We need to enforce our anti-trust laws on the isp's and internet providers


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
We need to enforce our anti-trust laws on the isp's and internet providers. These bastards need to be broken up into 50 companies that are forced to respect their consumer or die.

Want to talk about more competition and stronger capitalism republicans? Agree with me and we can make capitalism stronger while treating the consumer with respect.
How about this anti-trust clause....

No internet provider can control more then 10% of the market of a region.

We should encourage as many companies as humanly possible and break up any one that is more then 10% of the industry.
The consumer should punish the hell out of any company that attempts to hurt them.
We need to enforce our anti-trust laws on the isp's and internet providers. These bastards need to be broken up into 50 companies that are forced to respect their consumer or die.

Want to talk about more competition and stronger capitalism republicans? Agree with me and we can make capitalism stronger while treating the consumer with respect.

Matthew has spoken the truth! :eek:
Now that net neutrality rules have been set aside...

... fat lotta good dat gonna happen.
The most important provision of this act however is the prevention of anticompetitive mergers. This occurs when a company buys a competing firm. While most mergers allow the companies to create better quality goods at less expensive prices, some mergers limit competition and make price fixing easier. This part of the act was designed to prevent mergers from creating monopolies.

The Clayton Act was designed to supplement existing laws and prevent corporate greed from taking advantage of consumers and smaller businesses. It promotes free trade and prohibits business acts that may harm competition. The act also gives consumers more power over market demand. Clayton Act – Antitrust Laws

Comcast, century link and the other greedy bastards need to be broken up!!! They take advantage of the consumer and destroy smaller businesses.
We need to enforce our anti-trust laws on the isp's and internet providers. These bastards need to be broken up into 50 companies that are forced to respect their consumer or die.

Want to talk about more competition and stronger capitalism republicans? Agree with me and we can make capitalism stronger while treating the consumer with respect.

Matthew has spoken the truth! :eek:

Damn you! I was trying to see if he could fill up a whole page of posts to himself.
'When buying and selling are legislated, the first thing to be bought and sold is legislators.'

P.J. O'Rourke
Let's assume for a second that there were 10 companies in every Internet Provider market who were prepared to compete for the residential customer market.

Unless we're prepared to accept 10 pairs of copper or fiber to every single dwelling in the US, one provider, the most well established in most markets, will provide the last mile and central office physical plant. The other nine providers in each market will be 'switchless retailer', selling ISP services over another providers infrastructure.

Since the vast majority of customer complaints are due to physical outages or slowness due to over-subscription of the network and access modules having nine switchless retailers for every switched ISP will do nothing to address those customer complaints.

All 10 companies will provide the exact same Internet experience and will compete on price. Competition based solely on price and not experience will lead to worse service than in a market where a large supplier has a greater market share.

We've seen this with airlines.
How about this anti-trust clause....

No internet provider can control more then 10% of the market of a region.
That may work in an urban area but will not in rural ones it's expensive to put up the infrastructure of a ISP especially cable and or DSL Start forcing companies to give that up after they made the investment and they will stop spending the money altogether.
We need to enforce our anti-trust laws on the isp's and internet providers. These bastards need to be broken up into 50 companies that are forced to respect their consumer or die.

Want to talk about more competition and stronger capitalism republicans? Agree with me and we can make capitalism stronger while treating the consumer with respect.

Here's an example on insurers (including HC companies)

Insurers are among a handful of industries, including Major League Baseball, that have a special exemption from federal antitrust laws.
I want to see some satellite providers!

No you don't .. Communications satellites are geosynchronous and live at an altitude of 36,000 Km. That introduces a round trip delay of 540 milliseconds for every packet (on top of ground based delay between server - uplink - downlink -- and user).

The quality for streaming would be abysmal.
I want to see some satellite providers!

No you don't .. Communications satellites are geosynchronous and live at an altitude of 36,000 Km. That introduces a round trip delay of 540 milliseconds for every packet (on top of ground based delay between server - uplink - downlink -- and user).

The quality for streaming would be abysmal.

Waiting for Matthew/Science to post how the government should force the satellite isp providers to speed up the round trip.....
I want to see some satellite providers!

No you don't .. Communications satellites are geosynchronous and live at an altitude of 36,000 Km. That introduces a round trip delay of 540 milliseconds for every packet (on top of ground based delay between server - uplink - downlink -- and user).

The quality for streaming would be abysmal.

Waiting for Matthew/Science to post how the government should force the satellite isp providers to speed up the round trip.....

Legislation supersedes Physics.
What if some independent contractors started maintaining Verizon's old lines and providing cheap DSL? Hmm? I'd guess more than 90% are still intact. Verizon just refuses to sell DSL because they have a monopoly on the fiber-optic lines.
What if some independent contractors started maintaining Verizon's old lines and providing cheap DSL? Hmm? I'd guess more than 90% are still intact. Verizon just refuses to sell DSL because they have a monopoly on the fiber-optic lines.

After the fiber is installed, DSL isn't any less expensive to deliver than fiber. The entire reason for the creation of DSL was to deliver acceptable speeds using old copper pairs. The cost of fiber to the last mile is expensive, but once installed, it's a vastly superior service to DSL.
We need to enforce our anti-trust laws on the isp's and internet providers. These bastards need to be broken up into 50 companies that are forced to respect their consumer or die.

Want to talk about more competition and stronger capitalism republicans? Agree with me and we can make capitalism stronger while treating the consumer with respect.

You vomit hate and wish death on people then expect us to follow your lead WTF?


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