"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Taxes had little to do with the Reagan recovery

Tax cuts on the wealthy and cuts to programs that help working Americans has resulted in a redistribution of wealth (upward) for thirty years

Why is trying to end a failed experiment in supply side economics being considered redistribution of wealth?

There is no failed experiment.

Your first (of many) fallacies.

Stop lying.

There wasn't a failed experiment?

We were sold a bill of goods on supply side theory. Put money in the hands of the "Job Creators" and watch the economy prosper. "A rising tide lifts all boats". Money will trickle down to the workers in the form of more jobs and higher pay

Never happened. We put more money in the hands of the wealthy and they just kept it

Who would have thought

I'm sure folks like Kerry, Pelosi and Reid appreciate it.

All three are quite wealthy and all three have voted to raise their own taxes and provide more social programs
Wealthy Republicans, on the other hand, vote to cut their own taxes and slash benefits to the poor

Why do they need a law to give more of their money away ?

And who is to say that those republians don't donate outside of the extortion system we call taxation.

Because they need to look at the whole economy, not just a few Senators
The original:
Only about a quarter of a percent of US households have climbed up the ladder from the middle class into the upper-income bracket since 2000, according to the latest review by the IMF. Meanwhile, more than 3% of middle-income households have moved into the low-income bracket.

Please show us the source and link for this allegation.
I invest in my kids. Perhaps yours didn't invest in you because you weren't a good investment. That you turned out like you did proves you weren't.

You said you lived in poverty as a child. Seems they didn't care for you then, either.

That's simply obscene. Are you really that desperate?
All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Interesting how you call programs where one group is forced to fund another as doing it on your own.
So if you could choose to not pay our police force, to not pay our firefighters, and to not pay our soldiers, for putting their lives on the line, that's what you would choose? You believe that those positions are unnecessary? You believe their work is not worth anything?

Are you an idiot or do you just hate America?
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I believe Obama care has some flaws but anything that takes 20 million+ people on healthcare is a step in the right direction.

How please is it a step in the right direction forcing people to buy insurance they cannot afford to use? What good is insurance that has a $6,000 deductible, $12,000 if you're married?
All paid for by the taxpayers I'd bet. Otherwise why would you be a leftist scumbag.

She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

The reality is you didn't do it on your own. You rely on mandated taxes to fund your salary. Can't make it in the real world?
I didn't do what on my own? Pay my own salary? ....You're a bafoon.
I believe Obama care has some flaws but anything that takes 20 million+ people on healthcare is a step in the right direction.

How please is it a step in the right direction forcing people to buy insurance they cannot afford to use? What good is insurance that has a $6,000 deductible, $12,000 if you're married?
Ever looked at the cost of chemo? If you ever need such a treatment that deductible will be a blessing.
The original:
Only about a quarter of a percent of US households have climbed up the ladder from the middle class into the upper-income bracket since 2000, according to the latest review by the IMF. Meanwhile, more than 3% of middle-income households have moved into the low-income bracket.

Please show us the source and link for this allegation.

There is a link in that quote....
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Since you obviously have no clue as to the definition of Socialism, I will provide it for you. Our military, police, and fire fighters have nothing, whatsoever to do with Socialism. They are services wanted by the citizens who join together to pay for those services.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism · social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Since you obviously have no clue as to the definition of Socialism, I will provide it for you. Our military, police, and fire fighters have nothing, whatsoever to do with Socialism. They are services wanted by the citizens who join together to pay for those services.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism · social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement
None of that is news to me, but you did a really nice copy and paste job, really, nice!
Your side suggested cops don't work for their salary and they are unnecessary and shouldn't be paid. Do you agree?
Ever looked at the cost of chemo? If you ever need such a treatment that deductible will be a blessing.

As a matter of fact, I have, first hand! But I'm old. I'm one of the folks costing Medicare far more than I ever put into the program. I've had cancer twice and am on sort of a maintenance plan for the next 18 months.

Someone young and healthy should be able to purchase catastrophic coverage which would be affordable and protect you in the case of cancer, accident or other unexpected need.
She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Interesting how you call programs where one group is forced to fund another as doing it on your own.
So if you could choose to not pay our police force, to not pay our firefighters, and to not pay our soldiers, for putting their lives on the line, that's what you would choose? You believe that those positions are unnecessary? You believe their work is not worth anything?

Are you an idiot or do you just hate America?

Never said they weren't necessary. I said that the manner in which your grandfather was paid was through something for which the people had no choice. That means he had to rely on a mandate in order to get paid. That's not doing it on your own.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Interesting how you call programs where one group is forced to fund another as doing it on your own.
So if you could choose to not pay our police force, to not pay our firefighters, and to not pay our soldiers, for putting their lives on the line, that's what you would choose? You believe that those positions are unnecessary? You believe their work is not worth anything?

Are you an idiot or do you just hate America?

Never said they weren't necessary. I said that the manner in which your grandfather was paid was through something for which the people had no choice. That means he had to rely on a mandate in order to get paid. That's not doing it on your own.
Well I think your distorted opinions are ridiculous. Cops work very hard for the money they make and they are very valuable to our society. They work harder than you ever will, and are much more valuable than you will ever be.

Now call me another name, it's been a whole 10 minutes.
She hasn't said whether or not her family received any kind of social welfare. It would be interesting to know.
We never did. My grandfather joined the N.Y. police force, after the war. My mother and I both put in years working FOR social services. My father's family started out in factories before becoming small business owners. The American dream baby.

What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

The reality is you didn't do it on your own. You rely on mandated taxes to fund your salary. Can't make it in the real world?
I didn't do what on my own? Pay my own salary? ....You're a bafoon.

You rely on taxes that are mandated in order to get a salary. In private industry you have to do the job in order to get the pay. As a social service worker, you get paid regardless.

You're argument is I work a job funded by mandated taxes that people have no choice to pay but I did it all on my own. If your pay actually came from the return on the job you did, how much would you make? Want to put that to a test?
What the hell do you think pays the salaries of police? Taxes. That's someone else's money your grandfather received. What the hell do you think pays to fund social service agencies? Again, taxes. That's someone else's money you and your mother relied on. So much for doing it on your own.
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Interesting how you call programs where one group is forced to fund another as doing it on your own.
So if you could choose to not pay our police force, to not pay our firefighters, and to not pay our soldiers, for putting their lives on the line, that's what you would choose? You believe that those positions are unnecessary? You believe their work is not worth anything?

Are you an idiot or do you just hate America?

Never said they weren't necessary. I said that the manner in which your grandfather was paid was through something for which the people had no choice. That means he had to rely on a mandate in order to get paid. That's not doing it on your own.
Well I think your distorted opinions are ridiculous. Cops work very hard for the money they make and they are very valuable to our society. They work harder than you ever will, and are much more valuable than you will ever be.

Now call me another name, it's been a whole 10 minutes.

Never said they didn't work hard or weren't valuable. As for what you do, I question what value it holds.

Since you don't know what I do, saying someone works harder than me and is more valuable than me proves you're a dumbass. That's not calling you a name, it's identifying what you've proven yourself to be by making claims like you make.

Now call me another name. I guess you think buffoon isn't one.

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