We need to be concerned about trump's violent rhetoric

Trump is not getting any signficant votes outside of MAGA and the GOP.
You are incorrect and in the minority. Stop lying you're sounding like Joe Biden.

Trump is not getting any signficant votes outside of MAGA and the GOP.

There are lots of far left liberals like me who think Biden is a criminal for things like his War on Drugs, funding the Maidan insurrection in the Ukraine, illegally sending US troops into Syria, getting the DOJ to illegally prevent Trumps campaign, etc.
I can't possibly vote for Biden any more.
Not sure who I will vote for.
It might be Trump if they do not drop all 91 of these absurd indictments.
I keep telling you that you are the cult. You are the one being dishonest with your leaders. What could go wrong with a country allowing illegal immigration at a constant pace at its borders? Feel free to surmise the answer to that question.
Are you too afraid to say yourself?
Most crime comes from criminals. I’m not here to read your mind. Just stop being such a coward and say what you’re thinking.
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? That crime is okay as long as it stops a Republican? Don't you have a cult meeting to go to now? Maybe a pro Palestinian demonstration that you should be attending? Maybe a BLM rally? Have you received your Democrat talking points for the day? LOL
The violence is in vast majority to be by Jews against native Palestinians.
This has been going on since the 1930s, so all US citizens and Jews in the US are implicated.
To claim violence against Jews is a problem, when 99.9% of the innocent people being brutally murdered are native Palestinians, is incredibly biased.
Pure propaganda.
We need to be concerned with Potatohead's gross incompetency and massive corruption.
What is so appalling is the justice system seems to be making allowances for his rants of violence and intimidation.

This is the second time I have witnesses the blatant demonstration of a fractured justice system, where there is one rule of law for the wealthy and elite...and another rule of law for the rest of us.

If the attackers on J6 were BLM, blood would have poured down the Capitol steps. But they were nearly all white, wearing MAGA hats. They were allowed to go home.

Now trump is getting away with witness intimidation, threats against prosecutors, and attempting to influence potential jurors. You or I would be in jail. He is being given a golden parachute.

I agree with your first part, since when we demonstrated against the US war in Vietnam, we were not allowed to even get near the capitol.

However, the indictments against Trump clearly are all completely illegal and witnesses, prosecutors, and judges, should all be immediately imprisoned.
The basis for law is from the authority we delegate to government to protect our rights.
Not a single case against Trump has any "victims" and are all totally illegal.
It is absurd to charge a real estate investor for puffing real estate.
It is absurd to charge a candidate for claiming election fraud.
It is absurd to charge a president for classified doc violations.
Focusing public attention on some boogeyman , fabricated or not, gains votes every time......~S~
Pure propaganda.

Read the history.

Jews are not native to Palestine and never have been.
They were not the natives when they invaded and massacred the Canaanite around 1000 BC.
They were defeated and driven out by the Assyrian around 850 BC, and were not native or ruled since.
King Herod was a Roman who only claimed to convert to Judaism, but was not Jewish.

They started illegally immigrating in the 1930s, and immediately started murdering natives.
That is what caused all the riots.
By 1946 they were blowing up the King David Hotel to murder the British high command, gunning down the UN moderator Folke Bernadotte, and massacring dozens of Arab villages like Deir Yassin.
The worst was their illegal invasion of Jerusalem and the West Bank, in total violation of the UN partition in 1967.

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