We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

Kinda like putting Allen Dulles on the Warren Commission?
As soon as I read the OP, that is EXACTLY what came to mind.

Coyote believes in the Deep State narrative about the JFK deal and 9/11. If you have been gas-lit to believe lies about deep events, then you can never get to the root of what is behind the reality of what is really moving events.

She needs to go back and read her non-partisan, non-stake holder books on the subject, so that bullshit propaganda about, "conspiracy theory," doesn't cloud her thinking.

History and branches​

See political realism for branches and antecedents more relevant to contemporary diplomacy and the particular modern, international relations paradigm.

Some of it stretches back a millennia, and it is REALITY about how humans will do anything to control events.

Any "independent," commission will not comment on the role of the ISI, or even the discussions in the CFR or the Bilderburg meetings, those are covered by Chatham House rules. IOW? Secrecy about these events is, of course, the order of the day amongst the global ruling elites, and there is no "commission," that would ever reveal the "truth." :heehee:

This a failure that spans four presidents. Naturally, you are incapable of any honest introspection. Biden will own it, but doesn't end there.

That Agreement excluded the Afghan government. Why?

Taliban broke most of it. Were there any consequences for the Taliban?

What was tbe Afghan government doing? What happened with their military leadership?

What did Biden know? Did he ignore information?

Lots of questions.
Bullshit, Biden blew it completely. He is POTUS the onus is on him. I guarantee that if Trump were doing this people like you would be running around with your hair on fire.
As soon as I read the OP, that is EXACTLY what came to mind.

Coyote believes in the Deep State narrative about the JFK deal and 9/11. If you have been gas-lit to believe lies about deep events, then you can never get to the root of what is behind the reality of what is really moving events.

She needs to go back and read her non-partisan, non-stake holder books on the subject, so that bullshit propaganda about, "conspiracy theory," doesn't cloud her thinking.

History and branches​

See political realism for branches and antecedents more relevant to contemporary diplomacy and the particular modern, international relations paradigm.

Some of it stretches back a millennia, and it is REALITY about how humans will do anything to control events.

Any "independent," commission will not comment on the role of the ISI, or even the discussions in the CFR or the Bilderburg meetings, those are covered by Chatham House rules. IOW? Secrecy about these events is, of course, the order of the day amongst the global ruling elites, and there is no "commission," that would ever reveal the "truth." :heehee:


Posted on August 1. . . way before this debacle. Just so you all knew we saw this debacle coming, and what it really means.
Bombing? I call bullshit. If as you said , then there wouldnt be any Camel Jockeys taking over Kabul. You progressive slaves sure like to try to rewrite history..

[IMG alt="andaronjim"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/m/54/54506.jpg?1624675396[/IMG]


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JoinedMay 6, 2015Messages28,300Reaction score14,867Points1,415LocationFloor E Da
bendog said:
Americans get all fatastically fascinated by false flag wars, so we can "participate" from our easy chairs in "our" asskicking some third world brown skins.
During 8 years of Joe Biden's Vice Presidency , there were plenty of "Workplace Violence" all over the United States. That was because they could group up here and just walk into a place and gun down anyone they wanted, without any backlash. Now that the moron has been elevated to full size depends, you can bet targets are already being set up by Camel Jockey Muslims to start murdering innocent US citizens again.


oh, I was responding to your trump sucking factually specious bullshit post, you racist cocksuker
. . . and if you don't think this is nothing more than a way for the globalists to rub Americans noses into the fact they are no longer a "world power?"

. . . and that this wasn't the agenda of the collective all along by selecting Biden as POTUS?

,o1 a1-2.jpg
PoorBiden, defenseless against an ex President.
Not everyone is as helpless as you libbies feel you are
Your boy demanded that Biden resign because he didn't stop the process of withdrawl that Trump himself put into action months ago.

Does that fucking Clown have any clue when his yap his running before his brain can catch up? Or is it the Aderall?
So you got no defence for his actions...

Biden was in Camp David, everything is setup there... Oh yea Biden couldn't bill the US taxpayer while he was there...
Biden didn't bill the taxpayers for golf carts, room & meals for Secret Service agents like that greedy money grubbing shitstain Trump did.

Trump The Welfare Queen.
Bombing? I call bullshit. If as you said , then there wouldnt be any Camel Jockeys taking over Kabul. You progressive slaves sure like to try to rewrite history..

But aside from your racist use of "camel jockey" I'm somewhat amused. I doubt many "progressives" would agree with my views on most things, but curiously both they and Trumpistas would probably agree that neocon wars without end have to end.

That's just why I don't really see the "outrage" of Biden pulling the plug on this thing. Had it been just about AQ hunting it might have been one thing, but we were actually trying to change people's attitudes. Even Goldwater would not have been amused.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

I'll just leave this here.

And this.

Bullshit, Biden blew it completely. He is POTUS the onus is on him. I guarantee that if Trump were doing this people like you would be running around with your hair on fire.
We pointed out that Trump did do this...

There was an agreement to be out of Afghan by April, that would mean that this should have been close to done and dusted by the time Biden became President.

it is August... Biden had to either stick to Trump's agreement or send tens of thousands of more troops into an area with no exit strategy...

Trump was the one who set this up... Could Biden have done better, yes... But lets not forget getting out of this county by April was set up by Trump...

Biden is just honouring the deal..
PoorBiden, defenseless against an ex President.
Not everyone is as helpless as you libbies feel you are
Lol, seems as though your typical trumpster is as stupid as it seems. Little bitches don't have the balls to own up to any thing with any negative consequences. Trump started the with draw, trump made a deal with the Taliban that lead to today's issues. And trump was right in doing what he did. Any way you shape it was going to be a debacle leaving. Trump decided to create the debacle now instead of another trillion dollars down the road. The wheels were set on motion and could not be stopped. Biden did not even try and he should not have tried. They were both right doing what they did. You can go live in fantasy world where there are no negatives like a fucking child. Adults on the other hand will continue to make the hard decisions.
What? Biden said it was 100% him. Evacuated = yes but optics matter. It was rushed and we left billions worth of equipment behind and there are still Americans there. They should have done it but differently. Trump is the root of all evil, I know.
Don't think ya even read what I said. Trump pulled us out, Biden did not stop it. Trump did right in pulling us out before another trillion dollars were burnt with no return listen again Trump was right to pull out.
[IMG alt="andaronjim"]https://www.usmessageboard.com/data/avatars/m/54/54506.jpg?1624675396[/IMG]


Diamond Member​

JoinedMay 6, 2015Messages28,300Reaction score14,867Points1,415LocationFloor E Da

During 8 years of Joe Biden's Vice Presidency , there were plenty of "Workplace Violence" all over the United States. That was because they could group up here and just walk into a place and gun down anyone they wanted, without any backlash. Now that the moron has been elevated to full size depends, you can bet targets are already being set up by Camel Jockey Muslims to start murdering innocent US citizens again.


oh, I was responding to your trump sucking factually specious bullshit post, you racist cocksuker
Bwaaahhhaaaaaaa.....I can only be partially racist, as the brown turd is 1/2 white. But it doesnt matter which 1/2 he is because the turd was totally fucked up and you like a good progressive slave had that thrill run up your leg, and cum run down your chin...
Your boy demanded that Biden resign because he didn't stop the process of withdrawl that Trump himself put into action months ago.

Does that fucking Clown have any clue when his yap his running before his brain can catch up? Or is it the Aderall?
Bottom line this is Biden’s watch and Biden’s act. Responsibility is a 3rd rail for libbies so neither you nor he will take it. Trump has had zero influence in Afghanistan for a year. Joe ran and made America look bad even though we did the best we could for the time we were there with little help .
Bad endings stick to you and this ending is grotesquely bad,
Twenty years, American life's, tons of money. We learn nothing from history. But we are dam good at pouring on the blame for political reasons & little to nothing on the reality of the situation.
Lol, seems as though your typical trumpster is as stupid as it seems. Little bitches don't have the balls to own up to any thing with any negative consequences. Trump started the with draw, trump made a deal with the Taliban that lead to today's issues. And trump was right in doing what he did. Any way you shape it was going to be a debacle leaving. Trump decided to create the debacle now instead of another trillion dollars down the road. The wheels were set on motion and could not be stopped. Biden did not even try and he should not have tried. They were both right doing what they did. You can go live in fantasy world where there are no negatives like a fucking child. Adults on the other hand will continue to make the hard decisions.
Shirk responsibility, blame others, call names
Lib 101
You are in fact and as I stated bleating that poor ole Joe could not stop or alter the wheels that Trump had set in motion
Absolutely false and a feckless, gutless abandonment of who is running the show but that’s how you responsibility abdicators roll.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
given how easily we weaponize things, this wouldn't stand a chance. today we can't even decide who's what gender.

til people pull away from hate and arguing about people, not problems, it will never get any better.

all that said, it's a fair question. biden was short and to the point in his press conference, from what i saw. like it or not, this will haunt him, and to a degree, it should. the horrors of people falling from planes and, unfortunately, worse, are his to bear now. fair or not, it's the weight of the president and decision maker. i didn't see him back away from that.

he could have done it better, but did we really unplug our last generator when no one was looking, or did we in fact give several weeks warning and offer to pay to get people out, and they chose to stay like people do when a hurricane is coming? given the unfortunate state of our media, who the hell knows.

and that is also a part of this problem.

if we as a country are to "do better" then we as a country need to stop bickering about our petty differences and see that in our desire to one up the other mindset at any cost, we fail to see that cost is the very ground we're fighting from. to look at this problem and do it justice and try to learn from it, we have to decide who we want to be when we grow up.

we don't know that anymore. not collectively so til we do, this would be just another blind leading the blind mission regardless of the good intentions. how can we fix our behavior if we either don't see it as wrong or can't agree on what is right?

we got a lot of hate that needs to be put away before we can figure out who we want to be, then possibly learn from who we have been in cases such as this.

biden has done a lot of things wrong in my eyes. but this one, well there was no "right" out there to be found.

now, where do we go from here?

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