We mustn’t forget that the Republican Party is the party of “no”

lol nice try idiot. Any COPS or SECURITY GUARDS stopping mass shootings does not cut it. Those people are already understood to be present. They aren’t some random citizen who by happenstance was there at the right time. Some of these examples do fit the criteria we are talking about I’ll concede, but it’s really only a few. A couple specifically say only robberies were taking place as well. And given the sheer amount of mass shootings we have per year it’s a mere blip. Anecdotes like this by themselves are not compelling. You need to cite STATISTICS that show this is a real deterrent on a significant level. Those do not exist otherwise you would have posted them.

You really wasted your time with this shit lol

Here’s the real truth on the matter that involves actual statistics:

Sorry Billy boy. I just gave you DOZENS of examples of good guys with guns stopping bad guys, almost all of whom were not cops or security guards. And so what if they WERE cops or security guards ? (on or off duty). That doesnt mke them to be not a good guy with a gun. They are good guys with guns, cop or no cop.

"A few" you now say ? Well what did you think I was going to do ?.... give you examples of the MILLIONS of instances where good guys with guns have either acted in self-defense of themselves and others, or have PREVENTED crimes just by being there (a DETERRENT), and having a place be a GUN-PROTECTED ZONE, instead of an idiotic GUN-FREE ZONE (open invitation to mass shooters).

And your TIME link is a pile of BULLSHIT, and exactly the OPPOSITE of the the truth, Not only is it absolutely FALSE to say that "“good guys with guns” have been present or quickly arrived at the scene of nearly every major mass shooting and failed to stop the gunman", but since the 1980s, according to research by the CPRC (Crime Prevention Reseach Center) 97.8% of mass shootings have occured IN GUN-FREE ZONES, absent of any good guys with guns. And if we go back as far as 1950, the numbers dont change much. For 94% of mass shootings >> GUN-FREE ZONES,

This is just another typical case (Ho hum) of a leftist rag saying ANYTHING they feel like saying, and hoping a sizable number of DUPED, airhead idiots (like you ) will believe it.

CLICK THIS..... >> .....and LEARN



According to the Department of Justice’s own National Institute of Justice /Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the FBI Uniform Crime Report, there are fewer and declining violent crimes and fewer and declining gun accidents when and where there are fewer firearm restrictions and more law abiding citizens who are armed at home and in public. That as been the happy trend since 1993 when concealed carry provisions accelerated across the country on a state-by-state basis. Why would we want to return to the days of higher violent crime and the worthless gun control laws that accompanied it?

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Sorry Billy boy. I just gave you DOZENS of examples of good guys with guns stopping bad guys, almost all of whom were not cops or security guards. And so what if they WERE cops or security guards ? (on or off duty). That doesnt mke them to be not a good guy with a gun. They are good guys with guns, cop or no cop.

"A few" you now say ? Well what did you think I was going to do ?.... give you examples of the MILLIONS of instances where good guys with guns have either acted in self-defense of themselves and others, or have PREVENTED crimes just by being there (a DETERRENT), and having a place be a GUN-PROTECTED ZONE, instead of an idiotic GUN-FREE ZONE (open invitation to mass shooters).

And your TIME link is a pile of BULLSHIT, and exactly the OPPOSITE of the the truth, Not only is it absolutely FALSE to say that "“good guys with guns” have been present or quickly arrived at the scene of nearly every major mass shooting and failed to stop the gunman", but since the 1980s, according to research by the CPRC (Crime Prevention Reseach Center) 97.8% of mass shootings have occured IN GUN-FREE ZONES, absent of any good guys with guns. And if we go back as far as 1950, the numbers dont change much. For 94% of mass shootings >> GUN-FREE ZONES,

This is just another typical case (Ho hum) of a leftist rag saying ANYTHING they feel like saying, and hoping a sizable number of DUPED, airhead idiots (like you ) will believe it.

View attachment 883659

View attachment 883660

According to the Department of Justice’s own National Institute of Justice /Bureau of Justice Statistics, and the FBI Uniform Crime Report, there are fewer and declining violent crimes and fewer and declining gun accidents when and where there are fewer firearm restrictions and more law abiding citizens who are armed at home and in public. That as been the happy trend since 1993 when concealed carry provisions accelerated across the country on a state-by-state basis. Why would we want to return to the days of higher violent crime and the worthless gun control laws that accompanied it?
I love how you are whining about Time while all you give are RW rags. Idiot lol

You’re flat out lying. Most your examples were exactly as I described. Hell even if they weren’t, the best you can give me is anecdotal cases. That means JACK SHIT.

Now you’re just desperately moving the goal posts as far as home intruder defense. I never said that wasn’t a thing. Obviously it is.

it’s simply a myth that gun free zones play any role at all.

Fact: Most mass shootings occur in areas where guns are permitted. The gun lobby often claims that 98 percent of mass shootings occur in gun-free zones, but research has thoroughly debunked this.53 Of the 156 mass shootings that occurred from 2009 to 2016, only 10 percent occurred in gun-free zones. The majority of these shootings—63 percent—occurred in private homes.54

Incidents of mass shootings in spaces where guns were permitted include:

  • Outdoor festival in Oklahoma (2022)55
  • Supermarket in Buffalo, New York (2022)56
  • Gun store in New Orleans (2021)57
  • Ned Peppers Bar in Dayton, Ohio (2019)58
  • Walmart in El Paso, Texas (2019)59
  • Military base in Fort Hood, Texas (2009)60

Myth: Mass shooters are likely to target gun-free zones. Gun lobbyists often deploy this myth to deter legislative efforts to limit gun carrying in certain locations that are considered particularly sensitive or unsuitable for guns, such as schools, houses of worship, or government buildings. However, the overwhelming majority of fatal mass shootings in the United States occur in locations where guns are allowed or not explicitly banned, such as in private homes or public locations.52

You need to cite STATISTICS that show this is a real deterrent on a significant level. Those do not exist otherwise you would have posted them.
An Excel spreadsheet that lists all the mass public shootings from 1998 through April 30, 2018 is available here: Case by case discussion of which cases have been in gun-free zones. UPDATED: Broader and updated information on these shootings from 1998 to June 2019 is available here.
The report by Bill Landes at the University of Chicago and John Lott on gun-free zones that covers earlier years from 1977 to 1999 is available here (the raw data used in this study is available in a STATA file, though the sums by state and year are available here). We used the cases identified by the New York Times that are discussed in Lott and Landes for years prior to 1977 (series is discussed here, though the web version doesn’t have the chart that lists out each case). A case by case discussion on the New York Times cases can be found at the bottom of this page.
I asked you for statistics about good guys with a gun. Now you’re just spreading more bullshit about gun free zones. Already debunked. Mass shootings happen very often where guns are permitted.

Sorry you’re just done :dunno:
I love how you are whining about Time while all you give are RW rags. Idiot lol

You’re flat out lying. Most your examples were exactly as I described. Hell even if they weren’t, the best you can give me is anecdotal cases. That means JACK SHIT.

Now you’re just desperately moving the goal posts as far as home intruder defense. I never said that wasn’t a thing. Obviously it is.

it’s simply a myth that gun free zones play any role at all.

Fact: Most mass shootings occur in areas where guns are permitted. The gun lobby often claims that 98 percent of mass shootings occur in gun-free zones, but research has thoroughly debunked this.53 Of the 156 mass shootings that occurred from 2009 to 2016, only 10 percent occurred in gun-free zones. The majority of these shootings—63 percent—occurred in private homes.54

Incidents of mass shootings in spaces where guns were permitted include:

  • Outdoor festival in Oklahoma (2022)55
  • Supermarket in Buffalo, New York (2022)56
  • Gun store in New Orleans (2021)57
  • Ned Peppers Bar in Dayton, Ohio (2019)58
  • Walmart in El Paso, Texas (2019)59
  • Military base in Fort Hood, Texas (2009)60

Myth: Mass shooters are likely to target gun-free zones. Gun lobbyists often deploy this myth to deter legislative efforts to limit gun carrying in certain locations that are considered particularly sensitive or unsuitable for guns, such as schools, houses of worship, or government buildings. However, the overwhelming majority of fatal mass shootings in the United States occur in locations where guns are allowed or not explicitly banned, such as in private homes or public locations.52

Totally FALSE, and so damn STUPID that only a complete idiot would believe it.

Here's the truth >>


Hey Billy, suppose you were shopping in a Walmart, and a mass shooter walked in carrying a pistol in his hand.
Which scenario would you rather have >>
A. No one in the store is armed except the mass shooter.
B. I am in the store, armed with my .380 semiautomatic pistol, with 2 clips of hollow-point bullets, and 6 years of military experience, in the US Army and Army National Guard under my belt.

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I asked you for statistics about good guys with a gun. Now you’re just spreading more bullshit about gun free zones. Already debunked. Mass shootings happen very often where guns are permitted.

Sorry you’re just done :dunno:
Sorry you're wrong and stupid. And every time you post, you just compound your display of stupidity. What do you think gun free zones means, moron ?

It means there's no good guys with guns there, DUH! :rolleyes:
Incidents of mass shootings in spaces where guns were permitted include:

  • Military base in Fort Hood, Texas (2009)60
On November 5, 2009, a terrorist mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, Texas.[1]
Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.[2][3] It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base, and the deadliest terrorist attack in the United States since the September 11 attacks until it was surpassed by the San Bernardino attack in 2015.[4]

The soldiers who were shot, were 100% UNARMED, If they had been armed, they would have shot Nidal and killed him.
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Sorry you're wrong and stupid. And every time you post, you just compound your display of stupidity. What do you think gun free zones means, moron ?

It means there's no good guys with guns there, DUH! :rolleyes:
I already proved to you that mass shootings very frequently happen in areas that permit guns. Obviously pieces of shit from the NRA are going to lie about it.
On November 5, 2009, a terrorist mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, Texas.[1]
Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others.[2][3] It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base, and the deadliest terrorist attack in the United States since the September 11 attacks until it was surpassed by the San Bernardino attack in 2015.[4]

The soldiers who were shot, were 100% UNARMED, If they had been armed, they would have shot Nidal and killed him.
lol I love how you focus on this one event because you know you don’t actually have a good argument overall
I already proved to you that mass shootings very frequently happen in areas that permit guns. Obviously pieces of shit from the NRA are going to lie about it.
I proved TO YOU that they DON'T happen often in areas that permit guns, but being the brainwashed zombie-robot that you are, you didnt read my CPRC study One moment, please...and other research links in gave you in Post # 65.

YOU are the lying POS, but you're probably too brain-damaged to even realize it. Lost cause.
lol I love how you focus on this one event because you know you don’t actually have a good argument overall
NO fool. I didnt even look at the others. You think I should give up my whole day to addressing your jibberish ?

I picked the Fort Hood massacre, because it was the turning point in my political life, when I changed from 40 years of being a leftist looney zombie like you, into being a SANE Republican, and voted for Virgil Goode in 2012.
I proved TO YOU that they DON'T happen often in areas that permit guns, but being the brainwashed zombie-robot that you are, you didnt read my CPRC study One moment, please...and other research links in gave you in Post # 65.

YOU are the lying POS, but you're probably too brain-damaged to even realize it. Lost cause.
And yet I listed several prolific ones where they did. If I’m right I’m right :dunno:
NO fool. I didnt even look at the others. You think I should give up my whole day to addressing your jibberish ?

I picked the Fort Hood massacre, because it was the turning point in my political life, when I changed from 40 years of being a leftist looney zombie like you, into being a SANE Republican, and voted for Virgil Goode in 2012.
Trust me you were always this stupid. You’re also a bigoted asshole to boot.

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