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We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Part of the reason I think the polls may be way off is from looking at the RCP averages of Florida vs the USA as a whole:

If we look at Florida,
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Florida: Trump vs. Biden

And the US as a whole:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

We find that Florida and the US had very similar Trump/Biden totals, but over the last month the lead for Biden has all but disappeared in FL while it has stayed the same in the US.

The major difference is that pollsters have been factoring in the early voting data, and as they have done that, Biden's lead has essentially disappeared.

This is "The Model" colliding with reality.

Could the same be true for the US as a whole? we'll have to see. The error bars are far far higher than the modelers want to admit.... probably high enough to make their models useless.

I don't listen to the polls. I predicted this narrowing of numbers for months now because it happens every election. The Republican is always behind and catches up in the end. If anything, the polls should be swinging Biden's way with this new Covid surge.

People are getting tired of this Covid shit. They just want it to end.

Biden is running on a platform to shut more things down and even a stupid Federal requirement to wear a mask.

I suspect Biden lost votes by being a Covid Karen asshole.

Besides, nobody in their right mind would think that the post Covid economy would be better under this Biden clown than under Trump.
One thing is for sure Trump will never end covid by ignoring it, opposing preventive measures, and telling people they need to go back work.

The thing that will end a very contagious disease like Covid is a vaccine. We aren't going to fix it by having dumb things like another national shutdown. It sure as hell has not worked in Europe.

In the meantime Trump has mitigated the damage of the virus on a Federal basis by quickly shutting down the country to foreigners and to organize American business to provide testing and treatment and to develop the vaccine.

The death rate from the virus is actually very low now and the total number would not be that high if the Democrat leadership in several big cities hadn't made some serious mistakes several months ago.

Biden is appealing to the fear of the uneducated Moon Bats by blaming the virus on Trump but in reality it was caused by the same people that made his family rich.

When you really listen to what this dishonest Biden is saying about what he would do most of it Trump has already done.

Biden is a lying asshole. A dumb one at that. Only a fool would vote for him.
No the death rate for covid is not low, compared to the last 3 months. Over the last week in Oct, deaths topped a thousand a day and averaged nearly 900 a day. What is creating all the warnings from the medical community is the big increase in the number of cases in Oct and the hospitalizations. And no, the increase in cases and hospitalizations are not due to just more testing. Whenever hospitalization across the country go up, deaths follow. Since we just entered the season for increased respiratory infections, it is no likely that this trend will reverse itself anytime soon and we may see the deaths running over 2500 a day within a few months.

Yes, the vaccine is most likely going to end the epidemic in the US but that will not happen anytime soon. A survey done last month revealed 50% of the population is not eager to be vaccinated. They want to wait to see what happens when other get vaccinated. 20% said they would not get vaccinated. Why this is of such concern is elimination of a virus requires a high percentage of vaccinations. Less than 50% may reduce transmission but it will still be with us. To really eliminated the virus we will need a participation rate nearing 70%, about 230 million people and that is not going happen over next 12 months due to Americans hesitancy to vaccinate and the hesitancy of drug companies to vaccinate tens of millions of people with a brand new vaccine. Most likely it will be the end of 2021 before we start to see major improvements. And that is only if things go very well with the vaccine. In most case new vaccines have problems. More people are going to be getting sick and dying and the only way to save lives is follow the CDC guidelines.

Recovery in the economy is going to be slow no matter who becomes president. I expect in 2022, many people are still going to be wearing masks and avoiding crowds. There will still be travel restrictions between most countries because the rest of world will not be able to vaccinate as fast as the US. So don't expect a booming economy next year and probably not in 2022.

BTW Trump did not shutdown the country. The governors did that based on conditions in their state. Trump's contribution was basically verbal attacks telling the governors to open up businesses and schools even though the virus was raging.

United States Coronavirus: 9,686,555 Cases and 238,570 Deaths - Worldometer

Every year about 2.8million Americans die. We are on track for close to the same number this year. 2.1 million at the end of September.

The Democrats killed a shitload of old people in the big cities. Up to 40% of the total deaths.

Trump made a lot of good decisions that prevented many deaths and set up the path for cures and the vaccine.

If you want to blame any body blame the Democrat's mismanagement and Biden's Chicom buddies.
Trump made only two really good decision. Too bad they came to late. On Feb. 2, he limited travel from China but it exempted U.S. citizens, green card holders, and a list of others. This should have been done weeks earlier when other countries were doing it. Cutting off travel from Europe was recommend by the Pandemic Response team in February but Trump refused. He ended up following their recommendation and travel from Europe was limited nearly a month later on Feb 14th. However the delay allowed over a hundred thousand Europeans, to enter the US. Some of these people were coming from countries that had infections. Scientists believe most of the earliest east coast infections came from Europe.

What followed was mostly Trump disagreeing with the scientists and criticizing the actions taken by governors which he agreed was their responsibility. Back in April and May it was debatable as to whether the CDC and Trump were on the same side in the fight.

Destruction of American institutions like the free press, democratic elections. congress, and the presidency didn't start with Trump but he sure gave it a hell of a boost.

Have you every ask yourself what would will happen if people like Trump convince all Americans that the news media is corrupt, lies, spreads false news, and creates fake news. Let me give you a hint. Take a look at the history of these goverment run news agencies and how and why they came into being:
Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment

When government is able to convince the people, that a free independent news media can not be trusted, a state run news service will be in our future. Four more years of presidential rhetoric about false news and a crooked lying media may just be enough to convince most Americans that he's right. If the News media can not be trusted then replacing it is a logical conclusion.

Or perhaps when they lose viewers and readers, they'll start telling the truth. Flopper, you should watch the Laura Ingraham show. She plays CNN clips nearly every single night and many are them lying about shit. Even after the NIH and FBI determined that Russia had nothing to do with Hunter's hard drive, they continued telling their viewers they did. They did the same thing with Trump saying Mexico is sending us their rapists and murderers, the same thing they did when Trump said there were good people on both sides. It's all they do is lie.

Trust has to be earned, not handed out.
Hey maybe..... I got a feeling as soon as Trump is out, there won't be anymore wailing and teeth-gnashing about the 'rona.

I believe I told the story of my Uncle who died two months ago. When my cousins came over and were telling me of their outrage when they labeled his death as a Covid death, I told them there is only two ways to drop our Covid numbers: Trump remove government money for treating Covid, or Biden wins. If either or happens, those numbers will drop like a rock off a cliff.
The reason Biden does not draw large crowd is he follows local rules and CDC guidelines to save lives. Trump of course has no problem ignoring them for a good cause which of course is winning votes which has pretty much been the Trump plan since last March, ignore the virus and get elected.

Does the CDC guidelines also state only four or five cars can participate in a car caravan for a presidential contender? Trump's caravans stretched for miles, and I bet not one person gave Covid to another person in another car.
Yes, the vaccine is most likely going to end the epidemic in the US but that will not happen anytime soon. A survey done last month revealed 50% of the population is not eager to be vaccinated. They want to wait to see what happens when other get vaccinated. 20% said they would not get vaccinated. Why this is of such concern is elimination of a virus requires a high percentage of vaccinations. Less than 50% may reduce transmission but it will still be with us. To really eliminated the virus we will need a participation rate nearing 70%, about 230 million people and that is not going happen over next 12 months due to Americans hesitancy to vaccinate and the hesitancy of drug companies to vaccinate tens of millions of people with a brand new vaccine.

You are forgetting some things here. First of all, the millions of people who already recovered from Covid will be pretty much immune. Not all, but I would think most. Some of them are also donating blood to help other people develop an immunity as well. Then there is the fact that Covid is not infectious to everybody. Some people have a natural immunity known as T-cells, and those people have nothing to worry about. Children have a very low chance at catching Covid. They are virtually immune because of their age.

So even if a percentage of people get the vaccine, it's going to produce huge results. When less people have it, that means less people passing it around.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

We righties need to be prepared for a Trump WIN!!! If the voting is tainted so much that prez Trump loses his bid for a second term it would be a crying shame, but the fight for what is RIGHT goes on & on. Eventually we will have Three that's One(I have no way to explain that) that fights FOR us. Until then we hold the line until we fall(die). Remember, the left is fueled on emotion where us righties are fueled on common sense/logic so we hold both the tactical AND strategic advantage. It's the left that goes bananas if big Joe goes down in flames(remember Hillary getting tortured in the last prez election?). If prez Trump goes down in flames then us righties just regroup & try our best to secure & hold onto BOTH the upper & lower chambers of the House, which is the REAL power in federal government. We are also fighting the SWAMP which is the entire federal bureaucracy @ this time. That's a BIG task for us righties & I think we are doing a pretty decent job @ it for sure!
We righties need to be prepared for a Trump WIN!!! If the voting is tainted so much that prez Trump loses his bid for a second term it would be a crying shame, but the fight for what is RIGHT goes on & on. Eventually we will have Three that's One(I have no way to explain that) that fights FOR us. Until then we hold the line until we fall(die). Remember, the left is fueled on emotion where us righties are fueled on common sense/logic so we hold both the tactical AND strategic advantage. It's the left that goes bananas if big Joe goes down in flames(remember Hillary getting tortured in the last prez election?). If prez Trump goes down in flames then us righties just regroup & try our best to secure & hold onto BOTH the upper & lower chambers of the House, which is the REAL power in federal government. We are also fighting the SWAMP which is the entire federal bureaucracy @ this time. That's a BIG task for us righties & I think we are doing a pretty decent job @ it for sure!

While us Republicans are much more optimistic than Democrats, as a righty, I look at this a win either way.

If Trump wins, the economy will come roaring back after we get past this virus, and until that time, improving all the way.

If we lose, Biden will double the price of our fuel, stagnate or retard our job growth and stock market, allow the invasion of more illegal immigrants which will drastically lower pay for Americans and allow them to take our jobs, and the country will be a disaster.

When Americans learn they Fd up, they will put Republican leadership in the House, and if we lose the Senate, regain that as well. If we keep the Senate, get more Republicans in there to create such a strong barrier that Biden will never get any of his additional agenda completed.
I'm not surprised the funny business happened last night. If the courts don't fix things, Trump needs to declare martial law.
Hey maybe..... I got a feeling as soon as Trump is out, there won't be anymore wailing and teeth-gnashing about the 'rona.

I believe I told the story of my Uncle who died two months ago. When my cousins came over and were telling me of their outrage when they labeled his death as a Covid death, I told them there is only two ways to drop our Covid numbers: Trump remove government money for treating Covid, or Biden wins. If either or happens, those numbers will drop like a rock off a cliff.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

We righties need to be prepared for a Trump WIN!!! If the voting is tainted so much that prez Trump loses his bid for a second term it would be a crying shame, but the fight for what is RIGHT goes on & on. Eventually we will have Three that's One(I have no way to explain that) that fights FOR us. Until then we hold the line until we fall(die). Remember, the left is fueled on emotion where us righties are fueled on common sense/logic so we hold both the tactical AND strategic advantage. It's the left that goes bananas if big Joe goes down in flames(remember Hillary getting tortured in the last prez election?). If prez Trump goes down in flames then us righties just regroup & try our best to secure & hold onto BOTH the upper & lower chambers of the House, which is the REAL power in federal government. We are also fighting the SWAMP which is the entire federal bureaucracy @ this time. That's a BIG task for us righties & I think we are doing a pretty decent job @ it for sure!

I have extreme confidence he will win because the establishment in the past have always got the puppet they wanted to serve them in office just as they wanted,because of that I thought hitlery was a lock in the last election,that was who they wanted for their puppet president but I don’t know what happened,but something went wrong in the last election somehow and they did not get their puppet they wanted elected.so sense he beat them the first time,I think he will beat them again.
Hey maybe..... I got a feeling as soon as Trump is out, there won't be anymore wailing and teeth-gnashing about the 'rona.

I believe I told the story of my Uncle who died two months ago. When my cousins came over and were telling me of their outrage when they labeled his death as a Covid death, I told them there is only two ways to drop our Covid numbers: Trump remove government money for treating Covid, or Biden wins. If either or happens, those numbers will drop like a rock off a cliff.
Oh yeah I remember hearing that story you told of your uncle dying two months ago and how they labeled it as Covid. I got one even better than that one.

three years ago my best friends dad had been taken to the hospital for having a stroke. Because of that he was in a nursing home the past three years.back in January two months before we started hearing about the virus,he finally passed on and the hospitals correctly ruled his death as stroke related, well sometime in late March they changed the ruling to being Covid.true story.sad but true.
Clearly. Listen, we'll be done with dumbfucks soon enough. Unfortunately, we'll be facing total control by a party that wants to drive us into a statist/corporatist/socialist hellhole. And we'll have precious little power to push back because Republicans decided to hitch their wagon to fucking game show host. Thanks for the shitshow - seeyabye.
bye...........to the one who will give us Biden and put them in power with your vote going to NOTHING.

Now.........I gave you the damned Science.......as you try your Social Warrior BS here.......and that is what it is.

Bull Shit...............

common cold to t Cells and the cells remember them for years .......decades even.........that is why people walk through this like it's nothing and they don't even know.......elderly ..........t Cells degrade with age.....and with conditions of Cancer or diabetes..............they are the ones who need REAL MASKS........NOT CLOTH bs MASKS WHICH ARE A JOKE.

That's right. I'm a meat cutter in a snobby grocery store. We never stopped working. Little by little as the fear waned, people just threw on any old rag instead of Grade-A surgical masks. A tiny smidgeon of people in our ranks got the virus and guess what...they all came back soon after and the rest of us were fine and so were they. The shit first hit the fan in my area in March. It's been like 8 months and we have seen very little trouble, even with all the laxness. So yeah....iit
s mostly BULL SHIT through and through, being exploited for political gain, almost totally by the democrats. It's also being used to give the government more financial control over the economy and more general control over our lives. That is mostly what all this is about. When we start to realize this and finally flush the imposters out of the CDC and various intelligence agencies which infiltrate and guide the media and mass perception, we will overcome the virus better than with a vaccine.

It's all about consolidating control.

Yep. And Republicans are handing it to them on a platter.
You by voting for people that can't ever win are doing it..............You are USELESS.....
:) - by your accounting I spose. I'm quite glad of that.

Any accounting would be better than the accounting of liberal media in 2016. 'Spose?
They're already talking about sending kids back to school 5 days a week NEXT week...and yet there are supposedly spikes in the virus going on big time. So it kind of sounds like it wasn't the virus but the ELECTION they were waiting on. And who is talking about bullshit about fake news??? Really??? That blue Kool Aid sure burns the eyes and makes them useless!
Clearly. Listen, we'll be done with dumbfucks soon enough. Unfortunately, we'll be facing total control by a party that wants to drive us into a statist/corporatist/socialist hellhole. And we'll have precious little power to push back because Republicans decided to hitch their wagon to fucking game show host. Thanks for the shitshow - seeyabye.
bye...........to the one who will give us Biden and put them in power with your vote going to NOTHING.

Now.........I gave you the damned Science.......as you try your Social Warrior BS here.......and that is what it is.

Bull Shit...............

common cold to t Cells and the cells remember them for years .......decades even.........that is why people walk through this like it's nothing and they don't even know.......elderly ..........t Cells degrade with age.....and with conditions of Cancer or diabetes..............they are the ones who need REAL MASKS........NOT CLOTH bs MASKS WHICH ARE A JOKE.

That's right. I'm a meat cutter in a snobby grocery store. We never stopped working. Little by little as the fear waned, people just threw on any old rag instead of Grade-A surgical masks. A tiny smidgeon of people in our ranks got the virus and guess what...they all came back soon after and the rest of us were fine and so were they. The shit first hit the fan in my area in March. It's been like 8 months and we have seen very little trouble, even with all the laxness. So yeah....iit
s mostly BULL SHIT through and through, being exploited for political gain, almost totally by the democrats. It's also being used to give the government more financial control over the economy and more general control over our lives. That is mostly what all this is about. When we start to realize this and finally flush the imposters out of the CDC and various intelligence agencies which infiltrate and guide the media and mass perception, we will overcome the virus better than with a vaccine.

It's all about consolidating control.

Yep. And Republicans are handing it to them on a platter.
You by voting for people that can't ever win are doing it..............You are USELESS.....

They said the candidate I voted for in 2016 couldn't win. Glad I didnt listen to that fake news in 2016...and STILL dont!
Clearly. Listen, we'll be done with dumbfucks soon enough. Unfortunately, we'll be facing total control by a party that wants to drive us into a statist/corporatist/socialist hellhole. And we'll have precious little power to push back because Republicans decided to hitch their wagon to fucking game show host. Thanks for the shitshow - seeyabye.
bye...........to the one who will give us Biden and put them in power with your vote going to NOTHING.

Now.........I gave you the damned Science.......as you try your Social Warrior BS here.......and that is what it is.

Bull Shit...............

common cold to t Cells and the cells remember them for years .......decades even.........that is why people walk through this like it's nothing and they don't even know.......elderly ..........t Cells degrade with age.....and with conditions of Cancer or diabetes..............they are the ones who need REAL MASKS........NOT CLOTH bs MASKS WHICH ARE A JOKE.

That's right. I'm a meat cutter in a snobby grocery store. We never stopped working. Little by little as the fear waned, people just threw on any old rag instead of Grade-A surgical masks. A tiny smidgeon of people in our ranks got the virus and guess what...they all came back soon after and the rest of us were fine and so were they. The shit first hit the fan in my area in March. It's been like 8 months and we have seen very little trouble, even with all the laxness. So yeah....iit
s mostly BULL SHIT through and through, being exploited for political gain, almost totally by the democrats. It's also being used to give the government more financial control over the economy and more general control over our lives. That is mostly what all this is about. When we start to realize this and finally flush the imposters out of the CDC and various intelligence agencies which infiltrate and guide the media and mass perception, we will overcome the virus better than with a vaccine.

It's all about consolidating control.

Yep. And Republicans are handing it to them on a platter.
You by voting for people that can't ever win are doing it..............You are USELESS.....

They said the candidate I voted for in 2016 couldn't win. Glad I didnt listen to that fake news in 2016...and STILL dont!
And .............dblack votes for libertarians.........I voted for Trump......lol

correct your aim bro
at this point it looks like the lying dems and the corrupt media may have put old senile joe and the ho in the whitehouse. All I can say is that the country deserves what it votes for

1. higher taxes
2. $5 gasoline
3. open borders
4. a country owned by China
5. President Kamala---------the dems are already planning to remove Joe by the 25th amendment, so you idiots voted an incompetent woman who slept her way to the top as president.
6. more lockdowns
7. no private medical insurance
8. long lines for medical care
9. Crazy Nancy
10. high unemployment

and why? because you don't like Trump's New York persona. amazingly stupid America, but you deserve it because you voted for it.

If it ends this way I will be permanently leaving this forum as per my bet with a couple of our libtardian members
at this point it looks like the lying dems and the corrupt media may have put old senile joe and the ho in the whitehouse. All I can say is that the country deserves what it votes for

1. higher taxes
2. $5 gasoline
3. open borders
4. a country owned by China
5. President Kamala---------the dems are already planning to remove Joe by the 25th amendment, so you idiots voted an incompetent woman who slept her way to the top as president.
6. more lockdowns
7. no private medical insurance
8. long lines for medical care
9. Crazy Nancy
10. high unemployment

and why? because you don't like Trump's New York persona. amazingly stupid America, but you deserve it because you voted for it.

If it ends this way I will be permanently leaving this forum as per my bet with a couple of our libtardian members

Agreed. And if puppet Joe IS in fact sworn in, I have some consolation in the fact that an overwhelming number of state and local offices were won by republicans....in the races that werent so skewed by the libs and their Coronavirus election delay scam. So now the chessboard is set up a little differently. It will truly be an overt war of globalists vs real Americans, and where they failed to oust Trump with all their scandals, Joe and Kamala might not be so lucky. Because the truth is coming out. I am going to keep voting Republican in every local election over the next 4 years. In P.A. we had an overwhelming number of republicans take the vote this time. Our blue stained governor is going to be floating in a red sea. And that's not wishful thinking. That's the new reality.

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