We must BELIEVE the women!

That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

Interesting. Ford accuses kavanaugh, and kavanaugh is investigated. Reade accuses Biden, and reade gets investigated.

Just shows how uncommitted the left is to their own values. No investigation into biden, even thought the dems say all women should be believed, no, if someone accuses your guy, your first thought is to not believe the woman who is accusing, but to believe the man, who is accused.

Again...no standards, no commitment to the values that the left themselves exclaim.
Forgot the island I was on but had lion steak ,,,very tough ,don't recommend
Preparation of the meat is everything
You don't think our 1000's of bridges need lots of work ? That many will be employed to do the jobs??

Yes, but not the turtle's.
Hey Duke what do you have against turtles? Send Trump jr ,,he loves killing protected animals
When did he kill a protected animal?
Tell me a smart repub like you didn't know
Search Results
Web results
Donald Trump Jr. Went to Mongolia, Got Special Treatment ...
www.propublica.org › article › trump-inc-podcast-dona...

Dec 11, 2019 - During a summer 2019 hunting trip, Donald Trump Jr. killed a rare ... The endangered species is beloved for its giant curving horns, which can ...

Donald Trump Jr killed rare endangered sheep in Mongolia ...
www.theguardian.com › us-news › dec › donald-trump...

Dec 11, 2019 - On a hunting trip to Mongolia earlier this summer the US president's son Donald Trump Jr killed a rare species of endangered sheep. A permit ...

Donald Trump Jr.'s Hunting Trip To Kill Endangered Sheep In ...
www.forbes.com › sites › tommybeer › 2020/06/09 › d...

Jun 9, 2020 - The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service eventually confirmed there was no basis for a criminal investigation. Key Background: Trump Jr. has a long ...
Hunters like Trump Jr. pays big money for these trips/hunts, It's a huge win for these poor countries. Learn something.
You notice how much those trips COST TAXPAYERS?
How much?
How much did it cost the Taxpayers for each of Obama's trips to Hawaii?
But he went on business Trumps don't

what kind of disjointed babble is that?
You understand Trump ,you should understand anyone, and what a nasty question LOL
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.
By all means, have a hearing. Call witnesses. See if the not at all credible Ms Reade is willing to testify under oath.
I agree, but first, a thorough investigation must be conducted.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

Um, not really.

People listened to Tara Raede.

Then they found out she's been operating under at least four different aliases during the last 25 years.

Then they found out she perjured herself in court claiming to be an expert when she wasn't.

Then they found out she kited a bunch of checks and cheated a bunch of business associates.

Then we found out that 74 former staffers of Biden not only denied it happened, but said that Raede was kind of a useless piece of crap in the office.

So #Ibelieveher doesn't apply to Democrat women, cause they're all flakes?

That is really your best propaganda,#FingerMetooJoe movement member?
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
Believe women who insist on moral equality and doing unto others as others have done unto them, simply for the sake of morals!
So, when a repub is accused, its "believe all women", and then when a dem is accused its, "we have to believe all women, under certain conditions..."
None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.

Except you didn't find anything like that for Ford. I think the worst thing you said about Ford is that she claimed to be claustrophobic, and you proved that she took a plane ride once.

Raede was proven to be a liar, grifter and nut pretty much right out of the box.
If the left is all about believing women, why was their first action upon accusation to investigate Reade?
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.
Exactly. See my post on leftist narcism and egotistical behavior.
None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.

Except you didn't find anything like that for Ford. I think the worst thing you said about Ford is that she claimed to be claustrophobic, and you proved that she took a plane ride once.

Raede was proven to be a liar, grifter and nut pretty much right out of the box.
If the left is all about believing women, why was their first action upon accusation to investigate Reade?
Cause they are hypocritical sacks of shit.
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.

And Democrats want to spend even more. You know that, stop the stupid shit

Trump is spending at twice the rate of Obama.
Trump doesn’t spend a dime that isn’t appropriated by the house....stop lying.

He signs off on all of it and it was him that screwed over farmers that we then had to bail out.

And now they will have their work cut out for them selling rice to China for Gods sake! Can you imagine, RICE TO CHINA!!!

Those markets may never come back. China only bought off of us to help with the trade imbalances. There is plenty of others places for them to get what they need despite what Trump said or thought or who knows what he was thinking.

But they didn’t did they? They bought from Trump, and it kills you to say so.

The Phase One trade agreement with China could be the foundation of rural and food-sector prosperity, said 192 farm and agribusiness groups in a letter to President Trump on Tuesday that called for timely implementation of the pact, signed five months ago at the White House. The agreement calls for vast increases in Chinese purchases of U.S. food, agricultural, and seafood products but has been slow to bear fruit.

China is forecast to be the U.S.’s No. 3 buyer this fiscal year with purchases of $13 billion, compared to the average of $21 billion a year before the trade war.

Press China to buy more, farm groups say to Trump

Maybe their virus is slowing things....Or maybe they are untrustworthy....Neither of which is Trumps fault.

Either way they still have to eat.

Yes this is Trump's fault.
That’s China’s problem.
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.

And Democrats want to spend even more. You know that, stop the stupid shit

Trump is spending at twice the rate of Obama.
Trump doesn’t spend a dime that isn’t appropriated by the house....stop lying.

He signs off on all of it and it was him that screwed over farmers that we then had to bail out.

And now they will have their work cut out for them selling rice to China for Gods sake! Can you imagine, RICE TO CHINA!!!

Those markets may never come back. China only bought off of us to help with the trade imbalances. There is plenty of others places for them to get what they need despite what Trump said or thought or who knows what he was thinking.

But they didn’t did they? They bought from Trump, and it kills you to say so.

The Phase One trade agreement with China could be the foundation of rural and food-sector prosperity, said 192 farm and agribusiness groups in a letter to President Trump on Tuesday that called for timely implementation of the pact, signed five months ago at the White House. The agreement calls for vast increases in Chinese purchases of U.S. food, agricultural, and seafood products but has been slow to bear fruit.

China is forecast to be the U.S.’s No. 3 buyer this fiscal year with purchases of $13 billion, compared to the average of $21 billion a year before the trade war.

Press China to buy more, farm groups say to Trump

Maybe their virus is slowing things....Or maybe they are untrustworthy....Neither of which is Trumps fault.

Either way they still have to eat.

Yes this is Trump's fault.
That’s China’s problem.

China isn't having the problem. American farmers are.

U.S. Farm Bankruptcies Reach Eight-Year High [Infographic]

(note, pre-Covid numbers)
Where are the women who believe in equality and insist on doing unto other as others have done unto them, and grabbing guys by the penis until the guy gets rock hard and proclaim, This feels like informed consent to me!
Oh please...the house tried their damndest to go after him with bs, and it was so weak they couldn’t even make the case in the Senate...That’s dems fault, not republicans.

Naw, that was the Republicans not even wanting to consider the evidence. That's how silly that was.

It shows where we need to amend the constitution to allow criminal prosecutions of law-breaking presidents.
Oh please...the house tried their damndest to go after him with bs, and it was so weak they couldn’t even make the case in the Senate...That’s dems fault, not republicans.

Naw, that was the Republicans not even wanting to consider the evidence. That's how silly that was.

It shows where we need to amend the constitution to allow criminal prosecutions of law-breaking presidents.
Yet, let Antifa and BLM go right?
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
We're prepared for all the feces they'll be throwing up against a wall The BS starts Monday when the scums convention starts Can't wait to see how many Generals and reputable people speak up for them ,how many more lies will be told

You're prepared to have Joe push you up against the wall and finger you, like Democrat staff member Tara?

You're one of those Democrat males in the#FingerMETOOJoe movement, aren't you!

He might sniff your hair, if you shower. But generally Democrats like Biden and Clinton only molest Democrat women, not men. Sorry to break it to you, snowflake. I know you were hoping to hear otherwise!
Oh please...the house tried their damndest to go after him with bs, and it was so weak they couldn’t even make the case in the Senate...That’s dems fault, not republicans.

Naw, that was the Republicans not even wanting to consider the evidence. That's how silly that was.

It shows where we need to amend the constitution to allow criminal prosecutions of law-breaking presidents.

You sound extra unhinged today. Is it because Trump got the BUMP after your FAILED DNC convention?
You thought Joe would help you get a job at that Pro-Russian oil company Burisma, weren't you. You figured you are as incompetent and inexperienced as Hunter Biden, and since you smoked as much crack rock as Hunter, you would finally have a great paying job too! LMAO
None of the past history mattered when yall went fuck nuts on Kavanaugh. None of the context mattered for much of anything to you emo fucks.

Live by your own fucking standards and you'll stop this bullshit. But you always feel yall are different.

Except you didn't find anything like that for Ford. I think the worst thing you said about Ford is that she claimed to be claustrophobic, and you proved that she took a plane ride once.

Raede was proven to be a liar, grifter and nut pretty much right out of the box.

So SEXIST JoeB131 or by his real name JoeBiden 10300330 says Biden always picks Democrat women who are nuts and liars.... or where you saying all Democrat women are nutty liars?
Except for those who give maximum campaign contributions to Hillary, or are willing to write letter saying she was a democrat woman who just remembers RAPE GANGS, before admitting to FBI agents that she actually never met Brett, never was in his hometown, but just became unhinged and made up her story....

Right snowflake JoeB10330 LMAO
Yet, let Antifa and BLM go right?

I'm good with that. At some point, we are going to have to, anyway. And probably give them a lot of the police reforms they are asking for. That Trump has dragged this civil strife out to scare suburban women back into voting for him (It isn't working) is part of the problem.

You do kind of see the problem with the Presidency being a license to break the law for four or eight years, don't you?

You see, there used to be a standard, if you broke the law as president, they would insist you resign. That's what happened to Nixon.

Now, to a degree, I blame the Democrats for part of this. They had clear evidence Clinton committed perjury and obstructed justice, and they decided to ignore it. So no big surprise that Republicans decided to ignore it when Trump was clearly caught breaking the law.

I do think what is needed is a revival of the Independent Counsel law. It has to be more focused, so you don't have them keep investigating until they catch someone doing something. (I.E. - Ken Starr turning a land deal investigation into an investigation of Clinton Sex Life, Patrick Fitzgerald prosecuting Scooter Libby for not remembering a conversation the same way Tim Russert remembered it.) You only investigate what you were originally chartered to investigate. If you are investigating a land dead, that's all you look into. It doesn't matter if you find a dead hooker in someone's trunk.
So SEXIST JoeB131 or by his real name JoeBiden 10300330 says Biden always picks Democrat women who are nuts and liars.... or where you saying all Democrat women are nutty liars?

Well, no, the thing was, they investigated Tara Raede, and found that she has operated under at least five different names over the years and has racked up tons of civil and criminal complaints. And keep in mind, this was the best the Trump Cultists could come up with out of the hundreds of women that Biden has encountered.
That was the major democrat talking point during the Kavanaugh fiasco. Hirono, Harris, all of the dems constantly harped that we must believe women who accuse men of sexual assaults years ago------------------then, a woman comes forward and accuses Biden and --------------------------silence from those same democrats.

Hypocrisy = the dem party.

I love the smell of desperation in the morning. Smells like bacon.
We're prepared for all the feces they'll be throwing up against a wall The BS starts Monday when the scums convention starts Can't wait to see how many Generals and reputable people speak up for them ,how many more lies will be told

Can't be any worse than the clown show you guys stunk up the airwaves with....

So what's stopping Republicans from having a hearing? Go for it.

They may, but thats not the point here witchey, The point is the hypocrisy of the dems who screamed "believe the women" during the Kavanaugh hearings and now are silent when Biden or any democrat is accused of sexual attacks.

Where is Hirono who was the biggest "believe the women" screamer? Where are Warren and Pelosi?

If you think this shit is not political, you are very stupid.
Sins are sins. There is also no reason to believe that with opportunity that Trump still wouldn't cheat.
Name the candidate without any?!?

We are discussing Franklin excusing Trump's sins. If he excused the sins of others I would hold the same position.

The reason that politicians continue to lie to us is because they know people like you will still vote for them and excuse their lies.
INHO their are big lies , little lies, and damn lies Trump is a damn liar

There can be. Sadly our presidents have fallen into the big lies department for a long time.
Knopp there is a big difference between a president saying he'll do something and being prevented by the other party AND a president patting his back taking credit for things he didn't do or outright lying about others Trump is the LATER
WHAT has the pos McConnell allowed to come thru after the house sent it? He, trump and Graham the hypocrite should all hang from the same tree and I'd bring the rope

I hope McConnell loses. Still, trying to get tax cuts for rich NYers in a bill to help out the poor being harmed by the shut down? Nobody should support that.
Republicans are always for tax cuts Never mind the debt our children will be left with But repubs say these cuts will pay for themselves That was 100% more repub BS

Once again the business neophyte. There is no possible way to tax enough for what Democrats are trying to spend. We have a spending problem. At least tax cuts grow the economy, tax increases reduce it making deficits even higher percentage wise. You should take an econ class

$7 trillion in new debt and growing signed off on by Trump and the Republican Senate.

And Democrats want to spend even more. You know that, stop the stupid shit

Trump is spending at twice the rate of Obama.
Trump doesn’t spend a dime that isn’t appropriated by the house....stop lying.

He signs off on all of it and it was him that screwed over farmers that we then had to bail out.

And now they will have their work cut out for them selling rice to China for Gods sake! Can you imagine, RICE TO CHINA!!!

Those markets may never come back. China only bought off of us to help with the trade imbalances. There is plenty of others places for them to get what they need despite what Trump said or thought or who knows what he was thinking.

But they didn’t did they? They bought from Trump, and it kills you to say so.

The Phase One trade agreement with China could be the foundation of rural and food-sector prosperity, said 192 farm and agribusiness groups in a letter to President Trump on Tuesday that called for timely implementation of the pact, signed five months ago at the White House. The agreement calls for vast increases in Chinese purchases of U.S. food, agricultural, and seafood products but has been slow to bear fruit.

China is forecast to be the U.S.’s No. 3 buyer this fiscal year with purchases of $13 billion, compared to the average of $21 billion a year before the trade war.

Press China to buy more, farm groups say to Trump

Huh. Five months ago was March, 2020. Do you know what happened in March 2020? Any idea?

LOL, I'm just laughing at you. You're really not following the news at all, are you?

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