We need government job training programs.

I agree. Paint murkins yellow and teach them to lie still while cars drive over them so Meskin workers don't get run over by murkins rushing to the mall to buy shoes with lights at 50% off.

Did someone tell you this fucking "murkin, murkin" bit was cute or funny or something, asswipe? If so, they lied to you. You just look like more and more of an unimaginative fucking idiot every time you repeat it. Get some new material, dickbreath.

Actually I thought it was pretty funny.

When? The first time, or the 100,000,000th time?
Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney in all of their Wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the USA government and their Reaganomics/Wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the USA government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would I do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.
Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

I would tell you to take your sorry ass to a country that offers the kind of absurdly extreme socialist nonsense you are looking for but I don't know that there are any left in the world.
Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney in all of their Wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the USA government and their Reaganomics/Wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the USA government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would I do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

Obama/Biden killing jobs too.
Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney in all of their Wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the USA government and their Reaganomics/Wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the USA government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would I do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

Obama/Biden killing jobs too.

It's the Bush/Cheney impact still killing jobs for they wrecked the economy on their own
for which no new president has a plan. Why? Because Bush/Cheney forgot to inform members of the congress and USA voters that they had a Reagan/Bush trick in their "secret platfom". Sure enough they got away with it however they should be in jail.
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”

Guess where you lost me.

We have them, Training and Funding for Schooling is Available in most states through Programs. Here in Michigan we have Michigan works, which is basically part of Unemployment and works to get your training, help with Resumes etc.
Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney in all of their Wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the USA government and their Reaganomics/Wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the USA government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would I do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

Obama/Biden killing jobs too.

It's the Bush/Cheney impact still killing jobs for they wrecked the economy on their own
for which no new president has a plan. Why? Because Bush/Cheney forgot to inform members of the congress and USA voters that they had a Reagan/Bush trick in their "secret platfom". Sure enough they got away with it however they should be in jail.

Not true. Ron Paul has a plan. He has a lifetime of studying economics and all economists agree that he has identified exactly what the problem is.

I want to see the entire Bush administration put on trial for treason. Let justice sort it out.
We have government sponsored jobs programs. They're called schools. Now if we could dispense with teaching gay history and multiculturalism and actually teach SKILLS, kids might come out of high school qualified for something other than flipping burgers at Wendy's
reagan/bush and bush/cheney in all of their wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the usa government and their reaganomics/wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the usa government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would i do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

obama/biden killing jobs too.

it's the bush/cheney impact still killing jobs for they wrecked the economy on their own
for which no new president has a plan. Why? Because bush/cheney forgot to inform members of the congress and usa voters that they had a reagan/bush trick in their "secret platfom". Sure enough they got away with it however they should be in jail.

Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney in all of their Wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the USA government and their Reaganomics/Wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the USA government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would I do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

Obama/Biden killing jobs too.

It's the Bush/Cheney impact still killing jobs for they wrecked the economy on their own
for which no new president has a plan. Why? Because Bush/Cheney forgot to inform members of the congress and USA voters that they had a Reagan/Bush trick in their "secret platfom". Sure enough they got away with it however they should be in jail.

Aaaaaaaaand there he goes, off the deep end...
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”

No we don't, lil ol lady..... We NEED our kids and grandkids saddled with 100k or so of debt before they start their lives, we NEED for our welfare moms to fucking starve already.... decreasing the population would be a big help to our economic woes.

That's me pretending to be a right wing asshole from the USMB.
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”

Fucking retard
No we don't, lil ol lady..... We NEED our kids and grandkids saddled with 100k or so of debt before they start their lives, we NEED for our welfare moms to fucking starve already.... decreasing the population would be a big help to our economic woes.

That's me pretending to be a right wing asshole from the USMB.
You're right, we just need more government hand-outs. They've done so much to reduce poverty in the last fifty years. :rolleyes:
We have government sponsored jobs programs. They're called schools. Now if we could dispense with teaching gay history and multiculturalism and actually teach SKILLS, kids might come out of high school qualified for something other than flipping burgers at Wendy's

Indeed. Dispense with the government sponsored social engineering. WE see what that has garnered...OWS fucktards that are upset that they have been lied to by the Liberal elitists...
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”

I admire the KGB. Do you see what a thorough job they did destroying this persons mind? Our Progressive, Soviet Headquartered government ruined our educational system, is destroying the economy and what does this useful idiot do? Call for more government!

It's so perfect!
One of the OWS darlings was interviewed and when asked
what he did he responded that he was out of work.
He did an internship at a company that made puppets.
He went to some sort of puppet university hoping to get a job
there after graduation.Well he graduated and the company
he wanted to get a job with folded.

We can't spend money we don't have providing an education to
the people who want to hide in universities till they are in there late 30's
getting BS degrees in puppetry or liberal arts or the study of shrimp
on a treadmill.

Geeeez...Spend spend spend.The DNA of lefties.
Reagan/Bush and Bush/Cheney in all of their Wreckanomics glory has placed millions upon millions upon millions out of work,without medical insurance and no doubt some retirement plans have bit the dust.

Since they claim to be the USA government and their Reaganomics/Wreckanomics killed the economy,killed millions of jobs and promoted outsourcing it then becomes the responsibility of the USA government to replace that lost employment.

I sure as hell did not vote to have white house officials and their cabinet people take the economy down the tubes and ruin the lives of millions upon millions upon millions of families. Why in the hell would I do that?

Yes it is the governments responsibility to put people back to work and bypass the most reliable source of fraud aka corporate america.

Wrong answer. Their responsibility is to get the Hell out of the way of the people.

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