We need to clean America of the guns !


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Any Assault Style Long gun should be banned

You only need a shotgun and revolver for home defense!!
Get rid of big mags and pistols
Concealed guns must be illegal as well

This is the most violent nation in the history of the modern world
Any Assault Style Long gun should be banned

You only need a shotgun and revolver for home defense!!
Get rid of big mags and pistols
Concealed guns must be illegal as well

This is the most violent nation in the history of the modern world
Apparently you haven't been to Guatemala. They have strict gun control and the homicide rate there by guns is 60 per 100,000, whereas the death rate by guns in the US in the past has been 4.2 per 100,000. The only reason we are seeing a spike in gun related deaths now is because you Marxists are deliberately killing people to raise the gun crime statistics to influence people to take firearms away from law-abiding, pro-American citizens that aren't out there committing crimes with their rifles, or any guns for that matter.
Communist China, seeing Marxism (Communism) in the rise in our youth, have publicly complained that they don't believe private citizens in America should have guns, knowing that pro-American citizens would rise up in rebellion against Communism taking over the nation. Of course, you know this and don't want pro-Constitutionalist Americans rising up against you and yours, as you try to take over the nation.
Get rid of these guns
Be a civilized society
What more do you need than a shotgun and revolver
Are you stupid enough to think that criminals won't have all the firepower you're saying honest people should be prohibited from owning.

BTW, the 2nd Amendment is not about a need to have guns. It's about the right to have them.
Get rid of these guns
Be a civilized society
What more do you need than a shotgun and revolver
Are you stupid enough to think that criminals won't have all the firepower you're saying honest people should be prohibited from owning.

BTW, the 2nd Amendment is not about a need to have guns. It's about the right to have them.
I said just shotguns and revolvers only
Any Assault Style Long gun should be banned

You only need a shotgun and revolver for home defense!!
Get rid of big mags and pistols
Concealed guns must be illegal as well

This is the most violent nation in the history of the modern world

Think about that last sentence when you consider how you might enforce the anti-Constitutional sentences that preceded it.
Yeah. Quasar44, doesn't understand that the Second Amendment of our "Bill of Rights" had nothing to do with hunting, sport shooting, or home defense, but rather it was placed there so that private citizens could rise up with their weapons and fight against a tyrannical government, whether that tyrannical government was a foreign one, or our own.
The "law-abiding" citizens of this nation, whether they own handguns, shotguns, or semi-automatic rifles with magazines, aren't the ones causing the problems with firearms; it's the criminals and mentally unstable. A firearm is only as dangerous as the one wielding it and in the hands of "law-abiding" citizens, they aren't dangerous. No firearm has ever left the house on its own and committed a crime.
I am also warm and kind around kids and my nephews and nieces except that one
Any Assault Style Long gun should be banned

You only need a shotgun and revolver for home defense!!
Get rid of big mags and pistols
Concealed guns must be illegal as well

This is the most violent nation in the history of the modern world

You left out other classes of guns like hunting rifles like the Remington 700. I doubt you can talk almost anyone to banning that one.

Now, let's take a look at the legal definition of the civilian use of the term Assault Rifle. There isn't one. If you use the term Assault Rifle in your ban law it will get bounced by just about every level of State and Federal Court in the land. Assault Rifle is a Military Term and applies to one specific type of weapon only. Here is the definition of the Assault Rifle. Or at least my definition. It was also Stoners definition that started all this.

Any weapon that is designed to use in a firefight where it can do the maximum rate of fire, be light in weight, have one hand changing of mags, can be easily maintained, operated with very little training. It must be able to have the highest number of ammo. It must have a high rate of cyclic rate. At one time, it was thought to have to also be fully automatic but that's not the case anymore. IT needs to be able to be used in short and medium range. No specific caliber but you can pretty well rule out most 30 cals unless it has a light powder load behind it. It must be designed where every feature is for war with nothing for cosmetics.

Even though our Modern Hunting Rifles first saw action in war, they no longer can be used for war realistically with the exception of the bolt action sniper rifles in the 308 and larger calibers. But those are spec ops only and very rare do you see them on the battle field so we won't even discuss them nor do we even need to try and ban them. They are Hunting Rifles. The Courts won't even consider even a minor ban on those.

Handguns. Heller V D.C brought into the term "Reasonable". I know it doesn't specifically say that but that's the meaning. You have the right as per the 2nd Amendment to have a reasonable handgun in your home for obvious reasons. The courts have pretty much decided that the mag capacity of 15 rounds is reasonable but limiting it to 10 is unreasonable. A State can make it 30 rounds if it wants but never less than 15. I have one that hold 8 and the other holds 9 but one is a 45 cal so you can only have so many without have a mag that jams and the other is a pocket 9mm which can only hold 9 and still stay small. Both are considered "Reasonable" by law.

Now, about your banning concealed weapons. I agree that unlicensed individuals should never be allowed to carry concealed weapons of any kind. The reason for that is, the number of wrongful shootings by people that are licensed to carry concealed weapons is almost zero. These are the safest gun carriers by far.

Now let's talk about banning specific weapons. The State, County and Municipals CAN ban specific weapons but they have to be very specific in how they word it. If they use the term Assault Rifles and even talk about their general operation then that also grabs some fine hunting rifles as well that really make lousy Military Rifles. But if they are specific then it can be found legal. Instead of using the term Assault Rifle when you mean the AR-15/AK-47, be specific and use the phrase, "AR-15/AK-47 and their various clones". That's legal and will stand in court. But to harp on Assault Rifles will fail in almost every court.

I am mixed on whether a ban on the AR-15/AK-47 and their various clones is necessary. What is needed is the breakup of the Cult that goes with them. In Colorado, through creative laws, we didn't ban the AR, we broke the Cult. Oh, we still have a few that are still living the cult but it's no longer as prevalent. And there are fewer ARs in homes these days. Not fewer AR but just fewer in homes. You can still walk into any Gun or Pawn Shop and buy them in about 10 minutes if you have the cash and can pass the basic background check, just fewer and fewer people are doing it today. But try and find a decent Model 700 308 on the shelf. It wasn't the laws that changed, it was the Community.
What more do you need than a shotgun and revolver

Depends on what I'm hunting.


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