We Need to Give Iran the Bomb

Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You know of any reason we should care if Iran trusts us?
More importantly, why would any reasonably sane non-suicidal American trust Iran?
Fry em and be done.

Saudi Arabia are the ones who back terrorist, Iran is ally to Syria and Yemen. Are you telling me they are not allowed to have allies, why is SA our ally. I know , Iran is much more progressive and SA is a total monarchy and SA can give a rip about Israel and the plight of the Palestinians. You must be a Zionist.

We will alienate the world by nuking Iran, and if we do, it proves Iran right, we were never to be trusted.
Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You mean like the leader of Iran has been doing? Calling us the Great Satan, stuff like that? Please...
Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You mean like the leader of Iran has been doing? Calling us the Great Satan, stuff like that? Please...

What would you call the country that overthrew your government, installed a vicious despot that used a secret police to murder tens of thousands, then after a revolution sicced an entire country on you that murdered hundreds of thousands.

Any suggestions?
Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You mean like the leader of Iran has been doing? Calling us the Great Satan, stuff like that? Please...

What would you call the country that overthrew your government, installed a vicious despot that used a secret police to murder tens of thousands, then after a revolution sicced an entire country on you that murdered hundreds of thousands.

Any suggestions?

Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You mean like the leader of Iran has been doing? Calling us the Great Satan, stuff like that? Please...

What would you call the country that overthrew your government, installed a vicious despot that used a secret police to murder tens of thousands, then after a revolution sicced an entire country on you that murdered hundreds of thousands.

Any suggestions?


Iran overthrew Iran's government?

And the moon is made of cheese?
Penelope has blown her cover-------she is BINT FARTIMAH-------for those who do not know-----FARTIMAH was the wife of ALI------and the daughter of lump of shit---
MUHUMMAD. ALI and his ambitious whore wife FARTIMAH wanted to
INHERIT THE THROWN -----that the stinking ass of muhummad had occupied before the dog died. But the dog of mecca had named different dog-----his pal
ABU BAKR. so a never ending fight ensued---------and ali got killed-------BINT FARTIMAH (aka Penelope) is still waiting for ALI to "come back"-------and murder all those who opposed his RULERSHIP---------his followers are called "SHIITE SHIT"--------the homebase of Shiite shit is IRAN
Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You know of any reason we should care if Iran trusts us?
More importantly, why would any reasonably sane non-suicidal American trust Iran?
Fry em and be done.

Saudi Arabia are the ones who back terrorist, Iran is ally to Syria and Yemen. Are you telling me they are not allowed to have allies, why is SA our ally. I know , Iran is much more progressive and SA is a total monarchy and SA can give a rip about Israel and the plight of the Palestinians. You must be a Zionist.

We will alienate the world by nuking Iran, and if we do, it proves Iran right, we were never to be trusted.

there are lots of YEMENIS in the USA-----anyone interested in who is the "FRIEND OF YEMEN" -------ask a Yemeni. (hint------it ain't iran) Yemenis
are just about as ANTI-JEW as is Penelope and 'ANTI ZIONIST' as is
Penelope----------but when it comes to IRAN------Yemenis are friends to my hubby
who escaped yemen to Palestine in the early 40s. Iran is intent on controlling the
very important PORTS OF YEMEN (taiz------once a jewish city--------and aden---once a jewish city-----) Control of the Yemeni ports will put IRAN in control of just about anything that passes via the RED SEA-------VITAL IN THE OIL TRADE.
Iran is not kidding around-------it wants YEMEN, the PORTS and ACCESS TO
Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You mean like the leader of Iran has been doing? Calling us the Great Satan, stuff like that? Please...

are you surprised?------there were people in the USA licking the shit off the ass of
ADOLF too--------
Its going to take time for Iran to trust us, and I'm sure they are listening to the GOP debates and well , they probably think nothing has changed.

You mean like the leader of Iran has been doing? Calling us the Great Satan, stuff like that? Please...

What would you call the country that overthrew your government, installed a vicious despot that used a secret police to murder tens of thousands, then after a revolution sicced an entire country on you that murdered hundreds of thousands.

Any suggestions?

did not happen -------the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA-------the USA, simply did not oppose the IRANIANS who wanted him and gave them a tiny bit
of an assist. ANYONE INTERESTED -----talk to Iranians in the USA-----there
are lots-------most will agree that the SHAH was either very good or not that much of a bargain- ----but the AYATOILETS are a CURSE. The other person ----the former "president" was a nut who broke all agreements with the "westerners"
who developed technology and business in iran. Shah rezi what-his-name did
the best he could with a MUZZIE system---------the country that murdered lots of
Iranians was IRAQ------a fellow muzzie-------this time a BAATHIST PIG. When
evaluating what Islamic nations do------keep the history of Islamic nations IN MIND
"-the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA" i9
The CIA told President Truman they could help internal Iranian trouble-makers they could overthrow the duly elected Mossadegh regime.
President Truman, the most recent U.S. president to serve without benefit of college degree, declined.
But when President Eisenhower took office, Eisenhower reversed Truman's position. Mossadegh was overthrown shortly thereafter. And the Shah was installed in his place.
"-the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA" i9
We didn't do it alone. But it wouldn't have happened without U.S.
"-the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA" i9
The CIA told President Truman they could help internal Iranian trouble-makers they could overthrow the duly elected Mossadegh regime.
President Truman, the most recent U.S. president to serve without benefit of college degree, declined.
But when President Eisenhower took office, Eisenhower reversed Truman's position. Mossadegh was overthrown shortly thereafter. And the Shah was installed in his place.
"-the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA" i9
We didn't do it alone. But it wouldn't have happened without U.S.

What would you call the country that overthrew your government, installed a vicious despot that used a secret police to murder tens of thousands, then after a revolution sicced an entire country on you that murdered hundreds of thousands.

Any suggestions?

You make it sound like I was talking about the citizens. I said the leaders of Iran. You know, those despots you referred to. These countries have been ruled by despots for centuries, you fail to make a valid point on that argument as well. Again, repeating false statements you read on Kos or where ever are not real facts.
I am all for that. I still have not forgiven those pricks for kidnapping Americans in the 1970s during the Carter administration. Everyone says that the Iranian people are fine people, it is the religious leaders that are so anti-western. I call bullshit.

The sovereign Iran has been hostile to the west and Israel for decades. Now they are taking advantage of our boy in the White House and, by extension, America. At this point Iran is clearly a threat to our national security for 2 reasons. First, they are building nuclear warheads and ICBM delivery vehicles and expressed a clear intent to use them. Second, they are fucking around in Iraq. They have no business there. Again, they are taking advantage of our token negro president. ISIS needs to be destroyed, there is no doubt about this. But letting Iran influence the political future of Iraq is just wrong. Plus, to the extent they are able to exert political control over the domestic affairs of Iraq, they potentially gain an increase in control over the oil market, which is good for nobody.

Our security is at stake right now. Iran is a threat and they need to be dealt with now. Obviously, President Porch Monkey is not going to spearhead any sort of military excursion against anyone. But he will not be in office much longer. Then we can deal with those pricks!
"-the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA" i9
The CIA told President Truman they could help internal Iranian trouble-makers they could overthrow the duly elected Mossadegh regime.
President Truman, the most recent U.S. president to serve without benefit of college degree, declined.
But when President Eisenhower took office, Eisenhower reversed Truman's position. Mossadegh was overthrown shortly thereafter. And the Shah was installed in his place.
"-the "SHAH" was not installed by the USA" i9
We didn't do it alone. But it wouldn't have happened without U.S.

how do you know?
I am all for that. I still have not forgiven those pricks for kidnapping Americans in the 1970s during the Carter administration. Everyone says that the Iranian people are fine people, it is the religious leaders that are so anti-western. I call bullshit.

The sovereign Iran has been hostile to the west and Israel for decades. Now they are taking advantage of our boy in the White House and, by extension, America. At this point Iran is clearly a threat to our national security for 2 reasons. First, they are building nuclear warheads and ICBM delivery vehicles and expressed a clear intent to use them. Second, they are fucking around in Iraq. They have no business there. Again, they are taking advantage of our token negro president. ISIS needs to be destroyed, there is no doubt about this. But letting Iran influence the political future of Iraq is just wrong. Plus, to the extent they are able to exert political control over the domestic affairs of Iraq, they potentially gain an increase in control over the oil market, which is good for nobody.

Our security is at stake right now. Iran is a threat and they need to be dealt with now. Obviously, President Porch Monkey is not going to spearhead any sort of military excursion against anyone. But he will not be in office much longer. Then we can deal with those pricks!

for those who do not know------IRANIANS are --------REMARKABLY RACIST----(in general) I have no idea------I simply do not know if OBAMA ever invited any
Iranian dignitaries to lunch-------but if he did------I would not be surprised if some
would refuse to sit at the same table with him. As utterly despicable as is
"BUZZ ard" ------he got one point right------chances are that Iranians have absolutely no regard for our esteemed President-----simply based on his race. --
They probably thought more highly of schmuck carter-----simply based on skin color.
Europe and the US have been jacking with the Iranians for decades.......mainly on the behalf of the Israeli's.

No wonder they are paranoid and want the bomb. ....... :cool:

what is it that the US or Europe does or can do to Iran that, in any way, has an effect on Israel?

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