"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Don't play games

Trump hides behind a corporation where he calls the shots
His corporations have declared bankruptcy four times

What sane investor does not use corporations to protect themselves? I certainly have, I take it you have never started or bought a business.

How many corporations have President Donald Trump owned during his career? How many did he sign over to his children?

These people truly do not grasp economics, corporations (and their role in leapfrogging the west over the rest of the world), jobs, work, worth, thrift, freedom, self sufficiency.
Requiring the wealthy to pay taxes is not Socialism
Social programs is not Socialism

It is certainly Marxist dogma to tax different people different amounts based on what the nonworking Marxist believes he should hand out free.. The basic unfairness and moral corrosiveness of such a system is why our founders banned the practice in the Constitution. They created a government to protect freedom and encourage work...not theft and dependence. There were no speeches about "making the rich pay" now were there?
Progressive tax rates are used by every major economy on earth

Has nothing to do with Marxism. Founders never banned taxation

I didnt say they banned taxation. Why dont you start with learning about the 16th Amendment?

You should delete your account.


And I will give you one last bit of education before you go on ignore. Your typical liberal claim "all the best countries do it" is plagiarism. Karl Marx said it first.

The Manifesto of the Communist Party: Chapter II Proletarians and Communists

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

So...nothing to do with Marxism? I guess not if you dont consider Marx a Marxist.
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I dont want affordable college. Every time a liberal gives us affordable college the price goes up.

You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
We were down to three automakers
If we had listened to Republicans, there would have been one

Yes, we need GM

We now have two automobile manufacturers. How many foreign automobile manufacturers build their cars in this country?

Why do we need GM? Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama told us that we couldn't allow GM to go bankrupt. Why not? Then they did anyway.

Had GM been allowed to go through bankruptcy in the usual manner, what would have been the difference today?
Probably no GM, because there was no money for investment. Thanks for the corrupt GOP world depression AGAIN....

Just as with airlines, restaurants or whatever. The company would have been sold off in pieces. One group might have bought Cadillac and Buick. Another GMC trucks. New, fresh management would have taken over and the old failed management would be gone. A success for all concerned.

Not worth replying to you ignorant post about your silly allegation about the Democrat recession.
Oh sure, Dems were out of power for 8 years but caused the depression. Brainwashed drivel...

NOBODY HAD ANY MONEY IN 2009. It was a necessity. Except in crazy old dupe world...so was spending 8 trillion bailing out and assisting victims- to avoid a full blown depression...Great job, GOP! And for the stupidest wars ever too!
I dont want affordable college. Every time a liberal gives us affordable college the price goes up.

You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
Reagan started cutting aid to public college in Cal. in 1965 and the GOP has been behind rising costs ever since- all to save greedy rich GOP idiots from paying their share...
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Don't play games

Trump hides behind a corporation where he calls the shots
His corporations have declared bankruptcy four times

What sane investor does not use corporations to protect themselves? I certainly have, I take it you have never started or bought a business.

How many corporations have President Donald Trump owned during his career? How many did he sign over to his children?
BS corporations...a brand name.
Requiring the wealthy to pay taxes is not Socialism
Social programs is not Socialism

It is certainly Marxist dogma to tax different people different amounts based on what the nonworking Marxist believes he should hand out free.. The basic unfairness and moral corrosiveness of such a system is why our founders banned the practice in the Constitution. They created a government to protect freedom and encourage work...not theft and dependence. There were no speeches about "making the rich pay" now were there?
Progressive tax rates are used by every major economy on earth

Has nothing to do with Marxism. Founders never banned taxation

I didnt say they banned taxation. Why dont you start with learning about the 16th Amendment?

You should delete your account.

View attachment 147291

And I will give you one last bit of education before you go on ignore. Your typical liberal claim "all the best countries do it" is plagiarism. Karl Marx said it first.

The Manifesto of the Communist Party: Chapter II Proletarians and Communists

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

So...nothing to do with Marxism? I guess not if you dont consider Marx a Marxist.
Marxism is the state owning everything. Where do you get that crap? A progressive tax is in every modern country but Reaganist BS America.
I'm good with my money so not keen on giving it to people who need it because they aren't.
I'm good with my money so not keen on giving it to people who need it because they aren't.
Are you rich? If not only the GOP wants your taxes raised as has happened for the last 35 years...
and services cut. All they have is brainwashing, character assassination, and irrelevant bigoted emotional wedge issues.
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Thank you for remembering they went bankrupt anyhow..and yet we still have GMs.

How is having GM, with the same failed management a good thing?

Had GM gone through the more traditional bankruptcy proceedings, how many fewer new cars would have been sold in the US?
Thank you for remembering they went bankrupt anyhow..and yet we still have GMs.

How is having GM, with the same failed management a good thing?

Had GM gone through the more traditional bankruptcy proceedings, how many fewer new cars would have been sold in the US?
They had to change management to get the money. Dupes!
Don't play games

Trump hides behind a corporation where he calls the shots
His corporations have declared bankruptcy four times

What sane investor does not use corporations to protect themselves? I certainly have, I take it you have never started or bought a business.

How many corporations have President Donald Trump owned during his career? How many did he sign over to his children?
Trumps business sense destroyed his company and he shafted his creditors

Just like he destroyed the USFL
Requiring the wealthy to pay taxes is not Socialism
Social programs is not Socialism

It is certainly Marxist dogma to tax different people different amounts based on what the nonworking Marxist believes he should hand out free.. The basic unfairness and moral corrosiveness of such a system is why our founders banned the practice in the Constitution. They created a government to protect freedom and encourage work...not theft and dependence. There were no speeches about "making the rich pay" now were there?
Progressive tax rates are used by every major economy on earth

Has nothing to do with Marxism. Founders never banned taxation

I didnt say they banned taxation. Why dont you start with learning about the 16th Amendment?

You should delete your account.

View attachment 147291

And I will give you one last bit of education before you go on ignore. Your typical liberal claim "all the best countries do it" is plagiarism. Karl Marx said it first.

The Manifesto of the Communist Party: Chapter II Proletarians and Communists

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

So...nothing to do with Marxism? I guess not if you dont consider Marx a Marxist.
So Marxism has progressive taxes just like every industrialized nation on earth and that proves progressive taxes are Marxist?

Conservatives and logic.....you just can't teach em
That argument only works for socialists.

Under true Capitalism,

you only get what you pay for.
A free-market capitalist republic is Where we should be. Obviously we are in the opposite state... in decline past the point of no return. Socialism is a dead-end.
End our socialized drug war, right wingers; don't be all political talk and no political action.
Most real conservatives don't believe in the drug war, it's the control freaks that are progressive push such a things like discretionary spending, it needs to be severely cut.
The right wing wants more government and refuses to pay for it.
No, the GOP establishment wants more government for their career politicians to control. A libertarian/conservative wants more individuality and freedom....
End the drug war, right wingers. Don't be all political talk and no political action, even wo-men in the non-porn sector, can do that.
$38 million in 2005 which is more than your entire bloodline will EARN in their lifetimes.
He pays more per year in property tax and sales tax than you'll earn over your life.
you know he's coming back with that ain't enough. too funny.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
not sure I understand your question. what tax breaks?
Why are we not raising taxes on the One Percent, to make sure we pay off the debt.
Because, no matter how much we raise taxes, Congress will simply spend more than any amount we could possibly raise. Until another conservative Congress passes more nearly balanced budgets, such as what was supplied to Bubba Clinton in the last years of his regime, raising taxes to pay off the debt is a fool's errand. Only the left, never seems to get it. That's why they cannot be trusted with the keys to the treasury.
The right wing wants bigger government with more emphasis on a drug war.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.

What are tax breaks and what YOU call tax breaks are two entirely different things.
lol. I love, right wing cognitive dissonance.

Not having to pay taxes is a break.

Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.

This is where the wheels always fall off the tricycle of those who hate the rich. Need has nothing to do with it, just as need has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment.

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Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.

Why do you need to own a gun? The point is, onerous taxation is morally and ethically wrong. The left, never gets it. That's why they can't be trusted with the keys to the treasury.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

In view of the tremendous sacrifices in property and blood demanded of the nation by every war, personal gain from the war must be termed a crime against the nation. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

We should have no, "wars on crime, drugs, or terror", without wartime tax rates.
I dont want affordable college. Every time a liberal gives us affordable college the price goes up.

You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
Reagan started cutting aid to public college in Cal. in 1965 and the GOP has been behind rising costs ever since- all to save greedy rich GOP idiots from paying their share...
Yet, the right wing insists on more government for a drug war, not education.
Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.

What are tax breaks and what YOU call tax breaks are two entirely different things.
lol. I love, right wing cognitive dissonance.

Not having to pay taxes is a break.

Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.
Why not?
I think like a 1% because I want to increase my fortune constantly. I am a winner, and like to win, then there are liberals who are whiners and like to whine. Like the OWS crowd.

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