we need to increase funds for vets

This is NOT about funding this is about paying back the people who sacraficed.

GET them the money on a stand alone and quit playing politics on their bare hides to win you votess.

Since you're so willing to give asswipe, I will take you up on my offer. Please send me $125,000 ASAP.

Need a routing number to my bank, or do you prefer to send a check.

Your no vet, your a liar

See that, Warrior. You have a "no vet" and you have a liar.

Congrats. :thup:
Now they come home wounded from your stupid mess and what is the first thing you do....you say we cant afford for take care of them.

Glad to see you acknowledge the stupidity of all the wars Obama is currently raging. What's he up to -? Nine or 10?

This is why i dont believe you are a vet , you lie all day long

Obama does have us involved in 10 global conflicts, shitforbrains. You need the list so you can paste to your forehead?
We should have an increase of Veteran's benefits. Obama is killing thousands of them in his "Cowboy Emporer" mode...
So we're all in agreement

Don't 'pay' for this like Bush II did.... don't just go further into debt and spend $$ we don't have
Fund the Vets immediately for the help and equipment they need
Cut from anywhere including federal welfare entitlements, bad contracts, department eliminations like dept of energy or dept of education to ensure we can indeed pay for what our soldiers and vets need....

Good work all...

/end thread
then we can raise the taxes on the wealthy like 70% of the people want done
Tell me why they dont do this on a stand alone and instead useing these vets as poltical hostages?
then we can raise the taxes on the wealthy like 70% of the people want done

And we can also raise taxes on the ~50% of the people who pay no federal income taxes.... you're on record for saying you don't care how it's paid for, and that's a great place to start after the decrease in spending by eliminating those other things

Remember, that we don't have a govt based on pure public whim.... 70% of the people would want free guaranteed sex every night too, not the government's job to provide that either

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