We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

try watching a Trump rally, the crowd is NOT 99% white, his crowds are reflective of the racial mix of this country.
:lol: You're right...it's 99.9%. Finding a person of color is like a really hard "where's Waldo?" : lol:

It’s a white million man march
White COVID super spreader events is the more apt description now. How many of his supporters are going to end up too sick to vote because they caught COVID at one of his events? Not smart...he doesn't have that much support he can afford to lose.
Yeah, contact tracing is difficult if people aren't following CDC guidelines and limiting their contact with other people.

People are not going to hide in their basement like Joe Biden. They have to get to the store, pickup the kids from the library, come across hundreds of people, many who are strangers. Plus these tests are faulty as well. Our Governor wanted to personally greet the President when he came here for a visit. He tested positive so that never happened. However later testing revealed he didn't really have Covid at all. This is a common theme with this virus.
Yes, actually you can. The "looting, burning and rioting" is not supported by BLM

You mean the same BLM that was marching down NYC streets screaming What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want it? Now! Or how about Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon? Those BLM people?
That wasn't BLM the organization and they have condemned such language as well as the violence and looting.
Yeah, contact tracing is difficult if people aren't following CDC guidelines and limiting their contact with other people.

People are not going to hide in their basement like Joe Biden. They have to get to the store, pickup the kids from the library, come across hundreds of people, many who are strangers. Plus these tests are faulty as well. Our Governor wanted to personally greet the President when he came here for a visit. He tested positive so that never happened. However later testing revealed he didn't really have Covid at all. This is a common theme with this virus.
Yeah, we also need better tests. Thanks for pointing out another failure of the Trump administration.
Yeah, we also need better tests. Thanks for pointing out another failure of the Trump administration.

Trump doesn't make the tests. In fact when this first hit us, the FDA only allowed one kind of test to be used, and that was the tests created by the CDC. When we started testing, we found out they were faulty, and Trump had to start from square one while there was a huge worldwide demand. How was that his fault?
try watching a Trump rally, the crowd is NOT 99% white, his crowds are reflective of the racial mix of this country.
:lol: You're right...it's 99.9%. Finding a person of color is like a really hard "where's Waldo?" : lol:


one little spot in a huge rally, maybe 30 people in that pic, yeah, that proves nothing. and why do you hate white people? are you a racist?
How does pointing out a lack of melanin at a Trump rally make me racist against white people?

why is it bad that one 30 person section of a Trump rally was all white? You made the racist claim, now you are trying to weasel out of it. you have zero credibility on this forum.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.

but you and your candidates support the looters, burners and rioters. hypocrisy much? you cannot support antifa and BLM and claim to not support looting, burning, and rioting.
Yes, actually you can. The "looting, burning and rioting" is not supported by BLM. Antifa isn't an actual organization so who knows what they support or don't other than being opposed to "facists".

The overwhelming majority of protests over police brutality are peaceful. I don't judge an entire group by the actions of a tiny minority of it's members or supporters. That's a Trumpster thing.

that post is so blatantly stupid, no reply is warranted. "antifa isn't an actual organization" damn woman. are you really that fricken uninformed? Peaceful??? Portland has been destroyed, Manhattan has been destroyed. Where the hell have you been?
That is correct. They are not an organization. Antifa are individuals and autonomous groups, not an organization.

You really, seriously, need to change the channel. Portland and Manhattan are fine.

Antifa is not an “idea” they are anarchists who use any excuse to burn, loot and destroy. I was confronted by them. Pretty sure they weren’t just a figment of my imagination. Here is an idea. Stop your lying.
try watching a Trump rally, the crowd is NOT 99% white, his crowds are reflective of the racial mix of this country.
:lol: You're right...it's 99.9%. Finding a person of color is like a really hard "where's Waldo?" : lol:


one little spot in a huge rally, maybe 30 people in that pic, yeah, that proves nothing. and why do you hate white people? are you a racist?
How does pointing out a lack of melanin at a Trump rally make me racist against white people?

why is it bad that one 30 person section of a Trump rally was all white? You made the racist claim, now you are trying to weasel out of it. you have zero credibility on this forum.
I agree she has none. Zip. Zero.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
Deaths due to COVID-19 may be misclassified as pneumonia or influenza deaths in the absence of positive test results, and pneumonia or influenza may appear on death certificates as a comorbid condition.

Additionally, COVID-19 symptoms can be similar to influenza-like illness, thus deaths may be misclassified as influenza. Thus, increases in pneumonia and influenza deaths may be an indicator of excess COVID-19-related mortality.

Per the CDC....we in the US over report COVID deaths. Name me one professional and or HS and or college athlete who has died from COVID anywhere in the world. Thanks.
That’s right.... get ready for Trump loss. The chaos, discombobulations and terror has to end..... Enough is Enough.

Major Newspapers Trump 2 vs Biden 39. Unions with millions of members are for Biden. Lifetime republicans are endorsing Biden. Higher percentage of military supports Biden.
The teamsters, teachers, USPS, seniors, economist, clergy, asian Americans (Kung Flu works well), nurses association, 500 generals, fire fighters union endorsed Biden.
These doesn’t even include the blacks, hispanics, whites voters..

Even Rupert Murdoch predicts landslide win for Biden.

Mr. President Joe Biden.

More than 700 economists including Nobel laureates oppose Trump reelection

Over 1,600 clergy members and other religious figures endorse Biden.

Have you convinced yourself yet? You’re trying really hard. Maybe you should go out and paint some swastikas and really get your message across?
try watching a Trump rally, the crowd is NOT 99% white, his crowds are reflective of the racial mix of this country.
:lol: You're right...it's 99.9%. Finding a person of color is like a really hard "where's Waldo?" : lol:

It’s a white million man march
White COVID super spreader events is the more apt description now. How many of his supporters are going to end up too sick to vote because they caught COVID at one of his events? Not smart...he doesn't have that much support he can afford to lose.
None. Zip. Zero. You didn’t seem to complain about such events when riots were happening.
Antifa is not an “idea” they are anarchists who use any excuse to burn, loot and destroy. I was confronted by them. Pretty sure they weren’t just a figment of my imagination. Here is an idea. Stop your lying.

When Hillary came here to campaign back in 2015, she upset the police union because they wanted to have a meeting with her. Her handlers told them she didn't have time for a meeting. Then it turns out she did have time for a meeting with the Cleveland leader of the BLM movement. But no, they are not an organization either.

try watching a Trump rally, the crowd is NOT 99% white, his crowds are reflective of the racial mix of this country.
:lol: You're right...it's 99.9%. Finding a person of color is like a really hard "where's Waldo?" : lol:

It’s a white million man march
Even if that were true, what would be wrong with that?

You have a problem with white people doing what every other race does, or something?
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
People die every day. Average age is 78 and average age of those dying pre COVID is 78.8. It’s bullshit and you’re a coward. Lockdowns don’t work. You’re killing people and the economy. You’re too stupid to see it. Why? You’re a dumb bitch.
Actually, there is plenty of evidence that lockdowns do work; that is they save lives and reduce hospitalization. What lockdown's don't do is eradicate the virus. In the US it would take months, not days and unless we had an effective testing/contract tracing/ quarantining/ program in every state, city, and town the epidemic would be back. The only way we will rid ourselves of the virus is a vaccine with 70% participation. All the guidelines do is reduce hospitalizations and deaths till we can reach herd immunity by means of a vaccine, probably sometime in 2022 unless some one like Trump starts a conspiracy theory that the vaccine is deadly.

How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
People die every day. Average age is 78 and average age of those dying pre COVID is 78.8. It’s bullshit and you’re a coward. Lockdowns don’t work. You’re killing people and the economy. You’re too stupid to see it. Why? You’re a dumb bitch.
Actually, there is plenty of evidence that lockdowns do work; that is they save lives and reduce hospitalization. What lockdown's don't do is eradicate the virus. In the US it would take months, not days and unless we had an effective testing/contract tracing/ quarantining/ program in every state, city, and town the epidemic would be back. The only way we will rid ourselves of the virus is a vaccine with 70% participation. All the guidelines do is reduce hospitalizations and deaths till we can reach herd immunity by means of a vaccine, probably sometime in 2022 unless some one like Trump starts a conspiracy theory that the vaccine is deadly.

I poster A link that they don’t.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
People die every day. Average age is 78 and average age of those dying pre COVID is 78.8. It’s bullshit and you’re a coward. Lockdowns don’t work. You’re killing people and the economy. You’re too stupid to see it. Why? You’re a dumb bitch.
Actually, there is plenty of evidence that lockdowns do work; that is they save lives and reduce hospitalization. What lockdown's don't do is eradicate the virus. In the US it would take months, not days and unless we had an effective testing/contract tracing/ quarantining/ program in every state, city, and town the epidemic would be back. The only way we will rid ourselves of the virus is a vaccine with 70% participation. All the guidelines do is reduce hospitalizations and deaths till we can reach herd immunity by means of a vaccine, probably sometime in 2022 unless some one like Trump starts a conspiracy theory that the vaccine is deadly.

I poster A link that they don’t.
It depends on what you mean by work. You can't eliminate the virus entirely, thus it will make a comeback after the lockdown, but lockdowns do reduce hospitalizations and deaths and thus are a tool of last resort slow the virus.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
People die every day. Average age is 78 and average age of those dying pre COVID is 78.8. It’s bullshit and you’re a coward. Lockdowns don’t work. You’re killing people and the economy. You’re too stupid to see it. Why? You’re a dumb bitch.
Actually, there is plenty of evidence that lockdowns do work; that is they save lives and reduce hospitalization. What lockdown's don't do is eradicate the virus. In the US it would take months, not days and unless we had an effective testing/contract tracing/ quarantining/ program in every state, city, and town the epidemic would be back. The only way we will rid ourselves of the virus is a vaccine with 70% participation. All the guidelines do is reduce hospitalizations and deaths till we can reach herd immunity by means of a vaccine, probably sometime in 2022 unless some one like Trump starts a conspiracy theory that the vaccine is deadly.

I poster A link that they don’t.
It depends on what you mean by work. You can't eliminate the virus entirely, thus it will make a comeback after the lockdown, but lockdowns do reduce hospitalizations and deaths and thus are a tool of last resort slow the virus.

Sweden never locked down (but they did take measures).

The immediately killed a lot of elderly, now the will go days without a COVID related (and that is another issue) death.

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