"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Don't apologize really, I feel blessed to have started working at 12. I feel blessed to have put myself through school. I know the value of hard work. I wouldn't change my upbringing for the world. I wouldn't even have felt right being supported by my parents at the age of 18, they sacrificed so much for us as it is. I would never want to raise my kids handing them everything. It only produces humans like you.
My kids are no where near college ages yet. But I hope that when we get there it will be easier for them than it was for me.

So sad you assume I hand them everything. They earned it. Not my fault your parents didn't care.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
So were my parents.

Do you think your parents were the only ones that required a lot from his kids? Sounds like it. It's not my fault yours didn't do for you what I do for mine.

Interesting how you say affordable education yet provide nothing on how to make it so.

Bernie thinks you can wave that wand and make it free. In fact, his wand was waving over the heads of those he believes has too much money in order to do so.

I have a way to bring it down. Get the government the fuck out of it.

There is a technical college where I live that is widely known and recognized for what it offers. Many programs provide someone the ability to learn skills that, while it may not make you a millionaire, the return does provide an above average income. Someone can get a degree, a certificate in a field, or simply take a class if they're interested in learning more about something.

The lottery in the State subsidizes the costs. To earn a 2-year degree if you live in the county, the out of pocket costs is less than $7000. It's a little more expensive if you live outside the county because a portion of property taxes help fund the school. Not a big investment for what could be a much greater return. One does not have to be wealthy to make such an investment just willing to show an interest in their own education.
Don't apologize really, I feel blessed to have started working at 12. I feel blessed to have put myself through school. I know the value of hard work. I wouldn't change my upbringing for the world. I wouldn't even have felt right being supported by my parents at the age of 18, they sacrificed so much for us as it is. I would never want to raise my kids handing them everything. It only produces humans like you.
My kids are no where near college ages yet. But I hope that when we get there it will be easier for them than it was for me.

So sad you assume I hand them everything. They earned it. Not my fault your parents didn't care.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

Yeah, posting on the internet, while you may get paid, is not really much of a job. But hey, if it pays for the trailer and space rent, good for you.
Don't apologize really, I feel blessed to have started working at 12. I feel blessed to have put myself through school. I know the value of hard work. I wouldn't change my upbringing for the world. I wouldn't even have felt right being supported by my parents at the age of 18, they sacrificed so much for us as it is. I would never want to raise my kids handing them everything. It only produces humans like you.
My kids are no where near college ages yet. But I hope that when we get there it will be easier for them than it was for me.

So sad you assume I hand them everything. They earned it. Not my fault your parents didn't care.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

Yet they let you live in poverty.

For some reason you keep assuming I throw money at my kids. Because I invest in mine in a manner yours refused to do doesn't mean it's throwing money at them.

You know nothing about my family, so fuck off, whore. Maybe that's how you worked your way through college.
We lived in poverty and I still had everything I needed.. and everything I have, I worked for. Therefore I value it. Your kids are like rich snobs that daddy pays into college they get drunk their whole first semester and then drop out. Because they don't know the value of hard work.

You can call me any name in the book. It doesn't change the fact I worked for everything I got while your kids get free rides every where.
So sad you assume I hand them everything. They earned it. Not my fault your parents didn't care.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

Yet they let you live in poverty.

For some reason you keep assuming I throw money at my kids. Because I invest in mine in a manner yours refused to do doesn't mean it's throwing money at them.

You know nothing about my family, so fuck off, whore. Maybe that's how you worked your way through college.
We lives in poverty and I still had everything I needed. And everything I have, I worked for. Therefore i value it. Your kids are like rich snobs that daddy pays into college they get drunk their whole first semester and then drop out. Because they don't know the value of hard work.

You can call me any name in the book. It doesn't change the fact I worked for everything I got while your kids get free rides every where.

I guess the scholarships my daughter earned were handed to her in your mind? You seem to think you know about my kids. You don't about my kids but I do know you apparently weren't worthy of the investment from your parents I did for mine.

You sound jealous because I can do for mine what yours couldn't do for you.

Did your parents receive any form of social welfare?

Do you support Obamacare?
Tax cuts on the wealthy and cuts to programs that help working Americans has resulted in a redistribution of wealth (upward) for thirty years

Why is trying to end a failed experiment in supply side economics being considered redistribution of wealth?

There is no failed experiment.

Your first (of many) fallacies.

Stop lying.

There wasn't a failed experiment?

We were sold a bill of goods on supply side theory. Put money in the hands of the "Job Creators" and watch the economy prosper. "A rising tide lifts all boats". Money will trickle down to the workers in the form of more jobs and higher pay

Never happened. We put more money in the hands of the wealthy and they just kept it

Who would have thought

That wasn't supply side...that was the government.

Supply side created scads of opportunities. I can't help the morons like you who have so much faith in the Federal Government don'e realize they are the ones who tilt the playing field to the rich.
So sad you assume I hand them everything. They earned it. Not my fault your parents didn't care.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

Yet they let you live in poverty.

For some reason you keep assuming I throw money at my kids. Because I invest in mine in a manner yours refused to do doesn't mean it's throwing money at them.

You know nothing about my family, so fuck off, whore. Maybe that's how you worked your way through college.
We lives in poverty and I still had everything I needed. And everything I have, I worked for. Therefore i value it. Your kids are like rich snobs that daddy pays into college they get drunk their whole first semester and then drop out. Because they don't know the value of hard work.

You can call me any name in the book. It doesn't change the fact I worked for everything I got while your kids get free rides every where.

I guess the scholarships my daughter earned were handed to her in your mind? You seem to think you know about my kids. You don't about my kids but I do know you apparently weren't worthy of the investment from your parents I did for mine.

You sound jealous because I can do for mine what yours couldn't do for you.

Did your parents receive any form of social welfare?

Do you support Obamacare?
You've already admitted to paying all extra expenses. I did that on my own. I am not jealous and I work for social services thanks to my hard earned degree jerk off.
I believe Obama care has some flaws but anything that takes 20 million+ people on healthcare is a step in the right direction.
Tax cuts on the wealthy and cuts to programs that help working Americans has resulted in a redistribution of wealth (upward) for thirty years

Why is trying to end a failed experiment in supply side economics being considered redistribution of wealth?

There is no failed experiment.

Your first (of many) fallacies.

Stop lying.

There wasn't a failed experiment?

We were sold a bill of goods on supply side theory. Put money in the hands of the "Job Creators" and watch the economy prosper. "A rising tide lifts all boats". Money will trickle down to the workers in the form of more jobs and higher pay

Never happened. We put more money in the hands of the wealthy and they just kept it

Who would have thought

I'm sure folks like Kerry, Pelosi and Reid appreciate it.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Hahahha...so wait, let me get this straight.. so because mommy and daddy didn't pay my way through adulthood, they don't care?
Is that how you show your kids love and affection? Handing out money?

Dear Lord.

I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

Don't forget..."you didn't build that".
I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?
I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

Yet they let you live in poverty.

For some reason you keep assuming I throw money at my kids. Because I invest in mine in a manner yours refused to do doesn't mean it's throwing money at them.

You know nothing about my family, so fuck off, whore. Maybe that's how you worked your way through college.
We lives in poverty and I still had everything I needed. And everything I have, I worked for. Therefore i value it. Your kids are like rich snobs that daddy pays into college they get drunk their whole first semester and then drop out. Because they don't know the value of hard work.

You can call me any name in the book. It doesn't change the fact I worked for everything I got while your kids get free rides every where.

I guess the scholarships my daughter earned were handed to her in your mind? You seem to think you know about my kids. You don't about my kids but I do know you apparently weren't worthy of the investment from your parents I did for mine.

You sound jealous because I can do for mine what yours couldn't do for you.

Did your parents receive any form of social welfare?

Do you support Obamacare?
You've already admitted to paying all extra expenses. I did that on my own. I am not jealous and I work for social services thanks to my hard earned degree jerk off.

That doesn't mean the money was thrown at them. It's called an investment of 2% for the hard work that earned her 98%.

By the way, they aren't extras, they're part of going to college.

Taxpayers fund social service agencies so they're forced to provide the funding to pay your salary. I thought you said you do it on your own.
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

The reality is you didn't do it on your own. You rely on mandated taxes to fund your salary. Can't make it in the real world?
Lol. You're a moron. My parents loved me very much just as I love my children. I do not believe love and affection is shown by throwing money at kids. That's ridiculous. My parents gave me every thing they could. Even summer camps as a child, when it broke the bank. They made sure I got an education even if they couldn't hand me thousands for it. They drove a great distance to watch every college basketball game I played in. (Which was many) even if it was hard to put the gas in their cars. You know nothing about my family, so fuck off.

And at the end of the day, it was their support (even though not financially) that got me where I am today. With a degree, a comfortable job I love, a home owner, a nice little savings, and a beautiful family.

All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Interesting how you call programs where one group is forced to fund another as doing it on your own.
Tax cuts on the wealthy and cuts to programs that help working Americans has resulted in a redistribution of wealth (upward) for thirty years

Why is trying to end a failed experiment in supply side economics being considered redistribution of wealth?

There is no failed experiment.

Your first (of many) fallacies.

Stop lying.

There wasn't a failed experiment?

We were sold a bill of goods on supply side theory. Put money in the hands of the "Job Creators" and watch the economy prosper. "A rising tide lifts all boats". Money will trickle down to the workers in the form of more jobs and higher pay

Never happened. We put more money in the hands of the wealthy and they just kept it

Who would have thought

I'm sure folks like Kerry, Pelosi and Reid appreciate it.

All three are quite wealthy and all three have voted to raise their own taxes and provide more social programs
Wealthy Republicans, on the other hand, vote to cut their own taxes and slash benefits to the poor
Brotherhood appears to be difficult for American society to truly incorporate
The Reagan recovery was built on tripling the national debt.....not by supply side policies

Economics 101.....Cut your spending FIRST....then cut taxes accordingly

In dollars, how much did the debt increase? Cute saying it tripled.

Economics 102....Explain that to the Democrats. Had taxes not been cut, the dreadful economy of Jimmy Carter would have continued.
The Reagan recovery was built on tripling the national debt.....not by supply side policies

Economics 101.....Cut your spending FIRST....then cut taxes accordingly

In dollars, how much did the debt increase? Cute saying it tripled.

Economics 102....Explain that to the Democrats. Had taxes not been cut, the dreadful economy of Jimmy Carter would have continued.

Taxes had little to do with the Reagan recovery
Massive Government spending on top of slashed revenue led us on the path of massive debts

We haven't looked back yet
Tax cuts on the wealthy and cuts to programs that help working Americans has resulted in a redistribution of wealth (upward) for thirty years

Why is trying to end a failed experiment in supply side economics being considered redistribution of wealth?

There is no failed experiment.

Your first (of many) fallacies.

Stop lying.

There wasn't a failed experiment?

We were sold a bill of goods on supply side theory. Put money in the hands of the "Job Creators" and watch the economy prosper. "A rising tide lifts all boats". Money will trickle down to the workers in the form of more jobs and higher pay

Never happened. We put more money in the hands of the wealthy and they just kept it

Who would have thought

I'm sure folks like Kerry, Pelosi and Reid appreciate it.

All three are quite wealthy and all three have voted to raise their own taxes and provide more social programs
Wealthy Republicans, on the other hand, vote to cut their own taxes and slash benefits to the poor

Why do they need a law to give more of their money away ?

And who is to say that those republians don't donate outside of the extortion system we call taxation.

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