We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

This a failure that spans four presidents. Naturally, you are incapable of any honest introspection. Biden will own it, but doesn't end there.

That Agreement excluded the Afghan government. Why?

Taliban broke most of it. Were there any consequences for the Taliban?

What was tbe Afghan government doing? What happened with their military leadership?

What did Biden know? Did he ignore information?

Lots of questions.
It is Bidens fault what happened.
Be cause he, and he alone was in charge of facilitating the actual withdraw.
No other President. Just Biden.
He was told by NUMEROUS organizations, his military, our allies in the field and our own Embassy personnel there that if a sudden withdraw like he is planning takes place - WHAT WE SAW IS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.
Biden did it anyway.
We should have NEVER allowed the airport to be unsecured... that was fucking crazy. Crazy.
That is on Biden. It was his decision to bail out without securing an exit.
NO OTHER PRESIDENT was involved.
its obvious to people that can think and see the world around them,,

but yeah lets waste the time and money to look into it,,
The probem with "what's obvious" is the same as with "everybody knows".
Democrats are desperate to find something they can use to deflect blame from Biden.

Democrats voted for this. Every person killed in Afghanistan has Democrats to thank.
yeah lets have an investigation to see what happened when only one person was in charge,, who can they blame it on besides biden??
You need some way to blame Biden's monumental fuckup on Trump.
It goes beyond Biden and Trump who tried to get us out of there.
The problem with Afghanistan goes over the last 20 years

How corrupt and inept were the Afghan puppet Government?
Did we have any reason to believe the Afghan military would and could defend themselves?
Did we really think any treaty with the Taliban would hold?
It is Bidens fault what happened.
Be cause he, and he alone was in charge of facilitating the actual withdraw.
No other President. Just Biden.
He was told by NUMEROUS organizations, his military, our allies in the field and our own Embassy personnel there that if a sudden withdraw like he is planning takes place - WHAT WE SAW IS WHAT WOULD HAPPEN.
Biden did it anyway.
We should have NEVER allowed the airport to be unsecured... that was fucking crazy. Crazy.
That is on Biden. It was his decision to bail out without securing an exit.
NO OTHER PRESIDENT was involved.
Agree it is on Biden, but disagree that past actions did not play a roll. Much like 911.
It goes beyond Biden and Trump who tried to get us out of there.
The problem with Afghanistan goes over the last 20 years

How corrupt and inept were the Afghan puppet Government?
Did we have any reason to believe the Afghan military would and could defend themselves?
Did we really think any treaty with the Taliban would hold?

No, it sure doesn't.

This is Biden.

The Democrat turds aren't going to investigate themselves.

We need to kick the Democrat turds out of the House next year and then start impeachment proceeding against this Joe Dufus clown in order to get to the truth of his incompetency.
Seems the 911 commission did a decent job and came up with some good recommendations to address intelligence failures.
The 911 commission only did a decent job in your mind, They failed in a lot of ways and never asked the pertinent questions.
Starting with 7 World Trade Center
The problem is you're a two year old throwing a temper tantrum because you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar and we have to listen to why it's all Trump's fault....
Thank you for your valuable reply. You may put your hand down and sit. There will be a restroom break shortly.

One thing I can always count on from Trumpsters. Total knee jerk defense of all things Trump.
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Agree it is on Biden, but disagree that past actions did not play a roll. Much like 911.
Bush and the Worthless Negro both made some serious blunders in the war.

Trump inherited a mess and tried to get us out of it in a reasonable manner.

Then Joe Dufus comes along and fucks everything up. Just like he has fucked up everything he has ever touched,

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