We Need Government Healthcare Like Canada!

Bullshit lies from Big Pharma. Americans are paying $4000 for opioid overdose drugs that cost $40 a dose to produce. $400 for an EpiPen that costs the same. You’re being conned and fleeced. Just look at the profits being posted by the drug companies.

Which drug companies? Have any names?

Epipen is an extremely good example. Making them costs $30. They sell them for $700

The Soaring Price of EpiPen | RN.com

Great. That's a start. Now according to your article, the Epipen is manufactured by Mylan. Here is their profit margin:

Current and historical gross margin, operating margin and net profit margin for Mylan (MYL) over the last 10 years. Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Mylan net profit margin as of September 30, 2019 is 0.42%.

Mylan Profit Margin 2006-2019 | MYL

.42% I believe the banks are offering more for a savings account. Now let me ask: would you invest in this company?

You see, pharmaceutical companies invest a ton of money to satisfy our FDA. Hundreds of millions of dollars and years of red tape and testing need to take place to put a drug into market. When they make all those investments, and the FDA disapproves their drug, they need to increase the prices on their existing drugs.

Included in that cost is an intrinsic liability cost. When you put drugs out on the market, somebody is going to have a problem with it. When they do, the ambulance chasers are front and center to sue your company. Just look at what they did to the company that produces opioid products.

But of course, the reporters who tell you it only costs X to produce, but they sell it for Y, leave a whole lot of factors out of the mix.
Mylan doesn’t bring new drugs to market. They’re a genetic manufacturer. They purchase other companies and acquire their business; which is a really good way of driving down the net profit. Their gross profit is 30-40%.
still have to test it against all probabilities. do you know those costs? Or the time it takes? or what do you do when you fail? All the things no one thinks of when complaining about costs. you all have no idea.

Sacrificing human beings for profit is the idea. Worked in pharma for 26 years, you?
Which drug companies? Have any names?

Epipen is an extremely good example. Making them costs $30. They sell them for $700

The Soaring Price of EpiPen | RN.com

Great. That's a start. Now according to your article, the Epipen is manufactured by Mylan. Here is their profit margin:

Current and historical gross margin, operating margin and net profit margin for Mylan (MYL) over the last 10 years. Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Mylan net profit margin as of September 30, 2019 is 0.42%.

Mylan Profit Margin 2006-2019 | MYL

.42% I believe the banks are offering more for a savings account. Now let me ask: would you invest in this company?

You see, pharmaceutical companies invest a ton of money to satisfy our FDA. Hundreds of millions of dollars and years of red tape and testing need to take place to put a drug into market. When they make all those investments, and the FDA disapproves their drug, they need to increase the prices on their existing drugs.

Included in that cost is an intrinsic liability cost. When you put drugs out on the market, somebody is going to have a problem with it. When they do, the ambulance chasers are front and center to sue your company. Just look at what they did to the company that produces opioid products.

But of course, the reporters who tell you it only costs X to produce, but they sell it for Y, leave a whole lot of factors out of the mix.
Mylan doesn’t bring new drugs to market. They’re a genetic manufacturer. They purchase other companies and acquire their business; which is a really good way of driving down the net profit. Their gross profit is 30-40%.
still have to test it against all probabilities. do you know those costs? Or the time it takes? or what do you do when you fail? All the things no one thinks of when complaining about costs. you all have no idea.

Sacrificing human beings for profit is the idea. Worked in pharma for 26 years, you?
they sacrifice animals. Ask Peta.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
Whoah, slow down there, commie. In this country, we are proposing government health insurance, not government healthcare.
Some folk still have no idea what single payer is.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
Whoah, slow down there, commie. In this country, we are proposing government health insurance, not government healthcare.
what's the difference?
Between...your insurance company and your doctor or hospital? Uh...I'm going to give you some time, see if you can figure it out on your own.
Epipen is an extremely good example. Making them costs $30. They sell them for $700

The Soaring Price of EpiPen | RN.com

Great. That's a start. Now according to your article, the Epipen is manufactured by Mylan. Here is their profit margin:

Current and historical gross margin, operating margin and net profit margin for Mylan (MYL) over the last 10 years. Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Mylan net profit margin as of September 30, 2019 is 0.42%.

Mylan Profit Margin 2006-2019 | MYL

.42% I believe the banks are offering more for a savings account. Now let me ask: would you invest in this company?

You see, pharmaceutical companies invest a ton of money to satisfy our FDA. Hundreds of millions of dollars and years of red tape and testing need to take place to put a drug into market. When they make all those investments, and the FDA disapproves their drug, they need to increase the prices on their existing drugs.

Included in that cost is an intrinsic liability cost. When you put drugs out on the market, somebody is going to have a problem with it. When they do, the ambulance chasers are front and center to sue your company. Just look at what they did to the company that produces opioid products.

But of course, the reporters who tell you it only costs X to produce, but they sell it for Y, leave a whole lot of factors out of the mix.
Mylan doesn’t bring new drugs to market. They’re a genetic manufacturer. They purchase other companies and acquire their business; which is a really good way of driving down the net profit. Their gross profit is 30-40%.
still have to test it against all probabilities. do you know those costs? Or the time it takes? or what do you do when you fail? All the things no one thinks of when complaining about costs. you all have no idea.

Sacrificing human beings for profit is the idea. Worked in pharma for 26 years, you?
they sacrifice animals. Ask Peta.

Like I said popeye, don't need to ask, worked in the industry.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
Whoah, slow down there, commie. In this country, we are proposing government health insurance, not government healthcare.
what's the difference?
Between...your insurance company and your doctor or hospital? Uh...I'm going to give you some time, see if you can figure it out on your own.
You've got time to have a sandwich and pay a few bills.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
Whoah, slow down there, commie. In this country, we are proposing government health insurance, not government healthcare.
what's the difference?
Between...your insurance company and your doctor or hospital? Uh...I'm going to give you some time, see if you can figure it out on your own.
you have no idea what you're talking about. there is no difference. The VA has hospitals, then we have private hospitals. government health insurance uses government hospitals and doctors. private health insurance uses private doctors and hospitals. Until Trump came along. But all you limies say trump hasn't done shit.
Great. That's a start. Now according to your article, the Epipen is manufactured by Mylan. Here is their profit margin:

Current and historical gross margin, operating margin and net profit margin for Mylan (MYL) over the last 10 years. Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Mylan net profit margin as of September 30, 2019 is 0.42%.

Mylan Profit Margin 2006-2019 | MYL

.42% I believe the banks are offering more for a savings account. Now let me ask: would you invest in this company?

You see, pharmaceutical companies invest a ton of money to satisfy our FDA. Hundreds of millions of dollars and years of red tape and testing need to take place to put a drug into market. When they make all those investments, and the FDA disapproves their drug, they need to increase the prices on their existing drugs.

Included in that cost is an intrinsic liability cost. When you put drugs out on the market, somebody is going to have a problem with it. When they do, the ambulance chasers are front and center to sue your company. Just look at what they did to the company that produces opioid products.

But of course, the reporters who tell you it only costs X to produce, but they sell it for Y, leave a whole lot of factors out of the mix.
Mylan doesn’t bring new drugs to market. They’re a genetic manufacturer. They purchase other companies and acquire their business; which is a really good way of driving down the net profit. Their gross profit is 30-40%.
still have to test it against all probabilities. do you know those costs? Or the time it takes? or what do you do when you fail? All the things no one thinks of when complaining about costs. you all have no idea.

Sacrificing human beings for profit is the idea. Worked in pharma for 26 years, you?
they sacrifice animals. Ask Peta.

Like I said popeye, don't need to ask, worked in the industry.
doesn't mean shit olive oil
Actually, that would be because the Canadian government imposes price controls far below the cost of the meds, which shifts their costs off onto the US. So do us all a favor and don't praise those sucking leeches up north to those of us who have to foot the bill for them.

Bullshit lies from Big Pharma. Americans are paying $4000 for opioid overdose drugs that cost $40 a dose to produce. $400 for an EpiPen that costs the same. You’re being conned and fleeced. Just look at the profits being posted by the drug companies.

Which drug companies? Have any names?

Epipen is an extremely good example. Making them costs $30. They sell them for $700

The Soaring Price of EpiPen | RN.com

Great. That's a start. Now according to your article, the Epipen is manufactured by Mylan. Here is their profit margin:

Current and historical gross margin, operating margin and net profit margin for Mylan (MYL) over the last 10 years. Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Mylan net profit margin as of September 30, 2019 is 0.42%.

Mylan Profit Margin 2006-2019 | MYL

.42% I believe the banks are offering more for a savings account. Now let me ask: would you invest in this company?

You see, pharmaceutical companies invest a ton of money to satisfy our FDA. Hundreds of millions of dollars and years of red tape and testing need to take place to put a drug into market. When they make all those investments, and the FDA disapproves their drug, they need to increase the prices on their existing drugs.

Included in that cost is an intrinsic liability cost. When you put drugs out on the market, somebody is going to have a problem with it. When they do, the ambulance chasers are front and center to sue your company. Just look at what they did to the company that produces opioid products.

But of course, the reporters who tell you it only costs X to produce, but they sell it for Y, leave a whole lot of factors out of the mix.
Mylan doesn’t bring new drugs to market. They’re a genetic manufacturer. They purchase other companies and acquire their business; which is a really good way of driving down the net profit. Their gross profit is 30-40%.

Their gross profit is irrelevant when you are talking about why they charge what they do. If I make $50,000 a month, but it costs me $49,000 a month to make that $50,000, nobody can claim I'm wealthy.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
If you have limited income in the US and have to depend on Medicaid, getting an appointment with a new doctor can take months, depending on the state and the specialty. If you have high deductible insurance or temporary insurance and you can't afford to pay $150 for each appointment, many specialties will beyond your reach in the US.

A number of specialties in the US such as endocrinologists and neurosurgeons are in high demand due to requirements of the job. These specialties can have very long waits for first time patients. In my area, even with a referral from your GP, it can take months to get a first appointment and the chances are it will be with a Physicians Assistant.

Healthcare is rationed everywhere only the method of rationing varies. In the US we tend ration by the patients ability to pay.
I can walk unannounced into my GPs office at any time and be seen within half an hour. I have never waited more than two days to see a specialist when the problem merited it. Emergency rooms are of course immediate.

Why would I want to trade that for something run by the government?
I think stop lying is a good first step.
Ray From Cleveland , do these people know that even though they pay for insurance, they still pay the doctor for a visit? So, not only do you pay the monthly fee for the BCBS, then you pay for the visit. Wait, what? how is that so? I thought if you paid for Healthcare, you got free healthcare? People are too stupid and believe what they're told. Not what they read, what they're told.

All healthcare is going to cost you some money somewhere. Commie Care is the worst of it. Their close to affordable plans come with a 7K deductible and a 7K out of pocket. It's absolutely worthless unless you get hit by a bus or have surgery.
people don't know what that means. they don't get that they have to pay 7K for their care. That's per year!!! think about that.

If that's not bad enough, they wanted about 30% of my net pay to get the plan. Like who can afford that percentage for a healthcare plan that doesn't cover anything?

Those plans were never designed to cover jackshit for the paying customers.

They were designed to pay for subsidies to the welfare queens. The welfare queens that voted that asshole Obama into power and the stupid Democrats that voted for the plan.

That's exactly it. The plan was for Democrat voters like shelf stockers and car wash workers. What they wanted 1/3 of my net pay cost them about 50 bucks a month.
So Hopeycare was an epic failure, got it.

Nope, number of uninsured went down during Obama's presidency and is going back up under Trump.


Under Trump, the number of uninsured Americans has gone up by 7 million
So it went from 10.9 to 13.7? Obviously 2.8 million decided they don’t want insurance once the gun was removed from their heads.

Decided they don't want insurance? Who the fuck does that? :21: If you read the article you'd see that those who have shitty poor paying jobs are the ones losing insurance.
yes decided not to have insurance. why is that difficult for you? please, are you thinking you know everybody? and you posted a laughing meme. well


The reason people would lose or give up their insurance is due to cost. I don't see millions of people saying "gee, today I just don't want health insurance". Idiot.
then you know not what you're discussing.

That's exactly it. The plan was for Democrat voters like shelf stockers and car wash workers. What they wanted 1/3 of my net pay cost them about 50 bucks a month.

What is despicable is the real intent of that filthy ass Obamacare.

It wasn't about poor people having no access to health care. There are plenty of plans on the Federal, State and Local level to provide health care for the indigent.

It was all about establishing an entitlement for the welfare queens to have the same insurance coverage as the paying customers.

Obama's demented plan was to put the filthy Democrat voting welfare queen in the same doctor's office as the paying people, instead of the county clinic.

Once the entitlement was establish it would be easier to jump to the next step of the despicable full blown socialized medicine where the government taxed the shit out of the productive people to pay for the sorry ass welfare queens.

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