We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

“Will my 12-year old son be 18 and fighting a war because we didn’t do this one the right way?” Retired Staff Sergeant and FOX News contributor Johnny “Joey” Jones
one thing you might look into is why was POTUS on vacation during a historical event like this and then stayed there while it went to shit,,,
Biden wasen't on vacation, cretin. He was at Camp David with aides & fully able to communicate with military leaders & anyone else.

Maybe you should look into what Trump was doing at Mar A Lago during the weeks he spent down there golfing & playing with himself.

You must have forgot how your boy invited Taliban leaders to Camp David on the anniversary of 9/11, Clown.
Lol, Trump is fully responsible for pulling us out of Afghanistan period. He made it so Biden could not stop it.
That is the truth weather or not you believe it or not. That being said Trump was absolutely right to do it. It was the best thing he ever did for the American people. We may as well just taken that 2.5 trillion dollars we spent over there and had a big fire with it. Trump stopped that boondoggle and about fucking time for it. This from a never Trumper. Trump deserves credit for it and was absolutely right in doing what he did.
PoorBiden, defenseless against an ex President.
Not everyone is as helpless as you libbies feel you are
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

You seem to want to investigate the Biden Administration only. The same questions should be asked of the Trump Administration. They are the ones who started this business of withdrawing and negotiated a peace treaty.
Why did Trump draw down American troop strength to 2,500?
What was Trump told about the Taliban?
What information was ignored by Trump?
I already formed a commission, looked at the facts, and concluded Biden is a stuttering, drooling, stumbling clusterfuck. And he owns the debacle he created in Afghanistan.

yer welcome.

If Biden had reversed Trump's withdrawal, you would be attacking him for being a warmonger. You are a partisan hack.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
What time frame did Trump agree too?
What did Trump do to meet this timeframe?
What assurances and consequences were agreed with the Taliban with Trump?
If Biden broke Trump' agreement what would be the reprisals?
Considering there was only 2,500 troops in Afghan. How many troops would have to be sent 20k - 50k?​
For how much longer 2 -3 years at minimum...​
That is just starter questions, being bipartisan too...
This a failure that spans four presidents. Naturally, you are incapable of any honest introspection. Biden will own it, but doesn't end there.

That Agreement excluded the Afghan government. Why?

Taliban broke most of it. Were there any consequences for the Taliban?

What was tbe Afghan government doing? What happened with their military leadership?

What did Biden know? Did he ignore information?

Lots of questions.
What part of the deal did the Taliban break?

US were meant to be gone by April 2021... IF anything Biden left 4-5 months late...

Be specific in what they broke... Did they support a terrorist organisation?
Why do you disagree Desperado, you think we should leave this inexamined?
Why are you surprised this has happened? What made you think it would end any other way?

The USA and the rest of NATO should never have gone into Afghanistan in the first place. Canada left after 10 years. Both Obama and Trump got talked into staying because the Army always KNEW what would happen after they left.

Biden is right. Why should Americans be fighting and dying in a war that the Afghan people refuse to fight?

Think of what could have been done for the American people with all of the money you've wasted in Afghanistan.
You seem to want to investigate the Biden Administration only. The same questions should be asked of the Trump Administration. They are the ones who started this business of withdrawing and negotiated a peace treaty.
Why did Trump draw down American troop strength to 2,500?
What was Trump told about the Taliban?
What information was ignored by Trump?
Trump agreed to leave by April 2021... He should have been ready to leave by time he left if that was the case... A plan should have been left on Biden desk and all he had to do is execute...

I would love to see that plan...
But we were bombing the ever loving shit out of "camel jockey" (actually more accurately goat herding) natives during the Obama years. But thank you for your partisan tumpslobber.
Bombing? I call bullshit. If as you said , then there wouldnt be any Camel Jockeys taking over Kabul. You progressive slaves sure like to try to rewrite history..

It goes beyond Biden and Trump who tried to get us out of there.
The problem with Afghanistan goes over the last 20 years

How corrupt and inept were the Afghan puppet Government?
Did we have any reason to believe the Afghan military would and could defend themselves?
Did we really think any treaty with the Taliban would hold?
What did the Taliban do wrong in relation to the agreement?

US was meant to be gone by April, Biden stayed around 5 months longer than agreed.

US was meant to pull out and let the civil war go on...

Back then with advise from US generals they thought it would be a fair fight (not Trump's fault, I think).. Turned out it was anything but, the army collapsed...

Biden had his hand dealt to him with little options to play... He didn't really have time to evacuate friendlies..
Lol, Trump is fully responsible for pulling us out of Afghanistan period. He made it so Biden could not stop it.
That is the truth weather or not you believe it or not. That being said Trump was absolutely right to do it. It was the best thing he ever did for the American people. We may as well just taken that 2.5 trillion dollars we spent over there and had a big fire with it. Trump stopped that boondoggle and about fucking time for it. This from a never Trumper. Trump deserves credit for it and was absolutely right in doing what he did.
What? Biden said it was 100% him. Evacuated = yes but optics matter. It was rushed and we left billions worth of equipment behind and there are still Americans there. They should have done it but differently. Trump is the root of all evil, I know.
Well, we aren’t at a number yet. The last guy led us to 600,000+ deaths in his big test. Biden is cleaning up this Afghan mess too.
Your biased politics amuse me. So if the president were Mike Pence or HRC and not Trump we would have zero deaths? That is your statement?

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