We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
The official count is 133 Corona cases in the whole Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The vast majority of cases are just sent home.

How does that add up to "overcrowded hospitals"?

You are not this stupid or this disgusting. You are pulling my chain. Are you playing me. I think you are.

In case you are not, take the graph in the article below, and figure what the number of cases will be in the next 15 days based on the current exponential increase.

Pennsylvania coronavirus cases top 100: 37 new positives in 1 day, including Berks County’s 1st

If you have been playing me this whole time, I give you credit.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

Actually, Italy has a vastly weaker health care system than ours. They also have a much older population.
More people will numerically infected. That’s what happens when anything spreads across any Nation.
Liberals are again blending hard numbers and percentages
If the virus is dominant in an area of 2,000,000 and 5,000 become infected then spreads to an area of 4,000,000 and 10,000 become infected then that’s not an increase; it’s proportionate.
And how many hospital beds? How are the severely ill all going to get care?

How is it that, after all this time, you appear to know exactly fuck all about any of this?

So far, the severely ill are not in great enough numbers to tax our resources. And trying to prevent those numbers from growing to that level all at once is the whole point of all this quarantining and social distancing, in case you missed it.

the dem/lib comments on this are not aimed at finding ways to curb or stop the spread of the virus. they are solely political bullshit aimed at trying to make Trump look bad and help elect old senile corrupt incompetent Biden
You are not this stupid or this disgusting. You are pulling my chain. Are you playing me. I think you are.

In case you are not, take the graph in the article below, and figure what the number of cases will be in the next 15 days based on the current exponential increase.

Pennsylvania coronavirus cases top 100: 37 new positives in 1 day, including Berks County’s 1st

If you have been playing me this whole time, I give you credit.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

Actually, Italy has a vastly weaker health care system than ours. They also have a much older population.

AND they have their version of medicare for all. If you want to see how medicare for all would work here, look at Italy.
There must be 10 references to possible outcomes or possibilities or coulds in your post
We don’t shut down the USA for maybes.
We never have shut down the USA with current existing well know viruses that are so far much more lethal than the “possibly....maybe....could be ....worst case scenarios” Hypotheticals leading to hysteria rapidly become far more of a political issue than a health one
It is not a matter how lethal the virus it. It is a combination of factors:
  • There is no vaccine
  • It is highly contagious
  • The number of new cases is doubling every week
  • It is more lethal than the flu
  • There is no known effective antiviral treatment

Let's look at some other facts. Its less lethal than Smallpox, Cholera or the Bubonic Plague. It is also less lethal than aids, even now. If you'll remember that when aids first became popular, it was nearly 100% fatal.

Great. That in no way minimizes the threat we are facing. The infecion and death rates are still what they are.

Yeah, except we have no way of knowing what they really are. We can be sure that far more people have been exposed/infected than are being reported, because of people who never realize that it happened at all. So the death rate, if it were being factored against the REAL number of people who got it and then got over it, would be a much lower percentage than what we're hearing.
I bet half the cases are not included in the statistics we see, first because of the lack test kits, hardly anybody got tested unless they were admitted to a hospital. Now, the ERs and doctors offices are so busy they are telling people not come in unless you have all the symptoms. People with less serious cases will just sweat it out at home since there is no cure. The major problem with this is that if cases are not recorded, no one is going look for contacts and they will not even know they were exposed.

Hospitals are telling people to stay home and self-treat if they don't have serious symptoms because that's SOP with most things. You act as though this is some unprecedented outrage. They would actually always prefer you not flood into the emergency room when you don't have an actual emergency.

Yes, it would be good to test and track the milder cases, but it's far more important to reserve resources for people who really need them, and to avoid large crowds with potentially infectious people in them. That, too, is SOP for hospitals.

In other news, the field agent at my work reports a new hospital closed to all outside traffic every time he comes into the office. Since my company's work is subpoenaing medical records for legal cases, the virus isn't affecting our ability to work, but it's killing our field agents, because their job is to hand deliver paperwork and increasing numbers of places are closed to outside visitors.
Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.


The viruses are similar in many ways and different in only a few ways

Israeli labs are working on modifying a vaccine they were creating for infectious bronchitis because it shares a genetic structure with coronavirus. In fact, they were using a strain of coronavirus for their clinical trials.

Covid-19 is apparently closely related to a number of things out there, which probably helps a lot with research.
Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.

I was reading about that. Apparently, it interferes with the cell receptors that the virus latches onto, preventing it from attaching to the cell and invading it.
they are. I'm merely attaching factual information. still only confirmed is >80. if there are others, why not list them? hmmmmmmm

Sounds like you’re guessing and you’re guesses just so happen to confirm what you already believed.

But in reality, the proof you’re wrong is in front of your nose and there’s nothing anyone can do to make you understand it.
I don't guess, I post facts from articles and sites. I leave guessing to idiots on the left.

You post things without understanding them.
I post what’s there. You talk about what isn’t like it is. That’s magic

How would you know what’s there when you’re too scientifically illiterate to understand what you’re looking at?
I don't assume what's not there. I wait for the experts to fill in the blanks. So far there is no number. no number means none counted. you're the one using invisible ink.
Sounds like you’re guessing and you’re guesses just so happen to confirm what you already believed.

But in reality, the proof you’re wrong is in front of your nose and there’s nothing anyone can do to make you understand it.
I don't guess, I post facts from articles and sites. I leave guessing to idiots on the left.

You post things without understanding them.
I post what’s there. You talk about what isn’t like it is. That’s magic

How would you know what’s there when you’re too scientifically illiterate to understand what you’re looking at?
I don't assume what's not there. I wait for the experts to fill in the blanks. So far there is no number. no number means none counted. you're the one using invisible ink.

You assumed no data exists without actually looking for it.
As soon as the spittle flinging profanities come out, you know you have bested and frustrated a panic stricken liberal Once Again
Neato! But that has no bearing on the fact that the things you are saying are so painfully fucking stupid.
Oh, I know you don't care that you are proudly saying idiotic things over and over and over. That's what trumpism is.
how ironic.
I don't guess, I post facts from articles and sites. I leave guessing to idiots on the left.

You post things without understanding them.
I post what’s there. You talk about what isn’t like it is. That’s magic

How would you know what’s there when you’re too scientifically illiterate to understand what you’re looking at?
I don't assume what's not there. I wait for the experts to fill in the blanks. So far there is no number. no number means none counted. you're the one using invisible ink.

You assumed no data exists without actually looking for it.
Why don't they add it then? It's been three or four weeks now.
Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
yeah, I heard that last night and this morning. I believe it was France used it on 40 patients and it was 100%. so, why in god's green earth, we don't try it on our most sick patients here and see the results? I'm telling you, the lack of response by anyone has me truly confused. Try it, what is the harm? if it works, isn't that the best outcome? What the fk does the FDA need? special compensation to say go?
More people will numerically infected. That’s what happens when anything spreads across any Nation.
Liberals are again blending hard numbers and percentages
If the virus is dominant in an area of 2,000,000 and 5,000 become infected then spreads to an area of 4,000,000 and 10,000 become infected then that’s not an increase; it’s proportionate.
And how many hospital beds? How are the severely ill all going to get care?

How is it that, after all this time, you appear to know exactly fuck all about any of this?

So far, the severely ill are not in great enough numbers to tax our resources. And trying to prevent those numbers from growing to that level all at once is the whole point of all this quarantining and social distancing, in case you missed it.

the dem/lib comments on this are not aimed at finding ways to curb or stop the spread of the virus. they are solely political bullshit aimed at trying to make Trump look bad and help elect old senile corrupt incompetent Biden
fk dude, even the doctors that come on the tv to give their updates. where the fk is their responsibility in all of this? Why didn't their hospitals reach out for supplies? WTF, throw over the fence and say hey the president didn't tell us? WTF. I'm done listening to nonsense from Dr.s that are politicizing this. it's almost everyone of them. They should be Offering advice recommendations, helping getting material for their local medical personnel not getting on tv and bitching that they need shit. Go fking get it. You know what they'll find, none was manufactured at a volume for the demand. And, that isn't trump's fault. The CDC's or anyone in the fed gov. Nope, the local hospitals set the volume based on their volume. they only maintained two weeks of inventory. Don't they have any responsibility to think about an outbreak? why is this only trump?
a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
yeah, I heard that last night and this morning. I believe it was France used it on 40 patients and it was 100%. so, why in god's green earth, we don't try it on our most sick patients here and see the results? I'm telling you, the lack of response by anyone has me truly confused. Try it, what is the harm? if it works, isn't that the best outcome? What the fk does the FDA need? special compensation to say go?
Especially since it is a well known drug that has been in use since the 1950's.

There is no reason not to try it in a larger trial
More people will numerically infected. That’s what happens when anything spreads across any Nation.
Liberals are again blending hard numbers and percentages
If the virus is dominant in an area of 2,000,000 and 5,000 become infected then spreads to an area of 4,000,000 and 10,000 become infected then that’s not an increase; it’s proportionate.
And how many hospital beds? How are the severely ill all going to get care?

How is it that, after all this time, you appear to know exactly fuck all about any of this?

So far, the severely ill are not in great enough numbers to tax our resources. And trying to prevent those numbers from growing to that level all at once is the whole point of all this quarantining and social distancing, in case you missed it.

the dem/lib comments on this are not aimed at finding ways to curb or stop the spread of the virus. they are solely political bullshit aimed at trying to make Trump look bad and help elect old senile corrupt incompetent Biden
The trumper comments on here are not aimed at finding ways to curb the spread of the virus. They are solely political bullshit aimed at making excuses for Trump's failed response to the threat of the virus.
Somehow Bill Burr knew this was a serious threat as he sold all his stock before the market tanked. A good president would have taken this threat serious, Trump tried to downplay the seriousness of this virus and it's dangers and it is just another example of his failure to be a decisive leader.
There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
yeah, I heard that last night and this morning. I believe it was France used it on 40 patients and it was 100%. so, why in god's green earth, we don't try it on our most sick patients here and see the results? I'm telling you, the lack of response by anyone has me truly confused. Try it, what is the harm? if it works, isn't that the best outcome? What the fk does the FDA need? special compensation to say go?
Especially since it is a well known drug that has been in use since the 1950's.

There is no reason not to try it in a larger trial

I thought I heard that it hadn't been approved by the FDA for widespread use in the US, but I could be misremembering.
More people will numerically infected. That’s what happens when anything spreads across any Nation.
Liberals are again blending hard numbers and percentages
If the virus is dominant in an area of 2,000,000 and 5,000 become infected then spreads to an area of 4,000,000 and 10,000 become infected then that’s not an increase; it’s proportionate.
And how many hospital beds? How are the severely ill all going to get care?

How is it that, after all this time, you appear to know exactly fuck all about any of this?

So far, the severely ill are not in great enough numbers to tax our resources. And trying to prevent those numbers from growing to that level all at once is the whole point of all this quarantining and social distancing, in case you missed it.

the dem/lib comments on this are not aimed at finding ways to curb or stop the spread of the virus. they are solely political bullshit aimed at trying to make Trump look bad and help elect old senile corrupt incompetent Biden
The trumper comments on here are not aimed at finding ways to curb the spread of the virus. They are solely political bullshit aimed at making excuses for Trump's failed response to the threat of the virus.
Somehow Bill Burr knew this was a serious threat as he sold all his stock before the market tanked. A good president would have taken this threat serious, Trump tried to downplay the seriousness of this virus and it's dangers and it is just another example of his failure to be a decisive leader.
so you know how to curb it? LOL, you all expose your stupid every time you post.

How do you know they're not curbing it? what data are you getting that says, if we didn't do this we'd be here and because we did this we're here? where's your data big mouth?
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
yeah, I heard that last night and this morning. I believe it was France used it on 40 patients and it was 100%. so, why in god's green earth, we don't try it on our most sick patients here and see the results? I'm telling you, the lack of response by anyone has me truly confused. Try it, what is the harm? if it works, isn't that the best outcome? What the fk does the FDA need? special compensation to say go?
Especially since it is a well known drug that has been in use since the 1950's.

There is no reason not to try it in a larger trial

I thought I heard that it hadn't been approved by the FDA for widespread use in the US, but I could be misremembering.
no, exactly my point. my point was Why? trial it on a large group, the most sick folks with it. let's see the performance. They have data to move on.
You are not this stupid or this disgusting. You are pulling my chain. Are you playing me. I think you are.

In case you are not, take the graph in the article below, and figure what the number of cases will be in the next 15 days based on the current exponential increase.

Pennsylvania coronavirus cases top 100: 37 new positives in 1 day, including Berks County’s 1st

If you have been playing me this whole time, I give you credit.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.

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