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We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Dont worry Guys. Trump has it. Relax and enjoy the Show. And dont worry. IT will be really close , but Trump will narrowly hold on.

It's looking that way by the Trump rally outcome. Screw the polls. I was watching the news yesterday at one of Trump's rallies. They were asking people about their voting habits. 21% of the people surveyed did not vote before this election.
I am proof that that is true because I am one of those people myself prior to this election Who never voted for a president in my lifetime because the facts are both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that there is no difference in the two so if you voted for either then you were part of the problem because you voted for evil.

for DECADES that was true,the previous five administrations before trump those presidents were all warmongers and traiters to America.Trump is differerent,he is the first president sense carter not to go out and start new wars with other countries.he is a RINO.He is not a globalist like bush and Romney are,not part of the corrupt two party system that is why bush and Romney hate him.

Our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party is now,the dem party has been infiltrated by terrorists,we are at a crossroads in history now living in dangerous times like never before so I look at it that I had no choice but to vote.trump is a refreshing change than the last five corrupt administrations we had.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

Stay away from sharp objects. Keep any rope or anything you can hang yourself with out of sight. No caressing or fingering your AR-15 or AK-47, don't want y'all to get any "ideas." And this is important for you mental health upon learning Trump has lost.

Smoke a shit load of weed and don't stop till after the inauguration.


You seem entirely incapable of understanding the point i was making. Leftard suspected

That righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss?

No, I got it.

chortle :cool:

Obviously not.

The point was for us on the right to not act like the buffoons on the left did when Hillary lost.

Y'all been acting like buffoons the last 4 years. Why stop now? :cool:

enough of the bs asswipe. Trump supporters did not constantly go whining in every thread about how much they hated Obama for eight years as you obozo lovers have done the past four years,in fact you all have whined five times more often about trump in just four years than we ever did about Obama for 8 years.
I am proof that that is true because I am one of those people myself prior to this election Who never voted for a president in my lifetime because the facts are both parties are corrupt and one in the same,that there is no difference in the two so if you voted for either then you were part of the problem because you voted for evil.

for DECADES that was true,the previous five administrations before trump those presidents were all warmongers and traiters to America.Trump is differerent,he is the first president sense carter not to go out and start new wars with other countries.he is a RINO.He is not a globalist like bush and Romney are,not part of the corrupt two party system that is why bush and Romney hate him.

Our last great president jfk is rolling over in his grave how corrupt the dem party is now,the dem party has been infiltrated by terrorists,we are at a crossroads in history now living in dangerous times like never before so I look at it that I had no choice but to vote.trump is a refreshing change than the last five corrupt administrations we had.

I've been hearing a lot of that. In spite of the worst pandemic in over 100 years, Trump still has this country going; not to the extent it was before of course, but doing a damn good job considering.

Out of all the G7 countries, we suffered the least GDP damage. In spite of our high unemployment, it was cut in half from the high we had a month earlier. We gained back most of the GDP we lost in previous months. Our stock market is still doing fine even though a lot of fluctuation based on daily news events. In July, new housing starts were up by 21.7%. People don't buy houses unless they are confident enough they'll have a job and money to pay for them, and people don't invest in the market unless they are sure they will be able to make a profit.

Trump can lead with liberty because he didn't spend a career rubbing other politicians backs or owning favors from years ago. People on the left and right don't like him for that reason. He didn't work his way to the top. He busted into the club uninvited and took the top position others only dreamed of.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
Classic projection....
nope, truth.
Yes, I know it’s true you’re projecting. :lol: Thanks for the confirmation. :lol:

LOL, you are such a loser, witchey. such a pathetic loser. I actually feel sorry for you.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

Stay away from sharp objects. Keep any rope or anything you can hang yourself with out of sight. No caressing or fingering your AR-15 or AK-47, don't want y'all to get any "ideas." And this is important for you mental health upon learning Trump has lost.

Smoke a shit load of weed and don't stop till after the inauguration.


You seem entirely incapable of understanding the point i was making. Leftard suspected

That righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss?

No, I got it.

chortle :cool:

Obviously not.

The point was for us on the right to not act like the buffoons on the left did when Hillary lost.

Y'all been acting like buffoons the last 4 years. Why stop now? :cool:

enough of the bs asswipe. Trump supporters did not constantly go whining in every thread about how much they hated Obama for eight years as you obozo lovers have done the past four years,in fact you all have whined five times more often about trump in just four years than we ever did about Obama for 8 years.

“In over 8 years?”

Shit. You fuckers still haven’t stopped bitching about Obama.

There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
Classic projection....
nope, truth.
Yes, I know it’s true you’re projecting. :lol: Thanks for the confirmation. :lol:

LOL, you are such a loser, witchey. such a pathetic loser. I actually feel sorry for you.
Sounds like you’re suffering from case of self-loathing. Don’t worry, Trump will lose and you can run away like a pussy.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
Classic projection....
nope, truth.
Yes, I know it’s true you’re projecting. :lol: Thanks for the confirmation. :lol:

LOL, you are such a loser, witchey. such a pathetic loser. I actually feel sorry for you.
Sounds like you’re suffering from case of self-loathing. Don’t worry, Trump will lose and you can run away like a pussy.
Really? Grow up.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

Stay away from sharp objects. Keep any rope or anything you can hang yourself with out of sight. No caressing or fingering your AR-15 or AK-47, don't want y'all to get any "ideas." And this is important for you mental health upon learning Trump has lost.

Smoke a shit load of weed and don't stop till after the inauguration.


You seem entirely incapable of understanding the point i was making. Leftard suspected

That righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss?

No, I got it.

chortle :cool:

Obviously not.

The point was for us on the right to not act like the buffoons on the left did when Hillary lost.

Y'all been acting like buffoons the last 4 years. Why stop now? :cool:

enough of the bs asswipe. Trump supporters did not constantly go whining in every thread about how much they hated Obama for eight years as you obozo lovers have done the past four years,in fact you all have whined five times more often about trump in just four years than we ever did about Obama for 8 years.

“In over 8 years?”

Shit. You fuckers still haven’t stopped bitching about Obama.


What a lying troll as always,when Obama’s reelection came up,I did not go around on threads everywhere before his election or afterwards and have butthurt like you trump hating trolls do,I accepted it and moved on,something you should of tried along with growing up. :uhoh3:
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

Stay away from sharp objects. Keep any rope or anything you can hang yourself with out of sight. No caressing or fingering your AR-15 or AK-47, don't want y'all to get any "ideas." And this is important for you mental health upon learning Trump has lost.

Smoke a shit load of weed and don't stop till after the inauguration.


You seem entirely incapable of understanding the point i was making. Leftard suspected

That righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss?

No, I got it.

chortle :cool:

Again unlike you,we will accept it and move on,we won’t go around making thread after thread whining about it for years as you butthurt biden loving trolls have done for four years.

I did not even vote in the prior election four years ago.all the posters I have seen at this site that saw the corruption of Obama,I never saw them whine anywhere near as much about Obama in his 8 years as you trump haters have
In just four short years. :uhoh3: Oh and when Obama won both times, I pretty much speak for trump supporters here that we did not go around protesting in the streets as trump haters did either :abgg2q.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
Last edited:
You have actually hit upon the crux of the problem. The war between Trump and the Media didn't start when he ran for president. Trump has been fighting with the media for over 20 years, particular the New York Times and various media personalities. When he ran for president it was just a continuation of battles that began long ago. Unlike previous candidates such as Bush and Obama who found they had better things to do than joust with reporters and media celebrate wantabes, Trump could never resist it. Thus it just grew and grew as Trump grew closer to the presidency. When president, every reporter in the liberal media wanted to join the party and get their names in the lights. And Trump tried to obliged them. Voters have caught on to this and know what Trump is doing which has nothing to do with his job as president. This is a problem that Trump created. Of course it is not really a problem for him. It's what he does and has been doing for many years. However as president he can't do battle with all of them so he simple labels them as lying media, the liberal media or fake news.

And why should he not? Since the day he took office, in spite of the best economy in nearly a half-century, the MSM did 93% negative reporting on anything he did. Again, Trump didn't draw first blood. He has every right to criticize them.

The MSM loved Trump so you can't fool me. Trump was actually a Democrat not long before running for President as a Republican. Until this day he has harsh words for GW and his father. He was part of the click as he was also an entertainer. During his campaign, he drew in a huge audience and the media adored him while he was running for the nomination. After he won the election, things turned sour overnight.
And why shouldn't he defend himself against attacks by the media? There is no reason why, Donald, Trump, citizen, business owner shouldn't. However when he entered the White House and became president, the game changed, he was no longer just a citizen and a wealthy real estate tycoon. He became the face of US to the world. What he says matters. When Donald Trump attacks a newspaper or TV, network for their statements about him, that attack is coming from the office of president. It is the president declaring the media is lying, spreading false news, can't be trusted, and that elections are rigged. Although these are just Trump's opinion, the American public and the world assumes that opinions expressed by a president are learned opinions, based on fact. Even after nearly 4 years of Trump, people still look to the president for the truth. Past presidents have always run most of their comments through staff, to makes sure they are factual and not subject to interpretation because they realize that comments by a president matter as does factual information.

Donald Trump's legacy will not be passing a tax cut to benefit the wealthy, tariff wars, immigration, or even his lack of leadership in fighting against corvid. His legacy is going to be that of the president who destroyed what remains of our trust in institutions that Americans have relied on, the media, the presidency, and our elections.
Oh and when Obama won both times, I pretty much speak for trump supporters here that we did not go around protesting in the streets as trump haters did either

Nah, y’all were content on fingering your assault rifles on the steps, and inside of state houses when not caravanning up and down city streets displaying Trump flags in solidarity to an idiot.

And why shouldn't he defend himself against attacks by the media? There is no reason why, Donald, Trump, citizen, business owner shouldn't. However when he entered the White House and became president, the game changed, he was no longer just a citizen and a wealthy real estate tycoon. He became the face of US to the world. What he says matters. When Donald Trump attacks a newspaper or TV, network for their statements about him, that attack is coming from the office of president. It is the president declaring the media is lying, spreading false news, can't be trusted, and that elections are rigged. Although these are just Trump's opinion, the American public and the world assumes that opinions expressed by a president are learned opinions, based on fact. Even after nearly 4 years of Trump, people still look to the president for the truth. Past presidents have always run most of their comments through staff, to makes sure they are factual and not subject to interpretation because they realize that comments by a president matter as does factual information.

Donald Trump's legacy will not be passing a tax cut to benefit the wealthy, tariff wars, immigration, or even his lack of leadership in fighting against corvid. His legacy is going to be that of the president who destroyed what remains of our trust in institutions that Americans have relied on, the media, the presidency, and our elections.

That's just the way the left sees it. We see it entirely differently. As for the media, if Trump was a Democrat, they would praise him up and down like they do with all Democrats, because the media is nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

I didn't know I was wealthy because I too got a tax cut, and my CPA told me so when she did my taxes. That's not to mention no more Commie Care fines also thanks to our President. As for the virus, the President did just fine and still is. There is no way to control a virus and destroying our country to do so is just ridiculous, and probably something Hillary would have done had she won. Immigration is the best it's ever been. Trump made several policies that took care of that problem, or reduced it by quite a bit. He's still doing it today with the construction of walls all across that southern border where most of our heroin comes from.

Yes, the President has stated the media are liars, spread false news, and and can't be trusted. We've known that for years, but only until Trump was elected did somebody have the balls to actually say that. Everybody else cowers in the corner when the media lies about them. It's refreshing to be quite honest.
You have actually hit upon the crux of the problem. The war between Trump and the Media didn't start when he ran for president. Trump has been fighting with the media for over 20 years, particular the New York Times and various media personalities. When he ran for president it was just a continuation of battles that began long ago. Unlike previous candidates such as Bush and Obama who found they had better things to do than joust with reporters and media celebrate wantabes, Trump could never resist it. Thus it just grew and grew as Trump grew closer to the presidency. When president, every reporter in the liberal media wanted to join the party and get their names in the lights. And Trump tried to obliged them. Voters have caught on to this and know what Trump is doing which has nothing to do with his job as president. This is a problem that Trump created. Of course it is not really a problem for him. It's what he does and has been doing for many years. However as president he can't do battle with all of them so he simple labels them as lying media, the liberal media or fake news.

And why should he not? Since the day he took office, in spite of the best economy in nearly a half-century, the MSM did 93% negative reporting on anything he did. Again, Trump didn't draw first blood. He has every right to criticize them.

The MSM loved Trump so you can't fool me. Trump was actually a Democrat not long before running for President as a Republican. Until this day he has harsh words for GW and his father. He was part of the click as he was also an entertainer. During his campaign, he drew in a huge audience and the media adored him while he was running for the nomination. After he won the election, things turned sour overnight.
And why shouldn't he defend himself against attacks by the media? There is no reason why, Donald, Trump, citizen, business owner shouldn't. However when he entered the White House and became president, the game changed, he was no longer just a citizen and a wealthy real estate tycoon. He became the face of US to the world. What he says matters. When Donald Trump attacks a newspaper or TV, network for their statements about him, that attack is coming from the office of president. It is the president declaring the media is lying, spreading false news, can't be trusted, and that elections are rigged. Although these are just Trump's opinion, the American public and the world assumes that opinions expressed by a president are learned opinions, based on fact. Even after nearly 4 years of Trump, people still look to the president for the truth. Past presidents have always run most of their comments through staff, to makes sure they are factual and not subject to interpretation because they realize that comments by a president matter as does factual information.

Donald Trump's legacy will not be passing a tax cut to benefit the wealthy, tariff wars, immigration, or even his lack of leadership in fighting against corvid. His legacy is going to be that of the president who destroyed what remains of our trust in institutions that Americans have relied on, the media, the presidency, and our elections.

nothing positive about pussygrabber's legacy, will go down as the most corrupt, inept, and chaotic, in addition to have been impeached, will not be missed...

Oh and when Obama won both times, I pretty much speak for trump supporters here that we did not go around protesting in the streets as trump haters did either

Nah, y’all were content on fingering your assault rifles on the steps, and inside of state houses when not caravanning up and down city streets displaying Trump flags in solidarity to an idiot.

Your really getting desperate after getting owned.lol
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
Classic projection....
nope, truth.
Yes, I know it’s true you’re projecting. :lol: Thanks for the confirmation. :lol:

LOL, you are such a loser, witchey. such a pathetic loser. I actually feel sorry for you.
Sounds like you’re suffering from case of self-loathing. Don’t worry, Trump will lose and you can run away like a pussy.
Really? Grow up.
Irony is my god, it never disappoints.
There are markers in blood and sputum samples that would indicate covid. Also antibody test would show elevated levels plus the standard corvid tests. If the patients medical records show these tests are negative, the patient does not have covid. Keep in mind having a diagnosis of Covid or Colon Cancer is not sufficient to list it as a cause of death. Each of these diseases have very different chains of events resulting in death.

Covid-19 deaths will have major lung damage and the most common immediate cause of death will be repertory failure or coronary thrombosis.

When they called my cousin and told him his father tested positive, he responded that it was not possible because nobody in the household had any symptoms. Then they changed their story to his father was asymptomatic. Okay, asymptomatic means you don't even know you have it, and won't give you any complications. So why did his death certificate read it was a Covid death?

Look, bottom line is that hospitals are not listing the death as COVID if the patient didn't have freaking COVID. Numbers are NOT being over reported, in fact experts say that numbers are UNDER reported. You don't have to have symptoms to have the virus and those are the ones that are most likely to spread it. Your uncle, while careful, did have contact with other people as well as items that may have contained the virus.

People are dying every day by the hundreds OF THIS VIRUS. Wear the mask, wash your hands, stay home whenever you can and we CAN get past this. It's going to take new (actual) leadership and not abdication, but we can and will beat this virus. (actually beat it, not declare victory while a thousand people a day die)
Nah, not really though.
Beating the virus today simple means reducing hospitalizations and saving lives. There was a narrow window back in early March when we had only a few cases in which testing/contact tracing/quarantining could have made a huge difference. However, at that time the Trump administration's testing was inaccurate and very limited. There was no plan for containing the epidemic and the president was downplaying it's importance. Within a month there was no chance of stopping the virus. From that point on, the only option was mitigation, hopping people would follow the CDC guidelines and lockdowns to make sure hospitals were able to meet the needs of the community.
You’re wrong. No one knew how severe this was. Stop blaming Trump, the entire world is on fire. Hospital were never overrun. This kills the old and feeble. Such is life.
Yes, the president did know how severe this was in Jan, Feb, and March and he lied to American people and did every thing in his power to downplay it, ignore it, and oppose measures to impede it. To Trump, the virus was an existential threat to his re-election so he tried to deny it and downplay it and ended up in a battle against the the US healthcare authorities.

Trump certainly knew about. His intelligence people were briefing him weakly. All reports from China and the WHO indicated a major new virus. His medical advisors were warning him and he did nothing to prepare the country.

The WHO Outbreak News published on Jan 5th contained a risk assessment.
On Jan 10, the WHO issued a warning an immediate preparations that should be taken.
China published the genetic sequence on Jan 12th.
On Jan. 14th, WHO's technical lead for the response noted in a press briefing there may have been human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus (in the 41 confirmed cases).
On Jan. 13th, 14th, and 15th, the first cases outside of China were discovered in Japan, South Korea, and China.
On Jan 20th, the first confirmed cases outside of China was confirmed
On Jan 22, the WHO issued a statement saying that there was evidence of human-to-human transmission in Wuhan.
On Jan 30th, the WHO Emergency Committee, issued a Public Health Emergency of International Warning.
On Feb 3rd, the WHO releases the international community's Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan to help protect states
On Feb 16th Deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity, and by the alarming levels of inaction, WHO met with over 400 representatives around the world to discuss the seriousness of the virus
On February 28, Donald Trump announced that the virus was just the Flu and that democrat warning were just a hoax.
On February 28th the first outbreak in the US was reported.
On March 1st Donald Trump announced the virus was under control.
As of Oct, 28th there are have been over 9 million cases in the US and 235,000 deaths

WTF with your super long fake news posts. No one knew!!! We still don’t know. Tell me how long the antibodies last. Let’s test your theory. Again, be concise, be relevant. We never should have shut down.
We have never know as much about a new virus as we now know about coronavirus. To limit transmission, we do not need to know how long immunity last after recovery. Masks, social distancing, and quarantining reduce transmission of coronavirus just as it has reduced transmission of other airborne viruses.

Shutting down businesses and schools are necessary when ICU's start reaching capacity. Many ICU's across the country are approaching full capacity and the season for airborne respiratory viruses is just starting. I believe before the end of year we will see shutdowns in many major cities as ICU's fill up.
Nothing you said is factual. Zero. ICUs aren’t at capacity. 99.97% survival rate. Why do you lie so much? Why do you hate our country and our children. My kids are tired of zoom schooling.
The fuck they aren't.

Christ, will you people stop being so fucking stupid...(That was rhetorical because I know you can't)
Don’t trust fake news. Nice try though. You’re such an angry leftist.
Pathetically lame. Hospitals ARE being overwhelmed. We are BREAKING our healthcare workers and system. We get it, you don't care. "Survival of the fittest", right asshole?

Really? Cause they cried the same bullshit this summer. Not one patient has not received a ventilator not one. You are many things, none good but gullible isn’t one of them or so I thought...it’s fake news.
You can't know that. Patients died in hallways in emergency rooms. The pandemic is now hitting small, rural areas that don't have the resources of a big city like NY or LA.

But we get it, you don't care. Fuck those 230,000 "weaklings", right?
That never happened. They sent a navy ship and built out the Javits Center. All for naught. Average age of death is 78 while normally the average age of death is 78.8. Spare me your fake news. I ve Had it. Not that lethal. Flu is way worse. When you get it, if you get it, then you may opine. Otherwise you’re just guessing along with the fake news.
It did happen. 13 Deaths in a Day: An ‘Apocalyptic’ Coronavirus Surge at an N.Y.C. Hospital

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other hospitals as it moves toward becoming dedicated entirely to the outbreak. Doctors and nurses have struggled to make do with a few dozen ventilators. Calls over a loudspeaker of “Team 700,” the code for when a patient is on the verge of death, come several times a shift. Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.

Repeating the "average age" of those that died does not make you less of an asshole for repeatedly saying "they were weak". Flu is not "way worse" by a longshot. How can you still be so ignorant? (Rhetorical)
Hmmmm...NYC run by a Democrat mayor and Governor but let’s blame Trump. And what was the date please? Oh late March 2020. LOL

Got anything recent? We all know Cuomo and Big Birdio messed up badly. Did you also know that 60mil were infected with the H1N1? Luckily it wasn’t quite as deadly to the feeble.
Really lame deflection. The states currently being ravaged are not "Democratic states".

YOU said it didn't happen, that it was "fake news" so when proven astronomically wrong you want to change the subject. Just pathetic.

The virus is ravaging the United States, dickwad, not red or blue states.

No they aren't. The media is scaring you once more. Wisconsin is a red state now? OK. NPR is Leftist. Again, ICU beds are always at capacity, the difference is who gets em. If COVID patients take over then other patients cannot get in but very few with COVID need to be hospitalized. I speak from experience with all due respect, you speak from reading fake news.

well said, witchey is a left wing drone, unable to think for herself and a willing sheep to her left wing masters.
You sure know how to peg the irony meter, coward. You do nothing but parrot Trump's lies. If Donnie Covidseed says it, you buy it hook, line and sinker, fishy.

You wouldn't know a fact if it crawled up your ass and came out your nose.

i feel sorry for you, it must be terrible to be such a miserable human being. so hate filled and angry, what exactly is wrong with you?
Classic projection....
nope, truth.
Yes, I know it’s true you’re projecting. :lol: Thanks for the confirmation. :lol:

LOL, you are such a loser, witchey. such a pathetic loser. I actually feel sorry for you.
Sounds like you’re suffering from case of self-loathing. Don’t worry, Trump will lose and you can run away like a pussy.
Really? Grow up.
Irony is my god, it never disappoints.
Spite is mine, it never disappoints.
Our last great president jfk

JFK was a scumbag. The only damn thing he did right was a tax cut.
Coming from a biased non objective troll who thinks the gop could do no wrong for decades and was any different a party than the dems,and was not as corrupt as the dems for decades,I guess you would know,that we should all listen to you.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
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You have actually hit upon the crux of the problem. The war between Trump and the Media didn't start when he ran for president. Trump has been fighting with the media for over 20 years, particular the New York Times and various media personalities. When he ran for president it was just a continuation of battles that began long ago. Unlike previous candidates such as Bush and Obama who found they had better things to do than joust with reporters and media celebrate wantabes, Trump could never resist it. Thus it just grew and grew as Trump grew closer to the presidency. When president, every reporter in the liberal media wanted to join the party and get their names in the lights. And Trump tried to obliged them. Voters have caught on to this and know what Trump is doing which has nothing to do with his job as president. This is a problem that Trump created. Of course it is not really a problem for him. It's what he does and has been doing for many years. However as president he can't do battle with all of them so he simple labels them as lying media, the liberal media or fake news.

And why should he not? Since the day he took office, in spite of the best economy in nearly a half-century, the MSM did 93% negative reporting on anything he did. Again, Trump didn't draw first blood. He has every right to criticize them.

The MSM loved Trump so you can't fool me. Trump was actually a Democrat not long before running for President as a Republican. Until this day he has harsh words for GW and his father. He was part of the click as he was also an entertainer. During his campaign, he drew in a huge audience and the media adored him while he was running for the nomination. After he won the election, things turned sour overnight.
And why shouldn't he defend himself against attacks by the media? There is no reason why, Donald, Trump, citizen, business owner shouldn't. However when he entered the White House and became president, the game changed, he was no longer just a citizen and a wealthy real estate tycoon. He became the face of US to the world. What he says matters. When Donald Trump attacks a newspaper or TV, network for their statements about him, that attack is coming from the office of president. It is the president declaring the media is lying, spreading false news, can't be trusted, and that elections are rigged. Although these are just Trump's opinion, the American public and the world assumes that opinions expressed by a president are learned opinions, based on fact. Even after nearly 4 years of Trump, people still look to the president for the truth. Past presidents have always run most of their comments through staff, to makes sure they are factual and not subject to interpretation because they realize that comments by a president matter as does factual information.

Donald Trump's legacy will not be passing a tax cut to benefit the wealthy, tariff wars, immigration, or even his lack of leadership in fighting against corvid. His legacy is going to be that of the president who destroyed what remains of our trust in institutions that Americans have relied on, the media, the presidency, and our elections.
What a doofus as always,he is the first president to come out and tell it like it is that the msm media is fake news,so if he destroys the msm media,he will go down as being the president that made America free again.:up:

Oh and his legacy is he can already claim he is the ONLY president to ever come out and tell it like it is that wars are always started so the defense contracters can profit.that right there is a proud and great legacy to have.Not even our last great president jfk came out and said that.:thup: I now know I spoke the truth as well the fact Langley shill Toto hated this truthful post. :abgg2q.jpg:
Part of the reason I think the polls may be way off is from looking at the RCP averages of Florida vs the USA as a whole:

If we look at Florida,
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - Florida: Trump vs. Biden

And the US as a whole:
RealClearPolitics - Election 2020 - General Election: Trump vs. Biden

We find that Florida and the US had very similar Trump/Biden totals, but over the last month the lead for Biden has all but disappeared in FL while it has stayed the same in the US.

The major difference is that pollsters have been factoring in the early voting data, and as they have done that, Biden's lead has essentially disappeared.

This is "The Model" colliding with reality.

Could the same be true for the US as a whole? we'll have to see. The error bars are far far higher than the modelers want to admit.... probably high enough to make their models useless.

I don't listen to the polls. I predicted this narrowing of numbers for months now because it happens every election. The Republican is always behind and catches up in the end. If anything, the polls should be swinging Biden's way with this new Covid surge.

People are getting tired of this Covid shit. They just want it to end.

Biden is running on a platform to shut more things down and even a stupid Federal requirement to wear a mask.

I suspect Biden lost votes by being a Covid Karen asshole.

Besides, nobody in their right mind would think that the post Covid economy would be better under this Biden clown than under Trump.
One thing is for sure Trump will never end covid by ignoring it, opposing preventive measures, and telling people they need to go back work.

The thing that will end a very contagious disease like Covid is a vaccine. We aren't going to fix it by having dumb things like another national shutdown. It sure as hell has not worked in Europe.

In the meantime Trump has mitigated the damage of the virus on a Federal basis by quickly shutting down the country to foreigners and to organize American business to provide testing and treatment and to develop the vaccine.

The death rate from the virus is actually very low now and the total number would not be that high if the Democrat leadership in several big cities hadn't made some serious mistakes several months ago.

Biden is appealing to the fear of the uneducated Moon Bats by blaming the virus on Trump but in reality it was caused by the same people that made his family rich.

When you really listen to what this dishonest Biden is saying about what he would do most of it Trump has already done.

Biden is a lying asshole. A dumb one at that. Only a fool would vote for him.
No the death rate for covid is not low, compared to the last 3 months. Over the last week in Oct, deaths topped a thousand a day and averaged nearly 900 a day. What is creating all the warnings from the medical community is the big increase in the number of cases in Oct and the hospitalizations. And no, the increase in cases and hospitalizations are not due to just more testing. Whenever hospitalization across the country go up, deaths follow. Since we just entered the season for increased respiratory infections, it is no likely that this trend will reverse itself anytime soon and we may see the deaths running over 2500 a day within a few months.

Yes, the vaccine is most likely going to end the epidemic in the US but that will not happen anytime soon. A survey done last month revealed 50% of the population is not eager to be vaccinated. They want to wait to see what happens when other get vaccinated. 20% said they would not get vaccinated. Why this is of such concern is elimination of a virus requires a high percentage of vaccinations. Less than 50% may reduce transmission but it will still be with us. To really eliminated the virus we will need a participation rate nearing 70%, about 230 million people and that is not going happen over next 12 months due to Americans hesitancy to vaccinate and the hesitancy of drug companies to vaccinate tens of millions of people with a brand new vaccine. Most likely it will be the end of 2021 before we start to see major improvements. And that is only if things go very well with the vaccine. In most case new vaccines have problems. More people are going to be getting sick and dying and the only way to save lives is follow the CDC guidelines.

Recovery in the economy is going to be slow no matter who becomes president. I expect in 2022, many people are still going to be wearing masks and avoiding crowds. There will still be travel restrictions between most countries because the rest of world will not be able to vaccinate as fast as the US. So don't expect a booming economy next year and probably not in 2022.

BTW Trump did not shutdown the country. The governors did that based on conditions in their state. Trump's contribution was basically verbal attacks telling the governors to open up businesses and schools even though the virus was raging.

United States Coronavirus: 9,686,555 Cases and 238,570 Deaths - Worldometer
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