We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

That’s right.... get ready for Trump loss. The chaos, discombobulations and terror has to end..... Enough is Enough.

Major Newspapers Trump 2 vs Biden 39. Unions with millions of members are for Biden. Lifetime republicans are endorsing Biden. Higher percentage of military supports Biden.
The teamsters, teachers, USPS, seniors, economist, clergy, asian Americans (Kung Flu works well), nurses association, 500 generals, fire fighters union endorsed Biden.
These doesn’t even include the blacks, hispanics, whites voters..

Even Rupert Murdoch predicts landslide win for Biden.

Mr. President Joe Biden.

More than 700 economists including Nobel laureates oppose Trump reelection

Over 1,600 clergy members and other religious figures endorse Biden.

Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

It won't be a Biden Presidency for very long if he wins.
It will be a one year Biden presidency at best... and likely not even that long.
He, like many elderly, are easily manipulated. Someone else is going to be in charge... remains to be seen who that is. Harris believes it will be her, but she is disliked and obviously a self seeker. Having said that, before the 4 year mark - she will be President.

that has been the dem plan from the beginning, Pelosi is already setting the stage to remove him via the 25th amendment if he should win.

as to Biden winning, just look at the crowds, Trump gets 50,000 and Biden is lucky to get 100, Harris is lucky to get anyone besides a few media pukes.

That the same in 2016 with Hillary but Hillary get more votes......
The problem with Trump rallies attendance is 99% whites only. It does not represent the the populations of any cities or locations. In 2016 election Trump garnered only 63+ millions votes ..... with the economic and health crisis that Americans are suffering right now. I don’t expect that the 63+ millions would increase but a lot less.

Also Biden/Harris rally is a drive in attendance style is not mean for a large group to avoid spread of virus.

The rallies is not 50,000.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.

With that comment you admit you think a US President can control a virus. If that's what you think, you're in for a grave disappointment after the election, because under Pedi Joe, nothing is going to change until we get a vaccine.
Trump is part of the problem. The least minimum he can do is encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged. Mask is not good because a waitress told him.

We have vaccine for flu but we have still deaths and sick yearly of flu. So do not expect the vaccines will works miraculously. Even if we have the vaccines and if we still act stupid the way Trump is handling right now... it’s almost worthless.

He has not met with the Pandemic team for months, it’s sad for people to hear.... oh that’s okay they have underlying (like you) illness and old they can die, it’s sad to hear the younger are not getting sick, rounding up the curve that’s a lie, source of disinformation, 220,000+ deaths he did a good job because its not 2 millions, democrats run city is not part of US, super spreader, making fun Covid crisis like no big deal.... GOOD LORD that is the president of US.

Then retweet Osama BL still alive.
Trump is part of the problem. The least minimum he can do is encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged. Mask is not good because a waitress told him.

We have vaccine for flu but we have still deaths and sick yearly of flu. So do not expect the vaccines will works miraculously. Even if we have the vaccines and if we still act stupid the way Trump is handling right now... it’s almost worthless.

He has not met with the Pandemic team for months, it’s sad for people to hear.... oh that’s okay they have underlying (like you) illness and old they can die, it’s sad to hear the younger are not getting sick, rounding up the curve that’s a lie, source of disinformation, 220,000+ deaths he did a good job because its not 2 millions, democrats run city is not part of US, super spreader, making fun Covid crisis like no big deal.... GOOD LORD that is the president of US.

What you have to understand is not everybody are sheep like the left. They are given marching orders and march down the street with their heads turned sideways. A US President cannot force people to wear a mask. People who hate masks won't wear them no matter what anybody says, and people who believe in them will regardless what anybody says. Trump didn't discourage anybody from wearing a mask. On many, many occasions he handed the mic to Dr. Fauci and Birx a few times during his addresses to the press, and they presented their recommendations repeatedly.

Correct, a vaccine may not work overnight because a lot of skeptics will wait a few weeks or months before getting it themselves to see the results. In the meantime, the people who do get the vaccine will not be able to get the virus or spread it. Even if that's only 100 million people, that will greatly reduce the spread to almost nothing. Yes, people die of the flu, in fact over 200,000 during DumBama's two terms. Do you blame him for the actions of a virus or the people? That's how ridiculous it sounds when you try to blame Trump for the 220,000 dead from the Wuhan flu. The President is not a God. There are some things he has no control over.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

first intelligent words you ever utter, you are right, pussygrabber will lose by a landslide.... :p :p :p

wanna bet? same offer to you, if Trump wins you leave the board forever, if Biden wins I leave the board forever. If you have confidence in your prediction its a no risk bet for you. Deal?

why don't we go for a real bet, I already have one at 2 to 1, if pussygrabber wins you get $10,000, If Joe wins I get 5,000, fair enough?

Perhaps...they hate Trump because they love their country? Let's hope so!

No, because the Biden plan is so destructive to the country that even if you hate Trump, he's the only one to vote for if you love your country. Much higher energy costs, increase taxes on our job providers when we need them the most, and if you have an IRA, you'd be a total idiot to vote for Biden if it's invested in the market which Biden said he'd increase capital gains on. His $15.00 national minimum wage will cost us millions of jobs. It will produce a domino effect that will send more companies overseas, promote more outsourcing, or force industry into more automation investments thus eliminating the human worker. His attack on firearms will stop sales of guns to law abiding citizens.

You have to hate your country to vote for that.
That is very incorrect Ray. Look at what is happening even before the Coronavirus Crisis. Trump literally destroyed this country.

Nobody is going to take you guns away, overseas business maybe you can tell that hypocrite bastard to bring his product back to US, business owners move business from here and there based from what is good for the company it’s not because of a president, minimum wage economist supports $15 MW, 3,500 American companies sued Trump because of his trade wars, on top of 20% farmers filed bankruptcies, no plan for economic recovery, no plan to for handling the pandemic crisis, no health plan.

Americans sufferings and economy is at very worst in US history....... a total failure from top to bottom. So it would be very stupid, catastrophic and idiot to elect another 4 years for Trump. Terror has to end.
That is very incorrect Ray. Look at what is happening even before the Coronavirus Crisis. Trump literally destroyed this country.

Nobody is going to take you guns away, overseas business maybe you can tell that hypocrite bastard to bring his product back to US, business owners move business from here and there based from what is good for the company it’s not because of a president, minimum wage economist supports $15 MW, 3,500 American companies sued Trump because of his trade wars, on top of 20% farmers filed bankruptcies, no plan for economic recovery, no plan to for handling the pandemic crisis, no health plan.

Americans sufferings and economy is at very worst in US history....... a total failure from top to bottom. So it would be very stupid, catastrophic and idiot to elect another 4 years for Trump. Terror has to end.

Before the Wuhan flu we had the best economy in 50 years. Stock market broke several records, median household income a new high. The lowest unemployment numbers for women and all minority groups since records started. We had over 1.5 million more jobs than Americans who could do them. We had the least GDP damage from the virus out of all G7 countries.

Joe Biden promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He promised to increase capital gains taxes which will have devastating effects on the stock market. When he doubles the cost of fuel, even more businesses will close down or move, not to mention taking a huge chunk of our disposable income in circulation that individuals had before the virus. A $15.00 minimum wage will surly cause more businesses to close, move out of the country, outsource, or invest in automation. It creates a domino effect that will cause inflation like we haven't seen in generations. A worker who stayed at the same place for years, got many raises, and now getting paid $18.00 an hour will not take being only three bucks above minimum wage after all his or her hard work. They are going to demand much more money, and so will everybody else, including your workers if you really own a business.

My advice to you is if you have any investment in the stock market, get them out of there if Biden wins, because the market is going to come crashing down.
Trump is part of the problem. The least minimum he can do is encourage people to wear mask. Not discouraged. Mask is not good because a waitress told him.

We have vaccine for flu but we have still deaths and sick yearly of flu. So do not expect the vaccines will works miraculously. Even if we have the vaccines and if we still act stupid the way Trump is handling right now... it’s almost worthless.

He has not met with the Pandemic team for months, it’s sad for people to hear.... oh that’s okay they have underlying (like you) illness and old they can die, it’s sad to hear the younger are not getting sick, rounding up the curve that’s a lie, source of disinformation, 220,000+ deaths he did a good job because its not 2 millions, democrats run city is not part of US, super spreader, making fun Covid crisis like no big deal.... GOOD LORD that is the president of US.

What you have to understand is not everybody are sheep like the left. They are given marching orders and march down the street with their heads turned sideways. A US President cannot force people to wear a mask. People who hate masks won't wear them no matter what anybody says, and people who believe in them will regardless what anybody says. Trump didn't discourage anybody from wearing a mask. On many, many occasions he handed the mic to Dr. Fauci and Birx a few times during his addresses to the press, and they presented their recommendations repeatedly.

Correct, a vaccine may not work overnight because a lot of skeptics will wait a few weeks or months before getting it themselves to see the results. In the meantime, the people who do get the vaccine will not be able to get the virus or spread it. Even if that's only 100 million people, that will greatly reduce the spread to almost nothing. Yes, people die of the flu, in fact over 200,000 during DumBama's two terms. Do you blame him for the actions of a virus or the people? That's how ridiculous it sounds when you try to blame Trump for the 220,000 dead from the Wuhan flu. The President is not a God. There are some things he has no control over.

Trump made fun of mask, insults people wear mask, mocked Biden for wearing mask. He even said mask is good because a waitress told him. The least is encourage not discouraged. He even said “if you wear mask means you don’t like me”. His policy, his surgeon general, scientists recommend wearing mask. No MATTER how you defend Trump but his reactions and behavior about mask is NO EXCUSES.

Dumbama .... Really? handles the crisis very well, Americans didn’t panic, no economic meltdown, calm. Did not play down.

Trump that fat racist pig. Handling of the crisis is a total disaster. Play dumb, play stupid, play down with the help of Fox... . Finger pointing, blaming, tweeting nonsense, not my responsibility........ Yes he is responsible for the 220,000 deaths and infections. Bucks stopped at Trump. Look at his reactions than from 6 months ago till today. Does it look like he cares?

We have the highest recorded infections of 80,000, deaths are climbing....... all he has to say in his 2 rallies from yesterday and today......... COVID COVID COVID COVID COVID.

Where the HELL is his soul of compassion?
Trump made fun of mask, insults people wear mask, mocked Biden for wearing mask. He even said mask is good because a waitress told him. The least is encourage not discouraged. He even said “if you wear mask means you don’t like me”. His policy, his surgeon general, scientists recommend wearing mask. No MATTER how you defend Trump but his reactions and behavior about mask is NO EXCUSES.

Dumbama .... Really? handles the crisis very well, Americans didn’t panic, no economic meltdown, calm. Did not play down.

Trump that fat racist pig. Handling of the crisis is a total disaster. Play dumb, play stupid, play down with the help of Fox... . Finger pointing, blaming, tweeting nonsense, not my responsibility........ Yes he is responsible for the 220,000 deaths and infections. Bucks stopped at Trump. Look at his reactions than from 6 months ago till today. Does it look like he cares?

We have the highest recorded infections of 80,000, deaths are climbing....... all he has to say in his 2 rallies from yesterday and today......... COVID COVID COVID COVID COVID.

Where the HELL is his soul of compassion?

Your lies don't fly here. You should know that by now. Trump made a joke about Biden wearing a mask 200 feet from people outside. It was a good joke because I actually seen Biden do this in an interview. Both outside, Biden had his mask on, and they could throw a football with each other. Now Trump did make other comments about masks early on, but remember in mid February, Fauci told the public masks were unnecessary.

What crisis did DumBama handle well? You mean H1N1? Not as contagious and not nearly as deadly. Even his own people said it was handled badly, and they just got lucky.

If the President is responsible for 220,000 deaths via Covid, then I'm assuming you are blaming the over 200,000 deaths from the flu on Obama. Right Mr. Hypocrite?
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

first intelligent words you ever utter, you are right, pussygrabber will lose by a landslide.... :p :p :p

wanna bet? same offer to you, if Trump wins you leave the board forever, if Biden wins I leave the board forever. If you have confidence in your prediction its a no risk bet for you. Deal?

why don't we go for a real bet, I already have one at 2 to 1, if pussygrabber wins you get $10,000, If Joe wins I get 5,000, fair enough?

View attachment 406177

#1 searched story on the internet is Biden corruption, meaning people aren’t buying his “nothing to see there” defense. On top of that polls are absolute garbage. God awful sampling, god awful methodology. To go along with their god awful methods, a ratio 1 out of every 5 Republicans only answering phone compared to dems 1-1. Do you honestly think they’re spending 5x the amount of time, 5x the amount money, and 5x the amount of effort to correctly sample Republicans? Do you really think they’re taking into account social desirability bias in the age of trump supporters getting harassed, vandalized, beaten, and even shot? How is it in the middle of a pandemic Ramuessin announced, in their own words, that trump hit the holy grail election number of a 52% approval rating before his very strong debate showing, yet still has trump down by 7 pts???? There’s your social desirability bias. Do you really believe that Biden, a septuagenarian with clear dementia, is polling stronger than Obama in his historic 2008 election. On the flip side do you really believe trumps going to have a lower turnout than Hoover, the guy who ushered in the Great Depression.

The problems with polling in 2016 they’ve turned up to 11. They’re over sampling Democrats. They’re over sampling young people who are notoriously unreliable voters. They’re under sampling independents, by nearly 20% pts, who went heavy for trump last election. It wasn’t just that the polls were a little off in 2016, trump out preformed in most states by 8 pts, quadruple the margin for error. The blue tsunami is a fantasy.
Best ec
That is very incorrect Ray. Look at what is happening even before the Coronavirus Crisis. Trump literally destroyed this country.

Nobody is going to take you guns away, overseas business maybe you can tell that hypocrite bastard to bring his product back to US, business owners move business from here and there based from what is good for the company it’s not because of a president, minimum wage economist supports $15 MW, 3,500 American companies sued Trump because of his trade wars, on top of 20% farmers filed bankruptcies, no plan for economic recovery, no plan to for handling the pandemic crisis, no health plan.

Americans sufferings and economy is at very worst in US history....... a total failure from top to bottom. So it would be very stupid, catastrophic and idiot to elect another 4 years for Trump. Terror has to end.

Before the Wuhan flu we had the best economy in 50 years. Stock market broke several records, median household income a new high. The lowest unemployment numbers for women and all minority groups since records started. We had over 1.5 million more jobs than Americans who could do them. We had the least GDP damage from the virus out of all G7 countries.

Joe Biden promised to increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most. He promised to increase capital gains taxes which will have devastating effects on the stock market. When he doubles the cost of fuel, even more businesses will close down or move, not to mention taking a huge chunk of our disposable income in circulation that individuals had before the virus. A $15.00 minimum wage will surly cause more businesses to close, move out of the country, outsource, or invest in automation. It creates a domino effect that will cause inflation like we haven't seen in generations. A worker who stayed at the same place for years, got many raises, and now getting paid $18.00 an hour will not take being only three bucks above minimum wage after all his or her hard work. They are going to demand much more money, and so will everybody else, including your workers if you really own a business.

My advice to you is if you have any investment in the stock market, get them out of there if Biden wins, because the market is going to come crashing down.

Best Economy in 50 years? That is incorrect. Below 2 links one from Cleveland proved you and Trump are both wrong. On top of wrecking the farmers all over US.

The Economy lucky if can recover 2022 because of Trump disastrous handling of the virus and economy without any plan. Zero.
Biden tax increases. Do you honestly believe he will increase taxes in the middle of crisis? Biden will increase tax when the economy recover. Trump tax cuts benefited the .1 % only that economist called it a sham.

Market will NOT crash down if Biden will win. Guarantee.

Minimum Wage.... you can NOT prove non that a business had close because of MW. There are thousand maybe millions of companies like mine ( $16.+) that do not start with MW. Why is that a problem? Even Walmart will increase their hourly wages from $18 to $21. Link below..... Why? It’s very good for the economy..... With or without the MW increase automation is coming.

The U.S. economy prior to the coronavirus was strong. But it was not the best in the nation’s history, economists say.

Walmart to raise wages, paying staff up to $30 per hour

Next month, hourly team members will start between $18 and $21 per hour, and pay could even go all the way up to $30 per hour at select supercenters.
Trump made fun of mask, insults people wear mask, mocked Biden for wearing mask. He even said mask is good because a waitress told him. The least is encourage not discouraged. He even said “if you wear mask means you don’t like me”. His policy, his surgeon general, scientists recommend wearing mask. No MATTER how you defend Trump but his reactions and behavior about mask is NO EXCUSES.

Dumbama .... Really? handles the crisis very well, Americans didn’t panic, no economic meltdown, calm. Did not play down.

Trump that fat racist pig. Handling of the crisis is a total disaster. Play dumb, play stupid, play down with the help of Fox... . Finger pointing, blaming, tweeting nonsense, not my responsibility........ Yes he is responsible for the 220,000 deaths and infections. Bucks stopped at Trump. Look at his reactions than from 6 months ago till today. Does it look like he cares?

We have the highest recorded infections of 80,000, deaths are climbing....... all he has to say in his 2 rallies from yesterday and today......... COVID COVID COVID COVID COVID.

Where the HELL is his soul of compassion?

Your lies don't fly here. You should know that by now. Trump made a joke about Biden wearing a mask 200 feet from people outside. It was a good joke because I actually seen Biden do this in an interview. Both outside, Biden had his mask on, and they could throw a football with each other. Now Trump did make other comments about masks early on, but remember in mid February, Fauci told the public masks were unnecessary.

What crisis did DumBama handle well? You mean H1N1? Not as contagious and not nearly as deadly. Even his own people said it was handled badly, and they just got lucky.

If the President is responsible for 220,000 deaths via Covid, then I'm assuming you are blaming the over 200,000 deaths from the flu on Obama. Right Mr. Hypocrite?

BULL SHIT.... Those are straight facts right from Trump mouth ... .... NO LIES. Even his own closest adviser Atlas said mask is no use, blasted by CNN and tweets deleted . You can twist and defend Trump however you want .... That racist piece of shit... is being blasted all over even at overseas for being irresponsible and incompetent that is why Biden has very high percentage by 17 points handling the CV crisis. Trump behind most or all of the issues.

Where did you get the 200,000 deaths under Obama?

Trump is responsible for the 220,000 deaths ive already covered that with my previous post.

H1N1 by the great OBAMA. 2 links Below is the exact dates and numbers of deaths on H1N1. I hope that will end your IGNORANCE. Flu deaths each year.... we have the vaccines then before Obama but it’s up to the citizens to take the shots or precautions. Not Obama not Trump but handling of the crisis by Trump is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Flawed Comparison on Coronavirus, H1N1 Emergency Timelines - FactCheck.org

Atlas Coughed

Biden Holds Wide Leads Over Trump on Coronavirus, Unifying the Country

I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.

With that comment you admit you think a US President can control a virus. If that's what you think, you're in for a grave disappointment after the election, because under Pedi Joe, nothing is going to change until we get a vaccine.
We can control the virus like other countries have done. All we need is some National leadership...not Donnie COVIDSeed.

How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
BULL SHIT.... Those are straight facts right from Trump mouth ... .... NO LIES. Even his own closest adviser Atlas said mask is no use, blasted by CNN and tweets deleted . You can twist and defend Trump however you want .... That racist piece of shit... is being blasted all over even at overseas for being irresponsible and incompetent that is why Biden has very high percentage by 17 points handling the CV crisis. Trump behind most or all of the issues.

Where did you get the 200,000 deaths under Obama?

The flu usually kills 15,000 to 30,000 Americans a year. Multiply that by 8 years. So why didn't DumBama stop it? Because of your severe TDS, you don't realize how stupid it sounds to blame a President for a virus unless somebody turns the tables on you. Trump has no ability to stop Covid no more than DumBama could stop the flu, and mind you, we have flu vaccinations every year which Trump doesn't have at this point.

Another thing you sheep ignore is that President Trump has never said a racist thing. Biden on the other hand used phrases like "They want to see y'all back in chains." "You are not really black unless you vote for me." "Poor kids are just as bright as white kids." "I don't want to send my kids to a racial jungle" just to name a few. He even went on to embellish his days he spent with Democrat racial segregationists.

Trump is responsible for the 220,000 deaths ive already covered that with my previous post.

Okay, then DumBama is responsible for the over 200,000 Americans that died from the flu. Fair enough hypocrite?

H1N1 by the great OBAMA. 2 links Below is the exact dates and numbers of deaths on H1N1. I hope that will end your IGNORANCE. Flu deaths each year.... we have the vaccines then before Obama but it’s up to the citizens to take the shots or precautions.

Yes we do have vaccines. So why didn't DumBama order everybody to take them? Why did he not promote mask wearing, hand washing, hand sterilization? According to you and other leftists, everybody listens to the President. So why didn't DumBama save those people?

H1N1 by the great OBAMA. 2 links Below is the exact dates and numbers of deaths on H1N1. I hope that will end your IGNORANCE. Flu deaths each year.... we have the vaccines then before Obama but it’s up to the citizens to take the shots or precautions. Not Obama not Trump but handling of the crisis by Trump is NOT ACCEPTABLE.

Okay, but what we have today is about 9 million Americans who caught Covid, and by the claim in your link, over 60 million caught H1N1. So who's doing the better job?
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.

With that comment you admit you think a US President can control a virus. If that's what you think, you're in for a grave disappointment after the election, because under Pedi Joe, nothing is going to change until we get a vaccine.
We can control the virus like other countries have done. All we need is some National leadership...not Donnie COVIDSeed.

What a BS article. Nobody can show "where" people caught the virus. Infections grew in places Trump held rallies and places he was nowhere near. Nice try though.
Best Economy in 50 years? That is incorrect. Below 2 links one from Cleveland proved you and Trump are both wrong. On top of wrecking the farmers all over US.

The Economy lucky if can recover 2022 because of Trump disastrous handling of the virus and economy without any plan. Zero.
Biden tax increases. Do you honestly believe he will increase taxes in the middle of crisis? Biden will increase tax when the economy recover. Trump tax cuts benefited the .1 % only that economist called it a sham.

Market will NOT crash down if Biden will win. Guarantee.

Minimum Wage.... you can NOT prove non that a business had close because of MW. There are thousand maybe millions of companies like mine ( $16.+) that do not start with MW. Why is that a problem? Even Walmart will increase their hourly wages from $18 to $21. Link below..... Why? It’s very good for the economy..... With or without the MW increase automation is coming.

Yes, I do believe Biden will increase taxes. Why? Because he stated so, and mentioned nothing about when. I can't wait to tell my parents I am at the top 1%, because I got a tax decrease not only in my paycheck, but when I filed my returns for 2018. Plus no Commie Care fines either. I saved quite a few buck thanks to Trump. Yes, the market will crash. I didn't have plans on withdrawing from my IRA, but if Biden wins, you bet I'm getting at least some of my money out of there. Biden is just as anti-business as DumBama.

As for your supposed employees, if you are paying them $16.00 an hour, do you think they will continue to work for you making only $1.00 an hour over minimum wage? Of course not. $16.00 is twice the rate of the current national minimum wage. Therefore if they want to stay at that level, they will be demanding you pay them $32.00 an hour to maintain staying at twice the minimum wage. Good luck with that, and Vote for Biden.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

I see this as the most reasoned comment from a Trump supporter on this message board I have ever read.

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