We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

true, do you have those numbers? if so, post them.
We only have numbers from studies that have been completed. In the one study done on Chinese patients, about 16.5% of the patients studied were hospitalized with severe illness, and only 39.1% of those had a co-existing illness. The median age for those with severe illness was 47.

On the phone now, will try to re-post link later. You may be able to find it earlier in the thread.

How many had it and didn't know they had it? Don't have that number, do you? and you never will because there is no way to know.
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?
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Fauci, said it best yesterday, you all are confused thinking that the tests cure the virus
Only Trump and his butt-wipes are that stupid.
and here you are thinking it is. nice
and here you are thinking it is. nice
What was Trump thinking two years ago?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"It began in April 2018 — more than a year and a half before the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the disease it causes,

"Covid-19, sickened enough people in China that authorities realized they were dealing with a new disease.

"The Trump administration, with John Bolton newly at the helm of the White House National Security Council, began dismantling the team in charge of pandemic response, firing its leadership and disbanding the team in spring 2018.

"The cuts, coupled with the administration’s repeated calls to cut the budget for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies, made it clear that the Trump administration wasn’t prioritizing the federal government’s ability to respond to disease outbreaks."
Worst case scenario is a few million Americans die. I don't know a single person whose life is worth the amount of damage that is being caused by shutting down the economy. We need to stop acting like children start living life as normal. Yes, a few million or more people may die, but that's their patriotic duty. I wish it didn't have to happen, but some times people need to die for the good of the country. These are also the weakest members of our nation. How much do they cost the US economy everyday that they wake up? They need to face up to reality that this may the one good thing they can do for our great country. Imagine if the men storming the beaches of Normandy were behaving similar to the snowflakes who are cowering in fear over a tiny little virus. Suck it up and go forward. We cannot let self-entitled snowflakes dictate how this country is run. Stop closing down businesses. Stop working from home. Stop subsidies to help those who refuse to do their JOBS so they can get money to pay their bills.

I am tired of long lines, increased hold times, and the smell of lysol. Let's end this madness that the democrats are causing just to make President Trump look bad.
I suspect if you had been laying on a gurney in a hospital for two days, gasping for breath because there were no ventilators, or available beds. you might have a very different outlook.

yes, but the vast majority of deaths from covid world wide have been people who were old AND had some other kind of medical issue. the question that is cannot be answered is: how many of those people would have died any way? maybe virus hastened their deaths, or maybe it didn't, there is no way we can ever know.

I go back to the OP, we are seeing an overreaction by governments at all levels, as well as businesses and sports arenas. No one wants to allow people to be in a large group and then have some of them come down with it. They are scared of being sued. this could be handled much better without the media and the lawyers.

Yes, it needs to be managed and people need to take sensible precautions. But shutting down all commerce is not the answer.
Just about the time Trump was calling the media reaction to the virus a hoax and comparing it to the common flu, South Korea was closing public libraries, museums, churches, day-care centers, and cancelling all major gatherings. In the first few days of March, schools and universities were closed. In major cities and towns checkpoints were set to check individuals for symptoms. People were being sent home if they didn't need to be on streets. Social distancing was being enforced in all major cities. Between March 4th and March 16, the number of reported new cases had dropped 90%. In the US, where response had been mostly local and spotted, new cases had increased 2800%. What the US is doing is based mostly on what was done in South Korea and few other places.

From what I have seen in the Seattle area, I believe the number of new cases will drop significantly over next two weeks. All restaurants, bars, schools, sporting events have been closed. In grocery stores and pharmacies which are one of the few retail establishments operating normally, social distancing is very apparent.

He never called the virus a hoax, he called the democrats rhetoric on it, "the latest democrat hoax".

the misquoting that goes on here is limitless.

Yes he did. You are just in denial. Here’s the complete transcript.

Let me interpret it for you ....... Trump said ......... This is their new hoax. Meaning the Coronavirus is hoax created by democrats. Meaning Coronavirus is a hoax.

Does it make any difference when Hannity and Limbaugh the biggest Trump media supporter been calling it hoax for 2 weeks?

Why even used that words HOAX in the middle of pandemic?

Trump says he took coronavirus seriously after calling it a 'hoax' - Business Insider

One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.' That did not work out too well." Trump told the crowd. "They could not do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. ... They tried anything. ... And this is their new hoax."

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Worst case scenario is a few million Americans die. I don't know a single person whose life is worth the amount of damage that is being caused by shutting down the economy. We need to stop acting like children start living life as normal. Yes, a few million or more people may die, but that's their patriotic duty. I wish it didn't have to happen, but some times people need to die for the good of the country. These are also the weakest members of our nation. How much do they cost the US economy everyday that they wake up? They need to face up to reality that this may the one good thing they can do for our great country. Imagine if the men storming the beaches of Normandy were behaving similar to the snowflakes who are cowering in fear over a tiny little virus. Suck it up and go forward. We cannot let self-entitled snowflakes dictate how this country is run. Stop closing down businesses. Stop working from home. Stop subsidies to help those who refuse to do their JOBS so they can get money to pay their bills.

I am tired of long lines, increased hold times, and the smell of lysol. Let's end this madness that the democrats are causing just to make President Trump look bad.
I suspect if you had been laying on a gurney in a hospital for two days, gasping for breath because there were no ventilators, or available beds. you might have a very different outlook.

yes, but the vast majority of deaths from covid world wide have been people who were old AND had some other kind of medical issue. the question that is cannot be answered is: how many of those people would have died any way? maybe virus hastened their deaths, or maybe it didn't, there is no way we can ever know.

I go back to the OP, we are seeing an overreaction by governments at all levels, as well as businesses and sports arenas. No one wants to allow people to be in a large group and then have some of them come down with it. They are scared of being sued. this could be handled much better without the media and the lawyers.

Yes, it needs to be managed and people need to take sensible precautions. But shutting down all commerce is not the answer.
Just about the time Trump was calling the media reaction to the virus a hoax and comparing it to the common flu, South Korea was closing public libraries, museums, churches, day-care centers, and cancelling all major gatherings. In the first few days of March, schools and universities were closed. In major cities and towns checkpoints were set to check individuals for symptoms. People were being sent home if they didn't need to be on streets. Social distancing was being enforced in all major cities. Between March 4th and March 16, the number of reported new cases had dropped 90%. In the US, where response had been mostly local and spotted, new cases had increased 2800%. What the US is doing is based mostly on what was done in South Korea and few other places.

From what I have seen in the Seattle area, I believe the number of new cases will drop significantly over next two weeks. All restaurants, bars, schools, sporting events have been closed. In grocery stores and pharmacies which are one of the few retail establishments operating normally, social distancing is very apparent.

He never called the virus a hoax, he called the democrats rhetoric on it, "the latest democrat hoax".

the misquoting that goes on here is limitless.
Trump didnt take this seriously until Tucker Carlson said it was real.
Which means fox news is running the country.
question: and please don't answer unless you know.

does the pneumonia shot prevent the pneumonia brought on by corona virus?
If you are asking about Covid-19 pneumonia which is caused by the same virus as Covid-19, (SARS-CoV-2), the answer is no. The pneumonia shot affords you protection for a number of strains of pneumococcal pneumonia, a bacterial pneumonia.

A serious lung infection could weaken your body's defenses, making you vulnerable to pneumococcal pneumonia, in which case the vaccine could protect you but it would not protect you from any strain of viral pneumonia.
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Because our health department has been communicating extensively with us and that’s what’s going on.

Nothing more than generic hearsay on your part, and considering you have an axe to grind against Trump, I doubt your objectivity on this subject.

I don’t care what you think. I know what’s true. You’re not a part of this so you’re claims aren’t even based on hearsay, just guessing and hoping, a lot like Trump’s response until very recently.

If the spread is halted or slowed, it’ll be because people did things that the right has been making fun of them for doing. Much of the Trump base tried to minimize the risk. Some still are. The country is more rational than these people.

I have a degree in Engineering, which allows me to see the situation as a problem, with given data, assumptions, and outcomes. Epidemiology is more statistics than medicine, so your being an MD, an RN, and LPN or even a medical biller doesn't give you the added insight you think it does.

There is no data without adequate and timely testing, dope.
who gets tested? You really think there are 320 million kits? hahahhahahahaha so misinformed you are.

That's the problem, dope.
He never called the virus a hoax, he called the democrats rhetoric on it, "the latest democrat hoax".
Bullshit. He did not say anything about rhetoric. Get that nonsense out of here.
Nobody has called the virus itself a hoax despite repeated, lying assertions by liberals over that.
We have said that locking down America, destroying some industries, wrecking the stock market (we Know you are happy about that) over “what if” instead of “what is” then There is the over reactive hoax.!
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol actually lowers your immunity. Good job, dope. :thup:
and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

Yeah, well you're an idiot. He's actually putting quite a lot of people at risk. All you dopes who don't take social distancing seriously are. I would say you will probably be directly responsible for deaths if you continue to not take this seriously.

How many had it and didn't know they had it?
Dunno. You can bet they knew where we people had it, because people would have been hospitalized in areas where people had it.

The point, which you obviously missed, is that your assertion about only sick and old peoplewas totally wrong.
12,469 deaths/ 60.8 million cases of infection = 2.05%
Okay I will stand corrected on that, as the US numbers are what we want to look at. (though, looking back at the pandemic, actually 0.02% overall: Study puts global 2009 pandemic H1N1 infection rate at 24%)

The current range estimates in the US for morbidity of covid-19, from the CDC, is 0.25% - 3.0%. The biggest factor of why it will be high, in places, is because of lack access to proper care. This is exactly why we need to slow the spread, so that our healthcare infrastructure is not overwhelmed.. We can literally control the death rate, by slowing the spread. You see?

And this virus is more contagious., The low-end estimates are at 20%, which translates to 80 million. We should not be preparing for the low end estimate. And, again, we can literally have some control over that number by what we do. And covid-19 is more infectious than the flu. So we will reach that low end 80 million faster.
Everyone agrees that we want to slow the spread of the virus and keep the death rate low, and the way to do that is to behave proactively which is exactly what the US has done and what few other countries have done. Just days after the first US case was identified, the President closed down travel from China, which according to the CDC has saved many lives and slowed down the spread of the virus in the US and now we are taking steps domestically to slow the spread that the EU countries only took after they were overwhelmed by the spread of the virus. The EU countries behaved irresponsibly and ow they are paying a heavy price for their negligence, but the US has the most proactive government in Washington we have ever had, and because we do, we will not face the same level of devastation the EU countries are suffering. Because we have behaved so proactively here in the US, our infection rate and mortality rate will remain much, much lower than in the rest of the world. In fact, the way our government has acted in this outbreak is a model the rest of the world should try to emulate in future outbreaks.

The standard of care in the US is among the highest in the world and there is no scenario in which our healthcare system will be so overwhelmed that that standard of care will jeopardised.
The standard of care in the US is among the highest in the world and there is no scenario in which our healthcare system will be so overwhelmed that that standard of care will jeopardised.

^simply foolish
BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol actually lowers your immunity. Good job, dope. :thup:
and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

Yeah, well you're an idiot. He's actually putting quite a lot of people at risk. All you dopes who don't take social distancing seriously are. I would say you will probably be directly responsible for deaths if you continue to not take this seriously.

View attachment 313262
stay away from me then. Isn't that the greatness of our country that you don't have to be where I am. stay away, close your doors, you'll be fine. I'm using my liberty for what it was given for. it's really a shame you need a government official to tell you how to behave. George Washington took on the historic British empire that had 30,000 experienced soldiers with 16,000 untrained militia. What an amazing feat of courage and stupidity at the same time.
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BTW, nothing like the governor of a state to shame his constituents for going to bars and celebrating St. Patty's Day. yeah, the little respect he may have had left at that speech. Fk Pritzger.
Celebrating St. Patty's day is not more important then slowing the spread of the virus, dope.

Idiots should be shamed at every opportunity.

St. Patrick's Day , at least around here, is celebrated with copious amounts of alcohol, which BTW kills coronavirus.

Further, they say that Coronavirus first came from snakes, and St. Patrick is best known for driving the snakes out of Ireland.

Drinking copious amounts of alcohol actually lowers your immunity. Good job, dope. :thup:
and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

and your point is? he's the one taking the risk, not you. fk this shit really bothers you fking leftists that some people aren't buying all of this. Not me. Not at all. not when ~55,000 may have died from the flu that has vaccines.

BTW, Cheers!!!

Yeah, well you're an idiot. He's actually putting quite a lot of people at risk. All you dopes who don't take social distancing seriously are. I would say you will probably be directly responsible for deaths if you continue to not take this seriously.

View attachment 313262
what if the open borders you wanted did that as well? then you're responsible. any death caused by an illegal is on you.
Where did you get that information?
Chris Plante show today. He played a news updated from some channel he had.



it was real difficult.

I was referring to the zero deaths of anyone below 50 you goof. That should have been blisteringly obvious to even you.
just posted it. And again, you can post your link with the any under 50.
You don’t know what you’re reading.
sure I do. confirmed cases of death are only in the >80 category. feel free to point to my error.
Hutch Starskey you bubba, so post the confirmed deaths under 80
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .

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