We Need Government Healthcare Like Canada!

Decided they don't want insurance? Who the fuck does that? :21: If you read the article you'd see that those who have shitty poor paying jobs are the ones losing insurance.
Then why did Obama put a gun to the head of every American?

Most Americans are in favor of Obamacare. Plus the individual mandate was not much of a consideration to getting insurance.

Poll: Survey of the Non-Group Market Finds Most Say the Individual Mandate Was Not a Major Reason They Got Coverage in 2018, And Most Plan to Continue Buying Insurance Despite Recent Repeal of the Mandate Penalty

As you can see by the graph the increase in the uninsured started before the repeal of the individual mandate. Try again.
Should be an easy win for in November. Just push that return to Hopeycare really hard to voters, OK?

It's more popular than Trump.

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

I like how you changed subjects because you weren't getting very far.
You run on that! Sure victory in November! Free shit and Hopeycare!

I'm just showing you that Obamacare is more popular than Trump. Sorry, you don't like it. For 2020 I make no predictions.
Then why did Obama put a gun to the head of every American?

Most Americans are in favor of Obamacare. Plus the individual mandate was not much of a consideration to getting insurance.

Poll: Survey of the Non-Group Market Finds Most Say the Individual Mandate Was Not a Major Reason They Got Coverage in 2018, And Most Plan to Continue Buying Insurance Despite Recent Repeal of the Mandate Penalty

As you can see by the graph the increase in the uninsured started before the repeal of the individual mandate. Try again.
Should be an easy win for in November. Just push that return to Hopeycare really hard to voters, OK?

It's more popular than Trump.

KFF Health Tracking Poll: The Public’s Views on the ACA

I like how you changed subjects because you weren't getting very far.
You run on that! Sure victory in November! Free shit and Hopeycare!

I'm just showing you that Obamacare is more popular than Trump. Sorry, you don't like it. For 2020 I make no predictions.
Sure it is! That’s why Bernie is an easy win in November!
So it went from 10.9 to 13.7? Obviously 2.8 million decided they don’t want insurance once the gun was removed from their heads.

Decided they don't want insurance? Who the fuck does that? :21: If you read the article you'd see that those who have shitty poor paying jobs are the ones losing insurance.
Then why did Obama put a gun to the head of every American?

Most Americans are in favor of Obamacare. Plus the individual mandate was not much of a consideration to getting insurance.

Poll: Survey of the Non-Group Market Finds Most Say the Individual Mandate Was Not a Major Reason They Got Coverage in 2018, And Most Plan to Continue Buying Insurance Despite Recent Repeal of the Mandate Penalty

As you can see by the graph the increase in the uninsured started before the repeal of the individual mandate. Try again.
Should be an easy win for in November. Just push that return to Hopeycare really hard to voters, OK?

It's more popular than Trump.


I like how you changed subjects because you weren't getting very far.

What your poll shows is that it's highly popular among blacks and Hispanics, and slightly unpopular with whites. It doest's give any samples such as the ratio of people that participated, what kind of poll it was (internet, phone, live) so it's really nothing to hang your hat on. Many of these polls oversample Democrat voters.
who's that?

The 44 million Americans and their dependents who don't have health insurance. Or, those that filed for bankruptcy due to an illness.
So Hopeycare was an epic failure, got it.

Nope, number of uninsured went down during Obama's presidency and is going back up under Trump.


Under Trump, the number of uninsured Americans has gone up by 7 million
So it went from 10.9 to 13.7? Obviously 2.8 million decided they don’t want insurance once the gun was removed from their heads.

Decided they don't want insurance? Who the fuck does that? :21: If you read the article you'd see that those who have shitty poor paying jobs are the ones losing insurance.

Yes, and who's fault is that?

Small Businesses Are Dropping Health Coverage; Large Employers Hold Steady

You see, before Commie Care, employers had to offer health insurance benefits, otherwise they'd have a hard time getting employees or keeping the ones they had. Health benefits was a major concern when considering a job offer. Thanks to Commie Care, those employers dropped that valuable benefit and had less worries about losing employees because other businesses were dropping that coverage as well.

Health insurance benefits was a benefit that wasn't considered income, so it was not taxed. Not only that, but by employers providing coverage, it kept your income lower which meant you were in a lower tax bracket as well.

Now that it comes from after tax money, you are actually paying tax on having health insurance. That is to say, you take taxed money, and buy health insurance like anything else you buy. Plans were affordable to french fry makers and floor sweepers who typically vote Democrat, but not most other people.
I much prefer the way many Americans wait for healthcare because they can't afford it.
who's that?

The 44 million Americans and their dependents who don't have health insurance. Or, those that filed for bankruptcy due to an illness.

They filed bankruptcy in most cases because they didn't have an income. It had little to do with medical bills. Even if you file for disability, it takes 3 to 6 months to get an answer, and in most cases, the answer is no. Then you have to hire a lawyer to fight it out for you, and that could take over a year to a couple of years to get it.

That's cool except it's the exact opposite of the truth.

This is the real reason most Americans file for bankruptcy

Disability? We're talking about paying medical bills, your income most likely will not cover the bills so disability absolutely isn't going to.

That pretty much conflicts what the Washington Post found with a study they believe to be much more accurate.

So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
With inssurance in the US and it can be worse. What's also worse millions are with no health care, and millions cant afford the Bill's. I live here I have family and friends in both canada and europe when it comes to health, education and safety net they take care of their own we rather give it to big pharma, wars and politicians.

Yeah, and that's part of the problem.

We pay for the defense of Europe, which without us, they would have to pay more for national defense.
We pay for the medication of Europe, which without us, they wouldn't have any of those medication.

Now in your thinking, we should stop paying for all of that, and with defense I somewhat agree. But the problem is, if we stop defending Europe entirely, then we will likely end up in World War 3. It is because of our military power, that we have been able to keep the peace for so long.

But with Pharma, if we don't pay for it, no one else will. No one is going to pay the bill, so we can live on their pharma.

So there simply will not be pharma for the masses. Pharma will be only for the rich elite.

That's what is going to happen.

And as far as education, maybe you missed it, but all the best schools in the world today, are all in the US. Go look at any list of the top 50 universities... the vast majority by far, are all in the US.

So which do you want... crap education that is free, or the best education that costs money?

Now that is changing, as universities have become more and more funded by government, the more they have started sucking. And this has filtered into private universities. I think some day, we'll have more people leaving the US for education, than those coming to the US for education. But as it stands today, we still have the highest quality higher education in the world... and that's because it is mostly private.

As far as health care in general, we have the highest quality care in the US. Canadians routinely come to the US for care.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
With inssurance in the US and it can be worse. What's also worse millions are with no health care, and millions cant afford the Bill's. I live here I have family and friends in both canada and europe when it comes to health, education and safety net they take care of their own we rather give it to big pharma, wars and politicians.

Yeah, and that's part of the problem.

We pay for the defense of Europe, which without us, they would have to pay more for national defense.
We pay for the medication of Europe, which without us, they wouldn't have any of those medication.

Now in your thinking, we should stop paying for all of that, and with defense I somewhat agree. But the problem is, if we stop defending Europe entirely, then we will likely end up in World War 3. It is because of our military power, that we have been able to keep the peace for so long.

But with Pharma, if we don't pay for it, no one else will. No one is going to pay the bill, so we can live on their pharma.

So there simply will not be pharma for the masses. Pharma will be only for the rich elite.

That's what is going to happen.

And as far as education, maybe you missed it, but all the best schools in the world today, are all in the US. Go look at any list of the top 50 universities... the vast majority by far, are all in the US.

So which do you want... crap education that is free, or the best education that costs money?

Now that is changing, as universities have become more and more funded by government, the more they have started sucking. And this has filtered into private universities. I think some day, we'll have more people leaving the US for education, than those coming to the US for education. But as it stands today, we still have the highest quality higher education in the world... and that's because it is mostly private.

As far as health care in general, we have the highest quality care in the US. Canadians routinely come to the US for care.

US has the best schools but are only accessible to those that can afford it. Also the US in general scores badly when it comes to education compared to other developed nations. Europeans in general are well educated compared to americans, healthier also and most importantly better informed.

Europe cant take care of itself, we are there because we want and because it makes money for the arm contractors....we dont give a crap about any nation we just in it to benefit the few back home.

Americans deserve better, they pay trillions for useless arm bases, wars, elections, golf trips and so much more....while denied safety nets, decent health care....

What makes it sad, they brainwashed the masses to beleive that they dont deserve a decent health care, safety and accessible education.
I much prefer the way many Americans wait for healthcare because they can't afford it.
who's that?

The 44 million Americans and their dependents who don't have health insurance. Or, those that filed for bankruptcy due to an illness.

EDIT: It's actually around 14 million now.
14 million. oh, see had to correct your lies in the same post wow. Those 14 million. It's bullshit. that was what obammycare was supposed to fix. what happened? Can't back track now, you just lie.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
With inssurance in the US and it can be worse. What's also worse millions are with no health care, and millions cant afford the Bill's. I live here I have family and friends in both canada and europe when it comes to health, education and safety net they take care of their own we rather give it to big pharma, wars and politicians.

Yeah, and that's part of the problem.

We pay for the defense of Europe, which without us, they would have to pay more for national defense.
We pay for the medication of Europe, which without us, they wouldn't have any of those medication.

Now in your thinking, we should stop paying for all of that, and with defense I somewhat agree. But the problem is, if we stop defending Europe entirely, then we will likely end up in World War 3. It is because of our military power, that we have been able to keep the peace for so long.

But with Pharma, if we don't pay for it, no one else will. No one is going to pay the bill, so we can live on their pharma.

So there simply will not be pharma for the masses. Pharma will be only for the rich elite.

That's what is going to happen.

And as far as education, maybe you missed it, but all the best schools in the world today, are all in the US. Go look at any list of the top 50 universities... the vast majority by far, are all in the US.

So which do you want... crap education that is free, or the best education that costs money?

Now that is changing, as universities have become more and more funded by government, the more they have started sucking. And this has filtered into private universities. I think some day, we'll have more people leaving the US for education, than those coming to the US for education. But as it stands today, we still have the highest quality higher education in the world... and that's because it is mostly private.

As far as health care in general, we have the highest quality care in the US. Canadians routinely come to the US for care.

US has the best schools but are only accessible to those that can afford it. Also the US in general scores badly when it comes to education compared to other developed nations. Europeans in general are well educated compared to americans, healthier also and most importantly better informed.

Europe cant take care of itself, we are there because we want and because it makes money for the arm contractors....we dont give a crap about any nation we just in it to benefit the few back home.

Americans deserve better, they pay trillions for useless arm bases, wars, elections, golf trips and so much more....while denied safety nets, decent health care....

What makes it sad, they brainwashed the masses to beleive that they dont deserve a decent health care, safety and accessible education.
those best schools are privately run. what the left wants it to demolish the best schools and give us the lousy schools for free. Folks, can't make this shit up!
I much prefer the way many Americans wait for healthcare because they can't afford it.
who's that?

The 44 million Americans and their dependents who don't have health insurance. Or, those that filed for bankruptcy due to an illness.
So Hopeycare was an epic failure, got it.

My sister is a flaming leftist with a severe case of TDS. She also has a Master's in hospital administration and has worked as a medical insurance biller for 40 years. Despite the fact that she voted for Obama both times, she has declared Obamacare to be an unmitigated disaster.
So you can wait 3 weeks after your general practitioner refers you to a specialist and 39 weeks for orthopedic surgery.

And Bloomberg says if you’re old, you can just die.

While Americans pine for 'Medicare for all,' Canadians look for US-style private insurance
With inssurance in the US and it can be worse. What's also worse millions are with no health care, and millions cant afford the Bill's. I live here I have family and friends in both canada and europe when it comes to health, education and safety net they take care of their own we rather give it to big pharma, wars and politicians.

Yeah, and that's part of the problem.

We pay for the defense of Europe, which without us, they would have to pay more for national defense.
We pay for the medication of Europe, which without us, they wouldn't have any of those medication.

Now in your thinking, we should stop paying for all of that, and with defense I somewhat agree. But the problem is, if we stop defending Europe entirely, then we will likely end up in World War 3. It is because of our military power, that we have been able to keep the peace for so long.

But with Pharma, if we don't pay for it, no one else will. No one is going to pay the bill, so we can live on their pharma.

So there simply will not be pharma for the masses. Pharma will be only for the rich elite.

That's what is going to happen.

And as far as education, maybe you missed it, but all the best schools in the world today, are all in the US. Go look at any list of the top 50 universities... the vast majority by far, are all in the US.

So which do you want... crap education that is free, or the best education that costs money?

Now that is changing, as universities have become more and more funded by government, the more they have started sucking. And this has filtered into private universities. I think some day, we'll have more people leaving the US for education, than those coming to the US for education. But as it stands today, we still have the highest quality higher education in the world... and that's because it is mostly private.

As far as health care in general, we have the highest quality care in the US. Canadians routinely come to the US for care.

US has the best schools but are only accessible to those that can afford it. Also the US in general scores badly when it comes to education compared to other developed nations. Europeans in general are well educated compared to americans, healthier also and most importantly better informed.

Europe cant take care of itself, we are there because we want and because it makes money for the arm contractors....we dont give a crap about any nation we just in it to benefit the few back home.

Americans deserve better, they pay trillions for useless arm bases, wars, elections, golf trips and so much more....while denied safety nets, decent health care....

What makes it sad, they brainwashed the masses to beleive that they dont deserve a decent health care, safety and accessible education.

Unlike those other places, we have a Constitution that states what the federal government is in charge of. Our founders never wanted this to be a country of charity. In fact many were dead against it. They only wanted a federal government to govern, not provide for the people like we do today.

Primary eduction is funded locally. If you want better schools, collect the signatures, put it on the ballot, and pass an increased school levy, and you will have your better schools. If you want an advanced education, get a job after you graduate high school, live at home with your parents, save every dime you can, and in five years, use that money to attend college.
Wasn't it pathetic to hear the Democrat clowns last night? All of them were advocating some form of filthy socialized medicine that would produce the same kind of failed polices that China has that screwed up dealing with the virus.
Wasn't it pathetic to hear the Democrat clowns last night? All of them were advocating some form of filthy socialized medicine that would produce the same kind of failed polices that China has that screwed up dealing with the virus.

Right or left, nobody talks about the real problem with our system which is cost. This is why we can never solve this problem. Commie Care just moved our high costs to different areas, and so will Medicare for all. Moving the cost around doesn't solve the problem. The only pragmatic approach to all this is to focus on lowering costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it.
Wasn't it pathetic to hear the Democrat clowns last night? All of them were advocating some form of filthy socialized medicine that would produce the same kind of failed polices that China has that screwed up dealing with the virus.

Right or left, nobody talks about the real problem with our system which is cost. This is why we can never solve this problem. Commie Care just moved our high costs to different areas, and so will Medicare for all. Moving the cost around doesn't solve the problem. The only pragmatic approach to all this is to focus on lowering costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it.

One of the best ways to lower cost is to keep the filthy ass government out of the businesses of regulating health care.

Who in the hell needs the government telling the insurance companies what they must cover, like transsexual operations or birth control or whatever? Or telling people they can't buy insurance across state lines?
I much prefer the way many Americans wait for healthcare because they can't afford it.
who's that?

The 44 million Americans and their dependents who don't have health insurance. Or, those that filed for bankruptcy due to an illness.
So Hopeycare was an epic failure, got it.

Nope, number of uninsured went down during Obama's presidency and is going back up under Trump.


Under Trump, the number of uninsured Americans has gone up by 7 million
So it went from 10.9 to 13.7? Obviously 2.8 million decided they don’t want insurance once the gun was removed from their heads.

I was one of them. Not that I don't want health insurance, but we were in a financial bind due to me changing employers. I wasn't going to have health insurance available until I passed my probationary period, so my family's insurance would have to come through my husband's work. As a woman over 40, insurance as a dependent would have cost as much as both of my sons combined, and our budget simply couldn't do it. Because I no longer had the government "benevolently" telling me what my priorities and choices had to be, I opted to wait for insurance through my own employer to kick in and cover any medical expenses that might arise in the meantime out-of-pocket through my HSA. A gamble? Sure, but a reasonable one, given that I'm in generally excellent health. More to the point, MY gamble to choose to make.
who's that?

The 44 million Americans and their dependents who don't have health insurance. Or, those that filed for bankruptcy due to an illness.
So Hopeycare was an epic failure, got it.

Nope, number of uninsured went down during Obama's presidency and is going back up under Trump.


Under Trump, the number of uninsured Americans has gone up by 7 million
So it went from 10.9 to 13.7? Obviously 2.8 million decided they don’t want insurance once the gun was removed from their heads.

Decided they don't want insurance? Who the fuck does that? :21: If you read the article you'd see that those who have shitty poor paying jobs are the ones losing insurance.

Lots of people, fucknut. The world doesn't operate according to just your perceptions and priorities. Write it down somewhere.
Wasn't it pathetic to hear the Democrat clowns last night? All of them were advocating some form of filthy socialized medicine that would produce the same kind of failed polices that China has that screwed up dealing with the virus.

Right or left, nobody talks about the real problem with our system which is cost. This is why we can never solve this problem. Commie Care just moved our high costs to different areas, and so will Medicare for all. Moving the cost around doesn't solve the problem. The only pragmatic approach to all this is to focus on lowering costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it.

One of the best ways to lower cost is to keep the filthy ass government out of the businesses of regulating health care.

Who in the hell needs the government telling the insurance companies what they must cover, like transsexual operations or birth control or whatever? Or telling people they can't buy insurance across state lines?

Which is why it's never addressed. If somebody honestly looked at the problem, had meetings with insurance company and hospital managers, the only conclusion would be government is the reason healthcare is unaffordable.
Wasn't it pathetic to hear the Democrat clowns last night? All of them were advocating some form of filthy socialized medicine that would produce the same kind of failed polices that China has that screwed up dealing with the virus.

Right or left, nobody talks about the real problem with our system which is cost. This is why we can never solve this problem. Commie Care just moved our high costs to different areas, and so will Medicare for all. Moving the cost around doesn't solve the problem. The only pragmatic approach to all this is to focus on lowering costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it.

One of the best ways to lower cost is to keep the filthy ass government out of the businesses of regulating health care.

Who in the hell needs the government telling the insurance companies what they must cover, like transsexual operations or birth control or whatever? Or telling people they can't buy insurance across state lines?

Which is why it's never addressed. If somebody honestly looked at the problem, had meetings with insurance company and hospital managers, the only conclusion would be government is the reason healthcare is unaffordable.

Government screws up everything it touches but yet these stupid Moon Bats want more of it.
Wasn't it pathetic to hear the Democrat clowns last night? All of them were advocating some form of filthy socialized medicine that would produce the same kind of failed polices that China has that screwed up dealing with the virus.

Right or left, nobody talks about the real problem with our system which is cost. This is why we can never solve this problem. Commie Care just moved our high costs to different areas, and so will Medicare for all. Moving the cost around doesn't solve the problem. The only pragmatic approach to all this is to focus on lowering costs first, and then figure out a way to pay for it.

To do that, you'd have to get the leftists to be clear and honest about what exactly they're talking about, and that ain't gonna happen.

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