We Must Immediately Ban Pressure Cookers and Airplanes.

Before rushing to play pin the tale on the honkey, did anyone bother to check the history of mass killings?

Because I have — a comprehensive list dating from 1982 through 9/16/2013 is found at Mother Jones here — and guess what?

Of the last 20 mass killings of that period, 9 were perpetrated by non-whites.

That would be 45 percent, which exceeds non-whites’ 37 percent share of the population.

Of the last 30 mass killings, 11 were committed by non-whites — right at the 37 percent mark.

And what if we go all the way back to 1982? We then have 66 mass killings in which the races of the perpetrators were known, and 22 of them, or one-third, were at the hands of non-whites. Note here that America’s demographics have been changing, with non-whites comprising only about 20 percent of the population in 1982; thus, if we consider an approximate average non-white population of 28.5 percent during the 31-year period in question, it appears that, again, mass murderers are slightly disproportionately non-white.

In other words, there is no evidence whatsoever that mass killings are a characteristically white phenomenon.

And there never was.

Read more: Articles: Are Most Mass Murderers Really White?
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Hey DarkFury How many Buddhist serial killers or mass shooters have there been?
(And no, monks throwing rocks don't count as mass violence, unless that's the best you can do!)

I heard the Black Hat Buddhists and another sect (the Dorje Shugen?) were more like cults
that became politically violent, either kidnapping or killing people. The Buddhists in Asian
countries fighting off Muslims have led to political aggression.

Any numbers available on killer Buddhists?
Damn you’re stupid.
What is the common thread; men. If we just deported all men to Botswana, we wouldn’t have any more mass murderers or hijackers in this nation.
What is the common thread; men. If we just deported all men to Botswana, we wouldn’t have any more mass murderers or hijackers in this nation.

No...no...no...Men mustn't be banned. Humans are not responsible for their actions. It the tools they use that are evil. So if you're thinking about banning men ban the tool instead. :)


What is that, a small snack for you?

You're asking me that question and Sandy Fluke is your avatar? :lol:

Her feminist mother made her a female before puberty.
why WOULD she want men around to spoil her harem? she IS male.
What is the common thread; men. If we just deported all men to Botswana, we wouldn’t have any more mass murderers or hijackers in this nation.

Ha ha candycorn Yes I've made this analogy when people
want to ban all religions as causing wars. What about all men?
i show very few but damn famous.

Ted Bundy

John Wayne Gacy

From all the lists I have looked at and posted with link gay males seem to out kill ANY race.
So according to data from DarkFury we now need to ban women, gays, blacks, and lesbians along with box cutters, pressure cookers, and airplanes.

I'm sad. :( There are so many things that can kill us and we human's have no responsibility for our actions or beliefs.

Sorry lesbians....you're killers so you've been banned. :(


Ditto gay dudes. You're banned...sorry. Killers. :(


Black folks you're banned as well.....unless you kill cops or whitey. Then....:thup:

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Some "tools" were designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. Box cutters, pressure cookers, automobiles and airplanes are not among "tools" designed as weapons.
Oh...I almost forgot.....Women.....you're banned as well. Sorry....you're killers.

That is unless you're one of 72 virgins in Paradise. Then :thup:

Some "tools" were designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. Box cutters, pressure cookers, automobiles and airplanes are not among "tools" designed as weapons.

Doesn't matter. Whatever is used to kill other Humans must be subject to a "common sense" ban. :lol: Remember people or their hateful ideologies are never responsible. N-E-V-E-R.
Some "tools" were designed exclusively to kill as many humans as quickly as possible. Box cutters, pressure cookers, automobiles and airplanes are not among "tools" designed as weapons.

Doesn't matter. Whatever is used to kill other Humans must be subject to a "common sense" ban. :lol: Remember people or their hateful ideologies are never responsible. N-E-V-E-R.
When people who are intent on killing want the "tools" to do the job, do you imagine they seek pressure cookers and airplanes, or actual weapons?

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