We need to do better in the future

The best we can hope for now is Johnson, a blue Senate, and a Red house.

Then the American people demand they work together.
The best we can hope for now is Johnson, a blue Senate, and a Red house.

Then the American people demand they work together.
Not gonna happen.

Trump is unacceptable.

Hillary is close to unacceptable, but is, at least, marginally palatable, and will not leave America as a metaphorical (or, God forbid, literal) smoking ruin, by the end of the term.

Furthermore, the Republic, and The People, should not be expected to endure another four or eight years of conflict between the Executive and the Legislative.

Consequently, and oh-so-sadly, I will be voting Democratic pretty much across the board, this time, for President, Senate, House, and further down-ballot into the State and Locals.

I'll try to vote for a Republican or two, where I think it safe, and I will be holding my nose while I vote, mind you, but I'll be pretty much voting Democratic across the board.

And this from a Centrist, who toggles back and forth between the two, who never pulls the One-Party Lever, and who historically votes (R) as much as he does (D).

God, I hate the choices, this year.
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