We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

why are you folks even having such an absurd disagreement?

Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more
I gave the table with the WHO risk factors. No where did they confirm any deaths under age 50. I son't see that in your link either, they had the lower limit at 60.

The ARDS patients had an average age of 61, compared to an average age of 49 for those who did not develop ARDS. Elderly patients “were more likely to develop ARDS,” the researchers wrote, suggesting how age can make Covid-19 more severe and even fatal: age increases the risk that the respiratory system will basically shut down under viral assault.
JFC do you need a god damn infomercial?
Fuck. Darwin moment.

I'm still laughing at you all. still no confirmed cases outside patients greater than 80. your link has that in their answer.

all cases
80+ years old 21.9% (confirmed cases) 14.8% (all cases)
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old no fatalities

The other percentages are probability numbers. not confirmed. so I'm still correct even with your link.
there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air.
The US and South Korea reported the first Covid-19 patients around the same day.

"Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Italy Department of Civil Protection; Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

"Delays in testing in the United States have set back the nation’s response to the pandemic, even though its first case was discovered around the same time that South Korea’s was."

U.S. Lags in Coronavirus Testing After Slow Response to Outbreak

Other differences between the two countries response to the pandemic include single payer health insurance and a willingness to accept WHO test kits in South Korea while the moron in the White House was still referring to the crisis as a "hoax."

Did President Trump Refer to the Coronavirus as a 'Hoax'?
Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.
I was never gullible enough to vote for Hillary or Trump. The simple fact is this: Trump is mentally, ethically, and emotionally incompetent to be POTUS. This was obvious to anyone who looked critically at his history of tax dodging, lying, fraudulent business practices, and malignant narcissism.
So first child in Maryland and freak out in full effect
Stats all along supported 1 in 5,000 chance for 10 and under so just one is actually quite Low but never miss a good chance to ignore stats and facts when more hysteria logs can be thrown on the fire
why are you folks even having such an absurd disagreement?

Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more
I gave the table with the WHO risk factors. No where did they confirm any deaths under age 50. I son't see that in your link either, they had the lower limit at 60.

The ARDS patients had an average age of 61, compared to an average age of 49 for those who did not develop ARDS. Elderly patients “were more likely to develop ARDS,” the researchers wrote, suggesting how age can make Covid-19 more severe and even fatal: age increases the risk that the respiratory system will basically shut down under viral assault.
JFC do you need a god damn infomercial?
Fuck. Darwin moment.

I'm still laughing at you all. still no confirmed cases outside patients greater than 80. your link has that in their answer.

all cases
80+ years old 21.9% (confirmed cases) 14.8% (all cases)
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old no fatalities

The other percentages are probability numbers. not confirmed. so I'm still correct even with your link.
Of course you are. LOL
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.

Great. That in no way minimizes the threat we are facing. The infecion and death rates are still what they are.

Yeah, except we have no way of knowing what they really are. We can be sure that far more people have been exposed/infected than are being reported, because of people who never realize that it happened at all. So the death rate, if it were being factored against the REAL number of people who got it and then got over it, would be a much lower percentage than what we're hearing.
I think I’m starting to see what will be the Media and other proponents of this overreaction fall back statement-
“We were right to be draconian because we feel Lots of People had it but never got recorded as having or having had it. Without our intervention those numbers would have been far huger and far more deadly so even though we can only speculate( once again) we did the right thing to crush America because the unknown result says do”

It kinda the same liberal mentality of prove that a non existent thing does not exist or prove yourself innocent
The other percentages are probability numbers. not confirmed
So you’re guessing?
they are. I'm merely attaching factual information. still only confirmed is >80. if there are others, why not list them? hmmmmmmm

Sounds like you’re guessing and you’re guesses just so happen to confirm what you already believed.

But in reality, the proof you’re wrong is in front of your nose and there’s nothing anyone can do to make you understand it.
The other percentages are probability numbers. not confirmed
So you’re guessing?

Unless you libs intend to mandate testing for all Americans, so it will always be a guess.

Mandate testing? Hell, we don’t even have enough testing for symptomatic patients.

you’re dreaming son.
why haven't manufacturers delivered them? you think trump does that too? did local folks actually put in an order?
The other percentages are probability numbers. not confirmed
So you’re guessing?
they are. I'm merely attaching factual information. still only confirmed is >80. if there are others, why not list them? hmmmmmmm

Sounds like you’re guessing and you’re guesses just so happen to confirm what you already believed.

But in reality, the proof you’re wrong is in front of your nose and there’s nothing anyone can do to make you understand it.
I don't guess, I post facts from articles and sites. I leave guessing to idiots on the left.
The other percentages are probability numbers. not confirmed
So you’re guessing?
they are. I'm merely attaching factual information. still only confirmed is >80. if there are others, why not list them? hmmmmmmm

Sounds like you’re guessing and you’re guesses just so happen to confirm what you already believed.

But in reality, the proof you’re wrong is in front of your nose and there’s nothing anyone can do to make you understand it.
I don't guess, I post facts from articles and sites. I leave guessing to idiots on the left.

You post things without understanding them.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
Are you saying Trump is way overreacting.

Not really, as President Trump has political considerations that he has to make that I don't have to. There are people out there that want to use the Corona Scare to destroy America. The President has to steer them off at the pass as well.
You are a very disturbed individual. In a time of crisis, like this, you and your views are very dangerous. The irony is Trump's response and success in dealing with the coronavirus will go a long way and determining whether he is reelected. People like you are hurting the chance of Trump succeeding. You and your ilk will add to the chance of Trump not be reelected.
It is only fair that Trump used idiots like you and your buddies to get elected, that these same idiots will unknowingly be part of what results in him not be reelected.
If you partner with idiots it will come back to bite you in the butt.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
Are you saying Trump is way overreacting.

Not really, as President Trump has political considerations that he has to make that I don't have to. There are people out there that want to use the Corona Scare to destroy America. The President has to steer them off at the pass as well.
You are a very disturbed individual. In a time of crisis, like this, you and your views are very dangerous. The irony is Trump's response and success in dealing with the coronavirus will go a long way and determining whether he is reelected. People like you are hurting the chance of Trump succeeding. You and your ilk will add to the chance of Trump not be reelected.
It is only fair that Trump used idiots like you and your buddies to get elected, that these same idiots will unknowingly be part of what results in him not be reelected.
If you partner with idiots it will come back to bite you in the butt.

Actually, the problem is with the media here. People really aren't believing them about CV, because they've lied so much in the past about "russian collusion" and other bullshit. Did you hear about Concord Management, who were indicted with great fanfare for Collusion by Mueller, being totally exonerated in court?
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
Are you saying Trump is way overreacting.

Not really, as President Trump has political considerations that he has to make that I don't have to. There are people out there that want to use the Corona Scare to destroy America. The President has to steer them off at the pass as well.
You are a very disturbed individual. In a time of crisis, like this, you and your views are very dangerous. The irony is Trump's response and success in dealing with the coronavirus will go a long way and determining whether he is reelected. People like you are hurting the chance of Trump succeeding. You and your ilk will add to the chance of Trump not be reelected.
It is only fair that Trump used idiots like you and your buddies to get elected, that these same idiots will unknowingly be part of what results in him not be reelected.
If you partner with idiots it will come back to bite you in the butt.
What is further criminal of you and your kind's view is the disrespect it shows toward doctors, nurses, medical staff, fireman, policeman and all first responders putting their lives on the line to fight this virus. Some have already lost their lives doing so and more will.
You and your disgusting friends are saying they are doing so for some charade that is not necessary.
Where do vermin like you come from.
Well my fucking gym has shuttered. Thank you you god damn nanny state liberal pansies. Our Trump following governor hasn't closed jack shit. It's some PC liberal catholic church hospital running the gym. Apoligizing to a bunch of gay kids who seduced the poor priests, opposing death penalties and now this. Trump should take their tax exemption. I'm literally bouncing on my tiny feet with anger.

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