We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
son, I don't believe the hoopla. I don't. I want to see numbers, and none are given. I give a shit about how many people have it, I want to know how many have been tested. Give us that number. How about counties to avoid, let's open up the restaurants and let people social distance socialize and if you're sick or have a temperature, you don't get in. Fk folks, they explained how to avoid it. It isn't staying in our homes. it's avoiding sick people. Americans never get appreciated for their knowledge of how to handle such things. we do know how.
I've been to the store, the car dealer for car work, repair man to the house to fix my dryer. Guess what, none of us got it.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
yeah, I heard that last night and this morning. I believe it was France used it on 40 patients and it was 100%. so, why in god's green earth, we don't try it on our most sick patients here and see the results? I'm telling you, the lack of response by anyone has me truly confused. Try it, what is the harm? if it works, isn't that the best outcome? What the fk does the FDA need? special compensation to say go?
Especially since it is a well known drug that has been in use since the 1950's.

There is no reason not to try it in a larger trial

I thought I heard that it hadn't been approved by the FDA for widespread use in the US, but I could be misremembering.

There is an old malaria drug that in combination with azithromycin that was used in a small study with very promising results

Chloroquine confirmed as anti-viral drug for Coronavirus

Malaria Drug Shows Promise as Coronavirus Treatment
Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
son, I don't believe the hoopla. I don't. I want to see numbers, and none are given. I give a shit about how many people have it, I want to know how many have been tested. Give us that number. How about counties to avoid, let's open up the restaurants and let people social distance socialize and if you're sick or have a temperature, you don't get in. Fk folks, they explained how to avoid it. It isn't staying in our homes. it's avoiding sick people. Americans never get appreciated for their knowledge of how to handle such things. we do know how.
I agree the data you provide would answer the questions. But the US was woefully underprepared for the pandemic and does not have nearly enough tests and did not start testing soon enough. The alternative is to go to populations that have been able to do the testing. South Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai had extensive testing and were able to quarantine the majority of those with the virus quickly. What you propose is good. Why can our government not do it?
But a great study is for the city of Vo in northern Italy. The middle of the pandemic. They tested everyone. Easy to do because only 3500 in the city. They found that many who carried the virus and could spread the virus never got sick. Until we can do the testing you want, we have to act as anyone could be spreading the virus.
Why can our government provide the information you want. Are you asking that question? You are acting as if no one has it. Not true. Dangerous.
You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
son, I don't believe the hoopla. I don't. I want to see numbers, and none are given. I give a shit about how many people have it, I want to know how many have been tested. Give us that number. How about counties to avoid, let's open up the restaurants and let people social distance socialize and if you're sick or have a temperature, you don't get in. Fk folks, they explained how to avoid it. It isn't staying in our homes. it's avoiding sick people. Americans never get appreciated for their knowledge of how to handle such things. we do know how.
I agree the data you provide would answer the questions. But the US was woefully underprepared for the pandemic and does not have nearly enough tests and did not start testing soon enough. The alternative is to go to populations that have been able to do the testing. South Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai had extensive testing and were able to quarantine the majority of those with the virus quickly. What you propose is good. Why can our government not do it?
But a great study is for the city of Vo in northern Italy. The middle of the pandemic. They tested everyone. Easy to do because only 3500 in the city. They found that many who carried the virus and could spread the virus never got sick. Until we can do the testing you want, we have to act as anyone could be spreading the virus.
Why can our government provide the information you want. Are you asking that question? You are acting as if no one has it. Not true. Dangerous.
how do you know there weren't enough test kits? do you know how many tests have been given? I want them to tell me that.
Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
son, I don't believe the hoopla. I don't. I want to see numbers, and none are given. I give a shit about how many people have it, I want to know how many have been tested. Give us that number. How about counties to avoid, let's open up the restaurants and let people social distance socialize and if you're sick or have a temperature, you don't get in. Fk folks, they explained how to avoid it. It isn't staying in our homes. it's avoiding sick people. Americans never get appreciated for their knowledge of how to handle such things. we do know how.
I agree the data you provide would answer the questions. But the US was woefully underprepared for the pandemic and does not have nearly enough tests and did not start testing soon enough. The alternative is to go to populations that have been able to do the testing. South Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai had extensive testing and were able to quarantine the majority of those with the virus quickly. What you propose is good. Why can our government not do it?
But a great study is for the city of Vo in northern Italy. The middle of the pandemic. They tested everyone. Easy to do because only 3500 in the city. They found that many who carried the virus and could spread the virus never got sick. Until we can do the testing you want, we have to act as anyone could be spreading the virus.
Why can our government provide the information you want. Are you asking that question? You are acting as if no one has it. Not true. Dangerous.
how do you know there weren't enough test kits? do you know how many tests have been given? I want them to tell me that.
Have you listened to Trump's news conferences. They admit they do not have enough tests. People who are sick, cannot get the test in all cases.
Like the one guy said, I want everyone tested so we know who has it is what the medical people would prefer also.
Coronavirus Test Kits | COVID-19 Test Kits | Coronavirus Testing
Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
son, I don't believe the hoopla. I don't. I want to see numbers, and none are given. I give a shit about how many people have it, I want to know how many have been tested. Give us that number. How about counties to avoid, let's open up the restaurants and let people social distance socialize and if you're sick or have a temperature, you don't get in. Fk folks, they explained how to avoid it. It isn't staying in our homes. it's avoiding sick people. Americans never get appreciated for their knowledge of how to handle such things. we do know how.
Virtually any numbers that identify percentage of effect on population are not available
Instead we have math hysteria about doubling of infection which conveniently omit that the sample size was also doubled
Everyone needs to start asking for all of the testing data. Data of negative test versus positive tests.

Total tests by state
Everyone needs to start asking for all of the testing data. Data of negative test versus positive tests.

Total tests by state
Such info won’t be provided because it does not support these draconian measures.
Okay, would you believe I got sent home from work early today because of a potential coronavirus contact?

The office I work in is a small office in a single-story building of about ten small offices, all of which open onto an indoor hallway and have communal bathrooms we share. According to the maintenance supervisor (as he was starting to clean and disinfect the hallway) some genius walked into one of the other office where his sister worked to tell her that he had just left the hospital, where he had been diagnosed with coronavirus.

As you can imagine, the entire building freaked and cleared out like cockroaches when you turn on the lights. We don't know yet whether or not we're resuming work on Monday after the poor maintenance guys scrub down the entire building.

I wish I was more surprised, but I have great faith in the stupidity of humans.
Trumptard Logic.

facts dude, just simple facts

Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.

we are comparing the numbers of cases and the presidential response time. Looking at the first 3 months of each is a valid comparison and it clearly shows that Trump is ahead of the curve and obozo didn't even know there was a curve. We should also look at the media coverage of both and the amount of hype and air time given to each in the first 3 months. The difference is glaring and obvious. If you cannot see it then your partisan bias has destroyed your few remaining brain cells.
The difference is "glaring and obvious" because this is a much more serious and severe outbreak, dope.
You are not this stupid or this disgusting. You are pulling my chain. Are you playing me. I think you are.

In case you are not, take the graph in the article below, and figure what the number of cases will be in the next 15 days based on the current exponential increase.

Pennsylvania coronavirus cases top 100: 37 new positives in 1 day, including Berks County’s 1st

If you have been playing me this whole time, I give you credit.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

It IS becoming rampant in the US, dope.
Your incompetence in understanding that is your own failing.
It has not a thing to do with my wants.
You are not this stupid or this disgusting. You are pulling my chain. Are you playing me. I think you are.

In case you are not, take the graph in the article below, and figure what the number of cases will be in the next 15 days based on the current exponential increase.

Pennsylvania coronavirus cases top 100: 37 new positives in 1 day, including Berks County’s 1st

If you have been playing me this whole time, I give you credit.

You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

Actually, Italy has a vastly weaker health care system than ours. They also have a much older population.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

just the opposite, you fricking idiot. Your unnecessary panic are taking actions so fewer Americans die, and it will actually make Trump look better in his response, not that is my goal.
Idiots like you, downplaying the virus is hurting America and hurting your messiah, Trump. Trump rose with idiots, he will fall with idiots.
son, I don't believe the hoopla. I don't. I want to see numbers, and none are given. I give a shit about how many people have it, I want to know how many have been tested. Give us that number. How about counties to avoid, let's open up the restaurants and let people social distance socialize and if you're sick or have a temperature, you don't get in. Fk folks, they explained how to avoid it. It isn't staying in our homes. it's avoiding sick people. Americans never get appreciated for their knowledge of how to handle such things. we do know how.
I agree the data you provide would answer the questions. But the US was woefully underprepared for the pandemic and does not have nearly enough tests and did not start testing soon enough. The alternative is to go to populations that have been able to do the testing. South Korea, Hong Kong and Shanghai had extensive testing and were able to quarantine the majority of those with the virus quickly. What you propose is good. Why can our government not do it?
But a great study is for the city of Vo in northern Italy. The middle of the pandemic. They tested everyone. Easy to do because only 3500 in the city. They found that many who carried the virus and could spread the virus never got sick. Until we can do the testing you want, we have to act as anyone could be spreading the virus.
Why can our government provide the information you want. Are you asking that question? You are acting as if no one has it. Not true. Dangerous.
how do you know there weren't enough test kits? do you know how many tests have been given? I want them to tell me that.

Roughly 100k tests in total have been performed.
Try watching the news.

Coronavirus Testing – Source Data
Last edited:
Everyone needs to start asking for all of the testing data. Data of negative test versus positive tests.

Total tests by state
The positive tests is the confirmed case count, dope.

Roughly 17k confirmed cases.
Last edited:
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
This didn't age well.
You are talking about projections into the future as to what might happen as if they had already happened.

In 15 days, we'll see what the story is. But right now we don't have overcrowded hospitals.

It "might" happen, but maybe not . Most positive cases don't end up in the hospital.

Projections based on data.

View attachment 313448

The chart that you present are based upon just those who have been tested positive. People who are factually positive, but have not been tested, aren't included. The chart isn't an indication of just the rate of infection, but also the rate that people are being tested. I am sure there are teeming masses who are infected and don't personally feel sick enough to consult a doctor, because they aren't that sick or are tough enough to ride it out.

Yes. It's actual data from confirmed cases. In case you hadn't noticed, our trajectory so far has mirrored Italy's. They indeed have an overcrowded health system that has more capacity per capita than ours.

why do you want this thing to become rampant in the USA? Are you wishing for thousands of americans to die so that you can claim Trump did not do enough?

you libs are the lowest form of life on the planet.

It IS becoming rampant in the US, dope.
Your incompetence in understanding that is your own failing.
It has not a thing to do with my wants.
It’s stride for stride percentage wise and the hard numbers grow as more people are sampled but the percentage of effected is not increasing
Nice panic try on your part

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