We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .
why? unprecedented. but hey, you all have no idea how anything in the world actually works.
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .
why? unprecedented. but hey, you all have no idea how anything in the world actually works.
Not unprecedented, as it was already happening and he was already being given recommendations. Goddamn you cultists are out of your tiny minds.
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .
why? unprecedented. but hey, you all have no idea how anything in the world actually works.
Not unprecedented, as it was already happening and he was already being given recommendations. Goddamn you cultists are out of your tiny minds.
huh? what was already happening? let me explain what unprecendented means, when the US dropped nuclear bombs on Japan, that was unprecedented. Why?
The Obama admin had already tested 1million people in the first month. It was well controlled. This is not at all.

Having thousands crammed at the airports for hours and hours just guaranteed the spread and eventual deaths of Americans over something that could be fixed with a phone call.

compare the numbers and get back to us

What numbers?

the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.

we can compare them using the same time frame from discovery to current. the first 3 months. that data show that H1N1 was much worse in terms of people infected and people who died. And also in the reaction time by the POTUS. Obama dallied, Trump acted.

Trumptard Logic.
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .

Thank YOU for demonstrating that you only ever hear what you want to hear, regardless of what people actually say. We appreciate your honesty about your echo chamber.
Nobody has called the virus itself a hoax
Right, he called the concerns and proposed reaponses a hoax. Don't worry, literally everyone not in the Trump cult already knows this.
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax. Soon you will catch the whole truth virus
Given we are now attempting to adhere to restrictions that seemed nearly inconceivable just a week ago, there was no over reaction.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol actually lowers your immunity. Good job, dope. :thup:
and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

Yeah, well you're an idiot. He's actually putting quite a lot of people at risk. All you dopes who don't take social distancing seriously are. I would say you will probably be directly responsible for deaths if you continue to not take this seriously.

View attachment 313262
stay away from me then. Isn't that the greatness of our country that you don't have to be where I am. stay away, close your doors, you'll be fine. I'm using my liberty for what it was given for. it's really a shame you need a government official to tell you how to behave. George Washington took on the historic British empire that had 30,000 experienced soldiers with 16,000 untrained militia. What an amazing feat of courage and stupidity at the same time.

I would love to stay as far away from you as possible. Unfortunately people like you are likely to be in line behind me at the grocery store or gas station where you will infect with impunity.

You're a real piece of shit.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
The Obama admin had already tested 1million people in the first month. It was well controlled. This is not at all.

Having thousands crammed at the airports for hours and hours just guaranteed the spread and eventual deaths of Americans over something that could be fixed with a phone call.

compare the numbers and get back to us

What numbers?

the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.

we can compare them using the same time frame from discovery to current. the first 3 months. that data show that H1N1 was much worse in terms of people infected and people who died. And also in the reaction time by the POTUS. Obama dallied, Trump acted.
The bungling of H1N1 was from the global health chiefs at WHO, absolute zero to do with Obama.
Thank YOU for demonstrating that you only ever hear what you want to hear
Only problem with your whining: I heard his actual words, while you made up shit he never said to defend him

So, obviously, it's you cultists who are hearing what you want to hear.
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?
There are a lot reasons for the US failed response in the critical first days of the epidemic but they all boil down to two things.
First, being the lack of preparedness. We had no unified plan of action. The states had no plan of action and looked to the federal government for help. The federal government had no real plan either.

Second, there was a lack of leadership.
  • The cabinet members were telling people one thing and CDC was saying something different. While the CDC was talking to the states about the need to take action, the president was comparing the virus to the flu and claiming that it was a democrat and media hoax.
  • The president made a statement about the availability of test kits. A cabinet secretary corrected him, then the CDC corrected him, then the Vice President told us what the President really meant.
  • Trump sent Pence to Washington to meet with the governor and to see how the federal goverment can help the state with the problem of containing the virus. After what Pence called a very productive meeting, he thanked the governor, health officials and others for their response to the outbreak. The governor, in return, was cordial and welcoming to Pence. That good-spirited collaboration apparently proved too much for Trump calling the governor a snake and not to be trusted. When asked by a reporter about Pence’s visit to Washington, the president said he told Pence not to be nice to the governor. Pence as usually ignored Trump because he understood that in a time of crisis, it is wrong and counterproductive to use the power of your office for political payback.
Last edited:
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
Totally untrue, the data provides probability assigned to various outcomes.
The data is growing and becoming more statistically significant.
If you do not believe in data look at real life results throughout the world, Italy, all through western europe, China with the negative results of reacting slowly to the virus, like we had been doing. Then look at South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore for results of thos who took drastic action as soon as possible.

Have you noticed that large parts of economy are being shut down with the blessings of Trump.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
Are you saying Trump is way overreacting.

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