We mustn’t forget that the Republican Party is the party of “no”

Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a VARIETY of policies for many issues.

Republicans just say no and offer no real alternatives. Remember the utter failure in repealing ACA? It really should bother republican voters that when it comes to issues like economics, they don’t have much to offer besides “no”. Let’s list all the non “no” economic polices:

1) Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations

2) Deregulation

….and that’s it.

It’s made all the more worse because these policies do not do jack shit. It’s a myth that regulations cause significant harm to the economy. Lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy is utterly useless for anyone but rich people. Why would corporations bother investing the money they save from tax cuts into labor if it’s easier for them to just keep it? Keep in mind that corporate profits are already at an all time high. Supply side economics is useless as far as American policy goes. All they have to do is wait for the next tax cut.

I mean I get it. You all hate “woke” shit, but it really should bother you that is considered some top issue in America.

Conservatives: vote third party or don’t vote at all. Surely that makes sense.

Correct. Anybody who is worthy of being a Republican says:

--No to CRT
--No to gender studies, pornographic literature, sexualization of children
--No to lewd, obscene, vulgar public displays defended as 'harmless' entertainment or right to free speech
--No to all forms of in your face 'wokeism' or DEI policy that replaces emphasis on ability, talent, effectiveness, excellence.
--No to the murder of healthy babies a few months, weeks, days or hours before birth or even during or after birth
--No to policies and practices that forces black people to identify as being too stupid or incapable or unable to succeed without Democrats' help, reparations, affirmative action
--No to militarization of the government against its citizens
--No to due process under the law being denied any citizen
--No to election policies that destroy confidence in the legitimacy of the outcome
--No to those who come here illegally and drain resources from needy citizens and endanger all as well as no to automatic birthright citizenship and chain migration
--No to expansion of an out of control government and more and more wasteful spending that accomplishes nothing or makes life worse for average Americans
--No to endless wars encouraged by the military industrial complex
--No to unnecessary rules and regulations that take away our liberties, choices, options, opportunities.
--No to malicious application of 'civil rights' that take away rights from any citizen in the name of political correctness
--No to mandates for high risk vaccines

There are many many more but I'm tired of typing nos. This is a good list to begin with though.
Correct. Anybody who is worthy of being a Republican says:

--No to CRT
--No to gender studies, pornographic literature, sexualization of children
--No to lewd, obscene, vulgar public displays defended as 'harmless' entertainment or right to free speech
--No to all forms of in your face 'wokeism' or DEI policy that replaces emphasis on ability, talent, effectiveness, excellence.
--No to the murder of healthy babies a few months, weeks, days or hours before birth or even during or after birth
--No to policies and practices that forces black people to identify as being too stupid or incapable or unable to succeed without Democrats' help, reparations, affirmative action
--No to militarization of the government against its citizens
--No to due process under the law being denied any citizen
--No to election policies that destroy confidence in the legitimacy of the outcome
--No to those who come here illegally and drain resources from needy citizens and endanger all as well as no to automatic birthright citizenship and chain migration
--No to expansion of an out of control government and more and more wasteful spending that accomplishes nothing or makes life worse for average Americans
--No to endless wars encouraged by the military industrial complex
--No to unnecessary rules and regulations that take away our liberties, choices, options, opportunities.
--No to malicious application of 'civil rights' that take away rights from any citizen in the name of political correctness
--No to mandates for high risk vaccines

There are many many more but I'm tired of typing nos. This is a good list to begin with though.
First of all, CRT does not get taught in k-12. Even if it did, why the fuck are you so butthurt over it?! No one should care. It’s so dumb lol. You shouldn’t be so butthurt about woke shit in general. You don’t have to like it. Just ignore it like a real adult would lol

Also, less than 1% of abortions happen in the 3rd trimester. It gets all the more rare up until the end. Even then it is for health reasons the large majority of the time.
First of all, CRT does not get taught in k-12. Even if it did, why the fuck are you so butthurt over it?! No one should care. It’s so dumb lol. You shouldn’t be so butthurt about woke shit in general. You don’t have to like it. Just ignore it like a real adult would lol

Also, less than 1% of abortions happen in the 3rd trimester. It gets all the more rare up until the end. Even then it is for health reasons the large majority of the time.
Why do you support CRT that IS part of the curriculum in many schools?
What difference does it make if it is a million healthy well developed babies murdered or ten? You're okay with that?
Why do you support CRT that IS part of the curriculum in many schools?
What difference does it make if it is a million healthy well developed babies murdered or ten? You're okay with that?
You misunderstand I just don’t give a shit and neither should you lol. It could become the curriculum of every high school in the country or it could be banned outright anywhere. Neither scenario bothers me lol. There are real problems this country has but you people want to harp on woke shit that just doesn’t matter.

Post birth abortions are not a thing and never will be.
You misunderstand I just don’t give a shit and neither should you lol. It could become the curriculum of every high school in the country or it could be banned outright anywhere. Neither scenario bothers me lol. There are real problems this country has but you people want to harp on woke shit that just doesn’t matter.

Post birth abortions are not a thing and never will be.
You are the one focused on 'woke' shit it seems. That was one thing on a pretty long list. But you apparently saw nothing but that.
You are the one focused on 'woke' shit it seems. That was one thing on a pretty long list. But you apparently saw nothing but that.
Something tells me plenty of woke shit angers you.
Something tells me plenty of woke shit angers you.
It does indeed. But it is about 1% of the things your side does that angers me. Again you're the one focused on WOKE while you ignore all the other many items on the list. Why is that?
It does indeed. But it is about 1% of the things your side does that angers me. Again you're the one focused on WOKE while you ignore all the other many items on the list. Why is that?
What you expect me to just give a thoughtful response to ALL that shit on top of what I said about abortion? If you were me, would you have done that?
What you expect me to just give a thoughtful response to ALL that shit on top of what I said about abortion? If you were me, would you have done that?
No. Just pointing that you seemed to be obsessed with one thing. Wokeism. Just wondering why you are so fixated on that? Is it a fetish or something?
No. Just pointing that you seemed to be obsessed with one thing. Wokeism. Just wondering why you are so fixated on that? Is it a fetish or something?
So not only did you bring up a woke topic but I also responded to your abortion topic and someone how I am obsessed with wokeness?
So not only did you bring up a woke topic but I also responded to your abortion topic and someone how I am obsessed with wokeness?
If you don't know dear I can't explain it to you. Hey have a readlly good night.
I guess I’m not even sure if you are under the impression of how big of a tax it would be. Obviously we aren’t talking about taxing to the point they are no longer rich. We don’t even need to tax to the point where we got rid of billionaires.

No, but those rich people would think “oh, you want to come after my money..after ALL of the support I’ve given to you?? Fine, I’ll just spend my money elsewhere”
The gop could help itself if came up with a plan to help people
1) retire earlier. The current workforce needs more people leaving it at an earlier age. There is no valid reason to s
ay we need older workers to keep working. None whatsoever.
2. Strengthen social security and Medicare. Without those people cannot retire. Yet some denigrate them. Why? Because they hate workers?
3. Show up in support of workers on strike. Stand with them over their bosses.

Automatic easy win.
I think that if you all got all your “rich people” taxes, it would cause the left to lose a lot of support from the wealthy donors. Campaign donations would dry up, wealthy people would try and hide their money from it.

But I don’t ever see it happening because it would mean that those rich dems would also have to pay those taxes, and they certainly dont want that.

Dems, like everyone else, love that cash rolling in, so they are not about to upset the apple cart, but i hope im wrong, I hope you do get what you want, because in my opinion, it would cause the wealth class to drop the democrat party, because rich people like their money and attempts to siphon it from them would make them recoil from the dem party.

That, of course, is just my take on it.
It would likely require a Constitutional amendment to be enacted.
No, but those rich people would think “oh, you want to come after my money..after ALL of the support I’ve given to you?? Fine, I’ll just spend my money elsewhere”
Problem is, taxes on rich are higher in every modern major country....

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