We need to kill Radical Islam totally, completely and without compassion.

In Islam when ever you say or write the name of Muhammad. It is to be followed with the phrase "Peace Be Upon Him"

This is usually abbreviated "pbuh" and enclosed in parenthese

An example of this: Muhammad(pbuh)

The letters he follows the name Muhammad with is some sort of childish and derogatry slander to the Prophet. I am sure he will be more than happy to explain. :cuckoo:
Thanks. I googled it and he seems to be all over the net posting his stupidity.

Yeah, imagine that, Sunni.

A person who is so crazy he blames a whole religion for all the world's problems

How crazy he must be, huh?
You got that right!!!

Some people do the same with the Jewish religion.

The Jewish religion is a wonderful and spiritually deep religion.

Many people don't realize that it's not the religion who is the problem.

But it"s the Zionists who use the religion as a front to achieve their political goals.
I was listening to an expert the other day talk about what we need to do in Afganistan. He said a surge won't work. Neither will an escillation or increasing troop levels. I hear UN equipment sitting in Pakistan gets sabotaged/burned daily.

He says the secret is this:

Seperate the Taliban from Al Queda. The Taliban didn't attack us on 9-11 and we are not fighting Al Queda now. And our fighting is hurting our cause. We want to win the minds and hearts of the people over there. Just like Viet Nam, Germany & Japan, we need to invest in the area and trade with Afganistan so the people/government have an interest in keeping us as allies.

People who want to stick it out in Afganistan and stay the course don't know what they are talking about. War is no longer the answer. We are no longer fighting the people that hit us on 9-11.

Of course we need to take out any terrorist training camps, but the war has to stop. It's only making matters worse. We can't win. Even if we nuke Afgan/Pakistan, there is still radical's in Iran and Saudi Arabia and the rest of the arab world.
The best way to win a war with a tarbaby is to not fight a tarbaby.

We cannot "win" in Afghanistan because there is NOTHING TO WIN".

If we want to change Afghanistan we've got to appeal to their hearts and minds, and NOTHING we have in that department much appeals to them.
You got that right!!!

Some people do the same with the Jewish religion.

The Jewish religion is a wonderful and spiritually deep religion.

Many people don't realize that it's not the religion who is the problem.

But it"s the Zionists who use the religion as a front to achieve their political goals.

well put sunni man....
Thanks. I googled it and he seems to be all over the net posting his stupidity.


Unfortunately his mentality is not so uncommon.

In the days after the 9/11 attack, the owner of a local 7-11 was dragged from his store and beaten to death by an angry mob looking to take revenge on Arabs. Aside from the fact that they murdered an innocent man, he wasn't even Arab - he was from India.
Unfortunately his mentality is not so uncommon.

In the days after the 9/11 attack, the owner of a local 7-11 was dragged from his store and beaten to death by an angry mob looking to take revenge on Arabs. Aside from the fact that they murdered an innocent man, he wasn't even Arab - he was from India.

This was happening all over the place. We had local gas stations where the owners, who were Hindu and from India, put up signs imploring customers not to hate them because they were not Muslim/Arab.

This was just how we reacted to HEARING about someone attacking us.

Imagine if we had outside forces in this country invading and occupying our neighborhoods, REGARDLESS of their true motives?

There would literally be rivers of blood.
Unfortunately his mentality is not so uncommon.

In the days after the 9/11 attack, the owner of a local 7-11 was dragged from his store and beaten to death by an angry mob looking to take revenge on Arabs. Aside from the fact that they murdered an innocent man, he wasn't even Arab - he was from India.
Mob mentality. Thankfully most people eventually wake up. I don't think Nueb has. He sees a valet attendant and automatically assumes he will be decapitated.

(mhbeihf) = may he burn eternally in hell fire

Wow Neubarth, you really need to get a life. It's pretty fucking pathetic how much time you've spend all over the internet trying to get people to adhere to your beliefs.

You don't leave your house much, do you? You're probably REALLY just a frail little nerd who's so deep in your own agoraphobia that it's manifesting itself into hatred.

You watch too much TV and play on the interwebs too much.
While we are at it, we should kill radical christianity too.

Do you know what you get with an Eye for an Eye? A bunch of blind people.

Nowhere in the Bible does it tell Christians to go out and force conversion of nonbelievers, and kill those who don't believe.

The eye for an eye is from Leviticus and isn't the basic precept of the bible..and it CERTAINLY isn't the theme of the NT, upon which Christianity is based. In fact, it's "turn the other cheek". An eye for an eye is law for a people who had no law at the time.
Also, when did the last Christian suicide bomber take out a cafe or behead civilians online?
The best way to win a war with a tarbaby is to not fight a tarbaby.

We cannot "win" in Afghanistan because there is NOTHING TO WIN".

If we want to change Afghanistan we've got to appeal to their hearts and minds, and NOTHING we have in that department much appeals to them.

From what I hear, we need to invest in the area and buy from these people in order to keep the Al Queda's/Radical Islam Extremists/Terrorists or whatever you want to call them, from coming back and taking over again.

We ignored this part of the world economically for years and that's how Bin Ladin got set up to begin with.

So we buy their crap, just like we buy N. Korean crap, to keep them friends instead of foes.

Or nuke em. :cuckoo:
Nowhere in the Bible does it tell Christians to go out and force conversion of nonbelievers, and kill those who don't believe.

The eye for an eye is from Leviticus and isn't the basic precept of the bible..and it CERTAINLY isn't the theme of the NT, upon which Christianity is based. In fact, it's "turn the other cheek". An eye for an eye is law for a people who had no law at the time.

I tend to think like Darwin when people talk about Christianity:

During these two years[1] I was led to think much about religion. Whilst on board the Beagle I was quite orthodox, and I remember being heartily laughed at by several of the officers (though themselves orthodox) for quoting the Bible as an unanswerable authority on some point of morality. I suppose it was the noveltry of the argument that amused them. But I had gradually come, by this time, to see that the Old Testament from its manifestly false history of the world, with the Tower of Babel, the rainbow at sign, etc., etc., and from its attributing to God the feelings of a revengeful tyrant, was no more to be trusted than the sacred books of the Hindoos, or the beliefs of any barbarian. The question then continually rose before my mind and would not be banished, -- is it credible that if God were now to make a revelation to the Hindoos, would he permit it to be connected with the belief in Vishnu, Siva, &c, as Christianity is connected with the Old Testament. This appeared to me utterly incredible.

By further reflecting that the clearest evidence would be requisite to make any sane man believe in the miracles by which Christianity is suppoted, -- that the more we know of the fixed laws of nature the more incredible do miracles become, -- that the men at that time were ignorant and credulous to a degree almost incomprehensible by us, -- that the Gospels cannot be proved to have been written simultaneous with the events, -- that they differ in many important details, far too important as it seemed to me to be admitted as the usual inaccuracies of eyewitnesses; -- by such reflections as these, which I give not as having the least noveltry or value, but as they influenced me, I gradually came to disbelieve in Christianity as a divine revelation.

Charles Darwin: Religious belief
The Tower of Babel exists, as did Sodom and Gomorrah.

And nobody contested the miracles of Christ at the time he was performing them. Nobody. Not even those who wanted him dead.
Exactly. You don't know about Christians because we don't tell our believers that they will gain heaven and martyrdom if they take out as many innocent Muslims as possible.

Hey, it's the world you live in Baba. You can go to war against ideas if you want, bankrupt yourself and incite perpetual creation of new enemies, but you have to live with the consequences.

Or, I don't know, you could just shut the fuck up and live your own life, and be happy to have what you have.
Get over it. I'm not shutting the fuck up, no matter how uncomfortable it makes you.

And I'll continue to call a spade a fucking shovel. We do not CAUSE Muslims to kill innocents, dumbass. They make that decision all on their own.

I guess next you'll be saying victims of child molestation "cause" their abusers to molest them, and women who are stalked and killed are guilty of "causing" their attackers to kill them.

What a pig.

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