We Need to Give Iran the Bomb

War with Iran is inevitable. Iran looks upon us as being the "Great Satan". It is time for us to reduce the nation of Iran to a rubble heap if rocks and dust. They want the BOMB. Let's give them a couple of ours before we wait until they have one.

Btch, join the military, get shipped to the front lines, then lets talk....I get sick of your arm chair brave fucks wanting everybody in the fuckin country to fight for it, but yo ass. Join the fuckin military and then lets talk, otherwise keep the war talk were it belongs, in the safety of your parents basement behind closed gates, you moron...WAR IS HELL OR HAVEN'T YOU HEARD, PEOPLE DIE!!

Unlike you Liberals, I'm not afraid of war. Been there and done that. You have no idea to whom you are addressing here.

I'm a vet, gave the Navy 10 years, this was doing the 80's....never saw one day of anything but watching Ronald the idiot Reagan outspend us in military contracts and scaring the hell out of the Soviet Union...a period I am certain you are apart of.
Cause any real soldier that see's real combat, seeing people die around him, wanting to continue that madness isn't a damned soldier just a sick sociopath motherfucker that needs a life.

I was in the Navy too--------you have said nothing. I have seen lots of people die-----------not specifically in battle----I never saw battle-----What point are you trying to
I am a jew-----I have been "exposed" to jews all of my life-----what is it that YOU have heard those "jew" zealots say that would suggest to you that DA JOOOOOS
might be should not have access to nuclear weapons? feel free to express yourself openly

yes I am a jew-----your whore just claimed that "jew zealots" have things to say that have important meaning to HER. But the diseased **** is unable to say what she means by that statement------your ***** are just as stupid as are you
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
Are you claiming that you are a Yemen Sunni?

And this was your response.
of course------a Yemeni sunni from Sanaa------what did you imagine?

You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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War with Iran is inevitable. Iran looks upon us as being the "Great Satan". It is time for us to reduce the nation of Iran to a rubble heap if rocks and dust. They want the BOMB. Let's give them a couple of ours before we wait until they have one.

Btch, join the military, get shipped to the front lines, then lets talk....I get sick of your arm chair brave fucks wanting everybody in the fuckin country to fight for it, but yo ass. Join the fuckin military and then lets talk, otherwise keep the war talk were it belongs, in the safety of your parents basement behind closed gates, you moron...WAR IS HELL OR HAVEN'T YOU HEARD, PEOPLE DIE!!

Unlike you Liberals, I'm not afraid of war. Been there and done that. You have no idea to whom you are addressing here.

I'm a vet, gave the Navy 10 years, this was doing the 80's....never saw one day of anything but watching Ronald the idiot Reagan outspend us in military contracts and scaring the hell out of the Soviet Union...a period I am certain you are apart of.
Cause any real soldier that see's real combat, seeing people die around him, wanting to continue that madness isn't a damned soldier just a sick sociopath motherfucker that needs a life.

A Jew AND a fucking squid. You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.
I am a jew-----I have been "exposed" to jews all of my life-----what is it that YOU have heard those "jew" zealots say that would suggest to you that DA JOOOOOS
might be should not have access to nuclear weapons? feel free to express yourself openly

yes I am a jew-----your whore just claimed that "jew zealots" have things to say that have important meaning to HER. But the diseased **** is unable to say what she means by that statement------your ***** are just as stupid as are you
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
Are you claiming that you are a Yemen Sunni?

And this was your response.
of course------a Yemeni sunni from Sanaa------what did you imagine?

You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

you must be a muslim-----It would have been obvious to any----hindu, Christian,
Buddhist or jew------that my answer to "are you a Yemeni sunni"----was facetious.
I will tell you a story which I believe illustrates just how dim muslims can be. A colleague of mine----long ago described his HAJJ----he was from Pakistan and
he did the trip years before I knew him-----so it was something like 45 years ago.
He described it as a kind of real HARDSHIP------walking around in the hot sun ----
wearing a white robe-----carrying a bottle of water and a bag of dates-----no
actual 'hygiene facilities"-----nites in a tent------etc etc. The person was not uneducated----he graduated medical school in Pakistan. -----at the end of the
long miserable description----I commented "what you guys need over there is
a few good jewish businessman to build some nice hotels"--------he did not even
smile-----in fact he got so upset I thought for a moment I would have to
perform CPR on him-----he almost dropped dead. I am not a sunni Yemeni---
my husband is a jewish 'yemenite' He does speak quite a bit with a few
Yemeni sunnis that he knows-------casually-----they have family over there and have
been describing the miserable situation for years. It started years ago with Iranian support-----and its been getting worse lately. I am intrigued that the
latest in islamo Nazi propaganda is ----THE SAUDIS ATTACKED AND IRAN
IS PROTECTING YEMEN------you guys are disgusting----even hubby----whose family escaped yemen in the early 1940s -----has sympathy for the sunni yemenis
War with Iran is inevitable. Iran looks upon us as being the "Great Satan". It is time for us to reduce the nation of Iran to a rubble heap if rocks and dust. They want the BOMB. Let's give them a couple of ours before we wait until they have one.

Btch, join the military, get shipped to the front lines, then lets talk....I get sick of your arm chair brave fucks wanting everybody in the fuckin country to fight for it, but yo ass. Join the fuckin military and then lets talk, otherwise keep the war talk were it belongs, in the safety of your parents basement behind closed gates, you moron...WAR IS HELL OR HAVEN'T YOU HEARD, PEOPLE DIE!!

Unlike you Liberals, I'm not afraid of war. Been there and done that. You have no idea to whom you are addressing here.

I'm a vet, gave the Navy 10 years, this was doing the 80's....never saw one day of anything but watching Ronald the idiot Reagan outspend us in military contracts and scaring the hell out of the Soviet Union...a period I am certain you are apart of.
Cause any real soldier that see's real combat, seeing people die around him, wanting to continue that madness isn't a damned soldier just a sick sociopath motherfucker that needs a life.

A Jew AND a fucking squid. You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Not you, Human. I am talking about Rosie the prick.
I am a jew-----I have been "exposed" to jews all of my life-----what is it that YOU have heard those "jew" zealots say that would suggest to you that DA JOOOOOS
might be should not have access to nuclear weapons? feel free to express yourself openly

yes I am a jew-----your whore just claimed that "jew zealots" have things to say that have important meaning to HER. But the diseased **** is unable to say what she means by that statement------your ***** are just as stupid as are you
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
Are you claiming that you are a Yemen Sunni?

And this was your response.
of course------a Yemeni sunni from Sanaa------what did you imagine?

You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

you must be a muslim-----It would have been obvious to any----hindu, Christian,
Buddhist or jew------that my answer to "are you a Yemeni sunni"----was facetious.
I will tell you a story which I believe illustrates just how dim muslims can be. A colleague of mine----long ago described his HAJJ----he was from Pakistan and
he did the trip years before I knew him-----so it was something like 45 years ago.
He described it as a kind of real HARDSHIP------walking around in the hot sun ----
wearing a white robe-----carrying a bottle of water and a bag of dates-----no
actual 'hygiene facilities"-----nites in a tent------etc etc. The person was not uneducated----he graduated medical school in Pakistan. -----at the end of the
long miserable description----I commented "what you guys need over there is
a few good jewish businessman to build some nice hotels"--------he did not even
smile-----in fact he got so upset I thought for a moment I would have to
perform CPR on him-----he almost dropped dead. I am not a sunni Yemeni---
my husband is a jewish 'yemenite' He does speak quite a bit with a few
Yemeni sunnis that he knows-------casually-----they have family over there and have
been describing the miserable situation for years. It started years ago with Iranian support-----and its been getting worse lately. I am intrigued that the
latest in islamo Nazi propaganda is ----THE SAUDIS ATTACKED AND IRAN
IS PROTECTING YEMEN------you guys are disgusting----even hubby----whose family escaped yemen in the early 1940s -----has sympathy for the sunni yemenis
Fuck you Zionist bitch. I put the thread up for anyone to see the exchange we had. I called you out as a Zionist and your response, which I had you clarify, was that you were a Sunni Muslim from Yemen. It is clear that you are a zealot and that you will say whatever you feel is necessary in order to promote your agenda. You have no credibility.
I am a jew-----I have been "exposed" to jews all of my life-----what is it that YOU have heard those "jew" zealots say that would suggest to you that DA JOOOOOS
might be should not have access to nuclear weapons? feel free to express yourself openly

yes I am a jew-----your whore just claimed that "jew zealots" have things to say that have important meaning to HER. But the diseased **** is unable to say what she means by that statement------your ***** are just as stupid as are you
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
Are you claiming that you are a Yemen Sunni?

And this was your response.
of course------a Yemeni sunni from Sanaa------what did you imagine?

You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

you must be a muslim-----It would have been obvious to any----hindu, Christian,
Buddhist or jew------that my answer to "are you a Yemeni sunni"----was facetious.
I will tell you a story which I believe illustrates just how dim muslims can be. A colleague of mine----long ago described his HAJJ----he was from Pakistan and
he did the trip years before I knew him-----so it was something like 45 years ago.
He described it as a kind of real HARDSHIP------walking around in the hot sun ----
wearing a white robe-----carrying a bottle of water and a bag of dates-----no
actual 'hygiene facilities"-----nites in a tent------etc etc. The person was not uneducated----he graduated medical school in Pakistan. -----at the end of the
long miserable description----I commented "what you guys need over there is
a few good jewish businessman to build some nice hotels"--------he did not even
smile-----in fact he got so upset I thought for a moment I would have to
perform CPR on him-----he almost dropped dead. I am not a sunni Yemeni---
my husband is a jewish 'yemenite' He does speak quite a bit with a few
Yemeni sunnis that he knows-------casually-----they have family over there and have
been describing the miserable situation for years. It started years ago with Iranian support-----and its been getting worse lately. I am intrigued that the
latest in islamo Nazi propaganda is ----THE SAUDIS ATTACKED AND IRAN
IS PROTECTING YEMEN------you guys are disgusting----even hubby----whose family escaped yemen in the early 1940s -----has sympathy for the sunni yemenis
Fuck you Zionist bitch. I put the thread up for anyone to see the exchange we had. I called you out as a Zionist and your response, which I had you clarify, was that you were a Sunni Muslim from Yemen. It is clear that you are a zealot and that you will say whatever you feel is necessary in order to promote your agenda. You have no credibility.

wrong muzzie dog-----I was asked "are you a sunni Yemeni"-------and I responded
in the affirmative as a JOKE-------I did not INTRODUCE the idea of my being
a sunni Yemeni-------you LIED-----rock kissing pimp
What now the fucking muslims want it gift wrapped with a pink bow???

This post is the same as most, the Zionist want to cause trouble and those who need to worship the Zionist back them up. The Zionist have been doing this crap for decades, propaganda to get what they want.

What fucking world do you live in, bitch?!? Israel wants nothing but to have a peaceful nation-state. They are not plotting to kill anyone but those who are already plotting to kill them. On the other hand, the self-declared enemies of Israel have repeatedly taken violent actions against Israel, refuse to accept and acknowledge Israel as a state, and constantly preach that Israel should be destroyed.

Fuck you and your anti-Semitic notions. Maybe it is time to straighten things out once and for all. Maybe we should start picking sides and lock and load.

The SIDE PICKING part is ongoing right now-------as I (in my sublime wisdom)
see it-------Russia and Iran and china------are the most important part of the
AXIS powers--------they are seeking to get control of "the world market"----
by laying their filthy paws on all the important SEA PORTS--------Putin already got
the parts of the URKRAINE he wanted (crimea ---I think----don't quote me) and
Iran is struggling to hold onto TAIZ and ADEN, Yemen------Iran also has been
trying for years to grab HAIFA (believe it or not-----they did not put Hezbollah
in the wilderness south of the Litani river for nothing------they spend a huge
fortune there----building steel walled bunkers and arming the place to the hilt----
they even paid impoverished Lebanese to live there -------there is nothing there----
it is a wilderness-----now it is a GIANT FORTRESS complete with paid
civilian shields, I suspect that Pakistan and China have their greedy eyes
on some stuff that India controls------but for that stuff -----ask VIK
I am a jew-----I have been "exposed" to jews all of my life-----what is it that YOU have heard those "jew" zealots say that would suggest to you that DA JOOOOOS
might be should not have access to nuclear weapons? feel free to express yourself openly

yes I am a jew-----your whore just claimed that "jew zealots" have things to say that have important meaning to HER. But the diseased **** is unable to say what she means by that statement------your ***** are just as stupid as are you
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
Are you claiming that you are a Yemen Sunni?

And this was your response.
of course------a Yemeni sunni from Sanaa------what did you imagine?

You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

you must be a muslim-----It would have been obvious to any----hindu, Christian,
Buddhist or jew------that my answer to "are you a Yemeni sunni"----was facetious.
I will tell you a story which I believe illustrates just how dim muslims can be. A colleague of mine----long ago described his HAJJ----he was from Pakistan and
he did the trip years before I knew him-----so it was something like 45 years ago.
He described it as a kind of real HARDSHIP------walking around in the hot sun ----
wearing a white robe-----carrying a bottle of water and a bag of dates-----no
actual 'hygiene facilities"-----nites in a tent------etc etc. The person was not uneducated----he graduated medical school in Pakistan. -----at the end of the
long miserable description----I commented "what you guys need over there is
a few good jewish businessman to build some nice hotels"--------he did not even
smile-----in fact he got so upset I thought for a moment I would have to
perform CPR on him-----he almost dropped dead. I am not a sunni Yemeni---
my husband is a jewish 'yemenite' He does speak quite a bit with a few
Yemeni sunnis that he knows-------casually-----they have family over there and have
been describing the miserable situation for years. It started years ago with Iranian support-----and its been getting worse lately. I am intrigued that the
latest in islamo Nazi propaganda is ----THE SAUDIS ATTACKED AND IRAN
IS PROTECTING YEMEN------you guys are disgusting----even hubby----whose family escaped yemen in the early 1940s -----has sympathy for the sunni yemenis
Fuck you Zionist bitch. I put the thread up for anyone to see the exchange we had. I called you out as a Zionist and your response, which I had you clarify, was that you were a Sunni Muslim from Yemen. It is clear that you are a zealot and that you will say whatever you feel is necessary in order to promote your agenda. You have no credibility.

wrong muzzie dog-----I was asked "are you a sunni Yemeni"-------and I responded
in the affirmative as a JOKE-------I did not INTRODUCE the idea of my being
a sunni Yemeni-------you LIED-----rock kissing pimp
Go fuck yourself bitch.
Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I am a jew-----I have been "exposed" to jews all of my life-----what is it that YOU have heard those "jew" zealots say that would suggest to you that DA JOOOOOS
might be should not have access to nuclear weapons? feel free to express yourself openly

yes I am a jew-----your whore just claimed that "jew zealots" have things to say that have important meaning to HER. But the diseased **** is unable to say what she means by that statement------your ***** are just as stupid as are you
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
Are you claiming that you are a Yemen Sunni?

And this was your response.
of course------a Yemeni sunni from Sanaa------what did you imagine?

You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

you must be a muslim-----It would have been obvious to any----hindu, Christian,
Buddhist or jew------that my answer to "are you a Yemeni sunni"----was facetious.
I will tell you a story which I believe illustrates just how dim muslims can be. A colleague of mine----long ago described his HAJJ----he was from Pakistan and
he did the trip years before I knew him-----so it was something like 45 years ago.
He described it as a kind of real HARDSHIP------walking around in the hot sun ----
wearing a white robe-----carrying a bottle of water and a bag of dates-----no
actual 'hygiene facilities"-----nites in a tent------etc etc. The person was not uneducated----he graduated medical school in Pakistan. -----at the end of the
long miserable description----I commented "what you guys need over there is
a few good jewish businessman to build some nice hotels"--------he did not even
smile-----in fact he got so upset I thought for a moment I would have to
perform CPR on him-----he almost dropped dead. I am not a sunni Yemeni---
my husband is a jewish 'yemenite' He does speak quite a bit with a few
Yemeni sunnis that he knows-------casually-----they have family over there and have
been describing the miserable situation for years. It started years ago with Iranian support-----and its been getting worse lately. I am intrigued that the
latest in islamo Nazi propaganda is ----THE SAUDIS ATTACKED AND IRAN
IS PROTECTING YEMEN------you guys are disgusting----even hubby----whose family escaped yemen in the early 1940s -----has sympathy for the sunni yemenis
Fuck you Zionist bitch. I put the thread up for anyone to see the exchange we had. I called you out as a Zionist and your response, which I had you clarify, was that you were a Sunni Muslim from Yemen. It is clear that you are a zealot and that you will say whatever you feel is necessary in order to promote your agenda. You have no credibility.

wrong muzzie dog-----I was asked "are you a sunni Yemeni"-------and I responded
in the affirmative as a JOKE-------I did not INTRODUCE the idea of my being
a sunni Yemeni-------you LIED-----rock kissing pimp

Go fuck yourself bitch.
Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is there some reason that you cited the "Ground troops..... " post ------muzzie dog???????------------I wrote it-------did you like it that much? BTW what is
my agenda? for the record-----hubby ABSOLUTELY REFUSES TO SET
FOOT IN YEMEN. no chance for me to try to INVADE that land
You are a lying scumbag. I asked you this question.
And this was your response.
You have absolutely zero credibility........but I already knew it. You are a zealot and you don't try to hide it.

you must be a muslim-----It would have been obvious to any----hindu, Christian,
Buddhist or jew------that my answer to "are you a Yemeni sunni"----was facetious.
I will tell you a story which I believe illustrates just how dim muslims can be. A colleague of mine----long ago described his HAJJ----he was from Pakistan and
he did the trip years before I knew him-----so it was something like 45 years ago.
He described it as a kind of real HARDSHIP------walking around in the hot sun ----
wearing a white robe-----carrying a bottle of water and a bag of dates-----no
actual 'hygiene facilities"-----nites in a tent------etc etc. The person was not uneducated----he graduated medical school in Pakistan. -----at the end of the
long miserable description----I commented "what you guys need over there is
a few good jewish businessman to build some nice hotels"--------he did not even
smile-----in fact he got so upset I thought for a moment I would have to
perform CPR on him-----he almost dropped dead. I am not a sunni Yemeni---
my husband is a jewish 'yemenite' He does speak quite a bit with a few
Yemeni sunnis that he knows-------casually-----they have family over there and have
been describing the miserable situation for years. It started years ago with Iranian support-----and its been getting worse lately. I am intrigued that the
latest in islamo Nazi propaganda is ----THE SAUDIS ATTACKED AND IRAN
IS PROTECTING YEMEN------you guys are disgusting----even hubby----whose family escaped yemen in the early 1940s -----has sympathy for the sunni yemenis
Fuck you Zionist bitch. I put the thread up for anyone to see the exchange we had. I called you out as a Zionist and your response, which I had you clarify, was that you were a Sunni Muslim from Yemen. It is clear that you are a zealot and that you will say whatever you feel is necessary in order to promote your agenda. You have no credibility.

wrong muzzie dog-----I was asked "are you a sunni Yemeni"-------and I responded
in the affirmative as a JOKE-------I did not INTRODUCE the idea of my being
a sunni Yemeni-------you LIED-----rock kissing pimp

Go fuck yourself bitch.
Ground troops needed to purge Iran ‘influence’ in Yemen — Bahrain | Page 9 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Is there some reason that you cited the "Ground troops..... " post ------muzzie dog???????------------I wrote it-------did you like it that much? BTW what is
my agenda?
for the record-----hubby ABSOLUTELY REFUSES TO SET
FOOT IN YEMEN. no chance for me to try to INVADE that land
You are a Zionist, a stupid one, but a Zionist none the less. Who can believe you even have a husband much less one from Yemen.
War with Iran is inevitable. Iran looks upon us as being the "Great Satan". It is time for us to reduce the nation of Iran to a rubble heap if rocks and dust. They want the BOMB. Let's give them a couple of ours before we wait until they have one.

Btch, join the military, get shipped to the front lines, then lets talk....I get sick of your arm chair brave fucks wanting everybody in the fuckin country to fight for it, but yo ass. Join the fuckin military and then lets talk, otherwise keep the war talk were it belongs, in the safety of your parents basement behind closed gates, you moron...WAR IS HELL OR HAVEN'T YOU HEARD, PEOPLE DIE!!

Unlike you Liberals, I'm not afraid of war. Been there and done that. You have no idea to whom you are addressing here.

I'm a vet, gave the Navy 10 years, this was doing the 80's....never saw one day of anything but watching Ronald the idiot Reagan outspend us in military contracts and scaring the hell out of the Soviet Union...a period I am certain you are apart of.
Cause any real soldier that see's real combat, seeing people die around him, wanting to continue that madness isn't a damned soldier just a sick sociopath motherfucker that needs a life.

That's because you were not a real soldier and never saw any real combat. There's a big difference between riding on a boat and actually engaging in close combat and loosing some body parts in that combat. Don't judge guys that were real soldiers by your pathetic little experience in the Navy.
If anyone is really interested in what my OP was about, my opinion is one of a pre-emptive nature. Two well placed nukes would bring Iran into an immediate and unconditional surrender, cause Russia, North Korea, and China to pause in their aggressive actions and rethink their positions, cause ISIS to run for the hills and regain respect on the world stage that has been lost by a timid and ineffective Administration. Two nukes would save the lives of thousands of American soldiers down the short road ahead.
War with Iran is inevitable. Iran looks upon us as being the "Great Satan". It is time for us to reduce the nation of Iran to a rubble heap if rocks and dust. They want the BOMB. Let's give them a couple of ours before we wait until they have one.

Btch, join the military, get shipped to the front lines, then lets talk....I get sick of your arm chair brave fucks wanting everybody in the fuckin country to fight for it, but yo ass. Join the fuckin military and then lets talk, otherwise keep the war talk were it belongs, in the safety of your parents basement behind closed gates, you moron...WAR IS HELL OR HAVEN'T YOU HEARD, PEOPLE DIE!!

Unlike you Liberals, I'm not afraid of war. Been there and done that. You have no idea to whom you are addressing here.

I'm a vet, gave the Navy 10 years, this was doing the 80's....never saw one day of anything but watching Ronald the idiot Reagan outspend us in military contracts and scaring the hell out of the Soviet Union...a period I am certain you are apart of.
Cause any real soldier that see's real combat, seeing people die around him, wanting to continue that madness isn't a damned soldier just a sick sociopath motherfucker that needs a life.

A Jew AND a fucking squid. You just keep digging that hole deeper and deeper.

Not you, Human. I am talking about Rosie the prick.

OK. Sorry.

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