We mustn’t forget that the Republican Party is the party of “no”

Hey, Trashbag! I just educated you with more information than you've ever received in your whole life. Some day you'll thank me. :biggrin:
Do you not see the stupidity in giving credit to Trump for ALL of those items? That certainly isn’t what I did with Biden.
Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a VARIETY of policies for many issues.

Republicans just say no and offer no real alternatives. Remember the utter failure in repealing ACA? It really should bother republican voters that when it comes to issues like economics, they don’t have much to offer besides “no”. Let’s list all the non “no” economic polices:

1) Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations

2) Deregulation

….and that’s it.

It’s made all the more worse because these policies do not do jack shit. It’s a myth that regulations cause significant harm to the economy. Lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy is utterly useless for anyone but rich people. Why would corporations bother investing the money they save from tax cuts into labor if it’s easier for them to just keep it? Keep in mind that corporate profits are already at an all time high. Supply side economics is useless as far as American policy goes. All they have to do is wait for the next tax cut.

I mean I get it. You all hate “woke” shit, but it really should bother you that is considered some top issue in America.

Conservatives: vote third party or don’t vote at all. Surely that makes sense.

I BEG you…next dems are in power, to pass the wealth tax that you want. PLEASE do this. Tax the wealthy as much as you possibly can…

You all have talked about it for years and never have acted on it. This NEEDS to happen.

I want you to do this so I can watch all of the funding to the democrat party dry up as all of those rich people turn their backs on you all…but I’m not holding my breath, because the dems use that as a vote grabbing speech. They don’t really want that, but the voters eat it up.

When will they figure out that democrats in congress are exactly like those rich people…well, exactly with the exception of one thing..at least the rich people got their money through more honest means…
I BEG you…next dems are in power, to pass the wealth tax that you want. PLEASE do this. Tax the wealthy as much as you possibly can…

You all have talked about it for years and never have acted on it. This NEEDS to happen.

I want you to do this so I can watch all of the funding to the democrat party dry up as all of those rich people turn their backs on you all…but I’m not holding my breath, because the dems use that as a vote grabbing speech. They don’t really want that, but the voters eat it up.

When will they figure out that democrats in congress are exactly like those rich people…well, exactly with the exception of one thing..at least the rich people got their money through more honest means…
You know I think part of the problem with you people is that you don’t fully realize just how much wealth the top 1% actually have. If you just watch Fox News obviously you won’t find out. It’s staggering. The top 1% of earners own more wealth than the bottom 50% COMBINED. Let that sink in COMBINED.

Yes they can afford to be taxed more. How much is appropriate or the consequences are up for the debate.
You know I think part of the problem with you people is that you don’t fully realize just how much wealth the top 1% actually have. If you just watch Fox News obviously you won’t find out. It’s staggering. The top 1% of earners own more wealth than the bottom 50% COMBINED. Let that sink in COMBINED.

Yes they can afford to be taxed more. How much is appropriate or the consequences are up for the debate.

No, just another worthless pile of far Left dogshit that needs to be eliminated
I’ll tell you what I think. I think that if the law changed and Trump could be president for as long as he was still alive, you would be all for it. You’d absolutely love that. Sure, you wouldn’t say it out loud, but you’d definitely would. You love yourself some Trump fascism.
I’ll tell you what I think. I think that if the law changed and Trump could be president for as long as he was still alive, you would be all for it. You’d absolutely love that. Sure, you wouldn’t say it out loud, but you’d definitely would. You love yourself some Trump fascism.
I say it out loud.

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a VARIETY of policies for many issues.

Republicans just say no and offer no real alternatives. Remember the utter failure in repealing ACA? It really should bother republican voters that when it comes to issues like economics, they don’t have much to offer besides “no”. Let’s list all the non “no” economic polices:

1) Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations

2) Deregulation

….and that’s it.

It’s made all the more worse because these policies do not do jack shit. It’s a myth that regulations cause significant harm to the economy. Lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy is utterly useless for anyone but rich people. Why would corporations bother investing the money they save from tax cuts into labor if it’s easier for them to just keep it? Keep in mind that corporate profits are already at an all time high. Supply side economics is useless as far as American policy goes. All they have to do is wait for the next tax cut.

I mean I get it. You all hate “woke” shit, but it really should bother you that is considered some top issue in America.

Conservatives: vote third party or don’t vote at all. Surely that makes sense.

What did dems vote yes on when Trump was pushing HIS agenda?
What did dems vote yes on when Trump was pushing HIS agenda?

Dems tried to send him bills rebuilding the nation's infrastructure and giving Medicare the power to negotiate down prescription drug prices. Since he campaigned on those things, one could be forgiven for thinking those were part of his agenda. Turns out they weren't.

Dems tried to send him bills rebuilding the nation's infrastructure and giving Medicare the power to negotiate down prescription drug prices. Since he campaigned on those things, one could be forgiven for thinking those were part of his agenda. Turns out they weren't.

Ahhh... the insurancy lobby! How's the shillin'?
Dems tried to send him bills rebuilding the nation's infrastructure and giving Medicare the power to negotiate down prescription drug prices. Since he campaigned on those things, one could be forgiven for thinking those were part of his agenda. Turns out they weren't.

Pelosi sent him bloated Congressional bills packed full of left wing wishlist stuff? I think you are proving my point here.
Letting Medicare negotiate down the prices it pays for drugs improves the federal budget picture. So keep coming up with bullshit excuses.
Just stop pretending like democrats havent been blowing out the bank for years on irresponsible things. Dems shove a million things into a bill and then force everyone to vote on it. No more. Those days are over. There is a responsible Congress now.

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