We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

Good questions by OP. I'd also include investigating the Afghans themselves through those that escaped the country. All the support we provided both their government and military over the past 20 years needs to be seriously examined for its lack of effectiveness.

I'd certainly wouldn't want this to be a congressional commission which are totally useless. I'd suggest a presidential commision with members nominated by the 4 presidents from GW Bush to Biden.
We'd like to know more and get a full and accurate account of this mess, regardless of what it shows.

When Trump was involved in something, the Trumpsters didn't even admit there was problem.

We're Americans who want to know the whole story, they're an obedient cult.
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Many of you are conflating the fall of the Afghan government with the pull out. That dog don’t hunt. It may be a tense evacuation but this isn’t Disney at closing time. The ability to maintain government is on them not us - as sad as it is.

Many Afghanis are gonna want to come to the US, more than we’ll likely take. That can’t be the measure of success either. Getting out men and women out safely is the goal. Any help for refugees is a bonus.
Thank you for your valuable reply. You may put your hand down and sit. There will be a restroom break shortly.

One thing I can always count on from Trumpsters. Total knee jerk defense of all things Trump.
I've been around a while, but normally just read. For this I had to say something. You SO want to put this on Trump. Reading your original post from the beginning shows this. Just deal with it. Biden COULD have gotten rid of the Trump deadline of May, just like he stopped the Border wall, etc. HE is the one that went into this the wrong way. Biden is to blame!
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

Why bother. The truth will be hidden because the whole thing was corrupt.

Too many politicians making too much money from the blood of our soldiers.
All these hoax hearings the libbies have thrown together and flopped with and then there is this that they are running away from as fast as possible
Whenever there is a "commission" in DC, it is always BS...


JFK commission
911 commission
1/6 commission
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
I already formed a commission, looked at the facts, and concluded Biden is a stuttering, drooling, stumbling clusterfuck. And he owns the debacle he created in Afghanistan.

yer welcome.
Many of you are conflating the fall of the Afghan government with the pull out. That dog don’t hunt. It may be a tense evacuation but this isn’t Disney at closing time. The ability to maintain government is on them not us - as sad as it is.

Many Afghanis are gonna want to come to the US, more than we’ll likely take. That can’t be the measure of success either. Getting out men and women out safely is the goal. Any help for refugees is a bonus.
The first sentence gets Dim Bulb of the Year Posting Award
After 20 years of USA military presence the military leaves and within 5 days the country is overrun and you offer that one has nothing to do with the other.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
Get rid of all the rinos and demoroids, problem solved.
Still lacking the intellectual courage and patriotism to answer a simple question.

You are a COWARD.
What simple question? Please reiterate it. We Jews are dumb you know. Like we run the world and stuff but we are dumb and all. Like you know, like?
Many of you are conflating the fall of the Afghan government with the pull out. That dog don’t hunt. It may be a tense evacuation but this isn’t Disney at closing time. The ability to maintain government is on them not us - as sad as it is.

Many Afghanis are gonna want to come to the US, more than we’ll likely take. That can’t be the measure of success either. Getting out men and women out safely is the goal. Any help for refugees is a bonus.

Leftists: A "tense evacuation":


Leaving your grammatical challenges aside, you are a petulant child desperate to blame someone else for the abysmal failure of the drooling, senile fool you elected.
Have a commission. Trump's own testimony should be interesting. Or will Commander Bonespurs play chickenshit & dodge supeonas like he always does & refuse to testify?
The evacuation itself? 100%
Lol, Trump is fully responsible for pulling us out of Afghanistan period. He made it so Biden could not stop it.
That is the truth weather or not you believe it or not. That being said Trump was absolutely right to do it. It was the best thing he ever did for the American people. We may as well just taken that 2.5 trillion dollars we spent over there and had a big fire with it. Trump stopped that boondoggle and about fucking time for it. This from a never Trumper. Trump deserves credit for it and was absolutely right in doing what he did.

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