We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

You realize in Saigon we evacuated 130,000 people?
Joe bragged last night about evacuating 2000. That is beyond pathetic.
How do you provide security for an evacuation??/ Really?? Is that a real question?
You know Biden sent 4000 troops there to secure the airport.... AFTER they left???
Wow - so sending them in before we left makes less sense??
Don't worry about securing the airport until AFTER we leave?
'Worse Than Saigon'

Biden pulled the military - the ones who could protect the Americans while they were being pulled out - out before ensuring civilians / Americans were out.

He left the Taliban with arsenals of weapons, armored / IED-protected vehicles, helicopters, etc....

...and left behind citizens to secure the airport for the military to come back....

It's like a f*ed-up version of 'the movie 'Home Alone 2' where the mom remembers - when already in flight - that her son, Kevin, is not on the plane....


"FU@K! We left the civilians behind! Augh!"
You're missing the issue.

It's not if we should have pulled out, but how.

We abandoned Afghan forces relying on us, and we abandoned American civilians by abruptly pulling our military. This was entirely foreseeable, and just botched. Biden acted against all of his military guidance and just caused all of this death, terrorization, and arming of the Taliban by giving up all the weaponry.

If another 9-11 happens, thank Joe Biden's actions.

Valid points Frisky - Valid points. Of course there are FOUR US Presidents who made a variety of miscalculations, which is why we need to take a deeper dive.

I say we start by allowing only congress the power to start authorize a war unless we are attacked first. It's kind of in the Constitution. Fair?
I don't know why you're getting pushback on this. I think some of them just want to bitch and attack. Facts and perspective are too complicated for them. They don't WANT to know what actually happened.
I think it's more of a trust issue.

We all just watched with our own eyes Biden's catastrophic failure.

We also know for a fact that Biden overrode the recommendations of the military and intelligence community...

The Washington Post

It is also a grim reckoning for Biden, who announced in April that all U.S. forces were coming home after an inconclusive and, as he saw it, increasingly irrelevant conflict.

It was a pivotal moment in his presidency, as he rebuffed Pentagon recommendations that the United States maintain a small force in the country.

And he has not backed away, even as conditions on the ground have worsened. “I do not regret my decision,” he said Tuesday, despite a new intelligence assessment that Kabul could fall to the Taliban in as little as a month.


What else do you need to know about the criminally botched Biden withdrawl?

And that's the Washington Post...a traditionally left leaning source.

There is a link in that MSN reprint that goes to the WP story about the intelligence assessment...but it is paywalled.

When it comes to the withdrawal...what we need is a special prosecutor...not a commission.

BUT...I believe Coyote has the best intentions here...why did the Afghan army collapse in days after 20 years of training?
If we knew we were wasting our time...why didn't we change strategies? If we DIDN'T know...why? How much part did corruption play? Etc,. etc...

Those will be incredibly important thing to know...but they are absolutely irrelevant to the criminally disastrous Biden withdrawal...
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

The issue is Biden and his team are utterly incompetent. They wanted to be out of Afghanistan by 9/11 because they thought it would be a huge political victory for them. They loved the optics of it all. The intelligence folks were deeply skeptical and said so. The Biden team ignored their warnings. Done.

Coyote, I just saved the American taxpayer about 50 million bucks. Your welcome. :)
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
There's nothing to look into. Every foreign nation that went into Afghanistan, eventually got tired of the fighting and left. Why should the U.S. be any different?
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
And that commission’s recommendation must be that the United States never again attempts to ‘nation-build’ and never again involves itself in foreign conflicts.

If that recommendation is followed, what happened in Afghanistan will never occur again.
Interesting. Seems no one thinks we should have an independent co.mission. What are you afraid of?
An independent commission would difficult, given the responses above to your OP and in the thread "What are the solutions?" which is dominated by non thinkers.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

All that is required to conclude why what went down during the exit is an understanding of the circumstances over there during the last twenty years.

All some commission investigation would do is to whitewash the history of the politics involved.

It would be counterintuitive.

The regime that was installed there during the Bush administraton never had the support of the population. And it never would have their support. It's why they didn't put up a fight against the Taliban. It's why the Taliban was abl to simply negotiate as they expanded their territory rather tha nfore weapons. And it really says something that the people over there would rather have the Taliban running the show than the regime that western government installed.

The drama we saw during the exit was very likely premised on the fear that the Taliban was going to come in guns blazing the way that ISIS came in and invaded Iraq in 2014. Which didn't happen. Those who were trying to leave had a vested interest in getting out of there. Most of the folks on those C-17s were adult males. What's that tell you? Think it through. This was a very small group compared to the population of the country as a whole.

I could go on typing paragraphs beyond paragraphs explaining all of this.

But that would be a waste of my time. The focus of this thread is clearly misguided. Finger pointing is a useless exercise in the scheme of things. It only trivializes the history involved and reduces any discussion of what happened to typical western Red vs Blue type dialogue.
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All an investigation will do is waste time, energy, money and manpower all so they can just drag it out for months and never speak about it again? And if they do speak about it at the end it will just be a meaningless speech that doesnt answer any questions or actually serve a purpose. The whole thing will disappear like a fart in the wind.

Its biden and pelosi and their crew. Nothing will ever come of it. At best youll get some finger pointing and then everyone will go home.
911 "terror" came from the CIA and the Mossad. Col Tim Osman was just a puppet who initially denied it, then claimed he did it but mused that flying planes into the towers


demonstrating superior science ability than a typical religious leader....

"Osama" was always Col Tim Osman, CIA/Mossad traitor. Osman was involved in CIA operations in Afghan during the Soviet Occupation. Here he is discussing that with Carter NSA Zbigniew....

See the source image

See the source image


That is why there are NO PHOTOS of Osama in Saudi. That is why the Putin said 911 was US, Israel and Saudi. That is why the Saudis were totally uncooperative after 911, because "Osama" never set foot in Saudi....

Saudi Arabia was so uncooperative in US terror investigations before and after 9/11 that one New York FBI investigator slammed the kingdom as “useless and obstructionist,” according to 28 pages of newly declassified documents released Friday.

The documents suggest the ultra-conservative Islamic theocracy regularly lied to American investigators and that its status as a key US ally in the Middle East helped shield Saudi Arabia from becoming the focus of terror probes.

“Prior to September 11th, the FBI apparently did not focus investigative resources on [redacted] Saudi nationals in the United States due to Saudi Arabia’s status as an American ‘ally,’ ” states the document, part of a 2002 congressional joint inquiry into the 9/11 attacks that had been kept secret until now.


Search for

Saudi Royal Family Jewish

That explains everything....
Why are these crazy people opining. It’s weird.
And that commission’s recommendation must be that the United States never again attempts to ‘nation-build’ and never again involves itself in foreign conflicts.

If that recommendation is followed, what happened in Afghanistan will never occur again.
Well that begs the question - was nation building the mission in Afghan? There was a justification for going into Afghan that was never present in Iraq

Trump never prevailed in arguing with the military and congress that we should pull out of either Syria or Afghan ... although Mattis had to resign to rally congress.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.

Who chooses the "independent" commission? Pelosi and AOC?

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