We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

I don't know why you're getting pushback on this. I think some of them just want to bitch and attack. Facts and perspective are too complicated for them. They don't WANT to know what actually happened.

We know what exactly what happen. Dufus fucked it up big time. It is you stupid uneducated Moon Bats that are in denial just like you always are.
Who chooses the "independent" commission? Pelosi and AOC?
You really are an asshole. You make stupid claims and character assassinations as your own genre. You point fingers at the wrong people, McCarthy's incompetence in the Jan 6th commission was proof he will never be the Speaker and will be damn lucky to be reelected in the next general election.
We know what exactly what happen. Dufus fucked it up big time. It is you stupid uneducated Moon Bats that are in denial just like you always are.
I realize you don't want to know. What you're told in your universe is plenty.

The rest of the planet hasn't lost its ability to be curious. We're not like you. Thankfully.
Good questions by OP. I'd also include investigating the Afghans themselves through those that escaped the country. All the support we provided both their government and military over the past 20 years needs to be seriously examined for its lack of effectiveness.

I'd certainly wouldn't want this to be a congressional commission which are totally useless. I'd suggest a presidential commision with members nominated by the 4 presidents from GW Bush to Biden.
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How many people in this picture are Democrat idiots and how many did The Worthless Negro release from Gitmo?

We need another congressional investigation like we need a hole in the head. So what would be the outcome, Trumps fault, baby Bush’s fault….., just another media propaganda DEM spin game. Face it Biden screwed up, period end of sentence. After all it couldn’t be Biden’s fault he just does what he is told. Like I say nothing more than a Charlie McCarthy doll.
As for General Milley being replaced he was just too busy worrying about more important issues, critical race theory and LBGT rights.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
Would it freeking matter? No matter what would come out of it each side would cry bull shit. Every one would side with their own party. No one would be held accountable and nothing would change. The one percent keep us at each other's throats, they steel all the money and resources while the rest of us are at each other's throats.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
That's some funny shit. Yet another bipartisan full scale white wash commission.
Americans get all fatastically fascinated by false flag wars, so we can "participate" from our easy chairs in "our" asskicking some third world brown skins.
During 8 years of Joe Biden's Vice Presidency , there were plenty of "Workplace Violence" all over the United States. That was because they could group up here and just walk into a place and gun down anyone they wanted, without any backlash. Now that the moron has been elevated to full size depends, you can bet targets are already being set up by Camel Jockey Muslims to start murdering innocent US citizens again.

Would it freeking matter? No matter what would come out of it each side would cry bull shit. Every one would side with their own party. No one would be held accountable and nothing would change. The one percent keep us at each other's throats, they steel all the money and resources while the rest of us are at each other's throats.
Who the fuck do you think is keeping the dumbass progressive slaves at the rest of the normal US citizens throats?

We did not seem to be able to win and got almost no help but the method and the results of leaving was atrocious
During 8 years of Joe Biden's Vice Presidency , there were plenty of "Workplace Violence" all over the United States. That was because they could group up here and just walk into a place and gun down anyone they wanted, without any backlash. Now that the moron has been elevated to full size depends, you can bet targets are already being set up by Camel Jockey Muslims to start murdering innocent US citizens again.

But we were bombing the ever loving shit out of "camel jockey" (actually more accurately goat herding) natives during the Obama years. But thank you for your partisan tumpslobber.
We did not seem to be able to win and got almost no help but the method and the results of leaving was atrocious
Well, I can imagine the ewe (-: and cry if one of these translators came here, and turned out to be a terrorist. But it now seems pretty stupid to not have fully vetted these guys, but then, what happens when they bring their entire families with them.

This was not vietnam. And even there we took with us something like 20K on the flights out and left some 70K to their fates.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

What's Afghanistan? By now, the democrat party press will be clearing their story time of this tiny issue ...........

Now....the new Trump Book........
It was done on purpose. You can’t screw up that bad and everything they precisely predicted wouldn’t happen, did very precisely happen

As I have posted in other places.....this is exactly what the democrat party wants....they want the U.S. to look bad, they want the U.S. military to look bad, they want to make sure that the U.S. is diminished around the world and this helps in that effort. They want to make sure no one will ally with the U.S., no one will help the U.S......they believe the world is better off if the U.S. is defeated at every turn...

This mess is exactly what they wanted...
Nah, let's stick to the commission behind the January 6th circle-jerk working as a distraction to cover for an election that was stolen & the complete failure that ensued.

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