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We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Hey maybe..... I got a feeling as soon as Trump is out, there won't be anymore wailing and teeth-gnashing about the 'rona.

I believe I told the story of my Uncle who died two months ago. When my cousins came over and were telling me of their outrage when they labeled his death as a Covid death, I told them there is only two ways to drop our Covid numbers: Trump remove government money for treating Covid, or Biden wins. If either or happens, those numbers will drop like a rock off a cliff.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

We righties need to be prepared for a Trump WIN!!! If the voting is tainted so much that prez Trump loses his bid for a second term it would be a crying shame, but the fight for what is RIGHT goes on & on. Eventually we will have Three that's One(I have no way to explain that) that fights FOR us. Until then we hold the line until we fall(die). Remember, the left is fueled on emotion where us righties are fueled on common sense/logic so we hold both the tactical AND strategic advantage. It's the left that goes bananas if big Joe goes down in flames(remember Hillary getting tortured in the last prez election?). If prez Trump goes down in flames then us righties just regroup & try our best to secure & hold onto BOTH the upper & lower chambers of the House, which is the REAL power in federal government. We are also fighting the SWAMP which is the entire federal bureaucracy @ this time. That's a BIG task for us righties & I think we are doing a pretty decent job @ it for sure!

I have extreme confidence he will win because the establishment in the past have always got the puppet they wanted to serve them in office just as they wanted,because of that I thought hitlery was a lock in the last election,that was who they wanted for their puppet president but I don’t know what happened,but something went wrong in the last election somehow and they did not get their puppet they wanted elected.so sense he beat them the first time,I think he will beat them again.

What went wrong was that they were using the media to lie about her popularity. Later the same media lied about Trump's popularity when he was in. The media pretends to speak for America as a whole and doesn't tell the whole story. In the end the things they swept under the carpet are right there. They dont go away. The way they run their media, elections, reporting...is just like the Chinese junk they want to sell us: Disposable. See how the dems are ready to send kids bacl.to school aleeady....in spite of the the virus spikes? They were never as concerned as they pretended to be. Now they're like a kid with chocolate stains on his lips and an empty cookie jar saying "Who me?" They (may have) got their prize, but thinkkng of repercussions is just beyond their attention span. So many people who voted for them will realize they were just led on and made to suffer a year of bullshit over a tiny little overstated "plague". Already many dems have turned republican. It shows in the overwhelming number of Republicans who won the vote in our usually blue state this time
at this point it looks like the lying dems and the corrupt media may have put old senile joe and the ho in the whitehouse. All I can say is that the country deserves what it votes for

1. higher taxes
2. $5 gasoline
3. open borders
4. a country owned by China
5. President Kamala---------the dems are already planning to remove Joe by the 25th amendment, so you idiots voted an incompetent woman who slept her way to the top as president.
6. more lockdowns
7. no private medical insurance
8. long lines for medical care
9. Crazy Nancy
10. high unemployment

and why? because you don't like Trump's New York persona. amazingly stupid America, but you deserve it because you voted for it.

If it ends this way I will be permanently leaving this forum as per my bet with a couple of our libtardian members

Agreed. And if puppet Joe IS in fact sworn in, I have some consolation in the fact that an overwhelming number of state and local offices were won by republicans....in the races that werent so skewed by the libs and their Coronavirus election delay scam. So now the chessboard is set up a little differently. It will truly be an overt war of globalists vs real Americans, and where they failed to oust Trump with all their scandals, Joe and Kamala might not be so lucky. Because the truth is coming out. I am going to keep voting Republican in every local election over the next 4 years. In P.A. we had an overwhelming number of republicans take the vote this time. Our blue stained governor is going to be floating in a red sea. And that's not wishful thinking. That's the new reality.

I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states. The country is so divided now we might as well make the divide permanent and see which system actually works.
at this point it looks like the lying dems and the corrupt media may have put old senile joe and the ho in the whitehouse. All I can say is that the country deserves what it votes for

1. higher taxes
2. $5 gasoline
3. open borders
4. a country owned by China
5. President Kamala---------the dems are already planning to remove Joe by the 25th amendment, so you idiots voted an incompetent woman who slept her way to the top as president.
6. more lockdowns
7. no private medical insurance
8. long lines for medical care
9. Crazy Nancy
10. high unemployment

and why? because you don't like Trump's New York persona. amazingly stupid America, but you deserve it because you voted for it.

If it ends this way I will be permanently leaving this forum as per my bet with a couple of our libtardian members

Agreed. And if puppet Joe IS in fact sworn in, I have some consolation in the fact that an overwhelming number of state and local offices were won by republicans....in the races that werent so skewed by the libs and their Coronavirus election delay scam. So now the chessboard is set up a little differently. It will truly be an overt war of globalists vs real Americans, and where they failed to oust Trump with all their scandals, Joe and Kamala might not be so lucky. Because the truth is coming out. I am going to keep voting Republican in every local election over the next 4 years. In P.A. we had an overwhelming number of republicans take the vote this time. Our blue stained governor is going to be floating in a red sea. And that's not wishful thinking. That's the new reality.

I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states. The country is so divided now we might as well make the divide permanent and see which system actually works.

Northern Idaho is really close to going it alone. The rest of the country? Not so much.
I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states.

You do understand that so-called Red States are still 40% (D) supporters.

Did you read, of course you didn't, that BLUE dominated areas produce 75% of the GDP, while the so-called patriots only contribute 25% to the GDP.

How about you REDS hold up your end before you think about secession. LOL.
I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states.

You do understand that so-called Red States are still 40% (D) supporters.

Did you read, of course you didn't, that BLUE dominated areas produce 75% of the GDP, while the so-called patriots only contribute 25% to the GDP.

How about you REDS hold up your end before you think about secession. LOL.

That's because the Democrats dont support the common person at all. That is a sales pitch, THE sales pitch they need to fool the lower classes into thinking they aren't the bunch of privileged elitists that they are. Blue states are full of gated communities, arrogant Ivy Leaguers, pampered celebrities, and career politicians who deal with communists and who help communists get ahead for a profit. The cities in Blue States...and cities in general...are home to the people who serve these privileged types and get handouts like palace dogs for their vote. They never get ahead. They dont fall behind. They are kept right where the Blue State leaders want them.

In Red States you have much less of a chasm between classes and a much more reasonable spread of "ordinary people". Since most of these dont include so many Ivy Leaguers, celebrities, lawyers, and international business people who want open borders, obviously their wealth won't skew economic reports to seem like thry are somehow more successful and better places to live when they're not...not for the common middle class person, anyway. The Blue states are haven for the extremely rich and their indentured servants. Red states are for the common person who is always under pressure to join either one or the other, usually the latter. Fortunately the inhabitants of Red states reject that institution of thought.
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I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states.

You do understand that so-called Red States are still 40% (D) supporters.

Did you read, of course you didn't, that BLUE dominated areas produce 75% of the GDP, while the so-called patriots only contribute 25% to the GDP.

How about you REDS hold up your end before you think about secession. LOL.

Somebody has to do honest and necessary work for honest pay and not just be a rich celebrity, state-sponsored drug dealer, or international globalist business mogul voting for open borders, right? If we all wanted that then every state would be blue!
That's because the Democrats dont support the common person at all. That is a sales pitch, THE sales pitch they need to fool the lower classes into thinking they aren't the bunch of privileged elitists that they are.

This stereotype of the Democrats helping the little people started back in the union days. Democrats strongly supported unions; not because they cared about the little people, but the unions contributed heavily to the Democrat party and various Democrat politicians. Now that the unions are virtually gone outside of government, why should the Democrats give a shit about the working individual? Our most well known wealthy people are all Democrats. Biden and Clinton both broke records for campaign contributions. They didn't get that massive amount of money from the homeless people.
That's because the Democrats dont support the common person at all. That is a sales pitch, THE sales pitch they need to fool the lower classes into thinking they aren't the bunch of privileged elitists that they are.

This stereotype of the Democrats helping the little people started back in the union days. Democrats strongly supported unions; not because they cared about the little people, but the unions contributed heavily to the Democrat party and various Democrat politicians. Now that the unions are virtually gone outside of government, why should the Democrats give a shit about the working individual? Our most well known wealthy people are all Democrats. Biden and Clinton both broke records for campaign contributions. They didn't get that massive amount of money from the homeless people.

I believe what you say is for the most part true, but I think goes back farther than that. It was the Jacksonian Democrats which later evolved into THE Democrats we know today...who supported slavery and the forced relocation (and possibly genocide of) Native Americans. They were vehemently opposed by the Whig party, which would respectively also evolve eventually into the Republicans. I dont believe the Dems ever really grew out of that. Slaves were emancipated, but the former masters of that institution continued to look for ways to maintain control of them. Forcing them to live off charity and welfare became the new slavery. Overall, blacks have not escaped this system and have in turn learned to use it to their advantage, at the expense of much more. Many of them have this status quo deeply engrained in their culture and find it hard to become self-made successes. It's a very ugly symbiosis. The Democrats have expanded on the post-slavery situation. Open borders, immigration and people trafficking are the new means to the same end. It is basically globalism run amok. Outsourcing, slave labor, welfare handouts...are all pillars of that institution.

I fully agree with you that unions are another way of achieving this. Unions have certainly helped to make some worker groups more powerful...but unions can work both ways. They work with corporations as much as with workers and take money from both. Workers pay hundreds of dollars per year in union dues and dont end up much better than they would without the union in.some cases. People forget that a union is a business. There are.good businesses and bad businesses...but a union is still a business, and the Democratic Party works closely with them in that business. The more a union (like the teachers unions especially!) cooperates with the democratic party and helps them push their agenda, the more well off the the union bosses are, NOT necessarily the workers. A good union like any good business passes wealth and power on to its members. There's a real diversity within this spectrum. Little by little it seems the Dems OWN unions more than workers do. That is what is making workers turn to non-union employers at times, and at times it is actually to their benefit.

Its ALL business.
And anyone who tries to paint lipstick on the pig is a liar (and probably a democrat).
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

Update: Thread author was the least prepared, becoming a conspiracy theorist to cope.
I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states.

You do understand that so-called Red States are still 40% (D) supporters.

Did you read, of course you didn't, that BLUE dominated areas produce 75% of the GDP, while the so-called patriots only contribute 25% to the GDP.

How about you REDS hold up your end before you think about secession. LOL.

It Doesn't work like that doofus.....have you ever taken at least on cursory course on economics....you can't split up the GDP like that. That's like saying the Tires are only five percent of the car's worth so we don't need them......wow.

I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states.

You do understand that so-called Red States are still 40% (D) supporters.

Did you read, of course you didn't, that BLUE dominated areas produce 75% of the GDP, while the so-called patriots only contribute 25% to the GDP.

How about you REDS hold up your end before you think about secession. LOL.

It Doesn't work like that doofus.....have you ever taken at least on cursory course on economics....you can't split up the GDP like that. That's like saying the Tires are only five percent of the car's worth so we don't need them......wow.


Ah but even with your GDP intact, the red states are "taker" states - all but Texas. They receive more money from Washington in program money and pork, than they send to Washington in taxes. How do the red states propose to replace that income since Blue States will no longer be funding them?

This means no more Medicaid, Food Stamps, or federal military bases. Things that red states can ill afford to do without.
I agree, but I also see the possibility of a secession movement of red states.

You do understand that so-called Red States are still 40% (D) supporters.

Did you read, of course you didn't, that BLUE dominated areas produce 75% of the GDP, while the so-called patriots only contribute 25% to the GDP.

How about you REDS hold up your end before you think about secession. LOL.

It Doesn't work like that doofus.....have you ever taken at least on cursory course on economics....you can't split up the GDP like that. That's like saying the Tires are only five percent of the car's worth so we don't need them......wow.


Ah but even with your GDP intact, the red states are "taker" states - all but Texas. They receive more money from Washington in program money and pork, than they send to Washington in taxes. How do the red states propose to replace that income since Blue States will no longer be funding them?

This means no more Medicaid, Food Stamps, or federal military bases. Things that red states can ill afford to do without.

Your knowledge of macro economics is stunningly lopsided. The so called taker states provide nearly 80 percent of the food supply for the entire nation. I'm not saying that they would not be severely affected but so would the so called contributor states also be severely affected. You want food? Then send over 100 tanks! In the final analysis nobody makes out well....it would give China the perfect excuse to send in a Military force and then of course GDP becomes moot. The nation either protects itself as a whole or will be taken by another Military power...this is no longer the 1800's. The total mechanics of World Power are now totally different. It's a jungle out there and the predators already have a plan...they're just waiting for the opportunity...like the one they just Got with Biden's election for instance.

When a blue stater needs a tire changed they will travel all the way to a red state to get it done. I worked with that type for years and the University of Massachusetts.....degrees up the ass but roll into a total panic when the toilet plugs up. The peter principle applies in spades here. The left has succeeded in selling their way to the top but they will not be able to maintain it...eventually they will run out of plumbers and electricians to put it bluntly.

I see the conservativs are getting their loser-whine in place.


That's good planning on their part, claiming moral superiority just because they're not acting like terrorists. They will, of course, still all be supporting right-wing terrorists.
Yeah...they can't say that any more.

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