We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
It is idiotic to think that millions, possibly hundreds of million dead people, and many more who get sick would not harm the economy. Our RE-action is intended to prevent those deaths and illnesses. Yes , shutting the country down to quell this thing id doing damage, but it is short term damage, and we will quickly get back to normal when it passes . And you are wrong about 1918.

The economic effect of the 1918 influenza epidemic
Economic Effects during the Influenza Pandemic. The pandemic influenza during 1918, didn’t affect only the country socially but economically as well. Businesses were impacted from the decreased labor force as a result of the influenza. The increased percentage of the death rate was high and considered excessive.
The Influenza Pandemic Of 1918 History Essay - UKEssays.com

In addition, it is especially dispicable to suggest that those lives are expendable in the name of economic considerations. YOU migh be one of them.

Our RE-action is intended to prevent those deaths and illnesses

OK walk me through it - facts not conclusions.

HOW will someone who is not immunocompromised , malnourished and who does not eat bats will benefit from medical martial law.

Medical or scientific facts not conclusions

Looking more like 80% of infectees have it so mild or no symptoms.
Now lib panic peddlers are declaring that as a Bad Thing with the worst case assumption presented incorrectly as fact that those 80% will in turn infect others with a Far More Deadly effect.
Anthing that happens with or is discovered about this virus is immediately seized upon by the Hate Trump and Destroy USA as either negative or leading to another sure fire worst case scenario.


I get suspicious when places like Seattle Washington , that elected a socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant., claim that they are the epicenter of the coronavirus infections in the US.
there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans.
What is this trumpling nonsense? Do you think South Korea tested 51 million people? China, 1 billion? What is wrong with your brain? We waited too long, when early testing to target problem areas would have been very important. And yes, you could thank Dear Leader for much of that, if you gave a shit in the first place.[/QUOTE


How do you conclude that we waited too long to start testing? When the first people showed up with symptoms we tasted them to see if it was corona or something else. Are you trying to say that we should prepare millions of test kits for diseases that have not even shown up on planet earth yet? Corona 19 is a new virus. Should the CDC have been clairvoyant and known this was coming and built test kits in advance?

Sorry dude, but this "crisis" is not going to bring Trump down and elect senile corrupt Biden.

but keep it up, with each new post you convert more undecideds into Trump voters.
Yes, test kits can be prepared well in advance. They contain 3 or 4 vials of reagents to be combined with the samples when processing. However, there must enough of the reagents available at suppliers. South Korea ordered hundreds of thousands of test kits before the 1st case in the country was discovered.

There is always sufficient test kits for the earliest cases but there has to be kits available to test all contacts. Trained healthcare professions must be available for tracing both direct contacts and casual contacts. That can mean testing thousands of people if there are large numbers of casual contacts. A single case missed during the early stage, can result in tens of thousands of cases later.
there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans.
What is this trumpling nonsense? Do you think South Korea tested 51 million people? China, 1 billion? What is wrong with your brain? We waited too long, when early testing to target problem areas would have been very important. And yes, you could thank Dear Leader for much of that, if you gave a shit in the first place.[/QUOTE


How do you conclude that we waited too long to start testing? When the first people showed up with symptoms we tasted them to see if it was corona or something else. Are you trying to say that we should prepare millions of test kits for diseases that have not even shown up on planet earth yet? Corona 19 is a new virus. Should the CDC have been clairvoyant and known this was coming and built test kits in advance?

Sorry dude, but this "crisis" is not going to bring Trump down and elect senile corrupt Biden.

but keep it up, with each new post you convert more undecideds into Trump voters.
You post idiocy en masse, but this made me laugh.

"When the first people showed up with symptoms we tasted them to see if it was corona or something else."
Yes, interpreted retardedly.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

a comparison between H1N1 and corona is easy, the results obvious, and the actions of the two presidents very different. I think its your bias that is retarded.

There is no comparison, dope.
H1N1 is a flu. Covid 19 is not. One is history one is not. The results are yet to be determined. You're the one showing retarded bias by arrempting to compare a half grown apple to a fully grown orange.
COVID 19 is more like SARS than influenza

That said the lethality numbers are at this point not very accurate because there is no way to know how many people who weren't tested actually had it and recovered

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

I understand that Covid-19 and SARS are similar enough that labs are building on research they already did on SARS to find treatments for Covid-19, rather than having to start from scratch.

yes, and the malaria drug is very promising, when tried it has a 100% cure rate.
According to Trump, the drug is approved for compassionate use, that is in a life threatening condition. The problem is the evidence behind using it is anecdotal evidence from doctors saying it has appeared to help. The WHO says there are trials underway but so far there is no definitive evidence of its effectiveness. It would certainly be great if it worked, even if it just helped because it is very easy to produce and very cheap.

Remdesivir sounds more promising. It is an antiviral which has been the subject of lab studies to see how it performed against several other viruses, including two viruses in the same coronavirus family as the one that causes COVID-19 — the viruses behind SARS and MERS. Scientists saw positive results in lab tests and animal studies, and think the drug interferes with viruses' ability to replicate. It also has potential as a vaccine.
Might The Experimental Drug Remdesivir Work Against COVID-19?
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The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.
It is idiotic to think that millions, possibly hundreds of million dead people, and many more who get sick would not harm the economy. Our RE-action is intended to prevent those deaths and illnesses. Yes , shutting the country down to quell this thing id doing damage, but it is short term damage, and we will quickly get back to normal when it passes . And you are wrong about 1918.

The economic effect of the 1918 influenza epidemic
Economic Effects during the Influenza Pandemic. The pandemic influenza during 1918, didn’t affect only the country socially but economically as well. Businesses were impacted from the decreased labor force as a result of the influenza. The increased percentage of the death rate was high and considered excessive.
The Influenza Pandemic Of 1918 History Essay - UKEssays.com

In addition, it is especially dispicable to suggest that those lives are expendable in the name of economic considerations. YOU migh be one of them.

Our RE-action is intended to prevent those deaths and illnesses

OK walk me through it - facts not conclusions.

HOW will someone who is not immunocompromised , malnourished and who does not eat bats will benefit from medical martial law.

Medical or scientific facts not conclusions

Looking more like 80% of infectees have it so mild or no symptoms.
Now lib panic peddlers are declaring that as a Bad Thing with the worst case assumption presented incorrectly as fact that those 80% will in turn infect others with a Far More Deadly effect.
Anthing that happens with or is discovered about this virus is immediately seized upon by the Hate Trump and Destroy USA as either negative or leading to another sure fire worst case scenario.


I get suspicious when places like Seattle Washington , that elected a socialist Councilmember Kshama Sawant., claim that they are the epicenter of the coronavirus infections in the US.
I think they were recently. Now New York has the honor.


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

Excuse me Dingle Berry, may I call you DB?

Corona viruses are not new. They were first identified as RNA viruses in 1970.

You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
The only thing that makes it novel are a couple proteins on the outer shell it still shares characteristics of other related Corona viruses

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk


Assuming that the chart has a solid scientific basis, and that's a big if ,

the chart does NOT differentiate between those individuals who are actually infected with the NEW - weaponized - strain - and those who acquired immunity because like me - they are old farts who sometime in our lives were exposed to the coronavirus.

So stop disinforming and eat your checkers.


There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

Excuse me Dingle Berry, may I call you DB?

Corona viruses are not new. They were first identified as RNA viruses in 1970.

You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
My wife is a vet the lab she uses can run Corona tests for animals and does so on a regular basis

It's a very simple process

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How does the placebo effect come into play in the measurements that have shown drastic reductions in viral loads?
You have to measure that in double blind tests against placebo. And you are not speaking clearly. They drastically reduced viral loads? How do you know this one factor did that? In how many people did this occur? To what degree in each person? You are over simplifying and making claims that may or may not be true.

I think we are in agreement that testing should be fast tracked.
All you need is a test group and a control

This was already done on a small scale.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
How does the placebo effect come into play in the measurements that have shown drastic reductions in viral loads?
You have to measure that in double blind tests against placebo. And you are not speaking clearly. They drastically reduced viral loads? How do you know this one factor did that? In how many people did this occur? To what degree in each person? You are over simplifying and making claims that may or may not be true.

I think we are in agreement that testing should be fast tracked.
Can a backwater inbred redneck peckerwood with his view of the world really understand the blues? I don't think so.
You don't know shit about me. I was born and raised in the shitty part of a large city. And you know even less about my world view

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
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There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

Excuse me Dingle Berry, may I call you DB?

Corona viruses are not new. They were first identified as RNA viruses in 1970.

You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.


provide a LINK to a scientific website wherein they claim that immunity to coronaviruses does not extend to covid-19.

The ONLY country which claims that it developed a test to detect covid-19 is Singapore and the test is not yet commercially available


A traveler wearing a protective facemask at Changi Airport in Singapore. The city has not seen COIVD-19 cases exploding yet.

Roslan RAHMAN/AFP via Getty Images
Singapore claims first use of antibody test to track coronavirus infections

In what appears to be a first, disease trackers in Singapore have used an experimental antibody test for COVID-19 to confirm that a suspected patient was infected with the coronavirus. The patient was one of two people who together formed a missing link between two clusters of cases that each occurred in a Singaporean church.

Researchers around the world are racing to develop antibody tests, also called serological tests, that can confirm whether someone was infected even after their immune system has cleared the virus that causes COVID-19. The group that developed the test, at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore, is among the front-runners, although its assay has to be validated before it is taken into production and deployed widely.

Covid 19 is not a member of any family because it's the name of the disease caused by the virus named Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2 which is a member of the Coronavirus family of viruses.
The fact that you and the rest of the motherfuckers believe that you can bring the nation to a standstill because of the coronavirus , globull warming and similar socialist fantasies tells me that you are a callous and sorry piece of shit.
Senseless blathering that obfuscates and ignores the issue
Well at least there are a few things we can all agree is "under-reacting." For example a friend reported:.

For much of this week, revelers continued to cram four and five to a hotel room, swarm beaches over hundreds of miles of coastline, and then gather shoulder-to-shoulder in bars and clubs – almost a model process for spreading contagious diseases.

Since many campuses are now closed, most spring breakers will return to hometowns across the country where any exposure to coronavirus could set off a contagion, public-health experts warned...

“What is happening in Florida with spring break partying-on by students oblivious to the epidemiological implications of their actions is nothing short of tragic,” wrote Gregg Gonsalves, a professor of epidemiology at the Yale School of Public Health, in an email. “While many of us have been hunkering down to try to break the chains of infection in our communities, these young people have decided the pleasures of the moment are worth bringing back the coronavirus to their friends and family.”

Assuming that these spring breakers are not immunocompromised or malnourished they are doing NOTHING wrong.

The results of this research suggest that the pH, temperature, and salinity in natural aquatic habitats can influence the ability of AI viruses to remain infective within these environments...

I wish these motherfuckers will stop spreading disinformation which is adversely affecting our rights and liberties

When I wrote "At least we can all agree.." that these hundreds of thousands of stupid, selfish, drunken students were acting terribly, I see I was sorely mistaken.

Here you are, proudly defending these utterly selfish students against a Republican Governor who finally had to drive them out using police measures!

You provide an irrelevant link to a chemical study of avian virus to try to give a "scientific" basis to their (and your?) selfish and idiotic conduct. In my own town, 30 miles north of Fort Lauderdale, they swarmed over downtown, carrying on in front of the few take out restaurants, pissed off and drunk, after the beaches and many hotels were closed. Finally the whole area was closed down, so even folks out for a responsible outdoor walk could not approach the area.

You also link to an article "Why I Want to Be Infected With the COVID-19 Virus And You Should Too." Well, you and many of us old timers probably will be infected, but hopefully not all at the same time, and not before our hospitals are better prepared with vaccines or treatments. Real patriotism, defending "Liberty for All," sometimes requires self-control, willingness to sacrifice, solidarity. I'm afraid you still don't understand anything about those traditional values.
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there are 51 million people in south korea, 330 million in the USA. do you think those test kits just appear magically out of thin air. There is no reason, or practical way, to test all 330 Million americans.
What is this trumpling nonsense? Do you think South Korea tested 51 million people? China, 1 billion? What is wrong with your brain? We waited too long, when early testing to target problem areas would have been very important. And yes, you could thank Dear Leader for much of that, if you gave a shit in the first place.[/QUOTE


How do you conclude that we waited too long to start testing? When the first people showed up with symptoms we tasted them to see if it was corona or something else. Are you trying to say that we should prepare millions of test kits for diseases that have not even shown up on planet earth yet? Corona 19 is a new virus. Should the CDC have been clairvoyant and known this was coming and built test kits in advance?

Sorry dude, but this "crisis" is not going to bring Trump down and elect senile corrupt Biden.

but keep it up, with each new post you convert more undecideds into Trump voters.
Yes, test kits can be prepared well in advance. They contain 3 or 4 vials of reagents to be combined with the samples when processing. However, there must enough of the reagents available at suppliers. South Korea ordered hundreds of thousands of test kits before the 1st case in the country was discovered.

There is always sufficient test kits for the earliest cases but there has to be kits available to test all contacts. Trained healthcare professions must be available for tracing both direct contacts and casual contacts. That can mean testing thousands of people if there are large numbers of casual contacts. A single case missed during the early stage, can result in tens of thousands of cases later.

Thank God at least that there's one leftist who understands what a coronavirus test actually is. A tiny glimmer of intelligence in a vast sea of smug stupidity.
There is always sufficient test kits for the earliest cases but there has to be kits available to test all contacts. Trained healthcare professions must be available for tracing both direct contacts and casual contacts. That can mean testing thousands of people if there are large numbers of casual contacts. A single case missed during the early stage, can result in tens of thousands of cases later.
I really like your balanced and well informed comments, Flopper. I fear that due to our inadequate early planning and the nature of our medical system, we are rapidly approaching the point when any real organized "tracing of contacts" is abandoned. In China and Korea and Japan they did a marvelous job of tracking down and isolating cases. This seems tragically to be beyond our ability. At a certain point of spread, as in the far less fatal H1N1 2009 pandemic, tracing will probably be abandoned and emphasis will turn to simple amelioration, treatment and "social distancing." With luck those measures (and present economically disruptive ordered closing of unessential workplaces and gatherings) will by themselves eventually slow the virus spread. Of course that is what we all hope. Slow it until treatments and vaccines are developed. But from what I see, at least in big cities, real tracing is already being abandoned, as our public health authorities simply have no personnel to carry on this task.
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Well that's wrong (not a big surprise)

There are in fact some treatments right now that show great promise but instead of starting large scale trials right now the government as usual is doing nothing

There are no treatments... You need to stop sniffing Trump's farts on Twitter, he's spreading misinformation.
Well that's wrong (not a big surprise)

There are in fact some treatments right now that show great promise but instead of starting large scale trials right now the government as usual is doing nothing

There are no treatments... You need to stop sniffing Trump's farts on Twitter, he's spreading misinformation.
French researcher posts successful Covid-19 drug trial

I hear Jim Bakker also has a "cure". No really.

So does Alex Jones.

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