We mustn’t forget that the Republican Party is the party of “no”


NO raping children, NO cutting the dicks off of 6-year olds, NO late-term abortions, NO stealing elections, NO useless fucking wars, NO open border and absolutely NO deep state shadow govt....

But I digress....

If you oppose the rape of children, why aren’t you opposing the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts? There is no evidence of drag queens, or Democrats raping children but there the overwhelming evidence of child rapes and assault occurs at their place of worship, or their sports and leisure activities.

Can you find even one case where a dick was cut off any six years old?

No late term abortions just let the women die. Is that what you’re saying?

No elections have been stolen, no wars have been started by Democrats, And there is no such thing as a “deep state, shadow government”.

The only thing that really exists are open borders, so if you want the USA to bar all Americans from leaving the country and close the border. Good luck with that.
Not when it comes to bankrupting the nation. I know you dems dont give a fuck, but WE do.

But you have cheered every single one of the tax cuts that are bankrupt in your nation. You can’t suck and blow at the same time as much as Republicans think you can.

Either you start stop cutting taxes for the wealthy and start raising them or your deficits are going to continue to climb.

I realize you’re not smart enough to figure out any of the stuff, so will keep repeating it and eventually you may get the picture.

You’ve demonstrated in spades that you’re not smart enough to get there on your own
We mustn’t forget that the Republican Party is the party of “no”
Better "No" than "Bend over and 'take it' at the southern border" methinks.
If you oppose the rape of children, why aren’t you opposing the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts?
I absolutely DO oppose both organizations for the exploitation and trafficking of children. I was raised catholic and I've come to believe it's one of the most depraved, godless cults to ever knuckledrag this planet. I've got the receipts - 1st cousins that were molested as teenage altar boys.

You're much too stupid to match wits with me, silly witch.
If you oppose the rape of children, why aren’t you opposing the Catholic Church or the Boy Scouts? There is no evidence of drag queens, or Democrats raping children but there the overwhelming evidence of child rapes and assault occurs at their place of worship, or their sports and leisure activities.

Can you find even one case where a dick was cut off any six years old?

No late term abortions just let the women die. Is that what you’re saying?

No elections have been stolen, no wars have been started by Democrats, And there is no such thing as a “deep state, shadow government”.

The only thing that really exists are open borders, so if you want the USA to bar all Americans from leaving the country and close the border. Good luck with that.
That's a lie.
But you have cheered every single one of the tax cuts that are bankrupt in your nation. You can’t suck and blow at the same time as much as Republicans think you can.

Either you start stop cutting taxes for the wealthy and start raising them or your deficits are going to continue to climb.

I realize you’re not smart enough to figure out any of the stuff, so will keep repeating it and eventually you may get the picture.

You’ve demonstrated in spades that you’re not smart enough to get there on your own

Do you support cutting off all aid to Ukraine tomorrow? One word, yes or no.
That's a lie.

Do you support cutting off all aid to Ukraine tomorrow? One word, yes or no.

Your question has nothing to do with my post and calling my post a lie, isn't refuting a thing. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

Every Republican tax cut has been followed by a huge economic crash, impoverishing millions of working American, and enriching the wealthy. Reagan, W and Trump all crashed the US economy and gave the USA the largest deficits in its history.

Try refuting the posts without changing the goal posts.

And NO, aid to Ukraine should not be cut off or reduced. If anything it should be increased so they can bury Putin, once and for all.
Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a VARIETY of policies for many issues.

Republicans just say no and offer no real alternatives. Remember the utter failure in repealing ACA? It really should bother republican voters that when it comes to issues like economics, they don’t have much to offer besides “no”. Let’s list all the non “no” economic polices:

1) Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations

2) Deregulation

….and that’s it.

It’s made all the more worse because these policies do not do jack shit. It’s a myth that regulations cause significant harm to the economy. Lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy is utterly useless for anyone but rich people. Why would corporations bother investing the money they save from tax cuts into labor if it’s easier for them to just keep it? Keep in mind that corporate profits are already at an all time high. Supply side economics is useless as far as American policy goes. All they have to do is wait for the next tax cut.

I mean I get it. You all hate “woke” shit, but it really should bother you that is considered some top issue in America.

Conservatives: vote third party or don’t vote at all. Surely that makes sense.

I am not a Republican but you are an ass.
What you say about Democrats is nonsense.Always has been

I am not a Republican but you are an ass.
What you say about Democrats is nonsense.Always has been

View attachment 886575
See this point will always be fallacious. Back during those early amendments, the ideologies of the two parties were switched. The switch happened in the early 20th century. It’s simple logic to follow without even knowing that. By definition, progressives represent change. Conservatives by definition, represent keeping things the same. Why would progressives want to keep slavery a thing? Obviously only conservatives would.
I am not a Republican but you are an ass.
What you say about Democrats is nonsense.Always has been

View attachment 886575

So what you're saying is that Republicans have been living off their reputation in freeing the slaves and giving the right to vote to black people (which Jim Crow took away), and they really haven't done ANYTHING for the American people since 169 when they passed the 14th Amendment was passed.

It's long past time the Republican Party started working for the AMERICAN PEOPLE and not just the billionaires.
Your question has nothing to do with my post and calling my post a lie, isn't refuting a thing. Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

Every Republican tax cut has been followed by a huge economic crash, impoverishing millions of working American, and enriching the wealthy. Reagan, W and Trump all crashed the US economy and gave the USA the largest deficits in its history.

Try refuting the posts without changing the goal posts.

And NO, aid to Ukraine should not be cut off or reduced. If anything it should be increased so they can bury Putin, once and for all.
Thought as much. You're dismissed, hypocrite.
What a stupid uninformed thing to assert

The party of "NO" --- sorry, but Ihave to embarass you , you say such dumb things
View attachment 886608
I don't know what you are trying to say. In regards to Obamacare, it has NOT reigned in health care costs and many can't afford it. Even Democrats want to get rid of Obamacare. All Obamacare does is stiff doctors and providers and increase subsidies, which are added onto the national debt.
You know I think part of the problem with you people is that you don’t fully realize just how much wealth the top 1% actually have. If you just watch Fox News obviously you won’t find out. It’s staggering. The top 1% of earners own more wealth than the bottom 50% COMBINED. Let that sink in COMBINED.

Yes they can afford to be taxed more. How much is appropriate or the consequences are up for the debate.

I don’t watch Fox News…I mean occasionally I’ll flip it on, but generally, I don’t. I really don’t watch any television news. I get my daily dose of frustration from talk radio.

Aside from that, when I say I hope you all get the wealth tax you want, I really mean that. I seriously want you all to have it. I just think it’s going to backfire so badly that it would be worth it to let you have it.
I don’t watch Fox News…I mean occasionally I’ll flip it on, but generally, I don’t. I really don’t watch any television news. I get my daily dose of frustration from talk radio.

Aside from that, when I say I hope you all get the wealth tax you want, I really mean that. I seriously want you all to have it. I just think it’s going to backfire so badly that it would be worth it to let you have it.
All right so what specifically would happen?
Say what you want about democrats, but at least they have a VARIETY of policies for many issues.

Republicans just say no and offer no real alternatives. Remember the utter failure in repealing ACA? It really should bother republican voters that when it comes to issues like economics, they don’t have much to offer besides “no”. Let’s list all the non “no” economic polices:

1) Lower taxes on the wealthy and corporations

2) Deregulation

….and that’s it.

It’s made all the more worse because these policies do not do jack shit. It’s a myth that regulations cause significant harm to the economy. Lowering taxes on corporations and the wealthy is utterly useless for anyone but rich people. Why would corporations bother investing the money they save from tax cuts into labor if it’s easier for them to just keep it? Keep in mind that corporate profits are already at an all time high. Supply side economics is useless as far as American policy goes. All they have to do is wait for the next tax cut.

I mean I get it. You all hate “woke” shit, but it really should bother you that is considered some top issue in America.

Conservatives: vote third party or don’t vote at all. Surely that makes sense.

The Democrats have one policy. That policy is “no” to anything passed by the Republican House of Representatives.
And when republicans do not control congress?
Let’s see when and if that happens. Usually the Republicans cave in and give the Democrats 95% of what they want.

When they don’t control the congress they can’t stop anything.
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All right so what specifically would happen?

I think that if you all got all your “rich people” taxes, it would cause the left to lose a lot of support from the wealthy donors. Campaign donations would dry up, wealthy people would try and hide their money from it.

But I don’t ever see it happening because it would mean that those rich dems would also have to pay those taxes, and they certainly dont want that.

Dems, like everyone else, love that cash rolling in, so they are not about to upset the apple cart, but i hope im wrong, I hope you do get what you want, because in my opinion, it would cause the wealth class to drop the democrat party, because rich people like their money and attempts to siphon it from them would make them recoil from the dem party.

That, of course, is just my take on it.
Let’s see when and if that happens. Usually the Republicans cave in and give the Democrats 95% of what they want.

When they don’t control the congress they can’t stop anything.
You do know that democrats had full control until 2023 right?
I think that if you all got all your “rich people” taxes, it would cause the left to lose a lot of support from the wealthy donors. Campaign donations would dry up, wealthy people would try and hide their money from it.

But I don’t ever see it happening because it would mean that those rich dems would also have to pay those taxes, and they certainly dont want that.

Dems, like everyone else, love that cash rolling in, so they are not about to upset the apple cart, but i hope im wrong, I hope you do get what you want, because in my opinion, it would cause the wealth class to drop the democrat party, because rich people like their money and attempts to siphon it from them would make them recoil from the dem party.

That, of course, is just my take on it.
I guess I’m not even sure if you are under the impression of how big of a tax it would be. Obviously we aren’t talking about taxing to the point they are no longer rich. We don’t even need to tax to the point where we got rid of billionaires.

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