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We Must Stop Teaching Our School Kids to Hate America

What 'unsavory aspects' do you find to be mostly fiction? I am curious.
Well we could start with our supposed genocide of Amerindian tribes which is completely fictional.

We could then go to Thomas Jefferson's supposed all of Sally Hemming's children.

And visit the PC bullshit about the Civil War being about nothing other than slavery, make a horse shit pit stop at the fiction surrounding the Federal Reserve, then go to the entry into WW1.

After that we can look at the struggle against communism, all bastardized now into Marxist lies and spin about it really being just another imperial struggle between the USSR and USA. The East German frontier wall disproved that forever in my mind.

And finally we can peruse the utterly ridiculous spin on our actions in Korea, Vietnam and the War against Salafi Islamic terrorism, which has been consistently FUBARed all to hell by the Democrats at every opportunity.

Wow, sometimes you're almost reasonable, this post is anything but. Maybe you might consider collaborating with PoliticalChic, at least she cherry picks obscure people who wrote a book to 'prove' her opinions.

So you really dont anything of substance to add?

Thanks for playing, now run along little child.

Sorry, I play games with rules, rule number one being evidence / sources need to be included to support opinions.


1. In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died.
The Trail of Tears

2. Slavery is probative: the economics of slavery and political control of that system was central to the conflict along with the power of the state vis a vis the power of he Federal government and the expansion of slavery in the west.

3. The Red Scare: Interesting bit of history. The Gilded Age created the climate for working men and women in America to begin to question the great disparity of wealth, creating in them a curiosity into the ideas of The Worldly Philosophers, leading to, strikes, violence and labor union - today the Governor of WI and other Republicans need to take some history classes, for those who do not study history ... then and today.

4. A little history lesson: History of the Federal Reserve
Great column that fairly well reflects the thoughts I have been having lately.

Multiculturalism cannot survive a war on Salafist Muslim Extremism, and we cannot survive if we fight this war on strictly PC terms, refusing to even name our enemy for who they are, which keeps everything out of focus and the public moving in every direction including against each other.

We need a clear signal, clearly defined enemies and lines of conduct all devloped for one purpose; WE WIN.

We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America

...when Hillary Clinton says, ā€œE Pluribus Unum, Oneā€”Out of Many, Oneā€”has seen us through the darkest chapters of our history,ā€ as she did at her first major speech after Orlando, conservatives should say, ā€œBring it on.ā€...

Yes, letā€™s by all means return to that goal. Why did we ever abandon it in the first place?

Letā€™s debate how an American like Omar Mateen, born in Queens, New York, and raised in Fort Pierce, Florida, can turn into a terrorist bent on executing his compatriots. How does he grow up cheering the 9/11 attack in high school, thinking that women ought not to drive, and swearing allegiance to the Islamic State?

Everybody, but especially young men, needs to feel like theyā€™re part of something bigger than themselves, a sense that weā€™re all in this together. If we as a society fail to give citizens national pride, we can be sure that some outside force will come along and do it.

The founders knew that the constitutional republic they were crafting required a single nation with one national identity smelted out of different ethnicities. Right away, in 1776 in fact, they came up with the concept of E Pluribus Unum.

To instill the new creed into the immigrants already flocking to America, they set an educational system that would create a nation with one national identity....

For the past three decades, for reasons that will also require analysis (though at a later date), we have been doing exactly the opposite. The new model, exemplified by the bestselling historian Howard Zinn, is to present America as a spectacular experiment in oppression.

Zinnā€™s ā€œA Peopleā€™s History of the United Statesā€ set the stage for the grievance mongering that passes for history classes today, and is still widely used. It has sold over 2 million copies since it was first published in 1980 and continues to sell over 100,000 copies a year because it is required reading at many of our high schools and colleges. Thatā€™s a lot of young minds.

This is how Zinn described the founding:

Around 1776, certain important people in the English colonies made a discovery that would prove enormously useful for the next two hundred years. They found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership.

And our educational authorities are doubling down todayā€”even in the face of danger. The College Boardā€™s leftist curriculum framework for Advanced Placement U.S. Historyā€”the courses that our best students take in high schoolā€”denigrates the foundersā€™ assimilationist ethos and presses students ā€œto think beyond national historiesā€ and patriotic attachments....

This is what is being taught to students, like Mateen once was, every day in our schools. So, yes, by all means, letā€™s have a discussion on why we should indoctrinate young minds in a way no society has ever done, why we should teach our young to ā€œunlikeā€ America.

Is this the approach we want to have, especially at a time when a force like the Islamic State will only be too glad to fill the patriotic vacuum, or should we teach again that America is an exceptionally free and prosperous nation that requires love and affection and constant attention?...

The fact that the Orlando massacre has failed miserably to be a bond for national unity, but has only exposed our fissures, should be a mighty sign of how divided we are. This debate is well overdue.
Bullshit. Teaching the correct history is a step up from the hero worshiping bullshit they used to teach in school. The US is known for white washing the truth in order to keep its citizens dumb and patriotic. You ever wonder why they dont teach more about Helen Keller than she was great because she pulled herself up by her bootstraps? Its because after she reached adulthood the remaining decades of her life she spent being a socialist and recognizing that social class is the best indicator of success as a norm.
Great column that fairly well reflects the thoughts I have been having lately.

Multiculturalism cannot survive a war on Salafist Muslim Extremism, and we cannot survive if we fight this war on strictly PC terms, refusing to even name our enemy for who they are, which keeps everything out of focus and the public moving in every direction including against each other.

We need a clear signal, clearly defined enemies and lines of conduct all devloped for one purpose; WE WIN.

We Must Stop Teaching Children to Hate America

...when Hillary Clinton says, ā€œE Pluribus Unum, Oneā€”Out of Many, Oneā€”has seen us through the darkest chapters of our history,ā€ as she did at her first major speech after Orlando, conservatives should say, ā€œBring it on.ā€...

Yes, letā€™s by all means return to that goal. Why did we ever abandon it in the first place?

Letā€™s debate how an American like Omar Mateen, born in Queens, New York, and raised in Fort Pierce, Florida, can turn into a terrorist bent on executing his compatriots. How does he grow up cheering the 9/11 attack in high school, thinking that women ought not to drive, and swearing allegiance to the Islamic State?

Everybody, but especially young men, needs to feel like theyā€™re part of something bigger than themselves, a sense that weā€™re all in this together. If we as a society fail to give citizens national pride, we can be sure that some outside force will come along and do it.

The founders knew that the constitutional republic they were crafting required a single nation with one national identity smelted out of different ethnicities. Right away, in 1776 in fact, they came up with the concept of E Pluribus Unum.

To instill the new creed into the immigrants already flocking to America, they set an educational system that would create a nation with one national identity....

For the past three decades, for reasons that will also require analysis (though at a later date), we have been doing exactly the opposite. The new model, exemplified by the bestselling historian Howard Zinn, is to present America as a spectacular experiment in oppression.

Zinnā€™s ā€œA Peopleā€™s History of the United Statesā€ set the stage for the grievance mongering that passes for history classes today, and is still widely used. It has sold over 2 million copies since it was first published in 1980 and continues to sell over 100,000 copies a year because it is required reading at many of our high schools and colleges. Thatā€™s a lot of young minds.

This is how Zinn described the founding:

Around 1776, certain important people in the English colonies made a discovery that would prove enormously useful for the next two hundred years. They found that by creating a nation, a symbol, a legal unity called the United States, they could take over land, profits, and political power from favorites of the British Empire. In the process, they could hold back a number of potential rebellions and create a consensus of popular support for the rule of a new, privileged leadership.

And our educational authorities are doubling down todayā€”even in the face of danger. The College Boardā€™s leftist curriculum framework for Advanced Placement U.S. Historyā€”the courses that our best students take in high schoolā€”denigrates the foundersā€™ assimilationist ethos and presses students ā€œto think beyond national historiesā€ and patriotic attachments....

This is what is being taught to students, like Mateen once was, every day in our schools. So, yes, by all means, letā€™s have a discussion on why we should indoctrinate young minds in a way no society has ever done, why we should teach our young to ā€œunlikeā€ America.

Is this the approach we want to have, especially at a time when a force like the Islamic State will only be too glad to fill the patriotic vacuum, or should we teach again that America is an exceptionally free and prosperous nation that requires love and affection and constant attention?...

The fact that the Orlando massacre has failed miserably to be a bond for national unity, but has only exposed our fissures, should be a mighty sign of how divided we are. This debate is well overdue.

Not a bad article, but it does indeed make a few good points. Most of what poses for 'academia' these days are just barely qualified venal petty vermin, and they pass their psychosis on to as many of their captives as they can. It doesn't always work, but it influences enough to matter.
Reading history, I see that people have always argued about really stupid s***. That said, the founders of this country couldn't give two shits that Jefferson never publicly said "Mohammedan Pirates"
No he did not...because the Pirates were not in our nation killing private citizens.
Our children love America
But by the time they graduate college they are too often turned into Hate America First Leftist wack jobs.

They'll listen to their father and I before some whacked out left tard professors. It all starts at home with children, that's why society is a mess many children's home life is a mess or even non existent

The public school I went to was good, but I put mine into private schools, so I don't know what the scum teach kids these days; I do see the results every day, and the results are awful. Most of them are not equipped to deal with reality or come up with solutions. They completely lack any kind of understanding of American history in context.
Sorry, I play games with rules, rule number one being evidence / sources need to be included to support opinions.


1. In 1838 and 1839, as part of Andrew Jackson's Indian removal policy, the Cherokee nation was forced to give up its lands east of the Mississippi River and to migrate to an area in present-day Oklahoma. The Cherokee people called this journey the "Trail of Tears," because of its devastating effects. The migrants faced hunger, disease, and exhaustion on the forced march. Over 4,000 out of 15,000 of the Cherokees died.
The Trail of Tears

Only the Cherokee were sent West with tribes that were persistently going to war with the US and its citizens, to include assimilated Amerindians from various tribes including the Cherokee. The deaths were due to the late start the Cherokee made and an intra-tribal war going on at the time. What Nature herself did not kill, the Cherokees did themselves.

There are still peaceful Cherokee tribes living east of the Mississippi, one reservation for them exists right here in Virginia.

2. Slavery is probative: the economics of slavery and political control of that system was central to the conflict along with the power of the state vis a vis the power of he Federal government and the expansion of slavery in the west.

Slavery was a major issue, sure, but had the problem not existed the South would have seceded anyway. The North had grown too large for an equal partnership in an elective Republic with the South.

3. The Red Scare: Interesting bit of history. The Gilded Age created the climate for working men and women in America to begin to question the great disparity of wealth, creating in them a curiosity into the ideas of The Worldly Philosophers, leading to, strikes, violence and labor union - today the Governor of WI and other Republicans need to take some history classes, for those who do not study history ... then and today.

Senator Joe McCarthy was exactly right about everything he said. Our educational establishment, media and political class have become, not majority Marxist, but dominated by them. Marxist s conspire while everyone else tries to treat them fairly now.

They should be tried for treason and taken out and shot.


Congress essentially outsourced its Constitutional duty to oversee the Treasury's production of our nations money supply. They had no Constitutional right to do this and it should have required an amendment.
How long ago did they graduate?
But by the time they graduate college they are too often turned into Hate America First Leftist wack jobs.

That's strange. By the time my kids graduated college, they still loved their country..But they sure hate republicans.

What's that tell you? They believe republicans hate their country. They have a valid point IMO.
Reading history, I see that people have always argued about really stupid s***. That said, the founders of this country couldn't give two shits that Jefferson never publicly said "Mohammedan Pirates"
No he did not...because the Pirates were not in our nation killing private citizens.
Barbary = Northern Muslim coast of Africa

So the phrase 'Barbary Pirate' = 'North African Muslim pirate' = 'Mohamedan Pirate'.
Only the Cherokee were sent West with tribes that were persistently going to war with the US and its citizens, to include assimilated Amerindians from various tribes including the Cherokee. The deaths were due to the late start the Cherokee made and an intra-tribal war going on at the time. What Nature herself did not kill, the Cherokees did themselves.

There are still peaceful Cherokee tribes living east of the Mississippi, one reservation for them exists right here in Virginia.

Some 15,000 were already out West; didn't have a problem getting there. Three years before the so-called 'Trail of Tears', Jackson's government had paid them millions for their lands, and provided them with supplies on top of that; they agreed to move, and their chiefs signed the deal. Three years later, they just decided they weren't going, and of course had already spent the money, they just welshed, and hence the resulting tragedy. By the time word got back to Washington it was too late to save many of them from the swamps and diseases.

Tough break, but hardly qualifies as a 'genocide' or deliberate murder. Course they leave that out of the narratives they teach in school, just as they leave out that the Cherokee and other tribes were always happy to sell their warriors out to as mercenaries to any side who outbid the other in a war, and were a real threat to Americans at that time; Jackson had personal experience of this fact from before the War of 1812, which is why he and others thought it would be best for all concerned if they moved West and out of inevitable trouble, but how the Indians played realpolitik isn't taught any more either, even in universities; it doesn't fit the fantasy narratives hippies and Indians themselves have invented, either. They were hardly hapless peaceful innocents, just sitting around having profound spiritual thoughts and smoking pot all day, and then got overrun by evil white men mindlessly slaughtering them and then making them wear shoes n stuff. Jackson treated them humanely, probably better than they deserved.

they also aren't taught that the bigger tribes had no problems slaughtering their neighboring tribes if they were smaller and weaker and had something they wanted, even if they only wanted some slaves to replace the ones that died, or wanted to monopolize the fur trade, or that they only took white captives alive during war to torture them for entertainment. Yes, that's right, they were slave owners, and particularly nasty ones ... many escaped black slaves in early Louisiana and the southern region would beg any English or other white traders to buy them and sell them back to their previous owners, for instance. That's why so many men killed their families if they knew they were going to lose a battle and had time to.

If one needs more on that, just ask.
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"We Must Stop Teaching Our School Kids to Hate America"

Straw man fallacy, a ridiculous rightwing lie.

No one is ā€˜teachingā€™ American children to ā€˜hate America.ā€™
Reading history, I see that people have always argued about really stupid s***. That said, the founders of this country couldn't give two shits that Jefferson never publicly said "Mohammedan Pirates"

Actually Jefferson did call them that and the Founding Fathers would have thought him insane had he not.

Fucking liar.
Youā€™re the liar ā€“ by propagating the ridiculous lie that is the premise of the linked article.

Your ā€˜sourceā€™ is a subjective opinion piece, complete fiction contrived by one rightwing partisan hack and liar posted on a Heritage Foundation site absolutely devoid of credibility, a truly unreliable source.

Are you so clueless and delusional to believe that anyone with half a brain is going to believe the lies and nonsense from such a disreputable, dishonest, and idiotic ā€˜source.ā€™
Reading history, I see that people have always argued about really stupid s***. That said, the founders of this country couldn't give two shits that Jefferson never publicly said "Mohammedan Pirates"
No he did not...because the Pirates were not in our nation killing private citizens.
Barbary = Northern Muslim coast of Africa

So the phrase 'Barbary Pirate' = 'North African Muslim pirate' = 'Mohamedan Pirate'.

If you had a brain, you might realize what it says about you that you feel compelled to be so clumsily disingenuous.

so basically, they don't want real history taught to kids. what do you call that if not being against knowledge?

So you can't support your claim. Have the balls to just say so.
can't support the claim? jimbowie here thinks that we shouldn't teach kids about the killing of native americans or that thomas jefferson was a complicated man that sired bastards by a slave. he thinks that teaching kids that slavery drove the civil war is wrong.

so what's the problem?
Only the Cherokee were sent West with tribes that were persistently going to war with the US and its citizens, to include assimilated Amerindians from various tribes including the Cherokee. The deaths were due to the late start the Cherokee made and an intra-tribal war going on at the time. What Nature herself did not kill, the Cherokees did themselves.

There are still peaceful Cherokee tribes living east of the Mississippi, one reservation for them exists right here in Virginia.

Some 15,000 were already out West; didn't have a problem getting there. Three years before the so-called 'Trail of Tears', Jackson's government had paid them millions for their lands, and provided them with supplies on top of that; they agreed to move, and their chiefs signed the deal. Three years later, they just decided they weren't going, and of course had already spent the money, they just welshed, and hence the resulting tragedy. By the time word got back to Washington it was too late to save many of them from the swamps and diseases.

Tough break, but hardly qualifies as a 'genocide' or deliberate murder. Course they leave that out of the narratives they teach in school, just as they leave out that the Cherokee and other tribes were always happy to sell their warriors out to as mercenaries to any side who outbid the other in a war, and were a real threat to Americans at that time; Jackson had personal experience of this fact from before the War of 1812, which is why he and others thought it would be best for all concerned if they moved West and out of inevitable trouble, but how the Indians played realpolitik isn't taught any more either, even in universities; it doesn't fit the fantasy narratives hippies and Indians themselves have invented, either. They were hardly hapless peaceful innocents, just sitting around having profound spiritual thoughts and smoking pot all day, and then got overrun by evil white men mindlessly slaughtering them and then making them wear shoes n stuff. Jackson treated them humanely, probably better than they deserved.

they also aren't taught that the bigger tribes had no problems slaughtering their neighboring tribes if they were smaller and weaker and had something they wanted, even if they only wanted some slaves to replace the ones that died, or wanted to monopolize the fur trade, or that they only took white captives alive during war to torture them for entertainment. Yes, that's right, they were slave owners, and particularly nasty ones ... many escaped black slaves in early Louisiana and the southern region would beg any English or other white traders to buy them and sell them back to their previous owners, for instance. That's why so many men killed their families if they knew they were going to lose a battle and had time to.

If one needs more on that, just ask.

Sources and a link would be appreciated.

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