We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

Violent crime skyrocketed under Trump in 2020. It’s been coming down since then.
Violent crime skyrocketed because Democrats installed Soros DA's and let the dogs out. People are arrested multiple times in one day after almost immediate release. Try reality pinhead.
You are not a very good listener. How does it feel to be in a cult of dishonesty?
You guys are always super vague and never really actually say anything.

It’s a lot like Trump. That guy constantly talks and says almost nothing.
Good question. How does it affect me?
You don't care about the southern border being wide open? You don't care that your leaders lie all the time about it? You don't care that Joe Biden lied about his corruption with his son? Why?

trump's attempts to incite violence among his followers is going to increase. And the justice system needs to stop him before he causes someone to get hurt or worse.

I am far left, but I consider the violence being aimed at Trump, through the use of illegal indictments, to be the worst crimes of the century.
There is absolutely no doubt the 91 indictments are not only entirely individually fraud, but that collectively amount to insurrection, attempting to bias an election.
Violent crime skyrocketed because Democrats installed Soros DA's and let the dogs out. people are arrested multiple times in one day after almost immediate release. Try reality pinhead.
Violent crime went up all over the country. Your blame is entirely political and not factual.
You don't care about the southern border being wide open? You don't care that your leaders lie all the time about it? You don't care that Joe Biden lied about his corruption with his son? Why?
Im just trying to figure out how this is causing the country to fall apart.
You don't care about the southern border being wide open? You don't care that your leaders lie all the time about it? You don't care that Joe Biden lied about his corruption with his son? Why?
Because he is a coward and scared to complain because he might be shunned by people he will never meet and do not give one fuck about him. He has made the mistake of thinking they do. The people that create the problems do not want them solved.
Well keep trying. You'll get it someday
It doesn’t seem like it is. You guys claim it is but you won’t say how.

That’s probably because you don’t have an explanation, it’s just something your cult makes you believe.
More than 60% want him tried, and almost the same amount don't want him as President. MAGA is completely out of step with America …

I unhappily have to disagree. While of course polls can change and so can the economic situation, and so can the world geo-political situation, still at present Biden is falling further behind and his V.P. Harris would probably prove equally unpopular as a candidate. I don’t believe that Biden is especially corrupt or evil, and I am convinced Trump would be fairly catastrophic for the country if re-elected. But I can easily see that happening. The prosecutions — not persecution — he has brought upon himself by his own criminal actions are not making him less popular but somewhat more popular with the American hoi polloi.

Most Republicans and very many Americans have just decided that despite his obvious personality flaws he is their best defense against Democratic policies on the border, crime, and cultural issues they obhor and take very personally. It pains me to say this, but millions more of our fellow citizens may well prefer a criminal narcissist and megalomaniac in the White House — even if he is running from prison — than continue with the present liberal Democratic leadership there.
Because he is a coward and scared to complain because he might be shunned by people he will never meet and do not give one fuck about him.
What am I supposed to complain about exactly?

Thats all Im asking.
Meanwhile, the violence against Jews on college campuses and in the streets continues unabated by the left.

The violence is in vast majority to be by Jews against native Palestinians.
This has been going on since the 1930s, so all US citizens and Jews in the US are implicated.
To claim violence against Jews is a problem, when 99.9% of the innocent people being brutally murdered are native Palestinians, is incredibly biased.
It doesn’t seem like it is. You guys claim it is but you won’t say how.

That’s probably because you don’t have an explanation, it’s just something your cult makes you believe.
I keep telling you that you are the cult. You are the one being dishonest with your leaders. What could go wrong with a country allowing illegal immigration at a constant pace at its borders? Feel free to surmise the answer to that question.

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