"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Libs are hypocrites. Studies proved that they don't contribute to charities nearly as much as the right. Of course, they are generous with other people's money but not their own.

You'd think that Bill Gates and others somehow stole money from people and caused them to be poor. We hear that all the time about how the wealth should be returned to it's rightful owners as if someone took it from them.

Government thinks nothing of robbing us all blind with taxes.

Every. Fucking. Thing. Is. Taxed.

You can't do shit without paying government. It's not just income. You can't get married or even go fishing without paying government first. They even tax pets. It's insane. Only a matter of time before they tax the air we breathe or the rain water that falls in our yard.

They constantly raise taxes on gas, which hurts everyone who drives to work everyday. Property taxes keep going up so it gets harder to keep the things you already paid for. .

The government is hurting the little people. Those providing for their families pay taxes at every turn.

Every time I hear someone bitching about income inequality, it's either a wealthy politician like Pelosi or some Hollywood puke, like Meryl Streep. Ones who don't have to worry about anything but like to preach to the middle and lower class who work like dogs to pay the bills. And we always get the bill for their big ideas.

I don't see them writing checks to government. No one would stop them. Pelosi and others could hand over half their wealth and prove that they mean what they say. But, instead they keep taking tax breaks that they don't have to and lecture the rest of us about paying our fair share.

The right does not contribute to charities that actually help people

They contribute to their churches to pay for beautiful buildings, ministers, facilities
As someone who has been working in this field for years I would argue that the majority of those who live in poverty find themselves there through no fault of their own. I also know that too many Americans are one financial crisis away from poverty.. I think it is the exceptions that are where they are because it's their fault. Do you have any sort of expertise with the impoverished populations?

PLEASE show us, other than your opinion, that the MAJORITY of people in poverty are NOT there because of their own bad decisions. A reliable source with the link will be greatly appreciated.

An expert, such as yourself will know this offhand and I hate to pose such a simple question.

Aside from the obvious, money, what is the single factor that determines whether a child is raised below the poverty level and one raised above poverty?
Lousy public policies?

Where is the public policy that fills these jobs for native US labor:

U.S. has record 6 million job openings, even as 6.8 million Americans are looking for jobs
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

The only thing the left talks about is taking from the haves and giving to the have nots. Don't ever expect them to tell able- bodied people to pull their own weight. Many people in their base do not want to hear that they need to get their shit together and actively do something to improve their lives. Somehow, they believe that politicians will do it for them by forcing others to subsidize them. And they alleviate guilt by embracing the victimhood and entitlement mentality. They are convince that others owe them. Libs have convinced people that some enter this world privileged and should make reparations to atone for the sin of being white. The left seriously pushes the notion that white is better. They are shameless.
The haves are welcome to fight their own wars and leave the poor, out of it; because, we simply cannot afford it.
Can't buy beer and cigarettes w food stamps. So because you pay taxes that fund scientific research, you're all of a sudden a scientist?

Aside from fraudulent claims, what is one of the greatest areas of fraud among users of food stamps?

I'll answer for you since I know you'll ignore this post.

Discounting their food stamps for cash. Then use that cash to purchase illicit drugs, liquor, beer or whatever.
dudes, it takes Principles not just talk.

Even the hard money crowd of the right isn't saying anything about the market distorting, "funny money", known as EBT transactions. We already have money, by fiat.
I've worked in both the public and the private sector. For both jobs, I worked my ass off. If I don't do my job as a social worker I could still get fired. I haven't been fired, because I do my job.. You think gov. Employees can't get fired? Watch Donnie.

It's a government job. There are teachers in the school system that couldn't teach a fish to swim and they don't get fired.

It's a job in social services. How hard can it be?
It's very challenging I hear hundreds of different cases a week with different needs. But I mean I'm not a neurosurgeon...and I'm not paid like one. But I am certainly expected to do my job and do it right.....

Oh, you sit there and listen to people whine like we read about you on USMB?
I listen to stories of abused women, homeless vets, single mothers, AND people who work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and can't make ends meet. I just got off the phone with a homeless 17 year old boy who was sobbing.
I have empathy and compassion, you have not shown that you posses either of those characteristics.
Then why are you a Muslim lover?
I watch a lot of porn?
Welcome to reality, we have many socialistic programs. Do you suggest we don't need police?

Since you obviously have no clue as to the definition of Socialism, I will provide it for you. Our military, police, and fire fighters have nothing, whatsoever to do with Socialism. They are services wanted by the citizens who join together to pay for those services.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
leftism · welfarism · radicalism · progressivism · social democracy · communism · Marxism · labor movement
We obviously are nowhere close to socialism

No thanks to the Democrats and Liberals.
The left can give plenty of thanks to Hoover, in modern Corporate Welfare times.
Libs are hypocrites. Studies proved that they don't contribute to charities nearly as much as the right. Of course, they are generous with other people's money but not their own.

You'd think that Bill Gates and others somehow stole money from people and caused them to be poor. We hear that all the time about how the wealth should be returned to it's rightful owners as if someone took it from them.

Government thinks nothing of robbing us all blind with taxes.

Every. Fucking. Thing. Is. Taxed.

You can't do shit without paying government. It's not just income. You can't get married or even go fishing without paying government first. They even tax pets. It's insane. Only a matter of time before they tax the air we breathe or the rain water that falls in our yard.

They constantly raise taxes on gas, which hurts everyone who drives to work everyday. Property taxes keep going up so it gets harder to keep the things you already paid for. .

The government is hurting the little people. Those providing for their families pay taxes at every turn.

Every time I hear someone bitching about income inequality, it's either a wealthy politician like Pelosi or some Hollywood puke, like Meryl Streep. Ones who don't have to worry about anything but like to preach to the middle and lower class who work like dogs to pay the bills. And we always get the bill for their big ideas.

I don't see them writing checks to government. No one would stop them. Pelosi and others could hand over half their wealth and prove that they mean what they say. But, instead they keep taking tax breaks that they don't have to and lecture the rest of us about paying our fair share.

All political talk and no political action, right wingers? End the drug war to pay for health care; to liberal for the right wing.
Can't buy beer and cigarettes w food stamps. So because you pay taxes that fund scientific research, you're all of a sudden a scientist?

Aside from fraudulent claims, what is one of the greatest areas of fraud among users of food stamps?

I'll answer for you since I know you'll ignore this post.

Discounting their food stamps for cash. Then use that cash to purchase illicit drugs, liquor, beer or whatever.
That's called fraud. It's illegal. It is investigated. People are punished by law or sanctions on their cases. And at the end of the day they're punishing themselves because when they come back and say they lost their card and want more we say no, your benefits were used by someone who knew your pin on the first try.
I've worked in both the public and the private sector. For both jobs, I worked my ass off. If I don't do my job as a social worker I could still get fired. I haven't been fired, because I do my job.. You think gov. Employees can't get fired? Watch Donnie.

It's a government job. There are teachers in the school system that couldn't teach a fish to swim and they don't get fired.

It's a job in social services. How hard can it be?
It's very challenging I hear hundreds of different cases a week with different needs. But I mean I'm not a neurosurgeon...and I'm not paid like one. But I am certainly expected to do my job and do it right.....

Oh, you sit there and listen to people whine like we read about you on USMB?
I listen to stories of abused women, homeless vets, single mothers, AND people who work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and can't make ends meet. I just got off the phone with a homeless 17 year old boy who was sobbing.
I have empathy and compassion, you have not shown that you posses either of those characteristics.
Then why are you a Muslim lover?
I am a human lover.
As someone who has been working in this field for years I would argue that the majority of those who live in poverty find themselves there through no fault of their own. I also know that too many Americans are one financial crisis away from poverty.. I think it is the exceptions that are where they are because it's their fault. Do you have any sort of expertise with the impoverished populations?

PLEASE show us, other than your opinion, that the MAJORITY of people in poverty are NOT there because of their own bad decisions. A reliable source with the link will be greatly appreciated.

An expert, such as yourself will know this offhand and I hate to pose such a simple question.

Aside from the obvious, money, what is the single factor that determines whether a child is raised below the poverty level and one raised above poverty?
PLEASE settle down :chillpill:
Doesn't refute the fact that conservatives contribute to churches they are members of rather than directly helping the poor

So why don't Progressives donate just as much to charities which you claim would help the poor if they don't give to churches? My church does a lot for its members and for our community.

Conservatives don't boast about what they give as do Progressives.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity

By Peter Panepento

Households that describe themselves as conservative tend to give more money to charities than moderate and liberal households, according to a new survey.

In a survey of 3,300 households that donated money to charity in the past 12 months, the company Campbell Rinker, in Valencia, Calif., asked respondents about their political ideology.

Of those surveyed, those who live in conservative households donated an average of $3,255 to charities outside of places of worship during the past year. By comparison, moderate households donated $2,926 and liberal households donated $1,879.

Conservatives also give significantly more money to their place of worship than liberals and moderates.

The survey found conservatives gave, on average, $1,841 to their places of worship during the past year — compared with $1,115 for moderates and $499 for liberals.

But while conservatives give more than their peers, they are less likely to spread the word to others about their giving experiences.

Among liberal donors, 84 percent said they had recommended a charity to friends, family, or colleagues. That compares with 75 percent of moderates and 59 percent of conservatives.

Conservative Voters Are More Liberal With Charity


From ABC 20/20

To test what types of people give more, "20/20" went to two very different parts of the country, with contrasting populations: Sioux Falls, S.D. and San Francisco, Calif. The Salvation Army set up buckets at the busiest locations in each city -- Macy's in San Francisco and Wal-Mart in Sioux Falls. Which bucket collected more money?

Sioux Falls is rural and religious; half of the population goes to church every week. People in San Francisco make much more money, are predominantly liberal, and just 14 percent of people in San Francisco attend church every week. Liberals are said to care more about helping the poor; so did people in San Francisco give more?

It turns out that this idea that liberals give more…is a myth. Of the top 25 states where people give an above average percent of their income, 24 were red states in the last presidential election.

Arthur Brooks, the author of "Who Really Cares," says that "when you look at the data, it turns out the conservatives give about 30 percent more." He adds, "And incidentally, conservative-headed families make slightly less money."

And he says the differences in giving goes beyond money, pointing out that conservatives are 18 percent more likely to donate blood. He says this difference is not about politics, but about the different way conservatives and liberals view government.

"You find that people who believe it's the government's job to make incomes more equal, are far less likely to give their money away,"

Brooks says. In fact, people who disagree with the statement, "The government has a basic responsibility to take care of the people who can't take care of themselves," are 27 percent more likely to give to charity.

Who Gives More -- The Rich or The Poor?
That's called fraud. It's illegal. It is investigated. People are punished by law or sanctions on their cases. And at the end of the day they're punishing themselves because when they come back and say they lost their card and want more we say no, your benefits were used by someone who knew your pin on the first try.

Yeah right! The streets are full of investigators following up on this fraud!
It's a government job. There are teachers in the school system that couldn't teach a fish to swim and they don't get fired.

It's a job in social services. How hard can it be?
It's very challenging I hear hundreds of different cases a week with different needs. But I mean I'm not a neurosurgeon...and I'm not paid like one. But I am certainly expected to do my job and do it right.....

Oh, you sit there and listen to people whine like we read about you on USMB?
I listen to stories of abused women, homeless vets, single mothers, AND people who work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and can't make ends meet. I just got off the phone with a homeless 17 year old boy who was sobbing.
I have empathy and compassion, you have not shown that you posses either of those characteristics.
Then why are you a Muslim lover?
I am a human lover.
Then you love the kkk and Muslim women haters
It's a government job. There are teachers in the school system that couldn't teach a fish to swim and they don't get fired.

It's a job in social services. How hard can it be?
It's very challenging I hear hundreds of different cases a week with different needs. But I mean I'm not a neurosurgeon...and I'm not paid like one. But I am certainly expected to do my job and do it right.....

Oh, you sit there and listen to people whine like we read about you on USMB?
I listen to stories of abused women, homeless vets, single mothers, AND people who work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and can't make ends meet. I just got off the phone with a homeless 17 year old boy who was sobbing.
I have empathy and compassion, you have not shown that you posses either of those characteristics.
Then why are you a Muslim lover?
I am a human lover.

You love them so much you're willing to support others being forced to provide to many of them what they won't provide to themselves. If you loved them, you'd help them without involving the government and do so without wanting credit for it.

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