We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

YOU NEED to start paying attention to WHAT your own side is doing.

Pro-Palestinian protest are long overdue and completely justified.
Never before has there been such a monstrous and illegal campaign to murder natives to steal their homes.
And it is almost entirely the fault of the US, who simply gave all our WWII weapons in Europe, to the Zionists terrorists, illegally.
And we have been financing Israel's crime with over $5 billion a year ever since.
And it is almost entirely the fault of the US, who simply gave all our WWII weapons in Europe, to the Zionists terrorists, illegally.
ah, well let's not forget Afghanistan R5......i mean, when we add up all the arms & aid, it appears the MIC has catered all sides of the ME conflict......~S~
Read the history.

Jews are not native to Palestine and never have been.
They were not the natives when they invaded and massacred the Canaanite around 1000 BC.
They were defeated and driven out by the Assyrian around 850 BC, and were not native or ruled since.
King Herod was a Roman who only claimed to convert to Judaism, but was not Jewish.

They started illegally immigrating in the 1930s, and immediately started murdering natives.
That is what caused all the riots.
By 1946 they were blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British high command, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, and massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
The worst was their illegal invasion of Jerusalem and the West Bank, in total violation of the UN partition in 1967.
You're mistaken and deliberately sowing disinformation.

The Canaanites are long gone, and the Palestinians weren't even in Israel, well, ever.

Israel is the ancestral home of the Jews. They have the ONLY legitimate claim in modern history and today.

Your support of a murderous and terror-prone people over the rightful people of that region of the world makes you an enemy of decency and morality.

The people you call the "Palestinians" were a group of societal disrupting terrorists who have been kicked out of Qutar, Jordan and the other Arab nations.

If they wish to continue existing, they need to make peace with the idea that Israel is never going to be driven out again.

Accept it, or die.

I care not one whit which they chose.
Israel is the ancestral home of the Jews.
I dont feel that I need to. Can you?

What’s falling apart exactly?

Homelessness is skyrocketing.
Careers no longer exist, and jobs are on a short term basis only.
People can no longer afford housing, and construction of new housing is in a steep decline.
We are funding the military and illegal wars more than we spend on everything else combined.

Election fraud was rampant since the election in 2000, and now people are content to allow easily hacked computers to gobble up our votes.

The war on drugs, mandatory sentencing, asset forfeiture was bad enough, but now the cops are not even being charged when they murder unarmed people anymore.
The US has the highest % incarcerated in the world, and it is rapidly increasing.

Never before has anyone ever dared something so illegal as to try to indict the single most popular presidential candidate.
That is totally in violation of the norm of giving candidates diplomatic immunity from prosecution.
If they commit crimes, it is for Congress to investigate, not corrupt and partisan prosecutors.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? That crime is okay as long as it stops a Republican? Don't you have a cult meeting to go to now? Maybe a pro Palestinian demonstration that you should be attending? Maybe a BLM rally? Have you received your Democrat talking points for the day? LOL
What I feel. Crime is complex and people selling a simple story of “crime bad because democrats” are just political hacks.
I asked you. You're the one who is okay with it not me. You are looking more and more like the coward projecting
I never said anything about “being okay with it”, so you’re lying.

I asked you first but you are too afraid to say.
Homelessness is skyrocketing.
Careers no longer exist, and jobs are on a short term basis only.
People can no longer afford housing, and construction of new housing is in a steep decline.
We are funding the military and illegal wars more than we spend on everything else combined.

Election fraud was rampant since the election in 2000, and now people are content to allow easily hacked computers to gobble up our votes.

The war on drugs, mandatory sentencing, asset forfeiture was bad enough, but now the cops are not even being charged when they murder unarmed people anymore.
The US has the highest % incarcerated in the world, and it is rapidly increasing.

Never before has anyone ever dared something so illegal as to try to indict the single most popular presidential candidate.
That is totally in violation of the norm of giving candidates diplomatic immunity from prosecution.
If they commit crimes, it is for Congress to investigate, not corrupt and partisan prosecutors.
I swear. You just totally live in your own little universe.
To claim violence against Jews is a problem, when 99.9% of the innocent people being brutally murdered are native Palestinians, is incredibly biased.
Stop with the crazy hyperbole already.

If 99.9% of of the innocent people being brutally murdered are native Palestinians, then the Israeli’s will have to kill 1.4 million more Gazans in the next period just to keep up the pace after the murder of some 1400 Israelis. Bad as Netanyahu’s policies have been in the past, or Zionist policies at their worst toward Palestinians, they have never acted nearly so barbarously.

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