We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

As soon as the spittle flinging profanities come out, you know you have bested and frustrated a panic stricken liberal Once Again
Neato! But that has no bearing on the fact that the things you are saying are so painfully fucking stupid.
Oh, I know you don't care that you are proudly saying idiotic things over and over and over. That's what trumpism is.
No he called what he deemed the overreaction as an overreactive hoax.
Which was an irresponsible lie. Thank you for shedding your cultism for an accidental moment of honesty.

Except, of course, you're still lying, since he was not that specific, generally, when calling it a hoax. .

he called the democrat rhetoric on this "the latest democrat hoax" never called the virus a hoax and has been taking extreme measures to control it from the beginning.

stop the partisan bullshit and the country can conquer this thing. This is not the time to divide the country with partisan crap and lies.

Okay. So why is it acceptable to you that the Coronavirus is democrats latest hoax? That’s tells you Trump liar.

Why is that acceptable to you that a president of US just attacked his own people? Why?

Dividing this country? He just said CV is democrats latest HOAX. What do you call that? That is called divider in Chief.

Get a life.
rump has not been reluctant to get test kits out to every health facility. Where did you get that lie? His administration has taken aggressive action from the beginning and its been effective. Why can't you dem/libs put the bullshit politics aside for a few days and help with this?
How do you explain the discrepancy between US and South Korean response to Covid-19 when both countries reported their first case on the same day?

The Trump administration’s botched coronavirus response was years in the making

"That failure is most abundantly clear in testing.

"To date, the US has tested a fraction of the people of some countries with much smaller outbreaks.

"Several weeks after the first community transmission within the US, the country has tested more than 16,000 people as of March 13, according to the Covid Tracking Project.

"By comparison, South Korea had tested more than 66,000 people within a week of its first case of community transmission.

"Testing is crucial to slowing epidemics. First, it lets public health officials identify sick people and subsequently isolate them.

"Second, they can trace that sick person’s recent contacts to make sure those people aren’t sick and to get them into quarantine as well. It’s one of the best tools we have for an outbreak like this."

See what happens when you elect an ignorant bigot who's so stupid he believes himself infallible?

there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans. People with symptoms are being tested and quarantined. Shutting down travel from China and other infected countries has saved many thousands of americans from contracting this.

Just because Trump beat your precious crooked hillary is no reason to ignore the facts of this mess, that was created by the Chinese.

Your partisan assholiness is pathetic.
South Korea stockpiles test kits and personal protection for technicians like the US. However, unlike the US in early January, before the first case appeared in South Korea, the country began manufacturing additional kits.

In the US we needed to test at the rate of South Koreans which was 5200 tests per million people. In the US we were testing at a rate of 74 tests per million. The lack of testing in the early stages of the expansion of virus has created a huge problem for the US.

The South Korean approach was much different than the US. They located people who had symptoms of the virus, which means they contacted all large medical centers for information on patients, they stopping people at airports, train and bus station, and highway check points first in areas where there were reported cases and then throughout the country. If a person had the symptoms, they were administered the test immediately and those that were positive were quarantined and investigators were assigned to trace contacts.

In the US, we depended on doctors and hospitals to discover who needed testing and ordering a test. Since it was unclear what the CDC guidelines were and there were a lack of test kits, very few people were being tested during the early critical stages of the epidemic in Feb and early March. Since few people were being tested, tracing contacts and quarantining was a hit and miss operation. Finally, test kits became available but too late. The virus is in now every state and new cases are doubling ever 5 or 6 day.

Having missed the opportunity to stop the virus in the early stages, the US is shifting gears toward social distancing, closing non-essential activities, and voluntary isolation which is putting the country on a course more like Europe than South Korea. That means a lot more cases, deaths, and a devastating blow to the economy.
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You are definitely a brainless minion. Did you listen to Trump today?

You have to understand multi-variable quantitative analysis to understand that a virus with a 2% or less mortality rate, has been determined to be "highly contagious" in a community setting and is going into a virgin population without any natural immunity or vaccinations, could kill hundreds of thousands people without mitigation The potential hospitalization rates would definitely be above current hospital availability.

You institute social distancing and potential quarantine to mitigate the worst possible outcome not because you are panicking.

The majority of people do not get real sick but they accelerate the community spread and increase the number in the vulnerable population who catch the virus and die.

Look beyond your own little world. Try to understand concepts of disease spread that binary thought cannot comprehend.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.

Great. That in no way minimizes the threat we are facing. The infecion and death rates are still what they are.

Yeah, except we have no way of knowing what they really are. We can be sure that far more people have been exposed/infected than are being reported, because of people who never realize that it happened at all. So the death rate, if it were being factored against the REAL number of people who got it and then got over it, would be a much lower percentage than what we're hearing.
I bet half the cases are not included in the statistics we see, first because of the lack test kits, hardly anybody got tested unless they were admitted to a hospital. Now, the ERs and doctors offices are so busy they are telling people not come in unless you have all the symptoms. People with less serious cases will just sweat it out at home since there is no cure. The major problem with this is that if cases are not recorded, no one is going look for contacts and they will not even know they were exposed.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.

Great. That in no way minimizes the threat we are facing. The infecion and death rates are still what they are.

Yeah, except we have no way of knowing what they really are. We can be sure that far more people have been exposed/infected than are being reported, because of people who never realize that it happened at all. So the death rate, if it were being factored against the REAL number of people who got it and then got over it, would be a much lower percentage than what we're hearing.
I bet half the cases are not included in the statistics we see, first because of the lack test kits, hardly anybody got tested unless they were admitted to a hospital. Now, the ERs and doctors offices are so busy they are telling people not come in unless you have all the symptoms. People with less serious cases will just sweat it out at home since there is no cure. The major problem with this is that if cases are not recorded, no one is going look for contacts and they will not even know they were exposed.

I bet its a lot more than half. Most infected individuals don't have severe enough symptoms even to consult a doctor in the first place.
Excuse making fully coming in about not enough tally of who had it so numbers will be low and blah blah
So it”soared....shot up....achieved new heights” 14,000 infected which OF Course Is NOT Astounding as more and more tests are being performed. We have to ask
1.How does that compare to first month after H1N1 was identified
2.Petcentages is what matters and not hard numbers and libbies they can’t be blended.
3. Of this 14,000; who with close everyday contact has become sick? That self reporting while we are self distancing should be very easy.
4. Of the 14,000 how many have been hospitalized.
5. Is it really prudent to shut down America and crush the economy over 200 deaths and 14,000 infections? In the same time period 4,200 have died from pnemonia . Why have we been So Careless as to their well being for decades?
So you’re guessing?
they are. I'm merely attaching factual information. still only confirmed is >80. if there are others, why not list them? hmmmmmmm

Sounds like you’re guessing and you’re guesses just so happen to confirm what you already believed.

But in reality, the proof you’re wrong is in front of your nose and there’s nothing anyone can do to make you understand it.
I don't guess, I post facts from articles and sites. I leave guessing to idiots on the left.

You post things without understanding them.
I post what’s there. You talk about what isn’t like it is. That’s magic

How would you know what’s there when you’re too scientifically illiterate to understand what you’re looking at?
Stay positive: Here are 23 pieces of good news regarding coronavirus
Christina Ausley, SeattlePI

Updated 9:27 am CDT, Thursday, March 19, 2020

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Photo: Andre Penner, AP
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1. Of about 80,000 people sick from COVID-19 in China, more than 70% have recovered and been discharged from hospitals
Per the World Health Organization last week, "Of the 80,000 reported COVID-19 cases in China, more than 70% have recovered and been discharged."

The novel coronavirus news is scary, we get it.

Headlines continuously read distressing news regarding the virus so we can all take advanced safety measures to protect not just ourselves, but also those around us.

Yet, there's a handful of worldwide news doling out glimmers of hope in the midst of frightening times, and that's important too.

So, we've rounded up all the good news about the virus worth catching up on.

For a detailed map, check out The Times Union’s New York Coronavirus Tracker

To get regular updates on our coverage, sign up for our coronavirus newsletter.

Read on and click through the slideshow above for all the happy headlines we're highlighting.

1. Of about 80,000 people sick from COVID-19 in China, more than 70% have recovered and been discharged from hospitals
Per the World Health Organization last week, "Of the 80,000 reported COVID-19 cases in China, more than 70% have recovered and been discharged."

2. Scientists have figured out how the novel coronavirus breaks into human cells, which will help significantly in developing treatments
After scientists revealed the first picture of how the novel coronavirus binds with human respiratory cells to produce more viruses, researchers in China have solidified images all the way down to the level of the atoms at the binding points, according to Live Science. With this news, understanding how the virus enters cells will significantly aid researchers in finding drugs and vaccines to fight the virus.

3. Due to high levels of self-quarantine, Codogno, one of the two coronavirus clusters in Italy, has reported significantly fewer infections per day
Compared to 35 cases per day at the beginning of the outbreak, just five new infections were announced last week by Codogno's mayor, Francesco Passerini, according to the U.S. News and World Report. “It is a war. It is a war, but we have every possibility of winning,” Passerini said. “Unlike with our grandfathers, who went physically into battle for our freedom, we are being required to show responsibility — responsibility and calm.”

4. Scientists in Canada have made massive breakthroughs in an effort to develop a vaccine
A team of Canadian scientists has finally isolated and grown copies of the coronavirus, which may now help scientists study the pathogen to develop better testing, treatments, vaccines, and gain a better understanding of its biology, the team said in a statement alongside the New York Post.

5. China is testing five different vaccine options, claiming it could have a vaccine ready by next month
Eight different institutes in China are working on five different inoculations to battle the novel coronavirus, according to the South China Morning Post. “According to our estimates, we are hopeful that in April some of the vaccines will enter clinical research or be of use in emergency situations,” said Zheng Zhongwei, director of the National Health Commission’s Science and Technology Development Center. While it's true that it would take at least 12 to 18 months to provide a safe vaccine to general public, under Chinese law, they could be released sooner for urgent use in a major public health emergency, provided the benefits outweigh the risks, noted the New York Post.

6. Vaccination trials in the U.S. are already underway
A trial of Moderna's vaccine has already kickstarted at Kaiser Permanente under Washington's Health Research Institute in Seattle, of which will hopefully confirm the safety of the vaccine prior to mass production.

7. A team of infectious disease experts calculated the fatality rate of Wuhan's coronavirus outbreak is about 1.4%, drastically lower than earlier estimates
While this estimate and data applies directly to Wuhan, where the novel coronavirus outbreak began, it offers a hopeful guide to the rest of the world as it notes significantly lower estimate of earlier stats around 3%. A full breakdown of the data can be found at Stat News.

8. Distilleries across the U.S. are making their own hand sanitizers and giving it away for free
Perhaps many Americans can calm down on the panic buying, as according to the Associated Press, distilleries across the country are using high-proof alcohol to make hand sanitizer, and divvying it out for free, or by donation to combat the novel coronavirus.

9. Air pollution has plummeted in cities with high numbers of quarantined individuals, Venice's waters are running clear
Analysts from the Washington Post have noted a drastic decrease in major greenhouses gases over Europe as individuals self-quarantine and cars stay parked at home. While it's little comfort to a country ravaged by the novel coronavirus, it highlights the impact humans can make on the environment. "I expect pollution to drop even further as the particles in the atmosphere get either dispersed or absorbed," Emanuele Massetti, an expert on the economics of climate change at Georgia Tech University who has studied Italy's climate policies, told the Washington Post. "In a few days, they will enjoy the cleanest air ever in northern Italy."

10. A Johns Hopkins researcher has claimed antibodies from recovered coronavirus patients could help protect people at risk
A treatment that can be made readily available under urgent circumstances, a team from Johns Hopkins alongside many other researchers are studying whether or not the antibodies of those recovered from the coronavirus could help protect at-risk humans from the virus. "Deployment of this option requires no research or development," immunologist Arturo Casadevall told Science Alert. "It could be deployed within a couple of weeks since it relies on standard blood-banking practices." Not to mention, a Japanese pharmaceutical company is nearing approval of the treatment.

11. South Korea recoveries are starting to outnumber new infections
Facing the largest epidemic outside of China, South Korea reported more recoveries from the coronavirus than new infections on Friday for the first time since its outbreak emerged in January, as a downward trend in daily cases raised hopes that Asia's biggest epidemic outside China may be slowing, according to India Today.

12. China is getting its feet back on the ground, opening parks and athletics, loosening travel restrictions
As the novel coronavirus comes under control in China, parks and tourist attractions have reopened across the country, alongside loosened travel restrictions. "The National Health Commission said on Thursday that the outbreak had passed its peak, and the figures appear to support its claim," said the South China Morning Post. "On Friday, authorities in mainland China reported just 11 new Covid-19 cases, of which four were in Hubei." According to ESPN, even professional basketball has reemerged in Asia.

13. China has also closed its last coronavirus hospital, not enough new cases to support them
China has shut down all 16 temporary coronavirus hospitals in Wuhan as cases of coronavirus have began to dwindle. "The final group of 49 patients walked out of the Wuchang temporary hospital in the capital of Hubei province on Tuesday afternoon to cheers," according to the Xinhua news agency.

14. Australian researchers are in the midst of testing two drugs as cures to the virus
Scientists in Australia claim to have identified how the body's immune system fights the novel coronavirus. Published in Nature Medicine journal on Tuesday, the research shows people are recovering from the virus like they would from the flu. "This [discovery] is important because it is the first time where we are really understanding how our immune system fights novel coronavirus," study co-author Prof Katherine Kedzierska told BBC News.

15. Numerous businesses have stepped up to solve the crisis
Restaurants, sports, and businesses are all stepping up to combat the community effects of the novel coronavirus. The sports world is raising money for stadium employees, Uber Eats is divvying out free delivery to help independent restaurants, professional soccer players are entertaining viewers with a FIFA tournament, restaurants are doling out free food to those in need, and Bill Gates is funneling out millions of dollars to speed up development of a coronavirus treatment, to name just a few out of dozens.

16. Apple, Starbucks reopening all stores in China
While stores and restaurants across the U.S. have closed up shop, both Apple and Starbucks have reopened all of their stores in China as the novel coronavirus spread slows across the country.

17. MetroHealthMedical Center has developed a coronavirus test that gives results in hours, not days
"MetroHealth Medical Center becomes the first hospital in the state that can now test COVID-19 samples at its laboratory with results available after just two hours," released News 5 Cleveland. While supplies are limited, it notes a significant step toward expansive testing of the novel coronavirus.

18. Scientists in Israel have also noted the potential to annouce development of a coronavirus vaccine within weeks
Israeli scientists are nearing development of the first vaccine to combat the novel coronavirus, according to Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis. The vaccine could be ready within a few weeks and available in 90 days, according to a release.

19. A San Diego biotech company is developing a coronavirus vaccine in collaboration with Duke University and National University of Singapore
As the race to develop a vaccine for the novel coronavirus continues globally, the San Diego-based biotech company, Arcturus Therapeutics, is working on creating one at its lab. The company is working alongside Duke NUS-Medical School, a partnership between Duke University and the National University of Singapore. While developing a vaccine that works hasn't yet proven impossible, "The major challenge with vaccines is the size of the dose and the feasibility of manufacturing," President and CEO, Joseph Payne, told CBS8.

20. A Japanese flu drug has proven effective in treating the novel coronavirus
Zhang Xinmin, an official at China’s science and technology ministry, said favipiravir, developed by a subsidiary of Fujifilm, had produced encouraging outcomes in clinical trials in Wuhan and Shenzhen involving 340 patients, according to The Guardian. “It has a high degree of safety and is clearly effective in treatment,” Zhang told reporters on Tuesday.

21. China has reported just one new domestic coronavirus infection for a second day in a row.
For the second consecutive day there was only one more fresh infection in Wuhan, the central city where the virus first emerged late last year," said the National Health Commission. New cases in surrounding Hubei province have now been in the single digits for the past seven days, down from a peak of several thousand per day in early February, said Daily Mail.

22. Communities are coming together to help their neighbors
Neighbors across the country are stepping up to make grocery runs for those who can't leave their homes. Local services have also reached out to the Seattle community to encourage those in need of help, to utilize the opportunities available to them.

23. A 103-year-old Chinese grandmother has made a full recovery from COVID-19
After being treated for less than a week, this grandma is going for the gold as the oldest coronavirus patient to recover in China, and motivating elderly across the globe to retain hope.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
Spoken like someone who doesn’t live in a city
So it”soared....shot up....achieved new heights” 14,000 infected which OF Course Is NOT Astounding as more and more tests are being performed. We have to ask
1.How does that compare to first month after H1N1 was identified
2.Petcentages is what matters and not hard numbers and libbies they can’t be blended.
3. Of this 14,000; who with close everyday contact has become sick? That self reporting while we are self distancing should be very easy.
4. Of the 14,000 how many have been hospitalized.
5. Is it really prudent to shut down America and crush the economy over 200 deaths and 14,000 infections? In the same time period 4,200 have died from pnemonia . Why have we been So Careless as to their well being for decades?

If we go by the figures from China, Italy and Iran, then, yes, we should be worried. If we have a million cases, and 1% die, that's 10,000 deaths. If we have 20 million cases, and 1% die, that's 200,000 deaths. We should be worried

We had vaccinations and treatments for H1N1, and we STILL had 12,000 deaths. We have no vaccination and no effective treatment for Covid-19.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
Spoken like someone who doesn’t live in a city
And this corona virus scare is just one more of a long list of reasons not to live in a city

I have no neighbors within 100 yards of me in 3 directions and I have a state wilderness area in the other
there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans.
What is this trumpling nonsense? Do you think South Korea tested 51 million people? China, 1 billion? What is wrong with your brain? We waited too long, when early testing to target problem areas would have been very important. And yes, you could thank Dear Leader for much of that, if you gave a shit in the first place.[/QUOTE


How do you conclude that we waited too long to start testing? When the first people showed up with symptoms we tasted them to see if it was corona or something else. Are you trying to say that we should prepare millions of test kits for diseases that have not even shown up on planet earth yet? Corona 19 is a new virus. Should the CDC have been clairvoyant and known this was coming and built test kits in advance?

Sorry dude, but this "crisis" is not going to bring Trump down and elect senile corrupt Biden.

but keep it up, with each new post you convert more undecideds into Trump voters.
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we can compare them using the same time frame from discovery to current. the first 3 months. that data show that H1N1 was much worse in terms of people infected and people who died. And also in the reaction time by the POTUS. Obama dallied, Trump acted.

Trumptard Logic.

facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.

we are comparing the numbers of cases and the presidential response time. Looking at the first 3 months of each is a valid comparison and it clearly shows that Trump is ahead of the curve and obozo didn't even know there was a curve. We should also look at the media coverage of both and the amount of hype and air time given to each in the first 3 months. The difference is glaring and obvious. If you cannot see it then your partisan bias has destroyed your few remaining brain cells.
Trumptard Logic.

facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.
facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.


The viruses are similar in many ways and different in only a few ways
The official count is 133 Corona cases in the whole Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The vast majority of cases are just sent home.

How does that add up to "overcrowded hospitals"?

You are not this stupid or this disgusting. You are pulling my chain. Are you playing me. I think you are.

In case you are not, take the graph in the article below, and figure what the number of cases will be in the next 15 days based on the current exponential increase.

Pennsylvania coronavirus cases top 100: 37 new positives in 1 day, including Berks County’s 1st

If you have been playing me this whole time, I give you credit.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.
More people will numerically infected. That’s what happens when anything spreads across any Nation.
Liberals are again blending hard numbers and percentages
If the virus is dominant in an area of 2,000,000 and 5,000 become infected then spreads to an area of 4,000,000 and 10,000 become infected then that’s not an increase; it’s proportionate.
And how many hospital beds? How are the severely ill all going to get care?

How is it that, after all this time, you appear to know exactly fuck all about any of this?

So far, the severely ill are not in great enough numbers to tax our resources. And trying to prevent those numbers from growing to that level all at once is the whole point of all this quarantining and social distancing, in case you missed it.

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