We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
Are you saying Trump is way overreacting.

Not really, as President Trump has political considerations that he has to make that I don't have to. There are people out there that want to use the Corona Scare to destroy America. The President has to steer them off at the pass as well.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment
Yes, no, unknown, it’s not “lethal”, yes
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.
Are you saying Trump is way overreacting.

Not really, as President Trump has political considerations that he has to make that I don't have to. There are people out there that want to use the Corona Scare to destroy America. The President has to steer them off at the pass as well.
According to polishprince, Trump's actions are purely political. There is not a threat from the coronavirus. He is providing a trillion dollar bail out package and authorizing the war powers act to prevent people from destroying America.
That seems like a reasonable interpretation of what is going on. I do not know why I did not figure that out.
We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment
Yes, no, unknown, it’s not “lethal”, yes
To that I say,

rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .

he called the democrat rhetoric on this "the latest democrat hoax" never called the virus a hoax and has been taking extreme measures to control it from the beginning.

stop the partisan bullshit and the country can conquer this thing. This is not the time to divide the country with partisan crap and lies.
compare the numbers and get back to us

What numbers?

the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.

we can compare them using the same time frame from discovery to current. the first 3 months. that data show that H1N1 was much worse in terms of people infected and people who died. And also in the reaction time by the POTUS. Obama dallied, Trump acted.

Trumptard Logic.

facts dude, just simple facts
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

So should we all panic and scream that the world is ending? A malaria drug has had a 100% cure rate when administered to people with corona. We will defeat this if the prophets of doom will STFU
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.

The whole purpose of this government intervention is not to stop people from getting infected because it won't.

The purpose is to increase the time frame of the inevitable infections so the medical system isn't overwhelmed.

Everyone is going to be exposed to this virus eventually
We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.

Great. That in no way minimizes the threat we are facing. The infecion and death rates are still what they are.
We had some people fighting for the toilet paper at my local grocery store. Another person overpaid for about 80 rolls. Also, place was packed with people, some products completely out of stock.

I think we've had 1 person total die from this. Everyone is anticipating the national quarantine. It's oversold, over promoted by MSM (especially in the U.S who want to hurt Trump and keep any focus away from Biden) and people become irrational.
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

So should we all panic and scream that the world is ending? A malaria drug has had a 100% cure rate when administered to people with corona. We will defeat this if the prophets of doom will STFU

You should take it seriously and do your part.
What numbers?

the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.

we can compare them using the same time frame from discovery to current. the first 3 months. that data show that H1N1 was much worse in terms of people infected and people who died. And also in the reaction time by the POTUS. Obama dallied, Trump acted.

Trumptard Logic.

facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.

The whole purpose of this government intervention is not to stop people from getting infected because it won't.

The purpose is to increase the time frame of the inevitable infections so the medical system isn't overwhelmed.

Everyone is going to be exposed to this virus eventually

is everyone in China exposed? Italy? France?
Democrats need to be made to pay for what they have done.
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

So should we all panic and scream that the world is ending? A malaria drug has had a 100% cure rate when administered to people with corona. We will defeat this if the prophets of doom will STFU

You should take it seriously and do your part.
View attachment 313354

I do and I am. but I refuse to panic and scream "the world is ending" like many of you.
the number infected and died from H1N1 and the same numbers for corona. get em and post em, if you are honest enough to do it.
How can you compare them?
One is history and one is just beginning, dope.

we can compare them using the same time frame from discovery to current. the first 3 months. that data show that H1N1 was much worse in terms of people infected and people who died. And also in the reaction time by the POTUS. Obama dallied, Trump acted.

Trumptard Logic.

facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.
Last edited:
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.

The whole purpose of this government intervention is not to stop people from getting infected because it won't.

The purpose is to increase the time frame of the inevitable infections so the medical system isn't overwhelmed.

Everyone is going to be exposed to this virus eventually

is everyone in China exposed? Italy? France?
You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

So should we all panic and scream that the world is ending? A malaria drug has had a 100% cure rate when administered to people with corona. We will defeat this if the prophets of doom will STFU

You should take it seriously and do your part.
View attachment 313354

I do and I am. but I refuse to panic and scream "the world is ending" like many of you.
They will be eventually

Let's not forget that many people have already had this virus but their symptoms were mild and they did not seek medical help therefore there is no way to know how many people were actually already infected and recovered.
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.

The whole purpose of this government intervention is not to stop people from getting infected because it won't.

The purpose is to increase the time frame of the inevitable infections so the medical system isn't overwhelmed.

Everyone is going to be exposed to this virus eventually

is everyone in China exposed? Italy? France?
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

So should we all panic and scream that the world is ending? A malaria drug has had a 100% cure rate when administered to people with corona. We will defeat this if the prophets of doom will STFU

You should take it seriously and do your part.
View attachment 313354

I do and I am. but I refuse to panic and scream "the world is ending" like many of you.
They will be eventually

Let's not forget that many people have already had this virus but their symptoms were mild and they did not seek medical help therefore there is no way to know how many people were actually already infected and recovered.

true, so does that support the panic that we are seeing? very high recovery rates unless you have some other serious medical issue.

do you wonder if China started this on purpose to tank our economy? We do know that they have consistently lied about it from the beginning.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
1) C-19 is far more contagious than the flu.

2) C-19 is far more lethal than the flu.

3) There is no vaccine, and there won't be for at least a year. Probably a year and a half.

4) We have no idea how far and wide C-19 has spread, since very, very little testing has been done and can't be done.

That is why we have to take far greater precautions against C-19 than with the flu.

You are parroting talking points that were obsolete two months ago.

I hope in the week since you started this topic that you have wised up and are talking the appropriate precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. You would never forgive yourself if you caused a loved one to get sick.

Please take care of yourself.
why are you folks even having such an absurd disagreement?

Who is getting sick? A look at coronavirus risk by age, gender, and more
I gave the table with the WHO risk factors. No where did they confirm any deaths under age 50. I son't see that in your link either, they had the lower limit at 60.

The ARDS patients had an average age of 61, compared to an average age of 49 for those who did not develop ARDS. Elderly patients “were more likely to develop ARDS,” the researchers wrote, suggesting how age can make Covid-19 more severe and even fatal: age increases the risk that the respiratory system will basically shut down under viral assault.
JFC do you need a god damn infomercial?
Fuck. Darwin moment.

The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
1) C-19 is far more contagious than the flu.

2) C-19 is far more lethal than the flu.

3) There is no vaccine, and there won't be for at least a year. Probably a year and a half.

4) We have no idea how far and wide C-19 has spread, since very, very little testing has been done and can't be done.

That is why we have to take far greater precautions against C-19 than with the flu.

You are parroting talking points that were obsolete two months ago.

I hope in the week since you started this topic that you have wised up and are talking the appropriate precautions to protect yourself and your loved ones. You would never forgive yourself if you caused a loved one to get sick.

Please take care of yourself.
you cannot reliably say that Covid is deadlier than the flu.

There is just no way to know how many people have already had it and never bothered to even see a doctor because the symptoms were so mild if you're basing lethality on the number of people tested your numbers are going to be flat out wrong and most likely skewed because only people with severe symptoms are being teated
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.

The whole purpose of this government intervention is not to stop people from getting infected because it won't.

The purpose is to increase the time frame of the inevitable infections so the medical system isn't overwhelmed.

Everyone is going to be exposed to this virus eventually

is everyone in China exposed? Italy? France?
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

So should we all panic and scream that the world is ending? A malaria drug has had a 100% cure rate when administered to people with corona. We will defeat this if the prophets of doom will STFU

You should take it seriously and do your part.
View attachment 313354

I do and I am. but I refuse to panic and scream "the world is ending" like many of you.
They will be eventually

Let's not forget that many people have already had this virus but their symptoms were mild and they did not seek medical help therefore there is no way to know how many people were actually already infected and recovered.

true, so does that support the panic that we are seeing? very high recovery rates unless you have some other serious medical issue.

do you wonder if China started this on purpose to tank our economy? We do know that they have consistently lied about it from the beginning.

I do think we are overreacting

I'm not such a conspiracy nut to think this is biological warfare.

The wet markets in china where all sorts of animals are slaughtered in horribly unsanitary conditions is more than sufficient to breed new viruses
Thank YOU for demonstrating that you only ever hear what you want to hear
Only problem with your whining: I heard his actual words, while you made up shit he never said to defend him

So, obviously, it's you cultists who are hearing what you want to hear.

Sorry, no. It is my sad duty that any time you hear "Oh, you're so right, Fart Fun", you are, in fact, hearing your own delusions, not the actual words.

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