We Remember

I'm not surprised.

I have informed folks all over this forum, that if the United States did not want war in Ukraine, it had a choice not to provoke Russia.

. . . and of course, Putin played along, he had a choice not to do so as well. It is no coincidence that they are all members of Davos and the World Economic Forum.

If the United State had not wanted war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Yemen, etc. it could have avoided all of those theaters as well. It is not blameless in all those color revolutions.

In fact, the Rockefellers basically ran the UN from the early days.
Korea and Vietnam were wars of choice, for the agenda of the global oligarchs. If they hadn't been, the rules of engagement would not have been what they were.

. .. it is no coincidence that wars continue, even though we have potentially world ending Armageddon weapons, of terrifying destruction. . . because they are a means for the global oligarchs and global corporate titans to socially engineer the entire world.

For over a century now, between the Americans and the British Empire, to think they couldn't prevent wars from breaking out, with their superior economic power, and intelligence capacities, if the global ruling cabal, were willing to yield to the global peasantantry when necessary? Is beyond naive. But whenever war breaks, it is because they do not wish to lose economic power and resources for the global imperialist project. It is softer now. . . they call it "stake-holder capitalism," or. . . "sustainable developement." The goals are the same, enslavement of every non-elite or non-aristocratic person on the planet.

For the folks that pull the levers, and control every last resource, and all credit and debt? Things like these are more important than the lives of the masses, both foreign and domestic.

It does not mean, I don't respect my forefathers, and my relatives that served.

You can love your nation, and those who served, without blindly cheering the misguided policy of our leaders.

How did we provoke any of those countries though? We didn't attack Ukraine or cause the 9/11 attack.
There is a good article in Reuters today about what putins invasion is doing to the automotive industry. It's about wiring harnesses.
Both Kissinger and the Sec of State have reached out to have the madness end. Despite western propaganda, and apparent lack of Russian progress, the Donbas campaign is nearly done. If the global elites allow it, it could be wrapped up within two months.

Readout of Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III's Call With Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu​

On May 13, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III spoke with Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu for the first time since February 18. Secretary Austin urged an immediate ceasefire in Ukraine and emphasized the importance of maintaining lines of communication.

Henry Kissinger: Ukraine must give Russia territory​

Former US Secretary of State warns against the defeat of Putin as Western unity on sanctions frays badly

". . . The former US secretary of state and architect of the Cold War rapprochement between the US and China told a gathering in Davos that it would be fatal for the West to get swept up in the mood of the moment and forget the proper place of Russia in the European balance of power.

Dr Kissinger said the war must not be allowed to drag on for much longer, and came close to calling on the West to bully Ukraine into accepting negotiations on terms that fall very far short of its current war aims.

“Negotiations need to begin in the next two months before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome. Ideally, the dividing line should be a return to the status quo ante. Pursuing the war beyond that point would not be about the freedom of Ukraine, but a new war against Russia itself,” he said.

He told the World Economic Forum that Russia had been an essential part of Europe for 400 years and had been the guarantor of the European balance of power structure at critical times. European leaders should not lose sight of the longer term relationship, and nor should they risk pushing Russia into a permanent alliance with China.

“I hope the Ukrainians will match the heroism they have shown with wisdom,” he said, adding with his famous sense of realpolitik that the proper role for the country is to be a neutral buffer state rather than the frontier of Europe.

The comments came amid growing signs that the Western coalition against Vladimir Putin is fraying badly as the food and energy crisis deepens, and that sanctions may have reached their limits.

“We’re seeing the worst of Europe,” said German vice-chancellor Robert Habeck in an angry outburst in Davos, accusing Hungary and other recalcitrant states of paralysing attempts by the rest of the EU to craft a full-fledged oil embargo. ... "
How did we provoke any of those countries though? We didn't attack Ukraine or cause the 9/11 attack.
I'm not going to get into on this thread. If you really want to know, look for it and do your own research.
So, I've been thinking about it and I was thinking about adding more patriotic music to this thread, but at the end of the day most of them are happy and upbeat songs,.. which is more for Independence Day, not for a day of remembering people who died trying to defend our country. So, I think I will end it here for today and on July 4th, (you guys will be the first to know that it's only for one day this year) the celebration of our Independence from Britain will be back again with the second annual God Bless America party thread. :) (That way even though I'll have some repeats, I can save some of the other songs for that as well!! :D)

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