"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

I dont want affordable college. Every time a liberal gives us affordable college the price goes up.

You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
Reagan started cutting aid to public college in Cal. in 1965 and the GOP has been behind rising costs ever since- all to save greedy rich GOP idiots from paying their share...
Yet, the right wing insists on more government for a drug war, not education.
We give billions of dollars to education, yet people like you still come out of it all fucked up in what little brain that you have.
The GOP cuts fed aid for states every year, dingbats. All to save the rich from paying their share...
Requiring the wealthy to pay taxes is not Socialism
Social programs is not Socialism

It is certainly Marxist dogma to tax different people different amounts based on what the nonworking Marxist believes he should hand out free.. The basic unfairness and moral corrosiveness of such a system is why our founders banned the practice in the Constitution. They created a government to protect freedom and encourage work...not theft and dependence. There were no speeches about "making the rich pay" now were there?
Progressive tax rates are used by every major economy on earth

Has nothing to do with Marxism. Founders never banned taxation

I didnt say they banned taxation. Why dont you start with learning about the 16th Amendment?

You should delete your account.

View attachment 147291

And I will give you one last bit of education before you go on ignore. Your typical liberal claim "all the best countries do it" is plagiarism. Karl Marx said it first.

The Manifesto of the Communist Party: Chapter II Proletarians and Communists

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

So...nothing to do with Marxism? I guess not if you dont consider Marx a Marxist.
Marxism is the state owning everything. Where do you get that crap? A progressive tax is in every modern country but Reaganist BS America.

I just showed you where I got it...the communist manifesto. Are you dyslexic?
bs- Link?
Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

Corporate taxes.
There should be no individual taxes, Only corporate taxes.

Just so I understand you clearly; soooo you want:
More drugs and drug addicts
More illegal immigrants
More welfare
A higher minimum wage
Taxpayer funded payments to the unemployed whom don't qualify for unemployment
Taxpayer funded healthcare for all
No individual income taxes
Do I have this all correct Danny?
Geee....I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet you're a super successful individual....hahaha

One combination he won't go for is legal pot taxed to the hilt.

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It is certainly Marxist dogma to tax different people different amounts based on what the nonworking Marxist believes he should hand out free.. The basic unfairness and moral corrosiveness of such a system is why our founders banned the practice in the Constitution. They created a government to protect freedom and encourage work...not theft and dependence. There were no speeches about "making the rich pay" now were there?
Progressive tax rates are used by every major economy on earth

Has nothing to do with Marxism. Founders never banned taxation

I didnt say they banned taxation. Why dont you start with learning about the 16th Amendment?

You should delete your account.

View attachment 147291

And I will give you one last bit of education before you go on ignore. Your typical liberal claim "all the best countries do it" is plagiarism. Karl Marx said it first.

The Manifesto of the Communist Party: Chapter II Proletarians and Communists

Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

So...nothing to do with Marxism? I guess not if you dont consider Marx a Marxist.
Marxism is the state owning everything. Where do you get that crap? A progressive tax is in every modern country but Reaganist BS America.

I just showed you where I got it...the communist manifesto. Are you dyslexic?
bs- Link?

You poor sad sick basement dwelling net denizen. The Communist Manifesto only exists in a link? How did Marx even write it without links you wonder. Think of how much of your little life has been spent saying "link please".
I should recommend a library to you. But that would be pointless. Instead I'll ask this before the next step....when provided a link you'll say "oops not bs. Sorry to waste your time"
You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
Reagan started cutting aid to public college in Cal. in 1965 and the GOP has been behind rising costs ever since- all to save greedy rich GOP idiots from paying their share...
Yet, the right wing insists on more government for a drug war, not education.
We give billions of dollars to education, yet people like you still come out of it all fucked up in what little brain that you have.
The GOP cuts fed aid for states every year, dingbats. All to save the rich from paying their share...

I don't think the GOP was established to provide aid to the states. In fact I think that's what state legislatures and treasury departments are for.
Liberals create lies and repeat them over and over and will riot upon you if you can not prove that something that did not happen did not happen
The Thing about Trump saying some of the white whatevers were "good people" Never Happened. Just did not happen .
Libs live in feelings not facts so if the facts don't exist or don't match what they wish had/would occur then they make stuff up and they are safe in their feelings space again.
One would think that knowingly lying would bother ones conscience but I guess you have to have one first
Liberals create lies and repeat them over and over and will riot upon you if you can not prove that something that did not happen did not happen
The Thing about Trump saying some of the white whatevers were "good people" Never Happened. Just did not happen .
Libs live in feelings not facts so if the facts don't exist or don't match what they wish had/would occur then they make stuff up and they are safe in their feelings space again.
One would think that knowingly lying would bother ones conscience but I guess you have to have one first

I saw a thousand Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11
People who don't have money are generally poor in managing it and low on motivation whereas I and many are good money managers and not willing to give it away to those who are not
You make it seem like it is not simply, class warfare.

The rich get to practice with capital more often than the poor. It really is that simple. Every guy should know, that, practice makes perfect. Only wo-men can be clueless and Causeless about that.
lol. I love, right wing cognitive dissonance.

Not having to pay taxes is a break.

Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.

This is where the wheels always fall off the tricycle of those who hate the rich. Need has nothing to do with it, just as need has nothing to do with the 2nd amendment.

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Why does a One Percenter, need any tax breaks.

Why do you need to own a gun? The point is, onerous taxation is morally and ethically wrong. The left, never gets it. That's why they can't be trusted with the keys to the treasury.

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Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

Any percentage that causes them to shield income so it won't be taxed. If you allow them returns greater than the tax rates, they won't hide it and more will be circulated in the economy. Why do you want to raise taxes on them again when it won't make any difference to the debt, as I've pointed out?
lol. don't you just love, class warfare. put them in jail if they avoid taxes and claim the rich should provide an example of the finest form of Patriotism for our Republic.


Anyone on welfare who has to work for food stamps, gets automatic stock options in for-profit prisons.
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Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

Corporate taxes.
There should be no individual taxes, Only corporate taxes.
Which means the customer will end up paying all the taxes, just like they do now.
If this is not another form of class warfare, the right wing really is clueless and Causeless.

Corporate Persons can afford to hire entire departments to help them conform to rational choice theory or fill out corporate welfare forms in triplicate, if they need a friendly social bailout and keep their bonuses.
Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

Corporate taxes.
There should be no individual taxes, Only corporate taxes.

Just so I understand you clearly; soooo you want:
More drugs and drug addicts
More illegal immigrants
More welfare
A higher minimum wage
Taxpayer funded payments to the unemployed whom don't qualify for unemployment
Taxpayer funded healthcare for all
No individual income taxes
Do I have this all correct Danny?
Geee....I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet you're a super successful individual....hahaha
Get back to me when you acquire and possess, some clue and some Cause, drugless wonder.
Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

Corporate taxes.
There should be no individual taxes, Only corporate taxes.

Just so I understand you clearly; soooo you want:
More drugs and drug addicts
More illegal immigrants
More welfare
A higher minimum wage
Taxpayer funded payments to the unemployed whom don't qualify for unemployment
Taxpayer funded healthcare for all
No individual income taxes
Do I have this all correct Danny?
Geee....I'm gonna go out on a limb and bet you're a super successful individual....hahaha

One combination he won't go for is legal pot taxed to the hilt.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Adult pot is taxed at almost ten dollars an ounce.

special interests already got their share.
Define onerous taxation for the one percent.

Corporate taxes.

The US already outdoes every communist country in the world in corporate taxes. There are some backwards African socialists who have higher taxes. Zambia and Cameroon. And some other failing nations almost match us like Venezuela, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh
It is why the globalist, pro-tax liberals at Apple (240 billion overseas) and Microsoft (93 billion overseas) keep so much of their money overseas.
One of the reasons income inequality persists is people don't realize how wide the gap between rich and poor has become.

Who says "income inequality" is something we should care about in the first place?
Liberals create lies and repeat them over and over and will riot upon you if you can not prove that something that did not happen did not happen
The Thing about Trump saying some of the white whatevers were "good people" Never Happened. Just did not happen .
Libs live in feelings not facts so if the facts don't exist or don't match what they wish had/would occur then they make stuff up and they are safe in their feelings space again.
One would think that knowingly lying would bother ones conscience but I guess you have to have one first

I saw a thousand Muslims dancing in the streets of NJ on 9-11
You would be deluded if you think it did not happen
"I made some poor life decisions and even worse career choices, I NEED Government to hold my hand and pave a pathway for me. "

True, but that is the narrative for a lot of people not just me. A lot of this though is out of the person's control. Intelligence, skills, abilities predetermine a person's success so it really isn't there fault for not being born with the abilities to be successful and thus they shouldn't be punished by not being given a living wage like everyone else, it is called treating your fellow man humanely. Luckily Truck Driving has paved a pathway for me. Im finally making 40k a year driving a truck, never made that kind of money in my life feel pretty good. I was making only minimum wage at McDonald's and they got rid of me for not counting change correctly. So I took up over the road truck driving. A friend of mine has a good paying job with the city driving a garbage truck. Like me he struggled with jobs, employers called him dumb. But hey the government was able to provide him a great paying job driving a garbage truck with great benefits. I am trying to get into that now and leave over the road. The Government needs to create more government jobs for people. In my view it is the governments job to either find a person a living wage job or pay the person a living wage regardless. I know a lot of guys who aren't the brightest guys like myself working pretty good dirty government jobs. A friend of mine was put in slow classes in high school, he was lucky enough that he got a good paying job as a police officer in Harvey, IL.
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You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
Reagan started cutting aid to public college in Cal. in 1965 and the GOP has been behind rising costs ever since- all to save greedy rich GOP idiots from paying their share...
Yet, the right wing insists on more government for a drug war, not education.
We give billions of dollars to education, yet people like you still come out of it all fucked up in what little brain that you have.
Gotta' love, right wing cognitive dissonance. It is the right wing that wants a War on Drugs and to abolish the Education department.
Yes, I want the department of education(non education but indoctrination) eliminated. Let the states decide what should be taught, and then if people want to learn, they go where the good schools go, not where lots of money goes(D.C.) and failure is the only thing taught. Stupid fuck.
You're right, Progressives don't make a college education affordable, they simply give more grants and make loans easier for students to borrow.

Keeps the money flowing from liberal professors back to democrats.
Reagan started cutting aid to public college in Cal. in 1965 and the GOP has been behind rising costs ever since- all to save greedy rich GOP idiots from paying their share...
Yet, the right wing insists on more government for a drug war, not education.
We give billions of dollars to education, yet people like you still come out of it all fucked up in what little brain that you have.
The GOP cuts fed aid for states every year, dingbats. All to save the rich from paying their share...

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