Pistol... I was only really proficient in the M16, and only barely.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
We're prepared for all the feces they'll be throwing up against a wall The BS starts Monday when the scums convention starts Can't wait to see how many Generals and reputable people speak up for them ,how many more lies will be told

Can't be any worse than the clown show you guys stunk up the airwaves with....

So what's stopping Republicans from having a hearing? Go for it.

They may, but thats not the point here witchey, The point is the hypocrisy of the dems who screamed "believe the women" during the Kavanaugh hearings and now are silent when Biden or any democrat is accused of sexual attacks.

Where is Hirono who was the biggest "believe the women" screamer? Where are Warren and Pelosi?

If you think this shit is not political, you are very stupid.

They do believe credible women. Reade's allegations were investigated...she wasn't credible.

Blasey Ford was not credible, now after all that BS she has admitted that she never knew Kavanaugh or had any contact with him. But we were constantly lectured by fools like you that we must BELIEVE THE WOMEN. the dems put on a moronic show and made a supreme court justice hearing look like a circus. And lets be honest, witchey, it was not about sexual allegations, it was about politics, the dems were trying to find any way to keep a conservative judge off the court, so they made up all the lies about what he did 30 years ago, and the lying corrupt media pumped it out 24/7.

this thread is about the hypocrisy of dems like Hirono and Pelosi, I don't know if the Biden accuser is credible or not, but credibility didn't matter to you with Ford.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

Based on every thing you laid out, it looks like Tara Reade is about as credible as Christine Blasey Ford yet you people, your side, said Ford needed to be believed despite her inconsistencies and numerous holes in her claims.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

As you seem to ignore - that woman has been thoroughly discredited and her story debunked.

discredited by who? CNN? MSNBC? The biden campaign staff? BS, no one has investigated her allegations, lets have a hearing like we gave blasey Ford, put her on national TV and the let Biden reply under oath. Are you afraid of the truth?
Based on every thing you laid out, it looks like Tara Reade is about as credible as Christine Blasey Ford yet you people, your side, said Ford needed to be believed despite her inconsistencies and numerous holes in her claims.

No, actually, Tara Reade had a whole record of convictions and arrests for Fraud.

Ford is a distinguished academic.

Major difference in credibility levels.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

As you seem to ignore - that woman has been thoroughly discredited and her story debunked.

Yes, you checked her voter ID and it said Republican. That discredited her and debunked her story
Based on every thing you laid out, it looks like Tara Reade is about as credible as Christine Blasey Ford yet you people, your side, said Ford needed to be believed despite her inconsistencies and numerous holes in her claims.

No, actually, Tara Reade had a whole record of convictions and arrests for Fraud.

Ford is a distinguished academic.

Major difference in credibility levels.

Ford's friends who SHE NAMED were there said nothing happened and her husband said she never had mentioned being assaulted.

No, there is no credibility there. And you also thought a woman who said Kavanaugh raped her in her 40s when he was 20 and lived half the way across the country was credible, as was a woman who said she went to 10 rape parties.

All you care about literally is party. You care about literally nothing else.

I find no reason to believe Reade proved her claims, I don't know. But we do know Ford was lying. No, that's not the same. And we know the other two accusers were lying
No, I remember your posts well. You were Rambo, you've shot every kind of gun on ranges. You had a bandanna on your head and and wore no shirt and draped your machine gun bullets across your chest. Everyone was fantasizing they were killing people. You know, you were there. Definitely you

I didn't say anything about fantasizing about shooting people or wearing a bandana, which would have been out of uniform.

I have fired- M16A1, M60, M2 50 Cal, M203 Grenade Launcher, M1911A1 Pistol... I was only really proficient in the M16, and only barely.

Yes, and you said on the range the shooters fantasize you are killing people.

I've been on lots of gun ranges. I find the idea of shooting people to be sickening and I've never heard anything remotely indicating any other shooter on gun ranges feel any differently. We all talk about being able to defend ourselves so we do NOT need to shoot anyone. But the best way to defend yourself peacefully is to be capable doing whatever it takes.

You also blathered on that guns are useless for self defense, which is moronic. Then there's your idiotic claim only government employees can use them safely
Ford's friends who SHE NAMED were there said nothing happened and her husband said she never had mentioned being assaulted.

No, there is no credibility there. And you also thought a woman who said Kavanaugh raped her in her 40s when he was 20 and lived half the way across the country was credible, as was a woman who said she went to 10 rape parties.

Again, the FBI didn't do a thorough investigation. So we don't know what happened. We know several other women also came forward and told similar stories about Creepanaugh, and those weren't investigated, either.

Then you have his unhinged performance in front of the Committee....


I find no reason to believe Reade proved her claims, I don't know. But we do know Ford was lying. No, that's not the same. And we know the other two accusers were lying

Yes, all these women were lying, and Unhinged Kavanaugh was telling the truth...

Yes, and you said on the range the shooters fantasize you are killing people.


I've been on lots of gun ranges. I find the idea of shooting people to be sickening and I've never heard anything remotely indicating any other shooter on gun ranges feel any differently. We all talk about being able to defend ourselves so we do NOT need to shoot anyone. But the best way to defend yourself it to be capable of it

Again, a gun in the home is 43 times more likely to kill a household member than a bad guy.

The NRA has been lying to you.

The problem is, of course, is that the rest of us have to run our lives around you gun nuts, because we never know when one of you is going to go off.

It's why we have trigger happy cops, metal detectors in the schools, etc. etc.

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