We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

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  • #21
Didn't Trump deal with Taliban that we would pull out by May 1, 2021?
Pulling out of Afghan was in the books. It was a little late, but did happen. Why are we surprised that the Taliban did what they did? I'm sure this is no surprise by our intelligence.
Should we not have pulled out and not agreed to our deal with the Taliban? What would have been worse, not pull out and deal with the Taliban and their terrorist actions for not pulling out?
Is there really anyone to blame? That whole part of the world is a complete and total mess and will be for eternity.... it seems.
Why have a deal with a terrorist group that did notinclude the government? I don't 'get that.
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  • #22
We know some of these things already. The Taliban, for instance, had gone to various cities and towns and negotiated their surrender soon after tRump's deal had been struck. When our troops left, they just walked in.
There is nothing wrong with an independent commission to figure out what when wrong or right where national security is concerned.
I think anything less than an independent commission will be nothing more than politics.

I'll save you some time.

Trump made a deal.

Biden came in, scrapped that deal and made a new one for 9/11 all for political show.

The Taliban was able to use Biden's back out of the Trump deal to rally forces across Afghanistan.

The real investigation should be whether Biden is incompetent or corrupt.

Did Biden do this on purpose to create middle east carnage?

Was this a gift to Iran?
There is nothing wrong with an independent commission to figure out what when wrong or right where national security is concerned.


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  • #34
nothing to be afraid of,,

biden didnt listen to the poepel that already had plans and list in place and fucked it up,,

next time dont elect a mentally ill idiot,,
We have had four years of a mentally ill idiot, I suppose we will survive another four.

If there was a plan in place, and it was ignored, I would like know that and no why (not based on the word of hyperpartisn freaks). A commission could get to the bottom of it.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
You sure do like to waste other peoples money.....We saw what happened, we know that Congress, Senate and President are Democrat , it is the failure we knew that would happen when you put progressives in charge.
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  • #36
Independent Commissions are not independent, all members of the commission have their own agenda and nothing ever gets resolved,
Seems the 911 commission did a decent job and came up with some good recommendations to address intelligence failures.
We have had four years of a mentally ill idiot, I suppose we will survive another four.

If there was a plan in place, and it was ignored, I would like know that and no why (not based on the word of hyperpartisn freaks). A commission could get to the bottom of it.
its obvious to people that can think and see the world around them,,

but yeah lets waste the time and money to look into it,,
We have had four years of a mentally ill idiot, I suppose we will survive another four.

If there was a plan in place, and it was ignored, I would like know that and no why (not based on the word of hyperpartisn freaks). A commission could get to the bottom of it.

No, we've only had 7 months of a mentally ill idiot.

He won't last another 3 and a half.

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